Mr. and Mrs. Louis Charneaki andi Mrs. W. E. Bartholonew came down son, Louis, Jr., returned Thursday from Everett. Wash., last Sunday to from a week’s trip to San Francisco be with her mother, Mrs. Ora X. Maury, while Miss Bess Muury is in and Del Monte, California. the Keizer hospital at Norlb Bend Mrs. Ralph M. Cake and son came where she underuqgjt a major oper in last Saturday from Portland to ation on Wednesday. visit her mother, Mrs. A. J. Sher Robert J. Jargcr, cashier at the lo wood, and other relatives here. cal Mt. State Power Co. office, in Mrs. Ray Gilkey was able to leave tends leaving tomorrow morning on the Coquille Hospital on Tuesday of a two weeks vacation. He will drive this week after recovering from a to San Francisco and there take a ¡oitre operation performed eight days plane for Sale Lake City where he before. will visit for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Belloni, Toaster tray service, $5.S5. Perco laughter, Margaret, and Miss Georgi- lators $4.95 and up. See the combin mna Johnson, drove to Eugene Sun- ation table cooker and waffle iron, lay to visit Mr. and Mrs. George for $8.95, at Hooton Electric Shop. Belloni. Mrs. W. E. Bosserman and daugh Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lubcke, at Yaki- ters. Zelma and Donna Dean, return na, Wash., have been guests since ed last Friday evening from their two Monday at the D. E. Rackleff home weeks visit near Sacramento, Califor here. Mrs. Rackleff and Mrs. Lubcke nia. They found the weather warm are sisters. there, the thermometer registering Word was received from Dr. Ham 112 degrees at times. ilton from Ketchican, Alaska,’where Mrs. Emily Hersey left Wednesday he is spending two weeks vacation for her home in Portland after being '.hat he expects to be home the first acre since last Friday visiting her of next week. daughter, Mrs, Julius Rubl.e She Miss Laura McLeod arrived in Co also came to see that everything was quille last Saturday evening from in readiness for the tenants of her Corvallis where she is employed in new building on Second street. the state extension service, to spend Mr. and Mrs. Roy Boober returned her vacation at home. home Wednesday evening from a five Mrs. Edna Hartson, her daughter, days’ visit up the coast, going as far Virginia, and Isobel Unsoeld will as Portland, where they saw the leave Saturday for Portland, where fleet. They also visited at Bonne they will visit Mrs. Hartson’s daugh ville and took a trip over the Mt. ter, Mrs. Dan Maginnis. Hood loop and into Washington. Mrs Maud Woodyard has returned from her visit in Portland and plans to reopen regular classes in piano and voice on September 1st In her new home at 156 S. Henry St. Simpson, this see Alvin L. Radio-Trician, All work guar- 30t3* Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Gould and Mrs. Mai-y Gage returned Wednesday eve ning from a four days' trip to San Francisco, where they attended Buy ers’ Week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ira Johnson left this week for a Osika were in charge of the Gould ten days’ vacation trip on Elk river. Furniture store in their absence. Andrew Muir, of Los Gatos, Cali Dr. J. D. Rankin, delegate from the fornia, was in Coquille Tuesday and Coquille Aerie, F. O. E., left last Sat Wednesday visiting friends. urday to attend the national Eagles The local W. C. T. U. will meet convention which started yesterday with Mrs. Flora Dunn Friday, Aug. 7, in Chicago. The doctor stopped a at two p. m. Sewing for the Farm few days in Oregon City to visit his Home will follow the business ses mother before leaving for the east. sion. Bring a friend and come. F. C. Hudson left for Portland last Miss Phyllis Hall came in Tuesday Sunday to attend the Buyers Week from McMinnville for a couple of programs, participate in a gun club days. She was looking for an apart shoot and meet Mis. Hudson, who is ment which she wishes to occupy returning from a three months’ visit at her old home in Minnesota. They when school opens next month. are not expected home until early M. M. Newdall drove to Seattle next week. Mr. Hudson accompanied Sunday morning to meet Mrs. New Mr. and Mrs. J. W> Rich'irdson to the dall and children, who have been vis rose city. iting relatives in Wenatchee. They expect to return some time next knife Hospital week. L. J. Brashears, of this city, sub New fall line of Millinery, smart and modem, has been received at the mitted to a second operation laid Excel Dress Shop. It will be on dis Friday. Mrs. Ada Hajter, of Arago, was ad play at the opening in the new loca tion in the I. O. O. F. building, next mitted for treatment of an infected jaw on Friday, and Brick Davis, of Monday and Tuesday. Ophir, was received for treatment, Ilex, and Mrs. Hale B. Eubanks and on Tuesday. daughter arrived here from Klamath Falls Monday and this morning left on a ten days’ vacation trip which will take them to Gearhart, Port land, Victoria and Vancouver, B. C„ and other points. Grandpa and Buy local bread and support home Grandma Hazard will keep the young industry. Sltf lady until her parents return. Wrestlers Please and Enrage Harry Elliott, with his second wrestling card nt the Coquille Com munity Building, gave another great show which pleased a fair houseful of fans. A^ the same time it angered a lot of them to see the foul tactics of the same of the wrestlers and one fan, who could contain himself no longer, jump-.d into the ring and gave the Chicago ruffian, Al Williams, a lusty kick at the end of the bout, in which Whitey Wald berg retained his Pacific coast middleweight belt. It was a rough bout, with Williams tak ing a sock at the referee and knock ing him out, but even with that ad vantage the victory went to Wald- berg. Sneeze Achiu was winner over the Turk, Abdel Kahn. The Chinaman pleases the fans and they will all turn out when he is to appear on the .