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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1936)
•r PAO* The Right Kind of CONNECTION WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE cluded in one assessment district. teresting that is not over 3000 years Notice is hereby given that war Any and all persons interested may Rev. T. R. Jackman Writes old. Then there is the modem day make and file with tlie City Recorder rants up to and including No. 950H, About Old Jericho Jericho which lies about mid-way written remonstrance against said issued by Coquille School District, No. z Tiw following article, “Old Jeri cho," was written several weeks ago in Jerusalem by Rev. T. R. Jackman, who with Mrs. Jackman expected to arrive in the United States on the recent maiden voyage of the Queen I Mary. It will be of interest to Mr. Jackman's friends here, to Bible stu dents and al! those interested in the beginning of the world’s civilization. between the two and a little east. A few squalid mud huts and stores and a hotel or two are all that are there. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE improvement within twenty days from the first publication of this no tice, to-wit. within twenty days from the 19th day of June, 1936 F. G. Leslie, City Recorder. 23t2 8, will be paid upon presentation to the district clerk, on and after Satur day, June 13, 1936. Interest on said warrants ceases on that date. Keith Leslie, Clerk School District No. 8, CoquiUe, Coos County, Oregon. 22t3 On the 25th day of July, A. D. 1936, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A. M. at NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S 8ALE the front door of the Court House at MENT Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, I will On the 27th day of June, 1936, at sell at public auction to the highest Notice is hereby given that the the hour of 10:00 o’clock A. M., at bidder for cash the following de Common Council of the City of Co the front door of the Courthouse in Big business coreidere it important 'to have fre scribed real property situated in Coos quille, did by resolution duly adopted Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, I will County, State of Oregon, to-wit: at a meeting of said Council, held on sell at auction to the highest bidder, quent financial counsel. Beginning at a point on the the 16th day of June, 1936, and which Excavators have turned back the South side of Central Avenue, for resolution is on file in the office of for cash the following real property, located in Coos County, Oregon, to- They make it a practice to often consult their pages of history and the Jericho that merly known as Avenue “C” of the City Recorder in the record of wit: banker in order to keep in touch with the financial and Western Addition to Marshfield, tlie proceedings of said Council, ref we have always spoken of as Old Commencing at the one-fourth Jericho has become much older than Coos County, Oregon, fifty (50) erence to which is hereby made and (V< Section comer on the South business situation. feet East of a point which is by such reference the same is hereby side of said Section twenty-one we ever imagined. Now the question six hundred ninety-two (692) feet n ade a part of this notice, duly de- Whether your affairs are large or small, put them naturally arises: Is Jericho the old West of the Southwest comer of c are its intention and purpose to (21); thence North on the East boundary line of Lot nine (9) on a business baoie by establishing and maintaining est city in the world? We are con the intersection of Randolph Street ir .prove 12th Street from the east to the Northeast comer of and Avenue “ C ” 0« said Western line of Henry Street to the east line fident that it is not; however, the ex does relationship with this bank. Lot nine (9) the Addition to Marshfield, now known ol Coulter Street, and for the im- said place of beginning; thence north cavations that have been carried on as 12th. Street and Central Avenue; piovement of Coulter Street from there during the past few years and thence running South one hundred the north line of Tenth Street to the eleven and eighty-seven one hun particularly the work ofTast year has thirty (130) feet; thence East par Ì north boundary of Coulter Street, a dredths (11.87) chains; thence east one and eighty-five one-thou Purpose is a big step towards success conclusively shown us that Jericho allel with the South line of said distance of 1011 feet. sandths (1.085) chains; thence Central Avenue a distance of fifty Said improvement will be made in South eleven and eighty-seven one- was inhabited 6000 years ago. . (50) feet; thence North to the said accordance with the plans and speci This proves to us that civilisation South line of Central Avenue a fications of the City Engineer, filed hundredths (11.87) chains; thence FIRST NATIONAL BANK was cradled in this immediate lo distance of one hundred thirty In the office of the City Recorder on West one and eighty-five one- thousandths (1.085) chains to the cality. The ten lowest layers marked (130) feet; thence West along the the 15th day of June, 1936, and the place of beginning, containing one of Coquille, Oregon South line of Central Avenue a dis estimate of the probable cost of said the Neolithic age which show that and two hundred eighty-seven one- tance of fifty (50) feet. improvement is the sum of 32632.77, •ven then Jericho was a settled com Said sale is made under execution reference to which is hereby made thousandths (1.287) acres, more or munity, the market town for sur issued out of the Circuit Court of the and by such reference made a part less, all in Section twenty-one (21) of Township twenty-eight (28) rounding pastoral and agricultural State of Oregon, for the County of of this notice. South, Range eleven (11) West of Coos, to me directed in the case of Said improvement will be made at 'ornmunities. Meridian, in Coos Portland Mortgage Co., a corporation, the expense of the property bene Willamette Professor Garstang, the excavator Plaintiff, vs. Thomas P. Sorenson, County, Oregon. Also; beginning fited thereby as stated in said reso at the one-fourth (*4) section cor IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE in charge,' has just released for pub a widower, Defendant. lution, and all of such improvement ner on the South side of Section Wm. F. Howell. lication his important findings. It COUNTY OF COOS, 8TATE will be made in one project and in twenty-one (21); thence North on OF OREGON has been our privilege to visit the 24t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregpn cluded in one assessment district. the East Boundary line of Lot nine Any and all persons interested may (9) to the Northeast comer of Lot “tell” or excavation ■ a number of In the Matter of the Estate of P. C. times during the past few' months NOTICE OF 8TREET IMPROVE make and file with the City Recorder nine (9); thence North eleven and MENT written remonstrance against said eighty-seven- Gist, sometimes known as Perry C. one-hundredths and watch with interest the progress improvement within twenty days (11.87) chains to an iron stake; Gist is hereby given that the Notice from the first publication of this no Citation as the excavators would take off lay DR. RALPH F. MILNE of the City of Co- tice, to-wit, within twenty days from thence West eight and sixty-five ------- --------------------- To James Polk Gist, and to all other er after layer of soil and debris, and Common Council one-hundredths (8.65) chains to Dentistry heirs unknown, if any there be, bring to light once again the work of quille, did by resolution duly adopted the 19th day of June, 1936. an iron stake and to the left bank at a meeting of said Council, held on F. G. Leslie, GREETING: 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. of the East Fork of the Coquille the 15th day of June, 1936, and which 2312 City Recorder. ‘ River; thence down the left bank In the Name of the State of Oregon. long forgotten civilization. Suite 1 You art hereby cited and required to Mr. Garstang did the unusual in resolution is on file in the office of of the said river to the line between appear in the County Court of the that he and Mrs. Garstang allowed the City Recorder in the record of NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE Lots nine (9) and ten (10); thence State of Oregon, for the County of me to take moving pictures of them the proceedings of said Council, ref MENT South on the said line to the Sec erence to which is hereby made and Coos at the Court Room thereof, at Coquille in the County of Coos, with during the actual operations of exca by such reference the same is hereby 1 Notice is hereby gi' lvert that the tion line between Sections twenty- LIUEQVIST, SWANTON in ten days from the date of the Ser vating. I am confident that no one made a part of this notice, duly de Common Council of th< te City of Co- one (21) and twenty-eight (28); & SLACK vice of such Citation if served within else has been permitted this privi clare its intention and purpose to quille, did by resolution duly adopted thence East twenty and no one- hundredth (20.00) chains to the improve Seventh Street from the Attorneys sod Counsellors Coos County, Oregon, or within 20 at a meeting of said Council, held on days if served within any other lege and we will be showing the pic East line of Coulter Street to the the 15th day of June, 1936, and which place of beginning, containing for First National Bank Building County within this State, or if served ture on our return to the States. The East line of Heath Street; and for the resolution is on file in the office of