PAG« SR fa Dad z? Father's Day REMEMBER HIM with these wearables AT T WARNER’S Dad’s no sissy! He doesn’t want flowers or too-sweet sentimental cards. Just pat him on the back, give his cheek a light peck, and hand him a box with one or all of these . nv. VK m H i •:;y i plain white and real dandies, in solid colors for conservative dads; in handsome patterns for the younger OTTmnrO OJL1.1.1V -L 0 QUITTING BUSINESS SALE •79c to $1.65 kind Free gift box with every purchase. copied from the most expensive imported listes, They look like three dollars a pair, but HOSE 52 ONLY Smartly Tailored Suits they cost . . 19c to 39c HANDKERCHIEFS Including Michael Stern, Society Brand and other well known brands. with hand rolled edges and hand hemstitch* ed borders. Plenty of plain whites . . . plenty of hand made monograms . . . * plenty of colors REGULARLY PRICED . . 5c to 39c We will gladly mail anywhere in the U. S. NOW we didn’t count ’em, but it looks as though there are a hundred patterns, Dark grounds or light . . . TIES Xt PXX19cto79c — Also Hundreds of other Bargains to choose from -1 — MYRTLE POINT ITEMS Falls, after a short visit with her par­ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Arnold re­ New Pipe Organ at Pioneer ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W Dcyoe. Her turned home the last of the week Church to Be Dedicated niece, Ann Kenyon, accompanied her from Portland, where they attended and will spent the summer in Klam­ the Rose show. (Continued from Page One) ath Falls. Miss Florence Mullen and her Mrs. Amy Guerin and son, Eckley, brother, William, left last week for overtonea, is capable of producing and Mrs. Dale Druliner left Saturday their home in Honolulu, Hawaii. many million different tones. Over morning for Eugene and Corvallis, The Presbyterian Ladies Aid met where they will visit for a few days. Wednesday afternoon in the church 253,000,000 different tone combina­ Miss Alberta Volkmar has accepted parlors with Mrs. Mary Bennett, Mrs. tions have been computed on the in­ a position in the local telephone of­ Paul Breuer and Mis. Florence strument. A skilled organist will be able to duplicate the sound of every fice. Guerin as hostesses. After the usual Mr. and Mrs. John Luttrell, of Cor­ .business meeting refreshments were musical instrument having a sustain­ ed tone, as well as create many new vallis, spent a few days in Myrtl? served. and striking tone colors never heard Point this week, coming to attend the Funpral services were held for Mrs. funeral of Mr. Luttrell’s mother, Mrs. Jennie Luttrell Saturday afternoon before. Coquille and, in fact, southwestern Jennie Luttrell. at“ the* Schroeder chapel with Rev. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Linn and chil­ Mr. Cronk officiating. Mrs. Luttrell Oregon is, indeed, very fortunate in dren left Thursday for Salem, where leaves to mourn their loss, two sons, having this new invention available The Hammond they will visit relatives and friends Roy Luttrell, of Bridge, John, of Cor­ for its enjoyment. and also attend the fifteenth reunion vallis, and one daughter, Mrs. Emery organ is the latest invention in this field, the first one being installed in of their class at Willamette univer­ Eggers, of Broadbent. Pallbearers a church only a year ago. Since that sity. were Edwin Schroeder, Albert Car­ Mrs. George Parker moved last ver, Lloyd Leatherman, Sam John­ time many large churches, auditori­ week to Klamath Falls, where she ston, Arthur Hermann and 3. S. Reed. ums, and opera houses have had them rkis New Form of Iron Produce« will make her home with her son, , Interment took place in the Norway installed. A few such are: the San Franbisco Opera Association building.' Quickest Comeback of All Great George. ' cemetery. Strength Builders. Madison Square Garden in New Mrs. Ella Guerin returned home Mrs. Clifford Agee and daughter, Monday from