-ard, "Cry-baby” Mike London, with his whiskers and big-eyed appeal to the fans when cautioned by the referee, may be a wrestling marvel but how he fans hate him. After the worst and of four practices, eye-gouging, aiting with the fists and other guter- I snipe acts, which half the crowd could see, and would lustily boo.; London woulcTtum an appealing face to the bleachers for their approval-r which he did not get. His bout with Geo. Bennett was a draw. The first of this week the be- whiskered devil lost a wild bout to the popular Harry Elliot in a head line bout on a Portland card. The attendance at these bouts is not what it should be, considering the reputation of the wrestlers that Promoter Elliott is bringing to Co-, and he cannot be expected to continue digging deep into his ' purse to furnish entertainment Coquille sports lovers. Guests at Schram Home Friends visiting at the F. F. Schram home over the week-end were Mrs. Alice Kroll and daughter, Joyce, from Woodbum, Miss Sophie Kroll, Miss Gertie Kroll, from Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ciapshaw, Langlois, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Vader, Marshfield, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Fordice and three sons, from Los Angeles, John Fordice, from Willits. Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Niewonder and two chil dren, from Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Bowles, Glendale, Califor nia. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, In DRUGGISTS STATIONERS Scouts Return From Camp Dress Shop Has Larger Stock ______ ____ _____ boys returned Several Coquille home Sunday . after attending J a ses- sion of th? boy scout camp “Lucky Boy" on Blue River east of Eugene on the McKenzie highway. The boys, who enjoyed the trip immensely, were Leonard Farr, Jack Martin, Charles Mulkey, Harvey Cole and Marvin Goodman. During their stay at camp Leonard and Jack climbed the middle Sister, an ascent of KX039 feet. Mrs. Mary Gage announces the opening of her Excel Dress Shop in the Odd Fellows building, next Mon day and Tuesday. The ladies of this community and surrounding country are invited to come in and inspect the new lines—millinery, hosiery, and a better grade of dresses than hereto fore carried—silk as well as house dresses. Chadwick Lodge, A. F. & A. M Stated communication of Chad wick Lodge No. 68, A. F. 8c A. M.t The annual Rebekah district con Tuesday, Aug. 11, at 8:00 p. m. Visit vention will be held at North Bend ing members invited to attend. this afternoon and evening. Mrs. M. F. Pettit, W. M. Estella Weed, president of the Re bekah Assembly, will be present. Several carloads of Mamie Rebekah Maud Skaggs Woodyard Bachelor of Music lodge No. 20 members plan to attend. The president will pay her offi Accredited teacher of cial visit Wednesday, Aug. 12, at Co B. P. W. to See Pictures Piano and Voice All members and visiting Members of Business and Profes quille. IM 8. Henry SL Phone M-R sional Women will see pictures of the members are cordially invited to at tend. -i» .. • • Holy Land Monday evening. These moving pictures were taken by Rev. and Mrs. T. R. Jackman in their re Two Births at Coquille Hospital Two births are reported at the I cent trip to the Holy Land. They will be presented by Mrs. Jackman at Coquille Hospital the past week. An the home of Mrs. Belle Gould an eight pound son, named Richard Mil- Monday, August 10, at 8:00 p. m. ton, was bom to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. In order that these pictures might Crook, Sr., of Myrtle Point, last Fri be presented, the meeting date was day, and on Sunday an eight pound put ahead one week. All members are son, Bobby, Jr., was born to Mr. and urged to be present. Mrs. R. H. Fellows, of Bandon. Rebekahs to Greet President For sound Fire Insurance, go to Ned C. Kelley. Clark Gnble as king of Frisco’s gambling hell . . . gorgeous Jeanette ai his golden-voiced sweetheart! True genius brings them together for the first time now in the year’s most exciting soul thrill! _________________________ A woman tamed them both . .j, ; by love ! THRILLS T ¿ins SEE ‘Paradise,’ hottest spot of Frisco’s most daring days With DON AMACHE ALLEN JENKINS SEE fountain of champagne in Chicken Ball PRETTY NECK ? most popular entertainer. Francisco in Is she a cold-blooded murder«3.:? . . . an unfit mother? ... or the innocent victim of cruel circumstances? MADELEINE CARROLL and GEORGE BRENT The CASE against Mr,. AMES MD0NA1D + PREVIEW TRACY + 1 ABSOLUTE QUIET” ITS FUN TO BE THRILLED! (DON’T LET THE TITLE FOOL YOU) JACK HOLT JESSIE RALPH TED HEALY a W S. VAN DYKE Production THE NEW