A W East line of Coulter Street. Coulter I *•> .... 'jW ,¿2’ 'ÄJÄ ,__ *----- SUMMONS 120.23 50.00 H. A. Steward,• labor I date'oi "sale, all deferred payments to 5 '.reel from th« North Ji»«- of Tenth Na. 19984 . ¡Jack Baik'y, labor ....... ...’----- bear interest from the date of sale at street to the North bbuodaiy of 4.98 M. A. Brown. labor ------ -----~. the rate of six per cent (6) per an­ t oulter street. A I>B IMtO WUVIT V (3) W / bond to 1« in the sum of fifty per thereof as will not conflict material­ City of Coquille, water ........ 17.00 2.50 ing Room ....................... .. — „ rolet ... ........ ........... ........ ...... and iour (4) in Block numbered cent (5OT; ) of the total amount of the ly with the compjetion of the re­ State Ind. Acc. Comm., insur­ Coquille Valley Sentinel, pub­ ,_!one (1) in First Addition to Coquille contract. maining portions. Forms of bids for 46.50 ance ..., ...... . .................... ..... lishing ........................ - ......... - 42 ■’ Heights and Lot numbered seven (7) -L. R. Rouse, Refund on lots The week on each of said districts contract and bond may be had upon 42.50 I Howard Cooper Corporation, Coos Bay Times, publishing ., purchased from County, in Block numbered nine (9) in Co- must be completed within sixty (60) application to the City Recorder. The I materials .......... 1338.15 Cash ......................................... 20.00 Coos Bay Times, printing no­ - .. quille Heights in Coos County, Orc- days ftor i the day of the awarding Common Council reserves the right E. B. Gehrke, ’ survey stakes 16.20 tice .......................................... 166.67 Hugh McLain, County Judge ‘ gon, as shown by the recorded maps: of the co ¡tract, or in such further to reject any and all bids, with or | H. A. DeLong, labor as per Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff........... 200.00 Burroughs Adding Machine ,, 'that you and each of you be barred without cause. A certified check in contract ................................... •53-w and foreclosed of all right, title time as tl -• Council may allow. Bids the sum of 5 per cent of the amount Co., mechanical services .... 44.45 P. W. Culver, Deputy Sheriff 140.00 must be ¡led on or before the hour Bandon Wrecking House, auto State Ind. Acc. Comm., insur­ Eva Schroeder, Deputy Sher­ ’and interest in and to said mort­ of 5 o'clock P. M. on the 27th day of bid must be submitted with such bid supplies. ...................... . ........ ance ...................... ........... 41.61 4.30 gaged real property, except statutory iff ....... ....................... ............. 80.00 July, 193 i. All bids must be for a to be forfeited to the City of Co­ J. R. Thompson Logging Co., Huggins Insurance Agency, Margarita Brodie, Deputy Tax 1 riant redemption, and . for general lump surr accompanied by unit prices quille, in the event the bidder re­ Jo8 ■ of _______ .__ ..___ lumber . ........................ . ....... 44.86 relief. Dept. —......... -........... —..... 90.00 > Inc . Iusurance policy .....^ 135.00 for the p irpose of estimation of de­ fuses to sign the contract and exe­ L. H. Pearce, auto supplies .... 50.97 Katherine Jane Hassler, Clerk 80.00 Coquille Service Station, tires This summons is served upon you ductions and additions made during cute a bond, as provided for in said Coos Bay Dredging Co., gravel & tubps for County car ..... . 62.20 64.80 Delores Bolloni, Clerk .......... .. 80.00 Ordinance, said bond to be ’ in the by publication thereof for a period of Vans Auto Supply, gas ......... Sc uth western Motors, tune 1.34 once each week for four consecutive the cours of the work. W. H. Kennedy, Personal Tax For de ails of the improvement in sum of 50 per cent of the total Oregon State Highway Dept., 3.45 motor ou epunty car ......... 7 Collector ................................. 120.00 amount of the contract. The work weeks in the Coquille Vallejr Sen­ materials ...... .............. . ......... 