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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1936)
( The Coquille Valley Sentir^! THE PAPER THAT’S LIKE VOL. XXXII. COQUILLE. COOS COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 31. 1333. NO. n. THE STRIKE IS ON Proverb Answers In by Wed. With this Issue the^entinel’s prov FLOOD CONTROL Championship Match on Wres tling Card Here Tonight CATTLE RUSTLING erb contest closes, the cartoon this week being the last of the series of Tonight (Friday), in the Coquille — .. . '-----------------1 Community Building, Promoter six. Smith Wood - Products Plant The awarding of the three prizes Is Being Tied In With Bar Im 500 Present—Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Harry Elliott will present an all-star Five Men Arrested in Connec will be made by a committee com wrestling card that bids fair to over provement-Whole Coquille Wolcott and John Yoakam tion With Theft and Sale Shut Down for Indefinite posed of three judges who have no shadow anything ever presented in Valley Co-operating Lived in Coos Longest of Seven Head Period—450 Idle this section of the country. connection with the Sentinel and who are in no way connected with Headlining this card will be Whitey Elmer Gant and John Nielson, of Five men have been arrested and There were fully 500 in attendance Waldberg, of Detroit, who recently The strike at the Smith Wood- the competitors. x Products plant here, which has been Two dollars in cash for a year’s Bandon, were present at the meeting» at the third annual Pioneers of Coos won the coast middleweight belt are either in jail or out on bond in threatened for the past three months, subscription must accompany each list in Coquille this week, of the Cham county picnic, held in the city’s myr Waldberg is being brought into Co connection with the cattle rustling materialized Tuesday morning, after of answers submitted, and in case ber of Commerce directors on Tues tle grove park here last Sunday, and quille without any ballyho at all ex that has kept the sheriff and deputies busy for the past month. a hurriedly called meeting of the lo there should be a tie in answers, the day and the Lions Club yesterday to those attending were unanimous in cept to tell who he to. % Prior to the stealing of seven head cal union voted 80 to 5, Monday eve judges will have to exercise their explain the purposes of the Coquille the opinion that it was the most en “Waldberg is every inch a cham ning, to strike, and ten men and own judgment in selecting the first, river flood control committee named joyable yet held. pion but will stand on his merits of cattle from the Christian place on The oldest pioneer in attendance without any furor of advertising,” Big creek, near Bridge, early in June, women have since been doing picket second and third prize winners, con at Bandon last week. The action follows the suggestions was Mrs. Ole Hansen, of Millington, says Promoter Elliott. some harness was stolen from Wm. duty along all entrances to the Smith sidering neatness, appearance and at company’s plants. Al Williams, the Chicago gangster, Harmon at Lee, on May 22, and a tractiveness of the answers sub of the board of army engineers that who came to Coos county when six --------- of age, w 83 years ago. Next will be pitted against the champion in variety of stuff from the Chas. New The trouble between the company mitted. There canont be two first the flood control program be tied in months with the harbor development at Ban- was Mrs. Annie Walcott, of Marsh- Marsh the two-hour main event go. and the union came to a head when, prizes, nor second nor third, but 310 With Wil ton place, near Johnson Mill, on because of season slackness, 25 men in cash will be awarded for the three don and the deepening of the bar at field, who was* bom here in 1859, and liams is a rough and tough winner June 9. The stuff was recovered by John Yoakham, 76, who was also take-all sort of guy and brooks op the officers at the Loren Knight were dismissed as employees Monday selected by the judges. Ithe river’s mouth. place on Big creek. The Sentinel’s thanks are extended To build the dams suggested will born in Coos county. ' night and a number more were laid position from no man. of ounuun Bandon ivi for the a ---------- million dollar Then when the cattle were stolen off until more men were needed. The the In the one-hour special event the inc Western nuBicin World nuuu ui me ! require ----- probably ------- * — ------ ... In — the ---- 70 -- year class were Russell union officials claim that there was courtesy shown in not publishing the, larger appropriation by congress than Panter, of Ban*»», Mrs. Rachel popular Walter “Sneeze" Àchiu from the officers believed that thesame discrimination against union men, of correct proverbs