•. - .. V >■ 4 t COQUILLE. OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE It, IM*. General Roads of bills allowed amount or dims ai.vw vva by w-- the —- Coun­ ty Court at the regular tegular June, 1936, 19J®, U. ... thereof, J.-- «"»<> oDDeais on ‘erm as the «me appe mon the exhibits of claims and custody. WITNESS my hand and seal of the County Court affixed this 15.h day of June, 1936. „ < . 4 tv ,.. Co’mty C’erk L. W. By j. W. Leneve, Deputy (Seal) E_ ........... reference tn which is hereby made and ty such reference made a pait of thia notice. Said improvement will be made at the expanse of the property bene- fitted thereby cs stated in said reso­ lution, and all of such improvement will be made in one project and in­ cluded in one assessment district. Any and all persons interested may make and file with the City Recorder written remonstrance against said improvement within twenty days from the first publication of this no­ tice, to-wit, within twenty days from the 19th day of June, 1936. F. G. Leslie, City Recorder. 23t2 15 451 J. 1. Routledge, Rent No. « — 88 20 W. W. Rhule, Labor.......... nished Co. Jail .... ..... .......... 22.50 |R. E. Mason, Rent ^ . ..------ Fred Royer, Labor ...... .... Coos County Farm, groceries, 79.83,Geo. E. Horn, 82.95 9.„- Chas. McAllister, Labor ... etc., Co. Jail.... ....... . ............ 71.00 Wm. Hegdahl, Rent No. 10 • Neil Peart, Labor ...... Cowbell Dairy, Inc., meats, 25 93 Mrs. Bronte Smith, pencils, 84 00 Levi Wilson, Labor.......... . etc. Co. Jail ............ .... _...... 36.00 I needles, etc. for No. 11 .. .... Allen McGlamery, Labor Coquille Hospital, professional 67 50 Presbyterian Church, Rent 94.50 J. McCarthy, Labor ....... .. services ........ ............. . .......... 88.00 Ian Chapman, Labor ....... Hugh Mcltain, County Judge tax «■? Drs. Peacock A Simpkin, ser- 60.00 3.00 Irvin Hartley. Rent No. 13 Mike Boone, Labor .......... Salary .... ..........—............ — vices Marian Davies 110.00 NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE­ 15.40. Laui a Ward, Rent No. 14_ Frank McAdams, Labor .... Wm. F HoweU, Sheriffs Sal­ ->nn nn Coquille Laundry Co., la«' Mae Lindstrom, Janitor Ser 105.00 Ralph Harry, Salary, Clerk ary ................................. -....... 1 200 001 MENT Court H 105.60 I vice No. 15 ..................... G. Gunderson, Labor . ........ P. W. Culver, Deputy Sheriff lannn West Coast Tele '97.56 City of Eastside, Rent No. 16 .. 97.00 Vic Lindstrom, Labor .... . Mntirw is ia hereby given that the Notice Salary ................ — 1*0 001 phone service ........... — 8.60 Port of Coos Bay, Rent No- 17 49.50 Common Council of the City of Co­ Coquille, water L- J. W. Dye. Labor ___ Eva Schroeder, Deputy Sher­ snnn Cl’y ' Marshfield Armory, Rent No. 7.20 wooo l Mountain States Puwe?Co, Ben Barkdoll, Labor -------- quille, did by resolution duly adopted iff Office ...... .... ¡8 .... .......... . ........ ...... ........... 88.00 at a meeting of said Council, held on Arlyn Barklow, Labor C. G. Caughell, Deputy Sheriff ’its A ............. 92.30 Mrs. Peter Johnson, Rent No. no & Power 5540 Emil Schroeder, Labor __ 5.36 the 15th day of June, 1936, and which NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE­ Itor’s supplies Tax Dept................ ^.. 70 0°l J. ICGill Co., janitor' 19 ........... ................. ... ......... MENT 84.00 resolution is on file in the office of 4.00 Elmer Rosa, Labor ........ . ____ J chimneys Margarita Brodie, Deputy .' S. P. Ware, sweeping City of Marshfield, Rent No. 96.00 th • City Recorder in the record of J. L. Lea, Labor ................. Court Co. Cel Sheriff Tax Dept......... .. ...... 