2.00 tinel, a newspaper of general circula­ each of *aid districts bidders are must be complete within ninety (90) 166.67 Ted Lichner, repair fender on L. W. Oddy, County Clerk hereby r ferred to the City En­ county car ............................. Austin-Western Road Mac. 2.50 J. W. Leneve, Deputy Clerk.. 137.50 tion published in Coos County, Ore- days from the date of awarding the U. 8. Department of Labo.r Co., rear axle ......................... 3.17 eon, by order of Hon. J. T. Brand, gineer ar 1 to the plans and specifi­ contract, or within such further time Georgianna Vaughan, Deputy cations on file with the City Record ­ 35.00 Wm. Schrock, royalty on rock 18.40 Contribution for June ........ Clerk .... ........................... :..... 90.00 Judge of the above entitled court, er. as the Council may allow. Bids must Coquille Service Station, auto J. P. Beyers, County Assessor 166.67 Western Union, telegraph ser­ made and dated July 9, 1936, and you be filed on or before the hour at 5 F. G. Leslie. , supplies .................................. 4.23 vice ....... ..... ; ............. ........ . 479.05 I Anna Rooney, Deputy Assess­ | are hereby notified to appear and an- 27t2 o’clocfc P-rM. on the 20th day of July, City Recorder. L. W. Oddy, County Clerk, F. A. Robb, expense trip to 8.70 1 or ............................................. 90.00 I swer said complaint on or before four 1936; 'all bids must be for a lump postage & express ..._;......... 11.91 Portland ......... _ Chas. Stauff, County Treasur- i weeks from the date of the first pub­ sum, accompanied by unit prices for I Southern Pacific Co., freight 23M lication of this summons. Date of first Coos Bay Harbor, printing, NOTICE TO BIDDERS the purpose of estimating additions «8CWVMM» UHI HUID 3UIUIIIUII3. U Various Offices ....,.... ...... 64.10 Davis Hardware Co., materials 1 O g 1'0 Notice is hereby given that the or deductions made during the course Martha E. Mulkey, School ' “ I publication 17, 1936 '_______ July ... Date of | Ballou & Wright, materials . .. Common Council of the City of Co ­ Supt................. —............ 166.67 Coos Bay Stationery Co., sup- last publication August 14, 1936. of the work. plies ......................................... 21.55 A. Barrows, royalty on gravel quille, Ct M County, Oregon, will re­ Beneva Volkmar, Stenograph- B. L. Eddy, F. G. Leslie, Coquille Tribune, 500 special Wentworth & Irwin, auto sup­ 71.33 ceive seal rd bids for the construction 26t2 Attorney for Plaintiff City Recorder. R.*H. Mast, Probation Officer.. statements ................. ........... plies ...... .•................ 6.75 120.00 of a sewer to be known as the Post Office Address:* Rosjburg, Oregon State Agri. College, Capps Motor Co., auto supplies I "TENTH STREET EXTENSION OF Dr. M. Earl Wilson, Health Oregon. 27t5 Agricultural Agent ............... 1050.00 Mertie Bryon, use of bus haul­ 25.00 THE NCRTH END SEWER” from IN THE CONTY COURT OF THE Officer ............................. ROADS ing WPA men .... ................ STATE OF OREGON IN AND cente • of Heath Street thence Leia Elrod, County Nurse ..... 60.00 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE I I the Damages — Greenacrrs Road Central Transfer Co.' freight East on ’.’enth Street for a distance Mae M. Waggoner, Stenog­ FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS STATE OF OREGON IN ANO Isaac R. Tower, auto supplies rapher ____ ___ ___ _____ 95.00 M. F. Lytle ............................... of 510 Fret. Said improvement to FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Wm. Shook ...... ... ........... ..... .... Pure Iron Culvert & Mfg. Co., Louis J. Langenberg, Court consist of digging a trench and lay­ in the Matter of the Estate of Wil­ Matter of the Estate of P. C. ing concrete or vitrified sewer pipe, materials ......... ............. . ....... 225.48 Fl*"1 •—..... ......... .............. Reporter .............. . ............. . 