illustrated by the will be needed for jetty and bar t Gregg, who now lives in California Dayton, Ohio, will tackle the mon thieves were connected with that as ____ ______ ,. . plan sug- ' kut came up especially for the picnic, grel from Afghanistan, Abdel Kahn. with the other thefts. until after ___ our _______ contest ______ closes. * but according to the whom there had been about 260, cartoons Lawrence Powers, 19 year old «ested the would au all be repaid Grant Harry and Geo. T. Moulton, of AU answers must be received by «esteo tne money wouia De repaio both men and women, working for (Continued on Page Nine) -------- ------------------------------------------- _ • [Coquille, and Mrs J. D. Laird, of the Smith company!. The total num the Sentinel before 5 p. m. next Wed- to youth, was supposed to know some the _ government in time if the log- gers all agree to pay a few cents per Sitkum. thing about the depredations but be ber employed was upwards of 450. nesday, Aug. 5. thousand for use of the splash dams. C Classes of those who had been here fore he could be seized by the offi The company’s reason for dismiss President Norton, for the Cham- .. froi cers his brother-in-law, Warren .im 60 to 70 years were called to ing the 25, as given by an official of ber of Commerce, appointed J. A. the platform and it was almost filled Johnson, took him down to Califor the company, was that they were dis Lamb, E. D. Webb, Geo. H. Jenkins, by that time, so that the 50 to 60 year nia. When Johnson returned Sheriff satisfied. , E. L. Detlefsen and J. E. Ford as the Class could not get up on it. Howell arrested him as accessory to At Tuesday noon’s luncheon of the Walter Brandon, a resident of Co a felon, and finally got a statement as committee to work with the perman- ( The picnic dinner at noon was a Chamber of Commerce board of di ent valley committee which to being tine feature of the day’s pVogram, quille and vicinity for the past twen to where young Powers was. rectors, Geo. Ulett outlined the events ( Rev. and Mrs. T. R. Jackman, who organized. ' | With much reminiscing gf the early ty-eight yeMts, passed away at Knife The sheriff drove down to Trinity which led up to the strike, but to | landed in the U. S from Palestine, on , President Martin, of the Lions day in Coos county, and the renew Hospital last Friday evening. county last Saturday night and af quiet wild rumors which have been Several years ago he had to retire ter searching all day Sunday, found current since, not one move was i the maiden voyage of the Queen CTub appointed R. L. Stewart, J. D. ing of old acquaintances. , Mary, have spent seven weeks cross-, GiUegpie flnd H A Young> „ the from active business on account oMll him tn a rough country off the high Music for the program was fur made nor word spoken by anyone of I bished by Clyde Gage's nine-piece health, a serious heart trouble. pish way between Arcata and Redding. the 25 presept, to indicate that the , ing the United States and arrived in Llon, committee. , Coquille on Sunday. The next day Thc purposes of t4 movement at. For the past two years, he lived at ire arch :hestra; F. G. Leslie and Mrs. J. P. He was brought back and eventual business men of Coquille pru|>oeed to lyers were in charge of the group Gaylord but his rapidly failing ly told the officers what they wanted P- ‘ p«y' take a hand in the situation. Mr. he entered the Knife Hospital for an explained in the following article ap (Continued on Page Eight) tingi [ing; Mr. Beyers delivered a very strength made him long for his old to know. Ulett was the only one who spoke on i appendicitis and hernia operation tumorous reading dealing with old home in Coquille, where his children As a result Loren Knight, by whom the subject and he confined hto re Before leaving Jerusalem, Mr. Jack-| times; and two little girls, Wilma might come home to visit him and he Powers was employed, W. L. Bell and marks to a bare recital of what had I man had spent a week in a hospital Sult to Teat Bond Validity , for observation, but the physician Drake and Bernice Haga, gave a tap could be near his old physician, Dr. C. W. I-oomis, were arrested for transpired and what the company’s A friendly mandamus suit was there seemed to be waiting for the Richmond. dance which was loudly applauded. larceny of livestock. Knight and position has been, is and will be. filed by District Attorney Flaxei this , appendix to burst, so, as Mr. Jack He was preparing hto home for oc Bell have posted $4000 bonds for ■ There was singing interspersed Mr. Ulett said that the calling of week for Coos county asking for a cupancy when the stroke came that their release, but Loomis to still in throughout the program. the strike makes certain that the old man says, he knew where to go for writ compelling L. W. Oddy, as . Geo. P. Topping, Bandon attorney, ended in death.. sawmill—formerly the Johnson mill what he needed and came here to custody. All have been bound over the county clerk, to advertise for the sale, delivered an interesting talk, dealing He was strictly honest in all busi to the grand jury. -will never be operated again. They , have Dr. Richmond perform of 3376.000 worth of county bonds, I with the early days of Goos county, ness afafirs and though he suffered had hoped to keep it running at least operations. The theory of the officers to that He and Mrs. Jackman spent six voted last Jan. 31, to redeem out-| as far back as he could remember, losses in the depression, he often said, young Powers drove the cattle from part time until the new mill at the months in Palestine and enjoyed ev- standing county road warrants issued ind went back to the time bis grand “I wept no man to realize the loss of tha Christian place to the Knight plant was ready, about Dec. 1, but minute of Cbe Mme, They .took a prior to March last year, __ _ father, Mf Powell, was at Randolph, a penny through m».”S.. dismantled at •cy place, at night, and that Belt and that now it will be . ____ great many rnovtmr pictures there The case is to test the validitFof qa the lower river above Bandon, Walter George Brandon was born Loomis loaded them into a truck, once, and a dock buftt on that site. and after he can leave tha hospital, the bonds and it to possible <he cir- This will throw the 70 men who when it was a town of 2000 souls, and in Clarington, Penn., July 4th, 1864. traveled by night, going as far south cuit court’s finding the bonds are He was united in marriage to Miss as Medford, and eventually landed in wofked there out of employment for in a week or ten days, they intend there were only 23 white women legal, if it so finds, will be accepted showing the pictures here. Laura Anderson July 3rd, 1906. there. four months. Portland where the cattle were sold. Their work in Jerusalem was Jew by the bond attorneys and the case To them were born four children, One of them, who owned the truck There has been more or less agi Officers elected for the coming not taken to the supreme court. tation for a strike at the plant for the ish evangelization and they left a year, whose principal duties will be one of whom, Walter Lawrence, died received 41 cents a pound for hto Yesterday a demurrer to the coun past three months, Mr. Ulett said, but competent man in charge to carry on. to arrange for next year’s picnic, in infancy. share, the other 31 cents a pound. ty's petition was filed by Joe Mc There is left to mourn his passing, were: their reason for dismissal of 25 men They did not follow the usual custom Knight had previously been releas Keown, representing Mr. Oddy, and his wife, Laura Brandon; his sons, ed on 31500 bail on the charge of was to permit an accumulation of of holding meetings in churches or Pres.—Jas. Watson. Judge Brand gave each side fifteen balls but presented the Christian re Warren Brandon, of Klamath Falls, larceny not in a dwelling, due to the 4 Vice Pres.—C. A. Gage. (Continued on Page Eight) ligion by means of books, periodicals days in which to file briefs in the and Marlin Brandon, of Marshfield; harness and farm equipment which Sec.-Treas.—J. P. Beyers. case. and other reading matter. Geo. T. Moulton and Levi Bunch, hto daughter, Mrs. Melia Ramsey, was identified at his place as be Closed for Indefinite Period Judge Brand will take his vacation Mr. Jackman says he expects to the retiring officers are entitled to and her small son, Marlin, of Sacra longing to Harmon and Newton. Before leaving today on a two to locate in southern California, prob during August; so it will be after all the credit for arranging for such mento, California, all of whom were Johnson to out under bonds of three weeks business trip, Geo. A. ably at Long Beach, when he leaves Sept. 1 before the validity . of tfce 81500. « ..., an enjoyable affair as was last Sun with him when the end came. bonds to passed upon in Circuit court. Ulett stated that all employees or Coquille. , A sister, Mrs. Emma B. Kaufman, day’s picnic. They also were re former employees of the Smith sponsible for the construction of the of Camden, New Jersey, also sur Dairy Inspection Sought Wood-Products plant were paid off Must Settle or Lose Property new speakers’ stand which is to be a vives. yesterday and that as soon as a few Young Man Drowned in Ocean Funeral services were conducted at An effort will be made to secure There is something over >50,000 permanent improvement in the park. small shipments, cut before the A young man, Leonard (Lindy) past due the city of Coquille for de Invitations to hold next year’s pic the Schroeder Bros, chapel here at the co-operation of the county in strike, were made that the plant