Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1936)
' TelHng About People and Event« in the City and County Mrs. V. L. Hamilton is visiting her parents in McMinnville this week. Buy local bread and support horn« industry. Mrs. Marvin Lyons and grand daughter, Ann Branstetter, left Wed nesday for Capetown, California. Just received a compelte line of Artists’ supplies. H. S. Norton Muisc & Stationery. Miss Louise Belleisle returned to her home in Marshfield Monday, af ter several weeks' visit with Isabel Unsoeid. ■ A- Ask Ned C. Kelley for rates on Fire Insurance. Mrs. H. A. Gould and children re- turned Sunday morning after a two- weeks' visit with her mother and father in Portland. ■■ J . J LMUI.W1 Mrs. C. F. Cole, of San Francisco, How are you fixed for lamps? Buy genuine Mazdas at Hoot on Electric visited old friends here-last Saturday and Sunday. She taught in the Co Shop, 24 Second street. quille schools for three years, start Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bartlett re ing in 1906, the same year Mrs. Edw. turned to Coquille yesterday, having Lorenz began teaching here. Her sold their ranch near Sacramento. name at tjiat time was Kitty Wells They expect to make their home here and she found several old friends of while he looks after the Bartlett- a third of a century ago. Stanley timber interests. Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley A. L. Hooton, electrical contractor in a reliable Oregon stock company. and dealer, 274 Second St., Coquille. Errol Sloan, accompanied by Mrs. Complete stock of wiring supplies. Sloan and their baby daughter, came Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Edwards, of in last Saturday from Chico, Calif., Beverly Hills, were Coquille visitors where he is minister for the Church the first of the week. He is the man of Christ. After a two weeks’ visit behind the Western Investment Co., here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs- which platted Hollywood by the Sea. W. A. Sloan, and Miss Alda, they will below Empire on Coos Bay. go to Molalla, where Mrs. Sloan’s For Radio Service see Alvin L. parents live. Errol has a month’s McQuigg, authorized Radio-Trician, vacation. 505 N. Holly st., city. All work guar Keys made for all locks. Stevens anteed. 24t8* Cash Hardware, Coquille, Ore. Mrs. Maud Woodyard left Monday for Portland, where she will remain for a month taking treatment. Her daughter, Louise, accompanied her as far as Cottage Grove where she will visit an aunt for the month. Miss Eugenia Verdin was a guesl of Miss Dorris Compton Monday night, having come over from Rose burg to witness the installation of the local bethel of Job’s Daughters and to attend the dance. Miss Compton Buy Ideal Bakery bread because it accompanied Miss Verdin back to is better. Sltr Roseburg, where she attended the in stallation of the Roseburg bethel Philip Englehart, general agent of Tuesday evening. O. C. Shindler, of Fuhrman & Shindler at Bandon, came in Wed the Massachusetts Life Ins. Co., from Mrs. Eleanor McClellan has re nesday night, returning from his va Portland, and Jno. L. Hollingsworth, of Eugene, an agent of the company, signed her position as cashier at the cation in Washington. were in Coquille last evening. They J. C. Penney Co. store and beginning Miss Alice Wilson returned the were looking for some one to appoint July 1 will be stenographer In the first of the week from Portland, as local representative of the com Coquille Log & Lumber Co. office. where she has been enjoying a va She is succeeded In the Penney or pany here. cation and the Rose Show. Miss Betty Brooks, of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Rackleff and| ganization by j I Myrtle Foint, who has been in the Fred Fuhrman is in central Ore daughter left Sunday on a two weeks 1 ’ | store the past month getting ac- gon, at Paulina, on a geological sur- vacation trip. They intended stop- ! her“ duties’ vey for Oregon State College. He ping in the Willamette valley and H will not r<um until some time in Portland. From there they were go-1 8. S. Reed, of the Catching creek July. ing to Yakima and