175.00 ] 84 Gist, sometimes known as Porrv Perry C C. liam DAILY, Deceased. i A. E. Babcock ....... ................... F. D. Fish, royalty on gravel.. J. N. Gearhart, Dep. Co. Sur­ together with wyes and laterals, man­ Gist, Deceased; Notice to Creditors ............. » Koontz Machine Shop, labor & veyor ........... . ................ ......... 43 33 < Jas. L. Ferrev hole. lamphole and catch basins. Size Notice of Sale of Real Property NOTICE is hereby given that the materials .......... . .............. . 632 Carl C. Wilson, Janitor.... ....... an 00 Herbert Smith ........................... of pipe is eight inch (8’’) sewer pipe, undersigned has been duly appointed NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, 490 lineal feet, six inch (6”) sewer McNair Hardware Co., ma­ | State Land Board ___ ______ Stewart Whitsett, Janitor- of an order, decree ¡pipe, 300 lineal feet. by the above entitled Court as the terials ................ . ........ 3 32 That by virtue ____ _ ___ — 75.00 c- v- Danielson —..... ........ Jailer ...... . ......................... . ‘ County * 'j.. Court of Smith Wood Products, lumber 20 41 and licons* of * «the --------- Belle Whitsett, Matron & Cook 25.001 All bide must be in accordance with Administrator with the Will anne: •xed 1 ­ | Coos County, Oregon, mad< ide and en- the maps, plans and specifications of of the Estate of William Daile? De Stian Smith, boat hire while . E. R. Strain, Operating River- R. H. Lawhorn, salary & Mile­ tered on the 14th day of Ju.,, ------ July, 1936, the City Engineer filed in the office ceased, and has duly' qualified as ferry out ...................... ) 17.50 45.00 135.00 ton Ferry ....... .................. age, Co. Commr.......... ...... I labor Bullards Ferry Coos Bay Lumber Co., lumber *3.« in the Matter of the Estate of P. C. of the City Recorder on the 15th day such. R. H. Lawhorn, to Portland NOW THEREFORE all persons Gist, sometimes known as Perry C. of June, 1936. buying shovel.... ....... ........ . 11 50 P. E. Williams ............... . ......... 5834 J. L. Herman, towing Bullards having claims against said Estate are Ferry ...... . ....... ...................... 70.00 Gist, Deceased, I will on and after ,-B. C. Pellet .............................. ■... 58.34 Bert Mead, salary as Deputy Pursuant to ths provisions of Or­ hereby notified and required to pre­ Saturday, the 15th day of August, dinance adopted on the 13th day of 17.50 Coquille Machine Shop, ma­ SO.oo M- McCarthy ............ ........... . Sheriff ...... .......................... .. terials ............................ ....... !> 30 1936, proceed to sell to the highest Jute, 1936, said construction of sewer sent the same, together with proper 44 no R- A. Deeter ..... ...................... 14.00 Bert Mead, mileage .............. . . P. Yarbrough _____ '.................. 12.00 Niles Motor Co., auto supplies 32 33 and be«t bidder, for cash in hand. will be made at the cost and expense vouchers therefor to the undersigned Myrtle Minter, clerical work .na w the ««tflrm.UÏ ä Xk. at his office in the Farmers St Mer­ 60.00'E Savegeay .............. ................ 12.00 Pioneer Hardware Co., ma­ In Tax Dept......................... . chants Bank Building at Coquille, terials ,......._.. a ...........>.... IO. Newton ............. ......... ......... 14.40 Coos Bay Harbor, 1000 policy ------ --------- — submitted for the Coos County, Oregon, within six interest of the said estate, and those whole work necessary to complete the 12 00 Fred Crush ------------------- - ---- 20.00 W. P. Fuller & Co., Creosote .. envelopes..... ........... .......... claiming under it, in and to the fol­ proposed construction of sewer. months from the date hereof. ,G. Franzwa ............................... 5.00 W. D. Woolsey, piling for Ara­ P. W. Culver, returning pris­ Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 18th lowing described real property, to- Forms of bids may be had upon ap­ go bridge ............................... 