Lindbeck, who came to Myrtle Point linquent street and sewer improve nic at some other point had to be 2:00 p. m. on Monday by Earl F. maintaining inspection service for would be shut down for an indefinite a year ago from California, to make ment assessments. turned down, for at last year's ses Downing, of the Church of Christ. In dairy interests in Coos county during period. his home with his sister, Mrs. Wm. To attempt to rectify thia condition sion it was voted to make Coquille' terment was in the new Odd Fellows 1937, according to action taken at All orders on hand have been Lobdell, was drowned in the surf at the finance committee of the council the permanent location for annual cemetery. the regular county meeting of the turned back to the purchasers and the Bandon Tuesday evening, about 11 has prepared a letter which to to be Coos County Dairymen’s Association, picnics of the association. Venetian blind business has been o’clock. Accompanied by Roscoe sent to each delinquent property Ted Pursley Entertain» Lions which was held in the court house turned over to an eastern concern. Reed he drove to Bandon for a swim. owner, notifying him or her of the Ted Pursley, son of Mr. and Mrs. here on Monday. City Steam Discontinued He also added that the company The tide was going out and after a amount delinquent and setting a date The discussion at this meeting was F. C. Pursley, of Eugene, both of would not treat with any committee, few plunges young Reed staid on for calling at the city hall to make With the shutting down of the old whom have been here the p,« week. largely on subjects dealing with qual but that when enough of the em shore and waited for Lindbeck. When arrangements for payment. The Johnson sawmill when the strike was waa the guest speaker and entertainer ity improvement and the dairymen ployees wanted to return to work that the latter failed to show up, Reed1 letter states that if no arrangements called here Tuesday morning, the at the Lions Club luncheon yesterday, took official action condemning the reopening of the plant would be con notified the Coast Guard station, and are made that the property will be supply of steam necessary for opera- Ted was born in Coquille, leaving practice of hauling whey and butter sidered. For the present, however, boats patrolled the sea where Lind- advertised and sold, as provided by tion of the Western Condensing Co. here 18 yearI a<0> and he flnda thll milk in cans used to deliver milk to the shut down to complete. beck was swimming for some hours the city charter. plant was shut off. Geo. D. HqJ- dty quite different in every respect the factories. This practice is known but failed to find the body. They • During the past few years the dty i brook, manager of the local plant. from what u waa then to be one which to often responsible said it might be several days before has been very lenient with those un- immediately made arrangements with Bandon Druggist Passes He spoke on the subject of com for causing off quality milk which George I^wrencc Michel, Bandon the body washed ashore, if it was able to pay improvement assessments the Smith Wood-Products manage munism, which is more freely dis lowers the quality of cheese and but or water accounts, but with improve- ment. to take over the boilers to pro cussed at institutions of learning than ter, manufactured from this milk, ac druggist, died at tlie Leep hospital caught on the rocks. The deceased was 20 years of age, ing conditions the city officials feel vide the steam necessary for the con it is in other cities, and gave as his cording to M. M. Schmidt, president there Tuesday, death resulting from a ruptured gastric ulcer which oc having been born in Escondido, Cal that it is not right nor just for some densing plant. The union officials opinion that the supporters of this of the Dairymen’s Association. ifornia. Jan. 20, 1916. He is survived to take advantage of that leniency were willing he should operate the form of government, which is so di We find that excellent progress has curred July 16. He was 42 years of age, and is survived by his wife and by his mother. Mrs. J. M. Steadham, while others are meeting their obli boilers for his own use, but not to ametrically opposed to our democrat been made in this respect since most supply other places of business in ic form, gradually lose their interest of the dairymen in Coos county have a son, his mother, two sisters and of Chowchilla, Calif., two sisters and gations. three brothers. Coquille, and Mr. Holbrook has been in it when they get out and rub discontinued this practice, Mr. two brothers. Swimmers are always warned Hopes to Open Millinery Store living up to that embargo. ' shoulders with sane thinking men in Schmidt stated, and every effort will Funeral services were held at Ban against