ARAGO Saturday noon guests at the Ernest in i . J. L. Backman held singing class on Watkins home were Miss Eleanor U<dne.:day owning in the gymna- Herrick, of Wenatchee, Washington, with Mt and Mrs. Sam* Root, Miss Wilma Porter and Miss Gladys Mrs. S. C. McAllister and Mary Jean, vinegar, of Ashland, and Miss May Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller and Gladys Rothtock, of Salem. Mrs. John Myers cooked for the and Mrs. Ernest Hammack present. These classes will continue during young people's assembly at Myrtle wood camp and also had charge of • he summer. Miss Dorothy Belle Watkins, of I. the cooking at the Brethren Church Eureka, California, arrived on Wed in MyrUa i^oint Saturday. Sunday nesday to visit at the Ernest Wat and Monday during the district con PIICE8 kins home. She joined her cousins at ference. EFFECTIVE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lafferty made their camp in Myrtlewood camp, FRI. A SAT. where the Brethren young people a business trip to Lakeside and Sum JULY 31st were holding their annual assembly. ner on Monday. AND AUG. 1st Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Lafferty accom They broke camp Friday evening. Mrs. Naomi Robison and her sis panied Porter Holt on a vacation trip ters, Miss Deloris Root and Mrs. Ed to Eugene, Bend, Crater Lake and the win Edson and son, Leland, of Gren Oregon Caves, returning Friday eve ada, California, Miss Leatha Mun ning by way of Crescent City and Green ford. Miss Annie Deardorff, Stephen Bandon. Aasen were all camped at Myrtle Pound MYRTLE POINT ITEMS wood camp last week. Mrs Edson and Miss Root moved their camp to Mr. and Mrs. Harold James, of Ripe Myrtle Point and camped there until Medford, were Saturday night dinner Tuesday, attending the district con guests at the C. R. Bartlett home in Pounds ference of the Brethren church. thia city. Miss Lois Schroeder left by stage F. M. Kenyon, of Coos River, was a a Monday morning for Corvallis, where guest at the W. W. Deyoe home on Solid she will spend the rest of the summer Tuesday evening. His son, John, re with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clar lumed with him for a two weeks’ ence Schroeder. visit at the Neal & Brady camp on Mrs. Albert DeMoss, of Brookings, Coos River. was a gueSt of her mother, Mrs. Mrs. C. V. Guerin and son, Tom, of Edythe Woodward. Los Angeles,, and Tom Guerin and ' Pound Mr. and Mrs. Vem Garoutte and Lorin Guerin, of Myrtle Point, spent SALAD DRESSING Quart Jar Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gar several days last week at Mrs. outte, Walter Garoutte, Francis Kel Guerin’s ranch home at Eckley. 3 Pounds FLUFFIEST 2 Pounds ley, Jessie Kelley, of the Garoutte Mrs. W. W. Deyoe and daughter, camp, drove to Roseburg Sunday to Priscilla, spent Sunday at Lakeside. i attend the annual Garoutte reunion. Miss Irene Raymond, of Lakeside, re- Most of the clan gathered at the turned to Myrtle Point with them for Roseburg auto camp Saturday after a week’s visit at the Deyoe home. 1 GENERAL FOODS noon, took cabins and remained until Oleomargarine 2 Lbs. The Octette Club met Tuesday af- Sunday evening. They met, from ternoon at the home of Mrs. Nita Bandon, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Garoutte Wilson. At noon dinner was served and daughter, Velma, Mr. and Mrs. to the following members and guests Sleepy Hollow Clay Garoutte and Alice, Mr. and by the hostess: Mesdames Clinton ARISTOCRAT! Qt. Jar - - - Pint Mrs. H. G. Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wilder, Pearl Luthy, Anna Bartlett, T Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. Cody Carlson Annie Deyoe, Mary Rouppe, Kate and son, Vance, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Arnold, Nita Wilson, Paugh, and Quart Gross. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Hoyt, Patra, Flossie Powrie. Madelyn and Audrey, Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Ronald Barry, of Antioch, Clark W^ldvogel. Gall and Vern, Mr. California, and Mrs. Helen West, of PICKLING and Mrs. Alden Hoyt; from Cottage Berkeley, California, are house guests - Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tuller, Miss at the P. W. Laird home this week. I I Louise Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Nelsqn Frank Young, who has been In the Garoutte, Donna and Gerald, William Mast hospital for some time follow- ' GALLON.................................................. Garoutte, Clinton Garoutte, Thelma ing a goiter operation, was removed Garoutte, Alex Garoutte, Earl Gar- to his home this week. SCHILLING’S Mustard Seed, routte, Alden Garoutte, Miss Pearl