90 001 is hereby given that the 92.00 20 ... ...... ......... ........... .......... G. L. Horton, Labor the proceedings of said Council, ref­ __ Notice Bancroft Whitney Co., Oregon Katherine Jane Hassler, Clerk _____ Council of the City of Co­ A. F. Bick, Rent No. 21 . ........ 113.70 erence to which is hereby made and Common 325 H. A. Steward, Labor .......... 80 00 1 Reports Tax Dept........................ . ...... Temple Tall, Rent No. 22 .... 102.30 by such reference the same is hereby quille, did by resolution duly adopted rhos. Lawhorn, Labor ..... Delores Belloni, Clerk. Tax 80.00 Stevens SU>ven* Cash Cash Hardware, keys Dave E. Jones, Rent No. 23 .75 Bridge Fund made a part of this notice, duly de- at a meeting of said Council, held on for Court House .................. Dept. ...... ............... . ..... ........ School Dist. No. 9 Rent No 24 294.00 | clare its intention and purpose to the 15th day of June, 1936, and which Coos County, Rent Equip. Josephine Brockman, services W. H. Kennedy, Pers. Tax 31.00 Morton Nelson, Janitor ,Ser- General Roads construct a sewer to be known as the resolution is on file in the office of ¿"shrubbery —.............. ..... Coll.................... — M6-00 3198 DO ’’TENTH STREET EXTENSION OF the City Recorder in the record of vice No. 24 ......... Coos County, Rent Equip. L. W. Oddy, County Clerk jCoos Bay Times, publishing . 28.00 THE NORTH END SEWER” from the proceedings of said Council, ref­ 2.00 School Dist. No. 85, Rent No. 25 A. Stambuck, Labor ......... Salary.... ......... ........... ........ Mis. Jenny Jacobson, Rent to which is hereby made and Bullards Ferry the center of Heath Street, thence erence J. W Leneve, Deputy Clerk ... 137M, Koke-Chapman Company. 2 10.00 east by such reference the same is hereby 150.25 M. McCarthy, Labor............ on Tenth Street for a distance of Georgianna Vaughan, Deputy k9o.oo*r-min<-c,i‘!i??_ Coos River Consolidated 24.00 made a part of this notice, duly de­ 3. Newton, Labor ..... ....... Wann A Collier, report to Clerk .............. -.......... —...... 510 feet. School, Rent No. 27 . .............. Bond Attorneys ..... «.... —.....- 53.25 Fairview Church, Rent No. 28 Said improvement will be made in clare its intention and purpose to Marjorie McClellan, Deputy f. L. Herman, Labor ....... ...... 35.00 accordance with the plans and speci­ improve 12th Street from the east Clerk ---------------------------— 80.00 State Ind. Acc. Commission School Dist. No. 30, Rent No. insurance ..._......................... 39.59 John Pederson, Labor ............. 35.00 fications of the City Engineer, filed line of Henry Street to the east line J. P. Beyers, County Assessor 166.67 .... ........ ............................ of Coulter Street, and for the im­ Various Offices West Coast Telephone Co., in the office of the City Recorder on provement of Coulter Street from Anna Rooney, Deputy Assess­ Community Building, Rent No. Phone Ser. Co. Shops A the 15th day of June, 1936, and the or ....... .......... . .............. —...... 90.00 L. W. Oddy, County Clerk, 30 ...... . .................................. Postage A express ............... 10.49 School Dist. No. 72, Rent No Rdmstr................................. ..... 40.43 estimate of the probable cost of said the north line of Tenth Street to the Chas. Stauff, County Treasur­ 150.00 Coos Bay Stationery Co., sup­ Mountain States Power Co., improvement is the sum of $1014.87, north boundary of Coulter Street, a er ........ 31 ............................................ 