ty-seven and no one-hundredths Coquille Oregon by publication within 28 days from pictures show Professor Garstang di improvement of Heath Street from the City Recorder in the record of (47.00) acres, more or less; all twenty-one (21), the date of the first publication of such recting the native workman and then the North line of Seventh Street to I the proceedings of said Council, ref- in Sections Township twenty-eight (28) South, Citation; then and there to show “close ups” of Mr. and Mrs. Garstang the South line of Eighth Street. ' erence to which is hereby made and Range eleven (11) West of the Wil Said improvement will be made in cause, if any exist, why an Order of DR. J. R. BUNCH by such reference the same is hereby aw Sale snviuu should not be made and License , inspecting some liny votive offering accordance with the plans and speci made a part of this notice, duly de lamette Meridian, in Coos County, DENTIST Oregon. fications of the City Engineer, filed ' granted to said Saima L. Caughell, as just uncovered. A v joiz* ITctnto . » ... . , Said sale is made under execution the office of the City Recorder on clare its intention and purpose to 1 ' Administratrix of said Estate, for the X-RAY Service The work of this past year began in construct a sewer to be known as the issued out of the Circuit Court of the the 15th day of June, 1936, and the sale of the following described real "TENTH STREET EXTENSION OF st the time of the Jewish invasion estimate of the probable cost of said Laird Bldg. First Street State of Oregon for the County of property: THE NORTH END SEWER” from Telephone 82-L Coquille, Ore. I ’ Lots 3 A 4 and Sft of NWft of under Joshua when the walls of the Improvement is the sum of $1,120.98, the center of Heath Street, thence Coos to me directed in the case of Section 5, Township 28 S. R. 12 W city fell as recorded ■ in thé bible. ' reference to which is hereby made east on Tenth Street for a distance of State of Oregon represented and act ing by the World War Veterans State I of the W. M. in Coos County, Oregon. Even the remains of a part of the old 1 and by such reference made a part 510 feet. Aid Commission, composed of Charles of this notice. , ' 165.92 acres. (Patent dated March 20, wall are to be seen and the evidences I I ___ Said improvement will be made in GRANT CORBY H. Martin, Governor, Earl Snell, Sec [ Said improvement will be made at 1929, and recorded on Nov. 12, 1929, accordance with the plans and speci retary of State, Geo. A. White, Adju ex| of the property bene- in Book 109 at page 404 of the Deed of the fire that swept the town. Thus the expense Attorney at La* fications of the City Engineer, filed __ _____________ Records.) the bible account __ is proven. Begin- fitted ------ thereby as stated in said reso- in the office of the City Recorder on tant General, E. E. Kelley and Pres Richmond-Barker Bldg. cott Cookingham, versus J. E. Walk SW corner of Sec- 1 Starting at the t u,b ..,1, a... .h„ b«.„ will be made in one project and in- the 15th day of June, 1936, and the er and Mary Doe Walker, his wife, tion 31, Twp. I. 27 S. R. 12 W. of W. Phone 157 Coquille, Ore. estimate of the probable cost of said Mrs.' Henry George and Henry ' i one assessment district. _junty, M. in C om . Cot . , ■ Oregon; ___ . running peeling” off layer after layer of the ctoded in Residence Phone 24-M . and am all persons interested may improvement is the sum af $1014.67, George, her husband, Lewis Walker thence N. 116 feet to place of begin dust and debris of bygone centuries. J'»Any reference to which is hereby made ning; thence East 116 feet more or They followed the town’s history, make and file with the City Recorder and by such reference made a part and Jane Doe Walker, his wife, H. E. Brown, Ling Brown and also all other less to the center line of a small stage by stage, until they were 17 written remonstrance against said of this notice. persons or "parties unknown claim J. ARTHUR BERG improvement within twenty days creek; thence In a northeasterly di Said improvement will be made at layers below the 2000 B. C. level. ing any right, title, estate, lien or from the first publication of this no rection at an angle of approximately Attorney at La* the expense of the property bene- 49 degrees following the center line And so it is they fallowed back even tice, to-wit, within twenty days from fitted thereby as stated in said reso interest in the real estate described Rooms 1*2 in the Complaint in said case. of said small creek, approximately through the days of Abraham and the 19th day of June, 1936. lution, and all of such improvement Farmeri 4 Merchante Bank Bldg Wm. F. Howell,, F. G. Leslie, 434 feet to a point where the cental Lot, back to the very beginnings of will be made in one project and in Phone 37 20t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. 