5 45'James Rike ............................... 12.00 oner to Coquille ................... day of June, 1936 wit: Thos. Smith, piling . ............ . I H. D. Gilbert, operating Dan- Wills Elliott, services as Re­ plication to the City Recorder. The J. Arthur Bei g Lots 3 A 4 and the of the Common Council reserves the right to 61 60 ***• Creek Ferry ............ ...... 85.00 Pacific Motor Transport Co., corder in Clerk’s Office __ Administrator with the Will an­ freight ............. . .... 5..„_........ 14.97 NW Mi of Section 5, Township 28 reject any and all bids with and Geo. Landrith, Operating Lan- Myrtle Point Herald, 1000 drith Ferry .......... . ................ 20.00 Ted Brown, lumber ...... ........ 91.24 South of Range 12 West of the Wil­ without cause. A certified check in nexed of the Estate of William Judgment Roll Covers ....... 23t5 Ira Johnson, filing saws .... . 5.25 lamette Meridian in Coos County, the sum of 5 per cent of tbe amount Dailey, Deceased. Roads A Bridge John C. Merchant, clerical Oregon. 165.92 acres. (Patent bid must be subrjfiitted with each bid, work in Treas. off................ 86.00 J. W. Ruble labor ...... . ............ 33.60 Smith Wood-Products Inc., 114 42 dated March 20, 1929, and recorded to be forfeited to the City of Coquille R. B. Howe, labor .................. 5.00 1 _ AU1KWI* lumber ................................................................ .. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash on Nov. 12, 1929, in Book 109 at in the event the bidder refuses to Fred Schaer & Son, welding, Notice is hereby given that the un­ 1.80 " advanced Treas. off. ........... 18.00 John H. Cotton, labor...... ...... etc. .’.... .... ... ............................ 25.92 Page 404 of the Records of Deeds sign a contract and execute a bond designed has been appointed by the J. P. Beyers, use of auto ......... 14.76 C. E. Patterson, labor............... 57.60 •4 of Coos County, Oregon.) 52.80 J. E. Haseltine & Co., ma­ Wayne Goodman, labor . ........ H. C. Getz, Draftsman in As­ as provided for in said Ordinance. County Court of the State of Oregon Starting at the SW corner of Sec­ Said bond to be in the sum of fifty for Coos County as the Administra­ terials .......................... . ....... 147.46 sessor’s Off......... . .................. 110.25 C. B Young, labor .......... ........ 44.00 H. E. Peart, labor ..... .............. 44 00 Coos Bay Logging Co., lumber 696.03 tion 31, Township 27 South of per cent (50%) of the total amount trix of the Estate of Edith M. Jack- Edna Danielson, Clerk in As- 50.00 Farr & Elwood, material ___ 260.75 Range 12 West of the Willamette of the contract. son, deceased, and all persons hsving s&ssor’s off 60.50 F. Hickok, labor ..... ............ . Meridian in Coos County, Oregon; Wm. Peart, labor __________ 28.00 Huling Lundy & Sons, materi- Martha E. Mulkey, mileage The work on said sewer must be claims against the said estate are running thence N 116 feet to place ials ...................................... .. 10.42 expense .......... .. ............ . ....... 20.88 H. Hickam, labor... ................ 28.00 completed within thirty (30) days required to present the same with R. Hurlbutt, labor...... .......... . 12.00 J- A. Lamb Co., materials ... 50.58 of beginning; thence East 116 feet from the day of the awarding of the proper vouchers to the undersigned J. K. Gill Company, • record more or less to the center line of a 75.00 A. B. Daly 8i Co., materials 2«2 Oh books .................. x. 9.48 G. Franzwa, labor ...... ............ contract br In such further time as at the law officers of J. J. Stanley, in small creek; thence in a northeast­ O. Newton, labor___ ________ 72.00, Moore Mill & Lumber Co. Burroughs Adding Machine , lumber .................... 'L 370. &8 erly direction at an angle of ap­ the Council may allow. Bids must be Coquille, Cobs County, Oregon, with­ Fred Crush, labor ............ ....... 66.00 Co., work on machine ____ 1.00 filed on or before the hour of 5 in six months from the date of this proximately 49 degrees following o’clock P. M. on the 27th day of July, notice. Walt Newton, labor .......... . .... 66 00 Golders Auto Parts Co., ma­ Ben C. Flaxel, District Atty, the center line of said small creek, terials ...... — 73.09 Frank Crofton, labor ............... 66.00 Dated and first published this 19th mileage & part Stenog. sal- 1936. All bids must be for a lump Harold Reidel, labor ............ approximately 434 feet to a point sum accompanied by unit prices for day of June. 1936 61 60 Standard Oil Co. of Calif., gas _ «y ............. -........ . 79.84 G. where the center line of said small Franzwa. labor ..... .............. & oil ......................................... 1378.b0 35.00 Ona Croeby, Administratrix Ben C. Flaxei, telephone ser­ the purpose of estimations of de­ 23t5 vice ........... , 18.50 O. Newton, labor _ ______ ___ 28.80 F. L. Holser Co., Inc., materials 99^0 creek intersects with the South ductions and additions made during T* 1 1 ' 1 ........ !■ I I „ _ . Fred Crush, labor ______ ___ line of a tract of land heretofore J. E. Culver Lumber Co., 28.00 Burke’s Film & Art Shop, the course of the work. NOTICE OF SHERIFF ’ S SALE Lumber ............. «... 393.81 contracted for sale to H. M. Smlly; pictures at Empire ________ 10.00 Walt Newton, labor ................. 28.00 For details of the construction of On the 25th day of July, A. D. 1936, Harold Reidel. labor ..... ... . thence West 417.44 feet where it said sewer bidders are hereby re­ at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A. M. at 24.00 STATE OF OREGON Louis J. Langenberg. Report­ County of Coos: ss. intersects the West line of Section ferred to the City Engineer and to the front door of the Court House at 2.00 ing and Transcripts ........... 18.20 Ben Barkdoll, labor................. I, L. W. Oddy, County Clerk of 31, Township 27 South of Range the plans and specifications on file Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, I will Leia Elrod, mileage ............... 13.28 Frank Crofton, labor ................ 22.00 Harry Davis, labor ................ 42.00 Coos County, and ex-officio clerk of 12; thence South 214 feet more or with the City Recorder, Ethel C. Littler, mileage & sell at public auction to the highest and less to place of beginning, contain­ Salary, Acting Nurse ........ 113.00 Howard Hickam, labor .......... 40.00 the County Court of said County F. G. Leslie, bidder for cash the following de- «1_ « »■ _ I ing one and one-half acres, more Ernest Franson. labor ........... 38.75 State, do hereby certify that tbe Coquille Laundry, laundry for 27t2 City Recorder er scribed real property situated in Coos 5.40 foregoing is a statement of the or less, together with tenements, health dept. .......................... 1.95 Samuel Franson, labor ........... — ^County, State of Oregon, to-wit: Henry Franson, labor ............. 28.80 amount of bills allowed by the Coun­ hereditament sand appurtenances. Charles Doane, Salary & Mile­ Beginning at a point on the age, Co. Commr....... . .......... 87.72 M. C. Miller, labor ................... 81.40 ty Court at the regular July, 1930. (Recorded on Nov. 12, 1929, in WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE South sida of Central Avenue, for­ All Coos County General Fund ~ R B. Howe, labor 48.60 term thereof, as the same appears on Book 109 at page 405 of the Rec­ Eugene E. Laird, services at known as Avenue “C” of of claims in my office ords of Deeds of Coos County, Ore­ Warrants endorsed prior to July 1, merly 7.20 the exhibits attorney .......... . .................... ... ....................... 5.00 E. Abernathy, labor ........ ... ..... G. Manning, labor & team 1931, will be paid at the office of the Western Addition to Marsnfield, gon.) 12.16 snd custody.. Charles Evland, services as Coos Cotinty, Oregon, fifty (50) WITNESS my hand and seal of Bids will be received by me as Ad­ Coos County Treasurer. Cdquille, feet East of a point which is 608 Court Bailiff ......................... 36.00 E. L. Powell, labor ................. A. Shutter, labor ............. ...... 28.80 the County Court affixed this ministratrix of said Estate, at the of­ Oregon, July 17, 1936. Coquille Hotel, meals for ju­ six hundred ninety-two (692) f.et Chas. Stauff, fice of J. Arthur Berg in Coquille, rors ...... _........... ................. ... 9.75 Walter Browning, labor ......... 36.00 11th day of July, 1936. West of the Southwest comer of Leslie Myers, labor ................. Coos County, Oregon. Coos County Treasurer L. W. Oddy, County Clerk 36.00 Koke - Chapman Company, the intersection of Randolph Street (Seal) Herman Hongell, labor ...... .. 4.00 By J. W. Leneve, Deputy Dated this 17th day of July, 1936. scabbards for Circuit Court i’\dJ,^venu®.“c” of ,aid Western 4.00 files .................. . ............. ...... 165.00 Warren Bullard, labor.... ........ Saima L. Caughell, NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND AC­ Addition to Marshfield, now known Brooks Pointer, labor ............... 32.40 Administratrix of the Estate of P. City of Marshfield, rent of IN THE COUNTY COUNTY OF THE QUIRED BY COOS COUNTY, as 12th. Street and Central Avenue; C. Gist, Deceased. 27t5 court rooms ...... ............. ..... 20.00 R. B. Cummins, labor .......... ... 24.30 STATE OF OREGON IN AND thence running South one hundred OREGON. FOR DELINQUFNT Ralph Harry, labor . ............... 105.00 J. N. Gerhart, indexing road FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS thirty (130) feet; thence East par­ TAXES index . ................................ ..... 12.00 F. A. Robb, labor ..................... 260.00 In the Matter of the Estate of Anton NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That allel with the South line of said A. J. Wilkins, labor ............ 100.00 County Farm Abild, Deceased, Notice is hereby given that the under and by virtue of an order of ' Central Avenue a distance of fifty F. C. McNelly, Superintendent 100.00 Chas. McAlister, lsbor ........... 105.00 Notice to Creditors Common :>mmon Council of the City of Co­ sale made by the County Court of (50) feet; thence North to the said 90.00 ........ Edith McNelly, Matron ......... 40 001 N*"*' Peart- labor NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. quille, Coos County, Oregon,’ will re­ the State of Oregon, for the County of j South line of Central Avenue a 12.00 Mae Shore, cook ..................... 50 001 Victor Demarest, labor lv 1IIliwvw bids for „ the improve- - Coos, on the 6th day of July, A. D., distance of one hundred thirty 25 20 That the undersigned has been duly ceive sealed UIWS Carl Shore, Farmhand ........... 40 oo Jack Woods, labor ..... ...... I Wm. Schrock, labor .......... 54 00 appointed by the above entitled ment in separate districts of the fol- 1936. commanding me to sell the fol­ (130) feet; thence West along the Elizabeth Lambert, Cook’s South line of Central Avenue a dis­ as °Ji lowing portions of the following lowing described lands, towit: 100.00 helper ...... _■..... . .................... 30 00 Vic Lindstrom, labor........ tance of fifty (50) feet. said Deceased, and has duly qualified streets to-wit- Lot 4 in Block M in Elliott's 90.20 as Arthur Anderson, Orderly .... So'oo J ,w ^%’abor1-i—..... such. ' District No. 1 — Elliott Street Said sale is made under execution Addition to Coquille City, Coos 05 00 A1-1!™ Barklow, labor ..... 100 00 ---------- Reta Horton, Nurse .............. . NOW THEREFORE, all persons from the South line of Second issued out of the Circuit Court of the County, Oregon, according to the Paul Bunch, labor & team 32 40 Georga Amend, work in can­ State of Oregon, for the County of plat t hereof on file and of rec­ 3 00'Elis Corsby, labor ............ 