probably will ' section, left Tuesday morning for Dr. G. C. Stem, chiropractic physi drive up to Vancouver, B. C., before Portland to attend the funeral ser- cian, foot correctlonist, electro thera tuming homeward. i vices held for Mrs. Florence Craw- , 'ford, of that city, who was a sister pist. 292 Moulton St., phone 86J. 22tf Mr. and Mrs V. L. Cornelius re- Reed>g ghe dw recover Miss Audrey Aasen drove out to turned Monday from a three-day trip I from a heart attack last Saturday Eugene Wednesday for a violin re- ' to Albany where they visited rela- night. Mrs. Crawford was well known hearsal with Prof. Underwood in tives and to Salem where they at- in the Coquille valley, having made whose classes she studied at the uni- tended a McElroy family reunion, her home here for several years. They were accompanied home by versity the past year. Miss Francis Farwell, a niece of Mrs. Austin Hazard and his son, Dick, Miss Eloise Crowley left Tuesday Cornelius, from Albany. arrived here Monday to spend his for Walla Walla, Washington, where ( Ask about Pacific Mutual 5 way vacation with' his parents, Mr. and she is employed as a bookkeeper. She Mrs. L. H. Hazard, and old friends. has been visiting her parents at (Policy. A. A. Nosier, Jr., 147-J. His father met him in Roseburg. Mrs. Brewster Valley for the past week. J. W. Garrett, who has spent the Hale B.' Eubanks also went out to last three summers here, came in Roseburg at the same time on her Body and Fender repair work done by experienced mechanics. Our body Tuesday morning and will remain for way to Portland to visit her sister, a few weeks. He purchased a por Mrs. Jack Sercombe, and the new painter is an expert. Let us prove we have the best of repair service. tion of the Webb Mast ranch at Lee nephew. This morning Austin and Southwestern Motor Co. lltf a couple of years ago and expects to his mother left for Portland where make it his home when he ends his the latter will visit for a time. Carl Ensele was taken to the Co work in Honolulu, Hawaii. Three grandchildren of Mrs. T. B. quille Hospital Monday afternoon, David Fraser, a brother of Mrs. C. Pointer arrived here from their home where he submitted to an operation for hernia, received while at work at W. Kline, arrived here Monday from , in Wrangle, Alaska, Wednesday eve the Coquille Log & Lumber Co. mill. his home in Pittsbufg, Penn., for a ning, accompanied by Judge Alexan month or more visit at the Kline der, of Portland, who brought them V. R. WILSON, O. D. home. He is a teacher in a manual from Wrangle. They are Betty, OPTOMETRIST training school for boys in the east Sabra and Annie May, children of Errors in refraction scienti and is quite interested in this tim-[ Marshall Pointer, who is on a fishing fically corrected without ber country and its wood operation trip just now in Bering Sea, but ex the use of drugs. Coquille, Oregon. plants. pects to be back from that the latter part of August and will then come to Coquille. :.• Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin sons returned last Friday from their vacation trip to the Puget Sound country. Frank says he picked out “lousy” weather for his vacation as it rained seven of the eleven days they were gone. At Everest, Wash., they saw Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Fergu son. “Fergie,” who was superinten dent of schools in Coquille a few years ago, is now circulation manager for northern Washington for the Se attle Star. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith, have been entertaining at their Bandon cabin since Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Jones and their son and daughter. The visitors are from New Haven, Conn., where he is connected with the state’s agricultural experiment station. He has been doing research work at the California School of Technology since last fall and they are now on their way home. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Smith were girlhood friends and all four are graduates ot the Kansas Agricultural College at Manhattan. Shower for Mrs. Laird kS- /'■K xv*'-? Bursting Ballons Dancing to the tune of gay music! Confetti f illing in rainbow showers among the colored balloons! Laughter . . . excitement . . . life st its highest! But, remember, — long continued tension may be « contributing cause of high blood pressure. You may feel secure after s thor ough medical examination by your physician! A Preacrlptionlat Fills Rxs Carefully at Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc « A bridal party and shower were given Thursday afternoon at the DRUGGISTS STATIONERS home of Mrs. John Aasen compli menting Mrs. Shirley Laird, nee Doris Kay, who was married last week at Vancouver, Washington. Hostesses were Mesdames H. S. Nor ton, Mary McKeown, James Brady, Roy Neal, Geo. Johnson, F. C. Mc- Nelly, T. B. Currie, J. L. Aasen, H. W. Pierce and A. B. Collier A des last regular meeting before fall J hew entertainers and new faces auch sert luncheon was served at a very Thursday night, at the Masonic Tem as Emsees comedians and musicians. attractively arranged table. The cen ple. Mrs. Camilla Rietman, worthy The band features five very versatile ■ terpiece represented the bridal party, matron, gave her report of the Grand musicians, such as Sammy Silvers at including the bride, groom and at Chapter Session which was held in the piano and Johnny Okley on the early in June. The three saxaphone. tendants. Sweet peas and roses were Portland ---------- The floor show will be headed by used about the room. Many lovely newest i members of the order, it-B UllU — ’Neil, lilt. the »VtIldd sensa- and Zsllll Ann X O and useful gifts were presented to Gretchen Neal, Zelma Bosserman and Charles the bride by Mesdames James Wat-1 Dorris Compton, who were initiated 1 tional whirlwind dancers of distinc son, U. E. McClary, C. P. Zurrjwalt,1 by Beulah Chapter at the Grand tion, several other high class acts Orvin Gant, ~E. A. Walker, John Chapter Session, were welcomed and will also be on hand. Young men and young women or Rhule, Frank Thrift, Mabie Laird, introduced. Mrs. Arlen Samuelson, Ethel Low, Wm. Mansell, Geo. Me- Worthy matron of Doric Chapter, even old men and women who wish Clellan, Mary Cary, John Paulson, Marshfield, was yscorted to the East. to enter the race may do so at late as Wm. Zosel, W. E. Marion, V. L. Ham This being the fifty-third anniver Saturday. Prizes up to $1500 will be given, ilton, Philip Bourns, Bert Folsom, sary of the chapter, a birthday party and a coupon appearing elsewhere in Everett Strain, W. E. Bosserman, was held after the meeting. the Sentinel is good for 10 cents of Jennie Price. C. W. Ashton, R. E.1 the 25 cent admission price. Boober, Ula Leach, A. O. Walker, a J The Transcontinental Trek N. Gould, Wm. Kay, E. M. Kay, W.' *| The Transcontinental Trek that V. Glaisyej-, Donald Estes, Edna * I opens in the community building in Chadwick Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Hartson, R. T. Miller, Keith Leslie, North Bend will feature an entirely Special meeting of Chadwick Fred McClellan, Austin Clinton, Hes new idea in athletic events. The race, Lodge, No. 68, A. F. & A. M., Tuesday ter Holverstott, Arthur Simpson, as the name implies is a walking evening, June 30, at 8 p. m. Work in Mary Gilbert, Hal Howell, Myrtle race from coast to coast. The regu F. C.’ Clausen and Miaess Marjorie McClel lar derbies of the old-fashioned M. F. Pettit, W. M. lan, Gladys Meirs, 'Kathleen Collier, walk-a-thon will be augmented by Ruth Gisholt and Lois Kay, of Co new speed events, such as Australia Drink StllHcloui -the vitamin B quille; Mesdames Bernice Clausen, pursuit races, relay derbies, sprints Chocolate health drink. Contains W. T. Alpine, Martin and W. A. and treadmills. The contest will yeast. Cloverleaf Dairy, Pure Milk Bean, of Riverton; Mrs. Oro Laird feature mileage instead of hours. In &. Cream. Phone 7R42. 17tf and Mrs. Elton Schroeder, of Myr other words the teams must cover the tle Point. The afternoon was spent actual distance from New York to Investigate Pacific Mutural Non- with bridge. Cancellable sick and accident insur North Bend. Beulah Chapter, O. E. S., held its t The management is bringing in ance A. A. Nosier, Jr., Call 147-J.