Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1936)
coquille . oas&m. fmdat , june u , its*. FAQS Under the Bleachers easily. Perhaps then he would have (By Mark Seeley) ! Bill Fortier has left lots behind let his ire get away from him and him. Imagine our surprise at Empire also would have listened to the fans’ ♦ last Sunday when BUI didn't enter plea*. the hectic fray the Logegr* had with Marriage Licennea the Crabs of Empire as a pinch hitter. BUI said he hadn't had any batting June 5—Marion Neal and Nora A. practice this year, so we are advising Robbins, both of Bandon. They were the old roUy-polly to attend to the married last Friday by Rev. D. J.oree matter. at the T. O. Neal home in Bar.don. Another bit of evidence, too, was June 5—Loonce m.i.e., Millet, Jr, «uu and Bill’s after-the-game statement that,' Mildred Henderson, both of Marsh- “Yes, it was a bad one.” | field. They were married Friday by Coquille was trailing, 4 to 1, when Rev. J. W. Sheridan at St. Monica's the eighth inning started. Foss was parish. .already in and Baker was on third June 6—Henry F. Rivers and Ruth and Kolstad on first when Mel Dun- M Amend, both of Coquille. They can blasted a blow toward the aUey were married at the M. E. South between the first and second base-' parsonage here last Saturday by men. Everything seemed O. K, but Rev. W. Raymond Wilder. the umps ruled that Kolstad had been I June 6—Ted Perry and Grace hit by the ball. This made the third Crone, both of Marshfield. out- | June 8—Ralph Everett Woodring It might be added that after the and Lourine Morris, both of Powers, inning even the Empire player* ad-' June — Robert June 8 8 — Robert Ferguson, Ferguson, of mltted that Coquille had been robbed. I Marshfield, and Mabel Graham, of A few year* back Bill would not North Bend. have let that putrid decision in the June 8—Mark James Morrison, of Lakeside, and Gertrude Borgard, of Bandon. June 9—Donald Snyder and Alma Diehl, both of Marshfield. June 10—Carl L. Barnes and Irene Edwards, both of Marshfield. June 10—Walter Dunham and Thelda Miller, both of Powers. June 10—Adam Donaldson, Jr, of IN 1776 ROVING BANDS WHO Marshfield, and Elma Russell, of North Bend. STOLE CATTLE FROM THE CON June 11—Chas. G. Richmond and TINENTAL AND BRITISH FORCES Jean Cooke, both of Marshfield. WERE KNOWN AS COWBOYS. cjThe rÆeyinninyj' Larger Size, Lower Price Bath Towels They’ll Stand Hard Wear! Double Loops Gay Borders Bath Towels Great Value of the Seaton! Famous Nation Wide Tested LATER THIS C01NE0 NAME WAS New Cases in Circuit Court USED FOR THE HONEST RIDERS OF THE CATTLE RANGES z June 6—Myrtle McGregory and Lelah Milton v*. B. F. Leisch et al. June 8—Mariam A. Lorenz vs. Al vin H. Lorenz. Suit for divorce. June 9—Dora Burelle vs. Vernon C. Burelle. Suit for divorce. June 11—Douglas Bldg. Si Loan Assn. vs. A. S. Bean et al. June 11—Douglas Bldg. Si Loan Aasn. v*. C. D. Walker et al. June 11—C. F. Easter vs. Jas. and Eva L. Watson. Everything you want in a bath towel I Largs aise, absorbency and service! Solid colors in new ihades. 28 by 46 inches. u 1 ----------------- BARBER TOWEL« Red stripe border on ends. 14 by 24 in. 6 You’ll be pleased with the rapid absorbency of these towels. The popular sisa—22 by 42 inches. Smartly striped colored borders. SHEETS 84* 9Oc Äqp OTHER SIZES Size 63"x99" 7^« Size 72"x99" B4C Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and milk, the only milk and cream made »afe by pasteurization. Site tlW Size 81"xlOB"l-«* The quality that is famoua for wear. Tested and endorsed by millions of Penney customers. Firmly woven of selected cot ton yarns. Smooth finish. For sound Fire Insurance, go to Ned C. Kelley. Electric Cookery School Wednesday Afternoon JUNE 17,1956 LIBERTY ftiEATRE J P. M. All Quiet in Palestine ———— i lage*. i this weary land and yet they are not SEPARATOR Oil in bulk. 65c gal. Write« T R Jack man' We arc very thankfuI that thia UP- ■ ■ position to rebuke the unruly Bring your