Mr. and Mrs. John Josal, Mrs. Ade- ' Pickling Spice, r>. V Suter, Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Kime, Dr. line Bjone, Misses Sigurd and Jerda £ Bay Leaves, PKGS. and Mrs. C. H. Kime, Mr. and Mrs. Simeon, all of North Dakota, and Mr. Robert Stacey; from Eugene, Mr. and and Mrs. Carl Josal were Thursday Mrs. Lawrence KeMey, Miss Betty night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Romaine, of Portland, and Mrs. Earl C. R. Bartlett. Penland, of Redmond, Washington,' Mrs. James Walsh, who has been and Miss Hallie Willets, of Roseburg seriously ill at the hospital, is rapld- POUNDS • - - Everett Walsh and C. Washburn, ly improving. of Turlock. California, were in this * ; Mrs. Ida Cornett and daughter, neighborhood, wishing to trade an ima. Mrs. James rvwiic, Powrie, emu and mia. Mrs. rww- Pow- orange grove for a dairy farm in Coos rie’s small daughter, all of Detroit, county. They were not able to re Michigan, who have been visiting at main long enough to locate anyone the home of A. L. Powrie, left Sun wishing to trade. day morning for Seattle. A group gathered at the Nile Miller The Past Matrons’ club met Wed home Friday evening to visit and nesday at the home of Mrs. W. E. sing. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Purser and Lundy for a 1:30 dessert luncheon. family and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Those present were the Mesdames QUART KERR 2 Dozen Jack Jones and family and Ernest John Arnold, Thomas Guerin, R. H. Hammack and chilidren were the Lemon, Ralph Kring, N. G. W. Per For Canning guests. kins, Mabel Dement, Ernest Clausen, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Wallen left on Raleigh Greene and the hostess. Tuesday for McCready Springs, Fred D. Hollister, who has taught where they will spend a month. Mr. band and music in the Myrtle Point KERR REGULAR and Mrs. Chester Root and daughters high school for three years, has ac or were their guests on Saturday and cepted a position in the St. Helens BALL MASON Sunday. school. Miss Marianna Steele, of Myrtle Mrs. Sam Johnson, of Phoenix, Point, spent the week-end as the Arizona, spent several days visiting Dozen - - Bottle guest of Mrs. Everett Lafferty. On in the community with many friends Sunday while Mr. Lafefrty was in and relatives. Mrs. Johnson moved Myrtle Point making some mechani from Coos county to Phoenix about Last chance to redeem Alpine Labels at local redemption station. Buy ALPINE Now. cal repairs on some trucks, Mrs. Mar eleven years ago. vin Shaw and children, Mrs. Lafefrty Mrs. Lilly Dement is spending a and Allen and her guest all drove to few dyas this week in Gold Beach. Broadbent where they picnicked by On Sunday Mrs. Amy Guerin and the river. I son, Eckley, of Juneau, Alaska, Mr. Mrs. Geo. Hampton spent Thursday and Mrs. T. M. Stover and Mr. and in Marshfield transacting business. ‘ Mrs. Dale Drullner picnicked at Mr. and Mrs. John Carl, Herbert Brewster Valley. and Wallace, Mrs. Laurence Barklow, Robert Belloni, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Myers, Mrs. S. L. John Belloni. is confined to the hos Lafferty, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hal pital while receiving treatment for a ter, _________ and Mrs. Sarah Barklow attended fractured vertebrae in his neck. The FREE DELIVERY STORE NO. 136 Phone 81 . STORE NO. 469 Phone 122 the Pioneer picnic in Coquille on; injury was received during a high - - Sunday. Mr. and . -- Mrs. . I. B. Sevy, of . g^ool football game last fall. Langlois, were there. Mrs. Sevy has Silas Gibbs, of Broadbent, was Haven were Mrs. Alma Hatfield and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Henegan and will meet this week on Saturday, Mrs R. A. Puett, who was called to been ill this spring and has not re kicked in the face by a horse one day son, Julian, and Miss Helen Kirsch, Pasco, Wash., last week by the ill children spent last week in Eugene August 1. All are welcome to these last week. The injured man was covered as yet. all of Roseburg, Miss Mattie Bogue, ness of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. with relatives. En route they visited meetings and a good time is assured. Clyde Lillie, Stephen Aaaen, Ellis treated at the Mast hospital. Fairview Sunday School meet each of Okmulgee, Oklahoma, and R. A. Weaver, writes that she is slightly the Phillips family near Drain, Ore. Rackleff, Kenneth Stevens and Fran- f Josephine Deyoe returned Satur- Puett, of Bridge. Miss Bogue, who is improved and is now receiving treat All valley friends will be glad to heai Sunday morning at ten o'clock. Wm. cis Stevens, of Powers, were on the day from Coos River where she has J a niece of Mrs. Hooton, is attending ment, preparatory to undergoing an that they are well and prospering in Burley is the superintendent and al 4-H club tour Monday and Tuesday.' been visiting for a week. Miss Juan-* their new home. ways conducts very interesting Bible summer school at the University of t peration in about ten days. Ellis Barklow drove the car for In them, Huff returned Mias Deyoe to ’.Oregon and was spending the week- Mr. and Mrs. Philip Jensen are re lessons. Young People’s Christian th« its .