35.45 Mulkey, School plies ............................... — — Lights A Power Co. Ma. reference to which is hereby made distance of 1011 feet. Martha E. Julius Yutzler, Rent No. 32 .. Said improvement will be made in Supt........ .... —---- - --------- - 106.07 Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, sup- Shops —..................... ........... 21.40 and by such reference made a part accordance Hazel Pettengill, Rent No. 33.. 2.45 with the plans and speci­ plies ........... ............................ Beneva Volkmar, Stenograph­ City of Coquille, Water, Coun ­ this notice. School Dist. No. 44, Rent No. 2.95 of Said ty Shops ................... .... -..... improvement will be made at fications of the City Engineer, filed er—Supt. Office ................... 71.33 Ralph Billings, Secretary, O A 285.00 34 .................. — C Land Grant ............. ........ General Roads R. H. Mast, Probation Officer.. 120.00 the expense of the property bene- in the office of the City Recorder on E. E. Howe, Rent No. 35 ikblad Sports Shop, Two M. Earl Wilson, Health Officer 25.00 U. S. Dept, of Labor, National 35.00 Gravel Ford Community Hall, iitted thereby as stated in said reso­ the 15th day of June, 1936, and the .50 lution, and all of such improvement estimate of the probable cost of said Reemployment Serv.............. Leia Elrod, County Nurse ..... 60.00 Keys ........... .................. ........ Rent No. 36 ......... Indigent Assistance Mae M. Waggoner, Stenog. Littsell Parts Co., Plumb will be made in one project and in­ improvement is the sum of $2632.77, Dist. No. 23, Rent No 4.50 School 1 reference to which is hereby made Wrenches, etc. .............. _.... 15.70 cluded in one assessment district. Co. Crt..................................... 9500 N. P. Peterson ......... k ............. — 5.00 37 ....... .................. -..... ........ and by such reference made a part Thrift Grocery, Coquille ......... Coos Bay Mattress Co., Repair Louis J. Langerberg, Court 1 Any and all persons interested may Mrs. Hattie Coy, Rent No. 38 5.00 I 4.00 make and file with the City Recorder of this notice. - Reporter ............................. . 175.00 Sarah L. DeLong ...... Truck Cushion ................. Mrs. Elizabeth Lane, prepar Said improvement will be made at Bert Why ..................... . .......... 14.00 I J. N. Gearhart, Dep. Co. Sur­ Gumea’s Service Station, Tire ( written remonstrance against said ing polling place ..... 4.50 .90 improvement within twenty days the expense of the property bene- veyor ........................... ........ 43.33 Busy Comer Drug Co. ........... Repair ..._............................... Ida May Mathews, Rent No. 39 40.00 Carl C. Wilson, Janitor — 60.00 Campbell Funeral Home ..... . Coquille Machine Shop, Ma­ . from the first publication of this no- fitted thereby as stated in said reso­ 1.25 Fellowship Club, rent of tables 8.10 titse, to-wit, within twenty days from lution, and all of such improvement Dr. G. E. Dix x.....'........... ........ Stewart Whitsett, Janitor- terial A Lb. .......... -................ for No. 39 .................. . 98.25 will be made in one project and in­ Jailer ......................... ......... — 75.00 Coquille Hospital ..._................ The A us ton - Western Road . the 19th day of June, 1936. 29.00 i Geo. W. Laingor, labor at poll- cluded in one assessment district. Belle Whitsett, Matron A Cook 25.00 Keizer Bros . Hospital ......... Ma. Co., Material ................. 43.45 F. G. Leslie, I ing place, No. 39 ................. 58.00 Any and all persons interested may Mercy Hospital ............ Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, mile­ Wentworth A Irwin, Inc., Ma- i 23t2________________ City Recorder. 1.25 i E. A. Smith, Rent No. 42 ...... make and file with the City Recorder age ..._...................................... 62.75 i terial ...................... :............... 19.33 • r Dr. Everett Mingus -------------- I C. M. Hartwell, preparing 8.00 . written remonstrance against said Dr. T. F. Montgomery ............. Wm. F. Howell, conveying Bandon Wrecking House, La­ NOTICE OF STREET IMFROVE- 3.00 ” polls, No. 42 ........ ........... 9.59 John M. Simpkin ............. . ..... improvement within twenty days 5.00 2-__________ MENT prisoners ........ ....... ................ bor A Mat ............................ ... from the first publication of this no- Dr. Wm. Horsfall ..................... 25.50 R. W. Bullard Estate, Rent No. T. W. Culver, Deputy Sheriff, Southwestern Motor Co., Auto 5.00 43 ......................... -........ ...... 5.45 John M. Brynteson ...... . ........ . tice, to-wit, within twenty days from 15.55 return prisoner. ............... .... , Supplies .......... . ..... _ ............ Notice is hereby given that the 5.00 City of Bandon, Rent No. 45 Safeway Stores Inc., No. 133 Bert Mead, Salary, Deputy Western Union, Telegraph Common Council of the City of Co­ . the 19th day of June, 1936. 4.00 J. Ira Sidwell, Rent No. 46 ... F. G. Leslie, .55 quille, did by resolution duly adopted Sheriff .................................... 50,00 Sanford's Dairy A Groc.......... Service .............. . .................. City Recorder N. Swanson ...... ..... 16.00 Irene Cotter, preparing polls, Bert Mead, Mileage Deputy P. L. Johnson Plumbing Shop, at a meeting of said Council, held on No. 46...... -......................... — 1.20 the 15th day of June, 1936, and which Sheriff ...................... . ............ 37.32 Thrift Grocery . ...... —...... a ....... 51.50 Albert Material ................................. Panter, Rent No. 48 ... 3.50 Weber Cash Store .................. Myrtle Minter, Clerical work Taylor’s Battery A Ser. Sta- resolution is on file in the office of NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE­ Tax Dept................................. 65.00 Daisy Andrews .......... ... .......... 10.00 Mrs. John Haga, Rent No. 49 i tions. Brake Lining ............. MENT the City Recorder in the record of Cora E. Bolt, Rent No. 50 ...... 5.00 Evalyn Chapman ..................... Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash PC. J. O ’ Neil, Repair to Truck the proceedings of said Council, ref­ 8.68 Dick Hurlbut .......................... 10.00 II. R. Tower, Rent .......... .......... adv. Sheriff’s office ........... Lou Blanc, Inc., Supplies for is hereby given that the Notice erence to which is hereby made and 3.00 School Dist. No. 43, Rent No. City Transfer........................ Western Union, telegraph ser­ 3.91 by such reference the same is hereby Common Council of the Landrith Ferry ................... . City of Co- ...... 1 00 51 .................... » ...... — ■ City of Coquille (Water Dept. vice .......... . ............... . ....... Oregon State Hi Way Comm., quille, did by resolution duly adopted made a part of this notice, duly de ­ School Dist. No. 81, Rent No. 1.00 Mountain States Power Co...... Myrtle Point Herald, Supplies .78 clare its intention and purpose to at a meeting of said Council, held on Material .... ......................... . 2.00 52 ............ -....................... Busy Corner (Marshfield) ..... Southwestern Motor Co., la­ Consolidated Freight Lines, improve Seventh Street from the the 15th day of June, 1936, and which Mary B. Bennett, Rent No. 53 1.25 7.25 bor A material on car ..... . Dean P. Crowell ...................... 