ARAGO Mrs. Tom Garrone was called to Miss Marianne Rackleff, of Co Marshfield on Monday to be at the quill. 1 ruv.e out on Friday to visit bedside of her father, Joe Vay, who is c jsin Maxine Ruckleff. Mr. seriously ill with neumonia. Frances Stevens, of Powers, is vis t.nd Ilia. David Rackleft drove out iting his cousins. Dorothy and Ken on Su. doy to spend the day and take neth Stevens. their daughter home with them. Mrs. Anna Richardson, of Trout- Mr. r:»d Mrs. Jack Jones and chil dren, T. M., Mamie and Mary, from 'dale, is caring for her daughter and ¿fiCtO-a.M Texas, arrived this week grand daughter, Mrs. Clarence Mul and> ; a visiting' Mr. and Mrs. Ray lins and Marianne, who returned Puraer.U Mrs. Purser and Mr. Jones from the Knife hospital on Friday. The Ladies Aid met at the Albert are brother and sister. Mr. Jones has not been in Oregon for twenty-four Lillie home on Friday and in spite of years but he is planning to stay this the fact that only four were present, the quilt will be ready to bind at the time if he can find employment. Captain G. L. Hall, of McMinnville, next meeting. Mrs J. L. Burtis, Mrs. preac'ted at the Sunday morning Leon Pauli, Mrs. Albert Lillie and service in Arago. The girls’ trio, Mrs. Albert Gulstrom were present. George Pauli is doing the chores at Mary and Jean Watkins and Annie Deardorff, sang “He is the Savior for ‘he Antone Abild place until the es Me” as a special number. There were tate Is settled. Mrs. Evelyne Shane and her grand forty-seven in attendance at Sunday school following the service. Mrs. laughter, June Carroll, of Portland, David Root was the leader in Chris eturned to their home on Friday, tian Endeavor in the evening. Mrs. ifter visiting at the Glenn Collier 'ome for two weeks. Mrs. Collier Albert Lillie will lead on ‘July 19. nd Glenda Steward and Ray Shane Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones and fam 00k them ho ne. Mrs. Collier and ily, of Victoria, Texas, were Friday ‘'fra. Ethel Collier on dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller. Mr. Jones and Mrs. Mills: .San.. Jay, rptu/ni.r» home via the coast highway Sunday. There were are cousins. to many cars on th? r*»id that they Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller and counted sixty-one waiting for the family and Miss Gladys Miller are ferry at Newport. They uad to wait in Portland visiting Mr. and Mrs. for an hour and there were three fer Wallace Miller while Orvus Miller ries on duty. receives medical attention. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister MYRTLE POINT ITEMS I moved on Saturday to the east side of the teacherage, where they will make Dr. L. L. Sumerlin left Sunday for their home this winter while Mr. Mc San Francisco, where he will attend Allister does the janitor work for the a national dental convention. He will school district. return Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Wallen left Sat Mr. and Mrs. John Carver returned urday morning to spend a short time o their home in Glenbum, Califor visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chester Root nia, after a short visit in Mytrle and family and Mr. and Mrs. George ’’oint. Weeks in Powers. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Semper! rv- Mrs. Laurence Barklow was oper umed home the last of the week ated on for goitre at the Keizer hos from Gearhart, where they attended pital Thursday. She is making a sat 3 druggist convention. isfactory recovery. Mr. Barklow left Mr. and Mrs. L. Shelton moved last on Sunday for his work near Salem. week to Fort Jones, California, where H. A. Todd is still in the hospital Mr. Shelton has a logging contract. in Coquille receiving medical treat Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whitaker return ment. ed the last of the week to their home Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lockhart, of at Spokane, Washington, after a Ashland, arrived Friday to visit for a week’s visit with relatives. short time with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Warren Belt, of Shel Burbank. by, Montana, arrived the last of the Mrs. Clara Pascoe and