— A -»„„-I a.« with „I.trin- Mrs. R. E. Shick and sons, Donald J* * . th*i1P*pd d>y® ?’*r* /end with Mrs. Hatfield, who is also and Richard, of Gladstone, and Mrs. ceiving the congratulations of their League will meet at 7:30 o'clock Sun Porter Holt went Mr. and Mrs Carol Tichenor, at h t machine shop near North Bend on ! ynn Beckley, of Roseburg, were many friends. They were married by day evening. l of Bald Hill isfenot o^^OrforTtlsi^ « I Nadin‘ E1Ua' * th< Monday. Monday afternoon guests at the A. O. Rev. G. A. Gray, July 23, in Coquille. Merle Randelman, of Bald Hill, is Tichenor, of Port Orford, visited on K)clety wU1 have charge of the Hooton home. The Townsend Club of Fairview Calling carda, 50 tor SI Ou working on the S. L. Lafferty ranch Monday with their mother, Mrs. Theodore Jones returned home Fri i Christian Endeavor meeting next this week. | Mary Holt. ¡Sunday evening. The topic is “The day from Warren and Astoria, where Mrs Elizabeth Lett spent Monday | A two-weeks’ vacation Bible school Quiet Hour Pledge," and a special he had been enjoying a visit with evening visiting at the Ed Myers started at the Presbyterian church TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE MARKET musical number is planned for the friends. | last Monday. It is under the super home. There was a large attendance at service. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Henry and vision of Rev. Joseph Bowden, pastor INCREASE Milk Production Wilda Beckett is spending this the Townsend club picnic, which was Katherine, of Gravel Ford, were Sun of the Presbyterian church of this week in Myrtle Point with her aunt. held Sunday in Hooton’s grove. and Butterfat Content day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emil city. Mr. and <n>>. Mrs. Harold E. James ...» and Mrs. Roy Brown, and attending the »>. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Drullner are vacation Bible school. Petersen. I son, Ronald, of Central Point, who —by feeding— Word from Corvallis states that spending several days this week in There were about 125 registered at had been in Coos county for about Clarence Schroeder Is suffering from Medford. the Brethren young people’s summer two weeks, left Tuesday for home. Word has Just been received here an infected hand. i assembly at Myrtlewood camp here. that the government has recently Rev. and Mrs Jess A. Barnett and I July 21-24, with many others attend -FAIRVIEW children, George. Virginia, Lawrence given to a lake tn Alaska the name ing part of the sessions. The camp of Lake Guerin, in honor of the late ' and Leslie, of Newberg, were over Mrs. Althea Harrah spent Saturday ground was dedicated Friday fore- —by night guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. | Eckley C. Guerin. Mr. Guerin, until; ; noon, with appropriate exercises. evening in Fairview and attended Barnett on Monday, leaving for their his death in 1833 a supervisor of This was the second annual assembly initiation for the third and fourth de DURKEE FAMOUS FOODS PORTLAND, ORE Public Surveys of Alaska, was a na home on Tuesday. to be heard here, and now that this grees in the local Grange. Five can tive of Myrtle Point. camp has been chosen as the perman didates were given the work Mr. and Mrs. Jess Damron and Economically Priced Through Your Mrs. G O. King, of Marshfield, ent tneeting place a number of im Thelma drove to Powers Sunday, s Local Feed Dealer or Cheese Factory BRIDGE provements are planned for the was also a visitor in Fairview and, where they spent the day visiting the dinner guests at Hooton's building and grounds. visited Grange. Chas. Stallard family. AT SAFE WAY-- V EGET ABLES / k FRUI TS Candy Bars3 25c 25c lOc 17c 5c 35c 25c lOc Sandwich Spread 43c> Cantaloupes 6 Oranges Peppers 0 Tomatoes 3 Cucumbers 2 '<» Salad Serve Airway Coffee 49« TROCO 29c 19c c Marshmallows 15c Vinegar Whole Spice Sugar Tomatoes 10 55* 9C Economy Caps FRUIT JARS Ball Mason or Kerr Reg. Caps Sic I9c “ d L l regular ioc Kerr Reg. Lids2 ">">■" *7 Jar Rubbers Certo . 22c Jells-Rite Pectin ^E'^pC NUTCAKE (Domestic) COCONUT MEAL FRESHLY MILLED 3 9