1.23 East line of Coulter Street to the resolution is on file in the office of Inc., Freight ......... ............... J. A. Radabaugh. Rent No. 54 3.75 Dr. O. H. Clarke ...................... Treasurer’s Office Howard Cooper Corporation, East line of Heath Street; and for the the City Recorder in the record of 1.25 City of Myrtle Point, Rent No. Dr. Arthur Gale ___________ John C. Merchant, Clerical _ , Material ............. .................. 205.35 improvement of Heath Street from the proceedings of said Council ref- 55 ................... ....... ....... . Mast Hospital ---------------------- 25.00 Chas. Stauff, cash adv. Treas. I Niles Motor Co., Auto Supplies 60.22 the North line of Seventh Street to erence ——- to •- which —»■<-». ■- ----- »_ and —■ is hereby made 61.00 School Dist. No. 77, Rent No. »-» J. » Rooney T*---- - A <7^ A..4~ office ....................... ....... ...... 16.15 Mercy Hospital ______ _ ____ P. Auto Co., Auto by such reference the same is hereby the South line of Eighth Street. 9.29 57 ........ - Assessor’s Office E. O. Sempert ............... .......... 2.66 Supplies ...... -... ...... -........._. Said improvement will be made in made a part of this notice, duly de­ 4 85 Mrs. Willa G Stallard, Rent Brown’s Red Cross Drugs....... J. P. Beyers, County Assessor J. Sistrom, Gravel ............... — 145.00 accordance with the plans and speci­ clare its intention and purpose to 67.00 A extra work No. 58.......... 8.64 Keizer Bros. Hospital ........ . mileage .................................. Wm. -Schrock, Royalty on fications of the City Engineer, filed improve Ninth Street from the East 10.00 School Dist. No. 12, Rent No. H. C. Getz, Salary, Draftsman 100.00 Tip Top Grocery ..... .............. , Gravel ..._............ -................. 24.84 in the office of the City Recorder on line of Heath Street; thence East to 3.00 1.60 Bangor Grocery ...... ......... ..... 59 ........... »....... -................... Hudson’s Drug Store, supplies Huntington ’ s Drug Store, First the 15th day of June, 1938, and the end of Ninth Street, a distance of 5.00 School Dist. No. 3, Rent No. 60 Bean A Randleman ---------- ..... The A. Leitz Company, draft- draft­ 1.85 estimate of the probable cost of said 490 feet. Aid Kit .......................... ........ 44.00 C. H. Walter, hauling ballot ing machine ............... .......... 48.83 Medford’s Grocery ................. Pure Iron Culvert A Manufac ­ Said improvement will be made in improvement is the sum of $1,120.98, 8.50 boxes ....... ........ .............. ....... Supt. Office Mrs. F. Noeninger ................. turing Co. .—........ — 15.05 reference to which is hereby made accordance with the plans and speci­ 5.00 Pacific Stationery A Ptg. Co., W. C. Parker........ ............. _... Martha E. Mulkey, School 5 35 Woodbury A Co., Spikes ...JU. and by such reference made a part fications of the City Engineer, filed 1.68 - Election Supplies. . ........ .... 18F35 F. D. Fish, Royalty on Gravel Supt., mileage .......... —..... — 29.14 Peoples Water A Gas Co........ J 4.35 of this notice. in the office of the City Recorder on r.oo 4.96 C. F. Otis, Registering Voters Coos Bay Stationery Co., sup­ The Hub ........... ........................ Wade Davis Hauling W P. A. Said improvement will be made at the 15th day of June, 1936, and the 103.99 E. W. Gregg. Sanitary Units .. 55.00 6.70 Reds Groc. A Co .......... ........... plies ..... -......... —— 9.00. the expense of the property bene- estimate of the probable cost of said Men ......................................... 