son, Paul, week for a visit at the home of Mr. of David City, Nebraska, spent Fri and Mrs. Cecil Beyers. day visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Webb. Mrs. Virgil Meaker and children, of Laurence Barklow left for Salem at Portland, are spending this week at noon on Sunday. the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Webb and Arnold. Mrs Samuel Trobert returned to Charles and their guests, Mils Emma Cheatley and Miss Bess Davis, of her home in Salem after spending a Denver, Colorado, spent Thursday at tew days visiting at the home of Mr. Sunset Beach. and Mrs. L. P. Linn. [ Miss Martha Hockema, of Portland Lee Ray left last week as a dele- :>rrfifed Monday to visit her sister, rate to the national Townsend con Mrs. David Root. vention in Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Haberly and Ray will visit relathm in Topeka, small daughter spent several days Kansas, until Mr. Ray’s return. visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hill returned Oluf Aasen, returning to Bandon Sat o their home tn San Diego, Califar- urday evening. iia, after a visit with friends in Myr- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McKelvy and le Point.» Gloria, of Bend, Oregon, arrived Sat Members of the losing side of a re urday to visit at the home of Mr. and cent Bible reading contest entertain- 1 Mrs. Sam Damron. ?d the winners at a potluck dinner Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barnett visited Friday evening at the Brethren Mrs. Lucy Culver on Rock Creek Church. Sunday. Mrs. Culver is bedfast, fol Rev B. F. Miller, of Klamath Fails, lowing a fall she received last week. tad charge of the services in Assem Luther Damron, of Wanette, Okla bly of God church Sunday morning. homa, left on Thursday after visiting A series of evangelistic meetings will his brothers, Sam and Jess Damron. be held in this church the next few It had been twenty-eight years since weeks. he had seen any of them. Mrs. Gilbert Gilkensen, who has Honoring several July birthdays in been visiting the past two weeks with the group a picnic dinner was held at relatives and friends in Myrtle Point, the Ernest Watkins home on Sunday ’eft Sunday for Marshfield. She will Guests from Bandon were Mr. and zisit there and in Reedsport before Mrs. Raymond McNair and Raymond eturning to her home in eastern Ore Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moore and Bill, gon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Book, Melden, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Adams and Rupert, Robert and Harold, Mrs. G. two children, Elizabeth Ann and Eoak, Mrs. Martha McNair, Mis Charles, of Indianna, arrived Wed Frances True, of Broadbent, Price nesday of last week for a two weekc* Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wat visit at the home of Mr. Adams* par kins, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Watkins, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams. Mary, Jean and Anne from Arago. Mrs. Amy Guerin has purchased a The school board awarded a two- house and two* lots on the hill from year contract for school bus Monday Mr. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dru- night to Laurence Barklow, who will liner will occupy the home. They have the west Norway-Hall's Creek moved in Friday. route. Wiley Cornwell has one more Mrs. Effie Adams and children, of year on his contract for the Fishtrap Medford, are visiting relatives and route. Bud Garbutte and Miss Velma Ga- friends in Myrtle Point this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carey are the routte, of Bandon, drove to Brook proud parents of a baby boy bom at ings on Sunday. the Mast Hospital Thursday, July 9.! Mrs. J. W. Bever spent Sunday at This is their first child. her home, returning Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Tichenor, of to Johnson's camp up Elk Creek, Portland, and Frank Tichenor, of where she is cooking. __________________ ______ ____ of Port Orford, spent Sunday at the Miss Lois Schroeder __ has charge Ottilia’s Beauty Shop in Bandon,1 home of Mr Mrs. T. D. Guerin, while the regular operators