container. Coo* Feed _____ ’ rising did not take place during East- Arab* a* they ought to be, for fear of & Seed Store*. Palestine—The Holy Land ha* once er week when ot wild a general Moslem uprising through- Arabs were in Jerusalem celebrating the Moslem world. There is con- WHEAT, *1.85. Farr A Elwood, Inc. again settled down to a peaceful state Nebbi Musa. The potential possibili- I out siderable talk about the possibility of —at least we hope so. The past few Several good, used Weed Rangée day* have been day* of rioting, cold- ties of massacre were very apparent1 Palestine coming under the hand of H<£ted murder and'ge™rei*m«ib dis- then and “ b3caua® the mil- I This is not at all impossible, as for «ale. Mr. States Power Co., Co 42tf I itary police and British soldiers were neither Jew* nor Arabs are satisfied quille. turbances. so much in evidence that a riot did with the present administration, The Jews—hated seemingly by ev- FOR SALE—Hay Salt. *1.00 per 100 »ry nation—without a national home, not break out. As the several con- , Then, too, this country falls within the 1b». at Coot Feed & Seed Store«. »re endeavoring to have a Land they tingents of Arabs entered Jerusalem boundaries of the ancient Roman Em from the outlying districts they would pire which many believe is even now .an call their own, where they can WANTED—Part time housework; .ave homes to raise their families, put on sword dances and work them being rebuilt. Certainly Benito Mus care of children. Experienced. '.nd so we find them returning to selves into a frenzy of hatred for the solini will not stop any place short of References. Phone 100R. It* heir ancient land only to find that Jew*. One of their many song* or accomplishing that whlcfithe Caesers rather outbursts of yelling against the have done. Onion Set«, 5c 1b. Farr & Elwood, Inc. the Arabs are hostile. Jews was as follows: “O Zionists —Ted Jackman, Jerusalem. This last outbreak has been brew- WANTED—Five tons of Green Hides, what right have you in this country? ng for some time. We have all cow and calves', 4Hc to 12c 1b. What have you in comomn with us? nown that a clash was inevitable. A Also Wool and Sheep Pelts. Cas- If you stay in this country you will j ■w Hay« ago a Jew was riding in a cara bark, green or dry. Pay all find graves." And so while brand Us and was shot in cold blood by an wholesale prices. J. E. Buttner, 2 ishing their swords and dagegrs they tab. Then the other evening some miles south of Bandon on highway. screamed their desire to murder the One Cent a Word Each Insertion ■abs barracaded the highway near 18tf Jew*. Had this outbreak taken place No Adv. less than 25 cents ■lusalem and robbed all that came then there would undoubtedly have------------------------ ------------------------------- . _ _ , _ Unfortunately some Jew» been a wholesale massacre of Jews FOR SALE or Will Trade tor Cattle— - Crown Dairy, Poultry A Turkey were in one of the cars and so after Call Fe*dj bett«r mults. Coos Feed and othei s As it was it took three ' Sound, gentle work horse. >bbir.g them they placed their rifles S^d Store*. lines of soldiers at the Jaffa Gate to i John Kirk. 57L after 4 p. m, Co- right against their bodies and killed keep order. First there was a line of ! quiHe. 11 FOR SALE—Modem 5-room House them just because they were Jews. mounted police, then a row of British That was the final touch to start the and three lota, cheap. C. W Gano soldiers backed by another row of I OR SALE—Oronite, Shell & Union conflagration, the Arab* had smelled 12tf Fly Spray in bulk at Coos Feed & native police and, of course, there blood, and so that night in Jaffa Store«. were many contingents of soldiers all FOR SALE—42 acres. 6 Bottom. Or .hey started butchering every Jew over the city. chard. Good 4-room house, well at that they could find. Jaffa and Tel FOR RENT—4-room furnished house, Although the number of Jewish back door, live stream through Aviv are neighboring cities, the lat 376 West Sth, comer Fifth and casualties have been very light, only place. 