94.00 Henry A. Schroeder, material Southwestern Oregon News, J. D. Stevens ........................... Bryon, School Bus, Haul­ fitted thereby as stated in said reso­ improvement is the sum of 81073.42, A labor County Court Room 100.00 Lee letterheads .......... - J7.75 Central Grocery ....................... 75.50 ing W. P. A. Men ----------- -- 24.00 lution, and all of such improvement reference to which is hereby made Koke - Chapman Company, Reds Grocery Company .......... 27.00 Keizer Bros. Hospital, care 5.78 will be made in one project and in­ and by such reference made a part Preston Monson, Cylinder Oil 20.00 Ryans Grocery ........ ......... ...... 14.00 Marian Davies -------- -------- 44.00 Harry Winters, Royalty on mimeo paper ----------------- - of this notice. cluded in one assessment district. 3.19 Steves Grocery ...... -......-..... - 22.00 The J. K. Gill Co., supplies .... ROADS 4.80 Gravel .......... ....... .......... Said improvement will be made at Any and all persons interested may Dean P. Crowell, M. D., .Au­ Stewart A Holcomb —.... —— 17.00 General Roads 85.00, Ballou A Wright, Electric Drill make and file with the City Recorder the expense of the property bene­ .85 P. Yarbrough, Labor .... .......... 8.00 Golders Auto Parts Co., Ma­ topsy—Harvey E. Nurss — 35.00 Red Cross Drug Co. ........ ......... written remonstrance against said fited thereby as stated in said reso­ 2.55 John Cary ------- --- ------ -- ------ 4.00 District Attorney Nicholson Drug Co. ------------- « terial, Bridge Fund ......... 69.75 improvement within twenty days lution, and all of such improvement 4.00 Standard Oil Co. of Calif., Gas Ben C. Flaxel, part sal. Sten- Pacific Drug Co......... —...... —• 11.25 J. W. Ruble, Labor-------- ----- - from the first publication of this no­ will be made in one project and in­ 2.50 Wayne Goodman, Labor .—.... 8.80 og. A Mileage .................... — 77.27 Mrs. 'A. M. Peterson ............... A Oil .................. t..... 1359.24 tice, to-wit, within twenty days from cluded in one assessment district. 6.00 Geo. Harding, Labor ............... 33 60 Ben C- Flaxel, telephone ser­ Dean P. Crowell ................ — F. C. Hill. Truck hire haulijjg Any and all persons interested may 1936. vice ...... —--------- - -------- 20.51 Dr. Ennis Keizer ..... ........ ...... 83.75 A. M. Hubbard, Labor ........... 18.00 dirt A W. P. A. men ... ^/T. 31.75 the 19th day of F. June, make and file with the City Recorder G. Leslie, Wm. E. Walsh, appearance for 17.85 F. C. Hill, Truck hire ............. 50.75 Keizer Bros. Hospital ........... 47.00 Wm. Twohig, Labor ............... against 2312_______ _ _ City Recorder. written remonstrance ___________ ___ nst said 15.00 Safeway Stores Inc., No. 435. 30.50 K. P. Ireland, Labor .... . ........ 37.50 Dist. Atty.............................. Southern Pacific Co., Freight improvement within twenty days Health Dept. 21.15 Donald M. Long, M. D --- ------ 12.50 1 Glen Borst, Labor ------------- 91.00 NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE­ from the first publication of this no­ on Gravel ......................... .'..... 2.00 | Tom Davis, Labor ........ . ........ 10.80 C. F. Bessee, Postage, etc...... Leia Elrod, County Nurse, City of Coquille ..............-......• 2.19 MENT tice, to-wit, within twenty days from 50.00 People Water A Gas Co........ — 1.68 Albert Miller, Labor .............. 15.30 mileage ..... -..... —• the 19th day of June, 1936. 