23t2 City Recorder. line of said small creek interesets cluded in one assessment district. Coquille, Oregon the history of the human family. with the South line of * tract of land Any and all persons interested may At the eleventh level, approximate NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE heretofore contracted for sale to H. NOTICE TO CREDITORS make and file with the City Recorder MENT M Smily; thence West 417.44 feet ly 3000 years before Christ, a moet Notice is hereby given that the un written remonstrance against said DR. W. V. GLAI8YER where it intersects the West line of interesting shrine was discovered. It dersigned har been appointed by the Notice is hereby given that the improvement within twenty days County Court of the State of Oregon Section 31, Twp. 27 S. R. 12; thence VETERINARIAN . from the first publication of this no- is an almost exact prototype of the i Common I am mon Council of the City of Co- South 214 feet more or less to place I tice, to-wit, within twenty days from in and for the County of Coos as County Herd R Meat Inspector of beginning, containing one and one- pre-Greek “Megaron” or “adyton.” quille, did by resolution duly adopted executrix of the Last Will and Testa 1936. half acres, more or less, together That is the Holy of Holies into which at a meeting of said Council, held on 1 the 19th day of F. June, G. Leslie, ment of A. C. Lukens, Deceased; and Coquille, Ora. with tenements, hereditaments and only the priest might enter at cer the 15th day of June, 1936, and which 2312 City Recorder. all persons having claims against the resolution is on file in the office of appurtenances. (Recorded on Nov. 12, estate of the said deceased are re tain times. This was in use fully the City Recorder in the record of 1929, in Book 109 at page — of " the " "! 405 quired to present them With the prop J. A. RICHMOND Record of Deeds of Co loos County, 2000 years before being used by the the proceedings of said Council, ref NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE er vouchers to the undersigned at tlie Oregon.) MENT Greeks. The walls and floors are erence to which is hereby made and PHYSICIAN and SURGEON law offices of J. J. Stanley in the City witness, the Hon. Hugh McLain, plastered and burnished red, and like by such reference the same is hereby of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, Richmond->Barker Building made a part of this notice, duly de Judge of the County Court of the Notice is hereby gi' Iven that the within six motnhs from the date of State of Oregon for the County of the "pronacs” of the primitive Greek clare its intention and purpose to Common Council of th« 1e City _ , of Co __ this notice. Coquille, Ore. Cooe with the seal of said Court, af “megaron” • It has a verandah-like Improve Elliott Street from the south quille, did by resolution duly adopted Dated and first published this l'hunes: Office 62M, Res. 93R fixed this 9th day of June, 1936. vestibule supported on six wooden line of Second Street, thence south at a meeting of said Council, held on 29th day of May, 1938. Attest: to pavement, a distance of 420 feet; the 15th div of June, 1936, and which poles. Lucinda Lukens, Executrix. I L. W. Oddy, Clerk. and to improve First Street from the resolution is on file In the office of 20t5 It was to this vestibule that the end of pavement, 100 feet west to the the City Recorder in the record of By Georgianna Vaughan, Deputy. J. J. STANLEY 1 (seal) 22t5 worshippers of this God brought west line of Elliott Street, thence east the proceedings of said Council, ref IN THE CONTT COURT OF THE Attorney-at-Law 8TATE OF OREGON IN AND tbeir votive offerings, and at the Jer 399 feet to west line of Henry Street. erence to which is hereby made and Said improvement will be made in by such reference the same is hereby NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE icho shrine numerous animal figur FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS accordance with the plans and speci- ________ . -------- , made a part of this notice, duly de- MENT ines indicate the nature of the pas fications of the City Engineer, filed clare its intention and purpose to in the office of the City Recorder on | improve Ninth Street from the East In the Matter of the Estate of Wil Notice is hereby gi iven that the toral deity worshipped in Jericho. liam DAILY, Deceased. Common Council of th< le City , of Co- - Professor Garstang also reports the the 15th day of June, 1936, and the line of Heath Street; thence East to Notice te Creditors estimate of the probable cost of said end of Ninth Street, a distance of quille, did by resolution duly adopted NOTICE is hereby given that the IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE at a meeting of said Council, held on discovery of the earliest forms of improvement