7.20 having claims against said estate are Street thence South to pavement, nery . ...... ........... .................... hereby notified and required to pre­ Coos, to me directed in the case of ord in- the office of the County Mike Boone, labor ____ 52.00 sent the same, together with proper a distance of 420 feet. First Street American Can Company, cans Clerk of Coos County, Oregon. MortSage Co,, a corporation, 12.60 vouchers therefor, to the under­ from end of pavement 100 feet for cannery, Cash ............ . 69.45 Walt Newton, labor ..... Plaintiff, vs. Thomas P. Sorenson Minimum Price 3196 68. M McCarthy, labor .... 107.50 signed, at Coquille, Coos County, West of the West line of Elliott Farr & Elwood, groceries for I SHALL, in comnliance with said a widower, Defendant. 86.40 Oregon, within six months from the Street thenca East 399 feet to West Farm .... ....... .......................... 40.88 J. W Ruble, ............ .. Wm. F. Howell, order, on SATURDAY THE Sth DAY n«.. Line of Henry Street. 88 00 date hereof. Ideal Bakery, bread _______ 25.58 P. Yarbrough, labor ___ District No. 2—Seventh Street OF AUGUST,’A.D., 1936, commencing 24t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon John Carey, labor ___ 20.00 J. A, Lamb Company, materi­ Dated this 17th day of July, 1936. from the East line of Coulter at the hour of 10 o’clock A.M. of said 46 90 als ..._..... . ............... ......... ....... 76.74 R. A. Deeter, labor .... . J. Arthur Berg, CALL FOR BIDS Street to the East line of Heath day at the front door of the Court E. Savageay, labor ___ 24.00 Coos County Farm, produce Executor of the Estate of Anton Street. Heath Street from the House in the City of Coquille, and Notice is hereby given thnt sealed 62.40 Abild, Deceased. used on farm ......................... 87.44 C. E. Patterson, labor__ 27t5 North line of Seventh Street to the County of Coos, State of Oregon, of- I Lids for painting of school house at Wayne Goodman, labor 57.20 Pioneer Grocery Company, fer for sale and sell at public auction Riverton Ore., will be received by South line of Eighth Street. 58 00 groceries ...... ...................... 130.78 C. B. Young, labor ........ District No. 3—Holly Street from the above described real property to the combined Boards of Diet. No. 4 H. E. Peart, labor ....... 52.00 WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Jutstrom A Peterson, 665 lb All Coos County Market Road War­ the North line of Eleventh Street the highest and best bidder for cash I a?d ¡/..H. No. 3. Bids to be in hands shad ....... ........................... 40.00 1662 Roy Wheeier, labor . ' Chairman J. F. Van Leuven on. or 27.45 rants to No. 34712 Ind., endorsed North 537 feet to the North bound­ in hand at the time of the sale, or for of Myrtle Gardens, plants ....... ... 17.85 Erwin Murray, labor__ I Aug. 1 1936 For particulars Roy Wheeler, labor ...... Vem L. Hamilton, care of var­ 68.00 prior to Nov. 8, 1930, will be paid at ary of Holly Street. Bush Street not less than twenty per cent (20%) before of the purchase price in casti, the re- ' see Mr. Van Leuven on Bear Creak. 101.00 the office of the Coos County Treas­ from the East line of Holly Street ious Inmates ............ . .... ....... 45.00 J. McCarthy, labor ....... mainder to be paid under written 1 _ ____ ___ __ Boards reserve right io accept or Vance Weekly, labor .... 117.60 urer, Coquille, Oregon, July 17, 1936. thence East 247 feet. State Ind. Acc. Comm., insur­ District No. 4—12th Street from agreement with the purchaser in reject any or all bids. Chas. Stauff, 84 00 ance ......................................... 20.31 Wm Benham, labor .... East line of Henry Street to the I equal instalments over e term not >M3 “* "> Mrs. M. E. Borgs rd Clerk Coos County Treasurer K. F. Ireland, labor .... 100.00 The Title Company, insurance PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COURT on canned goods at farm Pacific Motor Transport Co., Sts».*'1 ‘ftwess??-,