are tak-1 visiting their mother, Mrs. Mary Holt, - who h has been confined to her ing a vacation._____________________ ! Ho,t " ***" Mr. and Mrs Wohn Zuppe and several weeks with a broken daughter, Zelena, of Langlois, were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brotten. Mrs Fred Lafferty and daughter, Janice, were called to Myrtle Point on Friday when Mrs. Mary Holt, their grandmother, suffered a re lapse. Mrs. Holt, who is eighty-six, broke her hip Memorial day. Rock Robison, of Coquille, visited at the home of his brother, Price Robison, last w^ek. leaving on Sat urday to visit at the Glenn Collier home until Monday when he return ed to Coquille. Mr. and Mrs. Corral Jorgensen, Gertrude. Olga and Sonny, of Fern dale, California, were guests at the Bognuda ranch on Friday. Í NO. 469 Phone 122 FREE DELIVERY Phone 81 STORE NO. 136 Ball Mason 2-Lip Jar Rubbers 3 PKGS. 10c — Kerr Regular BALL or KERR | MASON QUART ’ JARS - REG. Fine Granulated 1001b Bag Jg $5.59 #RL. 55C Jar Lids Narrow Mouth 3 Dozen • - Parowax . * Take Ad. ar. tage of These SPECIAL SAVINGS ON CANNING SUPPLIES For Sealing 3 pkgs . - i - — KERR Economy Jar Caps Corned 35 2 ORBIS FLOUR LIBBY’S 19c A Real Money-Saving Value Graham Crax. $«.$9 Honey-Maid 49 lb SACK . . . 29c 2 lb Box JELL-WELL Assorted 12 oz. Can Pork VAN CAMP’S 11 oz. Cans Flavors Zee Tissue PKG. 14c Super-Suds d rKGb* WASHING POWDER TO PIPASI YOU oa MONIY RIFUN0ID GRAPE ’ NUTS Peets - Cereal 33c 2 Pkgs. Peacock Rolled Oats GRANULATED SOAP LGE. PACKAGE - BAKER’S PREMIUM — Chocolate 55* 9-lb Bag ROSE CITY Macaroni l/i lb Cake KOOL rnyw, Cigarettes 2 - 3 Lbs. PENN-RAD - X9C Motor Oil 2 Gal. Can LAKE WALES FLORIDA Grapefruit - - Fresh Fruits and Vegetables LOCALS New Potatoes 10.« n/lr RED-RIPE 29 Tomatoes 4 FRESH - LOCAL Carrots 3 Bunches 2 cU FRESH - LOCAL - - - Watermelons TAKE ONE ALONG tothebk . ¿5 <| 10 A V c Lettuce 3 FRESH - RIPE WttP _ ______________________________ lbs . . 1U .. hlP Members and friends of the Pres byterian Ladies Aid motored to' SPECIAL VALUES EFFECTIVE FRI. AND SAT. JULY 17 AND 18 Bridge Wednesday afternoon. They spent a pleasant afternoon as guests nt Mrs. C. Murphy and Mrs. Albert Pancoast. After the usual business Rose Garrett, F Young, Florence Douglas Warner was forced to cut1 evening in honor of Mrs. L. L. Pow- Point visiting relatives and friends. meeting was over refreshments were' Guerin, Misses Margaret Garrett and short his visit at Illahe at the home era. Bridge was enjoyed by those at* served and a social time was enjoyed.' Glida Dietz and the hostess. of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. | tending. Mrs. Elbert Schroeder held A. L. Hooton, electrical contractor Mrs. Ruben Roupe entertained the Mrs. Clarence Bartlett, Mrs. Cliff E. J. Schneider, on account of infec-, high, Mrs. Hermann Eychmeyer sec and dealer, 274 Second St., Coquille Octette club and a number of friends Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. John tion in his foot. ’ ond and Mrs. Barton Stemmier low. Complete stock of wiring supplies at a one o’clock luncheon Tuesday. Felcher returned Mrs. Eugene Laird left Sunday for After refreshments were served the home Thursday The afternoon was spent in sewing from a trip to Albany, where they a several weeks’ t visit her honor guest was surprised with a Lit with .. ttL L WARRANTS TAKEN and a number of musical numbers attended the V. F. W. convention. mother in Portland. Mr. LI.. Laird 1~. 1 plans L----- shower. were given: Those who enjoyed the Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Kollar and to leave the last of the week for a I Mrs Grace Paary left Friday for afternoon together were Mesdames family returned home Friday from a two weeks’ stay at Vancouver Bar- Marshfield, where she has employ- | ment in the Ship’s Cafe. Ernest Luthy, W. W. Deyoe, LeLonge. ten-day vacation trip to Nehalem and racks. C. Wilson, Katie Arnold, Albert Car coast resort towns in northern Ore Mrs. Elton Schroeder and Mrs. ( : Miss Wilma Johnson, of Portland, ver, Clarence Bartlett, Walter Huff, gon. Wayne Carver entertained on Friday ’ is i spending a few weeks in Myrtle 1