is the sum of $2,007.39, 490 feet. undersigned has been duly appointed pottery making, painted neolithic reference to which is hereby made STATE OF OREGON FOR Said improvement will be made in by the above entitled Court as the. the 15th day of June, 1936. and which COOS COUNTY resolution is on file in the office of fabrics, a special type of flint imple and by such reference made a part accordance with the plans and speci- Administrator with the Will annexed In the Matter of the Estate of Oriey the City Recorder in the record of ments. ~ — Engineer, - . — - flcations of • .... the City filed There were also evidences of of this notice. Wells, Deceased. Said improvement will be made at in the office of the City Recorder on of the Estate of William Dailey, De the proceedings of said Council, ref human sacrifices even as alluded to Notice to Creditors the expense of the property bene- the 15th day of June, 1936, and the ceased, and has duly qualified as erence to which is hereby made and NOTICE is hereby given that the by such reference the same is hereby in the Scriptures. fitted thereby as stated in said reso estimate of the probable cost of said such. NOW THEREFORE all persons undersigned has been duly appointed made a part of this notice, duly de As a reference to this last state lution. and all of such improvement improvement is the sum of $1073.42, administratrix of the estate of the clare its intention and purpose to will be made in one project and in reference to which is hereby made having claims against said Estate are ment concerning human sacrifices I hereby notified and required to pre above named Oriey Wells, deceased, improve Holly Street from the north cluded in one assessment district. and by such reference made a part sent the same, together with proper by order of the above entitled court line of Eleventh Street, north 537 would refer you to Joshua 6:26: “And Any and all persons interested may of this notice. vouchers therefor to the undersigned duly made and entered. All persons feet to the north boundary of Holly Joshua adjured them at that time, make and file with the City Recorder Said improvement will be made at at his office in the Farmers & Mer having claims against said estate are Street; and for the improvement of saying, Cursed be the man before the Written remonstrance against, said the expense of the property bene hereby required to present the same, I Bush Street from the east line of chants Bank Building at Coquille, Lord, that riseth up and bulldeth this improvement within twegw days fited thereby as stated in said reso Coos duly verified as by law required, to Holly Street, thence east 247 feet. County, Oregon, within ----------------- “ ■ ‘ six city Jericho; he shall lay the founda from the first publication or this no lution, and all of such Improvement months from the date hereof. the undersigned, at her residence In Said improvement will be made in tice, to-wit, within twenty days from will be made In one project and In Marshfield, Oregon, within six accordance with the plans and speci tions thereof in (upon) his firstborn, the 19th day of June, 1936. Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 18th cluded in one assessment district. months from the date of the first fications of the City Engineer, filed and in (upon) his youngest son shall day of June, 1936 . I.»., -*»r F. G. Leslie, Any and all persons interested may publication of this notice. J. Arthur Berg in the office of the City Recorder on City Recorder. make and file with the City Recorder Dated and first published June 5, the 15th day of June, 1936, and the he set up the gates of it.” This ac Administrator with the Will an- __ written remonstrance against said 1936. estimate of the probable cost of said tually came to pass for we read in NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE improvement within twenty days nexed of the Estate of William EMMA WELLS. Dailey, Deceased. 23t5 improvement Is the sum of $1,620 53, I Kings 16:34: “In his days did Hiel MENT from the first publication of this no Administratrix of the Estate of reference to which is hereby made the Bethelite build Jericho; he laid tice, to-wit, within twenty days from Oriey Wells, Deceased. 