Dora, where she spent Shirley, returned to their home in York, Henry Ford Museum in Dear- j TVke Clements' Tonic three time« a •Isy for ten days and you’ll feel like the past week with her sister, Mrs. Klamath Falls, after a short visit at bom. Michigan, Balboa Park Ampi- ii n new |x»rHon. Overwork, worry, ex- theatre in San Diego, and the U. S. Neil Gearhart. eeosive eating, late hours and too the E. F. Hofman home. strenuous living during the winter Naval Academy Chapel, Annapolis, I Mrs. Raleigh Greene and Mrs. H. Mrs. Mitchell Myers and small son months means that your nerves have I Carver returned home the last of the and Miss Melba Myers went to Med­ Md. been abused snd you need the beet ■ remedy you can get to put them in public is cordially invited to The week from a week’s stay in Portland, ford Friday. Miss Myers returned ,ood shape. where they attended the Rose festival home but Mrs. Myers will make her attend both the dedication service Get Clemente’ Tonic today. Tn three days you’ll step livelier, your eyes will and the Eastern Star grand chapter. home in Medford for a few motnhs. and the concert on Sunday At the brighten; you'll start to grow young­ dedication in the morning hour, a Mrs. Otto Davis returned home er instead of older snd soon you will chorus choir will sing, and Mrs. Maud regain the old time vigor and con- from a few adys’ visit in Portland. Calling cards, 50 for SI .00. Bd-nce and no one will dare to sug- Woodyard will sing a solo. Before Mr. and Mrs. George Dickinson re­ Ct that you are “Down and out” or the dedication ceremony, Rev. W. -e “Lost your grip." turned to their home in Grants Pass WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Raymond Wilder will preach upon 'fry it far 10 days (1 tablets 9 times Warrants No. 105« to No. 1099 incl., after a few days’ visit In Myrtle a day with meals) with the clear no­ the theme, “The Music of the Ages.” drawn against Union High School Point. de. standing that yen must get real ra­ District, No. 9, Riverton, Oregon, will At the evening hour the guest artist mi^ or money bash._______________ Mr and Mrs. Graydon Crews have be paid upon presentation to the from San Francisco will give a full CLEMENT S TONIC gone to Seattle, Washington, to at­ clerk. hour in concert upon the organ. For Tfcé Ivon-Wjv to Better He ilth Interest on said warrants ceases individual music, Leonard Ensele will. tend summer school. June 19, 193«. Lavelle McCracken left the play a group of numbers on the violin Mrs. M. E Borgard, RACKLEFF PHARMACY last Miss and Mr. Wilder will also sing a group j of the week for Hillsboro, where Clerk U. H. No. 9, Phone IM Grtmoe Bldg. Coqnllio, Or. she has employment. 23t3 ,. Star R ,Bandon, Ore. Of «elections. ' AT « , Betty Ross left Saturday morning for Medford and Klamath Falls, where she will spend her summer va­ cation. Mrs. Guy Woodrock and son, Billie, left Saturday morning for their home in Portland. They spent the past month at the home of Mrs. Wood­ rock’s sister, Mrs. Rose Garrett. Ray Guerin took the bus at Co­ quille Sunday evening for Los An­ gele«, California, where he has em­ ployment. Mrs. Paul Tanner left Friday morning for her home in Klamath Body and Fender repair work done Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and by experienced mechanics. Our body milk, the only milk and cream mads painter is an expert. Let us prove safe by pasteurization. we have the best of repair service. Southwestern Motor Co. lltf Calling cards. 50 for SI 00 To Be Continued Folks Over 40 Lost Vigor-Pep ¡934 1933 1929 ¡929 1930 1932 THESE SENSIBLY PRICED: PLYMOUTH SEDAN - - $125.00 CHEVROLET COUPE - - $100 00 DODGE SEDAN 6-W - . $80 00 CHEV. COAACH (Recond.) . $70.00 CHEVROLET SEDAN - . $75 00 PLYMOUTH SEDAN - - $80.00 Down Down Down Down Down Down John A. Biegger Inc. DODGE, PLYMOUTH DEALER 344 Front St We Never Close Phone 103 J G m . Oil, Tires and Storage