1.10 Brooks Pointer, Labor----------- 10.80 Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash Mountain States Power Co. - Notice is hereby given that the State Industrial Acc. Comm., F. G. Leslie, 2.95 ! Chas. Blanchard, Labor . .......... adv. Health Dept...............—.. 15.00 The Hub Clothing A Shoe Co. 1.80 Common VWUVH Council of vsav the ^aaj City v* of Co­ 23t2 - Insurance Co. Emp................ 475.30 . VUIllinuil City Recorder. 7.00 J. C. Penney Co------- —---------- 11.92 . Vance Weekly, Labor ............. 72.80 Rackleff Pharmacy, supplies .. | quille, did by resolution duly adopted Stevens Hardware Co., Ma ­ 3.40 Pacific Drug Co. ------------------- 1.50 Wm. Benham, Labor Coquille Laundry Co., laundry 52.00 at a meeting of said Council, held on 1.68 terial Bullards Ferry ....... NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE­ H. O. Stalnaker ...... —..... 17.00 P. W. Crooks, Labor —. .........— 2048 the 15th day of June, 1936, and which MENT W. V. Glaisyer fees for cattle Bert Why .......... _.......... '.---- — 30.00 L. N. Williams, Labor............. 40.50 McNair Hardware Co., Mater­ resolution is on file in the office of .35 ial Denials Creek Ferry ....... 94.60 10.00 H W Wiebke, Labor ----------- 14.40 tested ..... ........ ------------- ----- Ryan Grocery ................. _ the City Recorder in the record of Notice is hereby given that the J. H. Bennett, fees for cattle Busy Comer Grocery ........... — 10.00 J. K. Baker, Labor ................. 49.50 Hosking Bros., Material Dan- 1.94 the proceedings of said Council, ref­ Common Council of the City of Co­ I iels Creek Ferry .... ..... ... tested ................... ..... ....... .... 64.50 Safeway Stores Inc. Nos. 139, E. R. Strain, Operating River­ erence to which is hereby made and quille, did by resolution duly adopted Koontz Machine Shop A Gar­ Tom Detlefsen, indemnity for 435 .......................................... 20.50 ton Ferry ......... ,.:.....:z..:...... .. 45.00 age, Material Dan. Cr Ferry 23.45 by such reference the same is hereby at a meeting of said Council, held on 4.00 Norman cattle ...... ................................ 1500 C. O. Brokke ............................ Wilsan, Operating made a part of this notice, duly de­ the 15th day of June, 1936, and which Acme Planing Mill, Material County Court 2.76 Peoples Water A Gas Co.------ Bullards Ferry .—............... 240 00 11.73 clare its intention and purpose to resolution is on file in the office of Daniels Ck. Scow Ferry __ 5.00 H. D. Gilbert, operating Dan­ Chas. Stauff, cash advanced Mrs. F. Noeninger ............ ...... improve Elliott Street from the south the City Recorder in the record of Hooton Electric Shop, Materi­ Co. Court ------------------------- 10.00 Gano Funeral Home ------------ 35.00 iels Creek Ferry .................. 85.00 3.05 line of Second Struct, thence south the proceedings of said Council, ref­ al Daniels Ck. Scow Ferry.. R. H. Mast, mileage Probation 5.00 Geo. Landrith, Operating Lan­ Sanford’s Dairy A Co.............. to pavement, a distance of 420 feet; erence to which is hereby made and Stian Smith, Towing Daniels Offr......... ................................ . 39.72 Browns Red Cross Drugs ..... 2.00 drith Ferry..................... ...... 20.00 7.50 and to improve First Street from the by such reference the same is hereby Ck. Scow Ferry ........ ........ . 2.00 J. N. Gearhart, Plat Index — 28.00 Mrs. E. Paulson ............. Spec'%1 Rd. N*. 14 end of pavement, 100 feet west to the made a part of this notice, duly de­ Herman Bros., Anchor, Dan­ Circuit Court Ryan Grocery ...... -.................. 13.50 iels Ck. Scow Ferry .......... 