21tS and by such reference made a part NOTICE TO CREDITORS the foundation thereof in (upon) Notice is hereby gi Iven that the the 19th day of June, 1936. of this notice. Notice is hereby given that the un Common Council of th< le City of Co- F. G. Leslie, Abiram his firstborn, and set up the Said improvement will be made at IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE quille, did by resolution duly adopted 23t2 City Recorder. dersigned has been appointed by the the expense of the property bene- gate thereof in (upon) his youngest at a meeting of said Council, held on STATE OF OREGON IN AND County Court of the State of Oregon fitted thereby as stated in said reso son Segub.” This form of human the 15th day of June, 1936, and which I FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS for Coos County as the Administra • NOTICE TO CREDITORS lution, and all of such improvement In the Matter of the Estate of Ed sacrifice was very common in Pales resolution is on file in the office of | trix of the Estate of Edith M. Jack- I will be made in one project and in Notice is hereby given that the un McKeown, sometimes known as tine in this early day and that could the City Recorder in the record of dersigned has been duly appointed son, deceased, and all persons having cluded in one assessment district. Edward McKeown. Deceased. claims against the said estate aie Any and all persons interested may be one reason why God had the Is the proceedings of said Council, ref by the C o unt y Court of the State of required to present the same with Notice of Final Account erence to which is hereby made and make and file with the City Recorder Oregon for Coos County as the Ex raelites destroy the inhabitants of the Case No. 3219 proper vouchers to the undersigned by such reference the same is hereby NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That written remonstrance against said land. For they had degenerated to made a part Of this notice, duly de ecutor of the Last Will and Testament at the law officers of J. J. Stanley, in the undersigned has filed in the improvement within twenty days this horrible practice of placing hu clare its intention and purpose to of Jasper M DeLong, Deceased, and Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, with County Court of Coos County, Oregon, from the first publication of this no improve Tenth street from the east all persons having claims against the in six months from the date of this her Final Account as Executrix of the tice, to-wit, within twenty days from man beings, while yet alive, beneath line of Heath street to east end of estate of said deceased are hereby notice. the foundation of their new buildings Tenth Street, a distance of 801.3 feet. required to present them to the un , Dated and first published this 19th Estate of Ed McKeown, Deceased, the 19th day of June 1936. F. G. Leslie, and that the said Court has set Tues or walls or even the gates of the city. Said improvement will be made in dersigned with the proper vouchers .day of June, 1936. City Recorder. day, the 7th day of July, 1938, at the 23t2 Often times these sacrifices were the accordance with the plans and speci within six months from the date of 23t5 Ona Crosby, Administratrix hour of 10 o’clock a. m. at the County fications of the City Engineer, filed this notice. Court Room at Coquille, Oregon, as WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE firstborn. Dated and first published this 12th in the office of the City Recorder on the time and place for hearing objec There are the three Jericho sites the 15th day of June, 1936, and the day of June, 1936. WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Warrants No.1056 to No 1099 incl., tions to such Final Account and the J. J. Stanley, The one we have been speaking of estimate of the probable cost of said Notice is hereby given that all drawn against Union High School Settlement of said Estate. Executor and Test- warrants drawn against the General _ . . of the Last „ ~ Will .-------- District, No. 3, Riverton, Oregon, will which is so very ancient. Then there improvement is the sum of $2062.20, ____ Mary McKeown, ................................ De- reference to which is hereby made amen * of .Jasper M DeLong, Fund of the City of Coquille, Oregon, Executrix of the Estate of Ed Mc- be paid upon presentation to the is the Jericho at Christ’s time, about and by such reference made a part ceBaed- 22t5 and endorsed prior to January 1, clerk. Keown. Deceased. three miles distant from the ancient of this notice. -----------------------— 1936, are hereby called for payment _ Interest on said warrants ceases J. Arthur Berg, one. The new testament Jericho has Said improvement will be made at. Drink Stillicious—the vitamin B upon presentation at my office. In June 19. 1936. Coquille, Oregon never been excavated. One reason is the expense of the property bene- Chocolate health drink. Contains terest on such warrants will cease as Mrs. M. E. Borgard, :ecutrix 21t5 Attorney for Exec thereby as stated in said reeo-' yeMt Cloverleaf Dairv Pur. Milk of June 19, 1936. Clerk U. H. No. 3, that there excavators are not inter fitted lution, and all of such improvement . “ " „„ I7' Pure M,lk W. S. SICK ELS, Treasurer, Star R,Bandon, Ore. ested In any thing so new and unln- will be made in one project and in- * Cream. Phone 7R42. 33t3 Calling carda, M for 91.00. 17tf 2313 City of Coquille, Oregon. Professional Cards