20 acres cleared, 8 mile» ter being all Jewish and Jaffa pre Taylor. Inquire of Mrs. McEl- aeventen to date, with scores treated out on good graveled road. Quelle dominately Arabic. The highway waine on the premises, phone 182J, litt Cafe. onneeting the two was strewn with in the hospitals for injuries; this is or at Southwestern Motor Co. rnly a forerunner of more cerious ............ ; dead and dying. The only Arabs 'hat were killed were those who re rouble that will break out at most LADY of middle age, unencumbered. amr time. In fact this present upris- I as partner in business. Salary of lated the police. Many Jews were ir® may continue to greater propor $20 per week in addition to one- butchered, some beyond all recogni- tions. half of profita from business. Ex ion, others rescued by the police and There is no country in the world perience unnecessary. Interesting are recovering in the hospital*. work, good income. All replies It seemed for a time that all Pales that has suffered so much by wars *500 and references tine would be thrown into a mad nd riots than this little country, confidential. as the Holy Land. --------------- Jerusalem ' required. 304 Panama Bldg.. Port- ,-------- ------------------ state of war. Here in Jerusalem, as known H* <v cry where, the military police, steel- has been destroyed no less than twen- , land, Ore. . — . - ■ ■ he'metted and with rifles, were po ty times and over fifty times it has, Farr A El licing all highways and sections of the suffered the lavages of war. Pales- HORSE HAY 00c cwt. wood, Inc. cities. Today the report is that it is lina has always been a bridge over “all quiet” but that is only compara which the world emperors have marched, such as Napoleon, Alexan- FOR RENT—5-room, unfurnished tively speaking. Just this moring when house, to couple without children. der the Great, the Pharaohs of Egypt, we were starting our friends, (Dr. Address P. O. Box 404. Coquille. the monarches of Assyria, the Cru and Mrs. Jefferiesj, off on their trip to Europe, it became necessary to call saders from Europe, etc. The future SCRATCH, *105. Farr A Elwood. a police squad for protection. Over is not altogether bright, as Bible stu 100 Arab students blockaded the dents believe that another mighty EXPERIENCED Operator — Diesel famous Guaranteed O. K. tag; tor highway right in front of our house conflict is yet to take place in this engine or Caterpiller Tractors. Can only *385.00. and were stoning all Jewish cars that land. It will be the world's greatest qualify on any job. O. Garnier, It is came along and even some British and most terrible conflict. 440 South Coulter, Coquille. It* 1020 DESOTO SEDAN—Motor com spoken of as The Battle of Armaged pletely overahuled. good tire* and cars. The police quickly dispersed don. paint. Mohair upholstery, and Hy FOR SALE—Used F 20 McCormick them and we got the Jeffrerie* to the Ve da not know, of course, how draulic brake«. Special for today Deering Farmall Tractor. 2 Used train that was loaded to capacity, *2*5.00. McCormick Mowers. J. A. Lamb mostly with Jews and others who long it will be before this battle will 1020 BUICK SIX—Motor completely Company. were afraid to travel by car. A take place but in the meantime there overhauled. Original factory finish, strong military escort accompanied will be troublous days for the Pales good tire« and upholstery. Special the train as the Arabs even stone the tinians. The British government has FRYERS Live Weight, 20c 1b. Farr for today *335 00 & Elwood, Inc. done wonders in bringing order to train when it goes through Arab vil- '. 1. Want Ads Miss Marguerite Fenner, Home Economist for the Mountain States Power Company, will conduct an electric cookery school, featuring complete dinners, at the Liberty Theatre, Wednes day afternoon at 2 p. m. We urge that yon plan now to attend this school. Mountain States Power Co.