going in during an ebb tide The boilers were made for hog business life, and that the most ef- be used to encourage those few who don yesterday and the body was Mrs. B. M. Campbell and her sis but no one was there at that time of fuel and it has been touch and go to fective means of fighting the insidi- persist in using the milk cans for this shipped to Portland for interment. ter, Mrs. M. Hinze, both from Weiser, night to caution the unfortunate vic 'upply the necessary steam for the ous propaganda is not to actively purpose to find other containers for Following the sale of his drug Idaho, were guests at the Coquille tim. hauling whey and *buttermilk. store to C. J. Fuhrman and Otto Hotel over the week-end. Mrs. Camp condensing plant, using slab wood «^bat the evil—not make martyrs The Dairymen’s Association will | those misguided Individuals who Shindler, ten years ago, Mr. Mickel bell has had her attention directed trucked up from Bandon. Whether the condensary can ever for a t|me thlnk they believe in com- co-operate with granges of the coun bad remained with the store as toward Coquille for some time as an Eagles to Assist in Project supply steam to those who are munism. ty in arranging for the annual pharmacist and clerk until early this excellent location for a millinery At their regular meeting last eve hooked up with the steam mains to Farmers’ Picnic which will be held in month. Ted also gave two very enjoyable store and as quickly as she can dto- ning the Coquille Aerie of Eagles de something Mr. Holbrook is not pre renditions on the steel guitar. the Norway grove in the near future; pose of her shop in Weiser she ex- cided to support the efforts now be pared to state as yet. Nor is he sure the exact date to be announced later. pects to return to Coquille to open To Dismantle Old Mill at Once ing made for effective flood control yet whether the boilers will remain J. N. Jacobson, secretary of the asso Mrs. Cary Hearing Today one here. Geo. A. Ulett, who has announced in the Coquille valley. 1 where they are, be moved to the con- ciation, was appointed to handle the This afternoon at 4:00 o’clock Mrs. necessary details in connection with that the old Johnson mill, closed ( It has been estimated that it will _ _ , densing plant, or an entirely new Mary E. Cary’s application for dis ; arrangements for this picnic. Tuesday morning because of the require about 81000 to gather the Sam Taylor Closes Store Here source of steam developed. missal of her guardian, Anna M. Hug strike, would never be operated data needed to make a showing be- Sam Taylor who had conducted the i gins, her petition that she be again, stated yesterday that a deal fore Col. Robbins who is expected to nentS •‘jr. Comity Cannery to Open Mon. committed to the asylum, will be Cornerstone to be I Aid Saturday for sale of the machinery and equip- be here around Aug. 11. in the Odd Fellows building for the The cornerstone of the new federal ment to a Reedsport concern is now Coquille’s share of this has been past three years packed what re-1 The Coos county cannery, located heard by Judge J. T. Brand in Cir- building in Marshfield is to be laid pending, and that dismantling of this set at 8350. To help raise this mained of the stock Sunday, shipped on the county farm, will open next cuit court. with appropriate ceremonies at three plant will start soon. I amount the Eagles have pledged the it out, and on Monday bade his Monday, Aug. 3, stated Supt. F. C. Iowans to Picnic p. m. tomorrow. August 1. There has been a sawmill operated net proceeds from their weekly dance friends goodbye. He left for Pendle McNelly this morning. All vege The annual picnic of all former The ceremoney will be conducted on that site for 50 or 60 years or to be given in the Community build- ton which will be headquarters for tables brought in will be canned tor more, but Mr. Ulett says that if the ing here on Saturday, Aug. 8. 'his future operations. He plans to 60 per cent of the pack, fruit for 75 Iowans will be held in the North by the Masonic Grand Lodge of Ore Smith Wood - Products company As usual the Eagles are one of the be on the road most of the time. I per cent, and meat and fish for 50 Bend Autp Park on August 9 Come gon and Grand Master Peters will be makes use of it in the future it will first to get behind and support every per cent. The county furnishes the and bring a picnic lunch and your pr ese nt to lay the cornerstone. The be with docks for the storage of lum- worth-while progressive movement Blank Warranty Deeds for sale at cans for this percentage of the pack own dishes. Coffee, cream and sugar lodge will meet at the Masonic ber, Temple In Marshfield at 1:30 p. m. will ba furnished. in Coquille. to office. as well as doing the work. JACKMANS AR RIVED SUNDAY W. G. BRANDON BURIED MONDAY