10.00 west line of Elliott Street, thence east clare its intention and purpose to Charles Evland, Court Bailiff 8.00 M. C. Miller, Labor................... 81.40 Albert Panter .......................... 399 feet to west line of Henry Street. improve Holly Street from the north 3.00 Mrs. Evalyn Chapman ........... for May .................................. 2.00 Frank Heller, Labor ------------ 25.20 Port Orford Cedar Co., Lum­ 47.70 Said improvement will be made in line of Eleventh Street, north 537 1.60 ber Landrith Ferry ............. City of Marshfield, rent of Knife Hospital ----- --------------- 44.00 R. B. Howe, Labor .................. 36.00 accordance with the plans and speci­ feet to the north boundary of Holly Circuit Court Rooms ........... 20.00 Mast Hospital ...... .................... 15.00 E. Abernathy, Labor ............... Coquille Service Station, Auto 5.40 Supplies, Gen. Rds................. 195.70 fications of the City Engineer, filed Street; and for the improvement of Chas. Evland, Grand Jury 2.50 T. S. Easton, Labor................... Clarence Perkins ........ ............ 7.20 in the office of the City Recorder on Bush Street from the east line of Bridge Fund Bailiff ----- - ------- --------------- 12.00 David E. Baird ........................ 3 75 Edwin Crowley, Labor ........... the 15th day of June, 1936, and the Holly Street, thence east 247 feet. Special Rd. No. 5 County Farm Geo. W Bryant Logging Co., 1.90 Mountain States Power Co..... 14.40 lulldozer 270.00 . estimate of the probable cost of said F. C. McNelly, Salary, Supt. 1 100.00 Oderkirk A Son —.... -— Inc., Labor with Bulldozer 53.45 Elmer Young, Labor Said improvement will be made In Edith McNelly, Salary, Matron 40 00 Carl Sandine ............................ 101.93 Frank Harris, Labor ......... — 18.00 J. W. Robbins, Piling ............ 81.71 i improvement is the sum of $2,007.39, accordance with the plans and speci- —s: — _ *• - I reference to which is hereby made • ffcitiXrrjrfrJv s^c‘: - General Roads Reta Norton, Salary, Nurse .... 65.00 1 Thrift Grocery, Coquille ....... F. L Holser A Co., Inc., Ma­ ,M 47|Sfthta 5.00 ynX reie”"<* mad Election Returns and other ia nn' Wilkins. Labor ----------------- etc., Health Office . j ..;----------- 12.99 Piling for Fairview Bridge . 32 03 94.00 work Said improvement will be made in this notice. ' |F. Smith. Labor ................. STATE OF OREGON 113.30 accordance with the plans and speci­ Lakeside School Dist. No. 66. Dated and first published this 12th Sandines Food Store, groceries ■ nn'Tom Evans, Labor ------------ County of Coos: ss. 145.00 fications of the City Engineer, filed Rent for Polling Place No. 1 20.62 for J. Jennings ..... ...... . I. L W Oddy, County Clerk of in the office of the City Recorder on day of June, 1936. . 00 M. A. Brown, Labor ........ — 76.45 School Dist. No. 38; No. 2....... J. 3. Stanley, Gano Funeral Home, ambu­ Coos County, and ex-officio clerk of 3 00 ' Dtat Maint. Roads the 15th day of June. 1936, and the Executor of the Last Will and Test­ 1.50 Kaye J. Howard, No. 3 ........... lance for Lola Olsen ........ ... the County Court of said County and I A. D. Lee, Labor ........ ........... 52.00 North Bayside Grange. Rent estimate of the probable cost of said ament of Jasper M. DeLong, De­ Gano Funeral Home, funeral 5.00 Herman Hougell, Labor ...... 4.00 State, do hereby certify that the Improvement is the sum of 82063.20, ceased. of Polling Place No. 4------- 22t5 34.64 W. H. Mitchell----- - — foregoing is a statament of the 4.00 8,00 Warren Bullards, Labor 'James Nowlin, Rent No. 5.___ Coos County Farm, meat fur- PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COURT *