TH« COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE. .QUGON, FRIDAY. JUNE U, 1M6. PAGBTWKLYR ___ MINOR MENTION L. R. Jameson, son of Nate Jame­ son of the Arrow Mills, arrived in Coquille last Thursday and will be here for some time taking care of the company's Coquille interests. Telling About People and Events in the City and County Carroll Jessie O’Brien was brought to jail here on Monday to serve a ten-day sentence imposed by Justice Bolt at Marshfield for being drunk and disorderly. Mrs. Geo. H. Jenkin» left Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Tex Davidson and for Portland, to »pend two week» vis­ small daughter, of Los Angeles, are iting her mother. her visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Buy Ideal Bakery bread because It Harry Ross. They are former resi­ is better. Sltf dents of Coquille and plan to spend a Mr». Jack Lefevre returned Satur­ couple of months here this summer. day from a two weeks’ visit with her A baby girl was born to Mr. and daughter at Corvallis. Mrs. Ted Huitin, of Bandon, at the Dr. G. C. Stem, chiropractic physi­ Coquille Hospital this morning at ten cian, foot correctionist, electro thera- o’clock. It is their first child. When - pi st, 292 Moulton St., phone BflJ. 22tf the Sentinel reporter called at the Mr. and Mrs. E. F. McDonald are hospital the young lady had not yet leaving Saturday for Pendleton, been weighed. where he will teach next fall. Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and milk, the only milk and cream made safe by pasteurization. Mrs. Fred McClellan and daughter, Marjorie, left Tuesday to spend a few «. days in Salem visiting relative». For reliable Life, Sick and Accident insurance, • call A. A. Nosier, Jr. Call 147-J. ‘-wit Mrs. M. O. Hawkins and daughter, Mrs. Tom Dimmick, left on Monday for Portland to attend the Rose show festivities. J. A. Church, gunner in the U. S. Marine Corps and formerly of Wash­ ington, D. C., enjoyed a three days’ visit here last week with his aunt. Mrs. Jerry Peart, while enroute to San Diego to take up his duties there. He has been transferred to Roosevelt, Sr., and has spread If both contestants huve one shoe through all the Northwest stages. each an equal distance from the stake, Coos county was the twenty-first to or against the »kike or ringers, they ■hall he counted ss tie and the next be organized in Oregon. While Pro-America is partisan in closest shoe shall score, la case all Investigate Pacific Mutural Nen- four shoes are tie or an equal distance its objects, its members would con­ Cancellable sick and accident insur­ from the stake, or four ringers, no centrate its efforts this year, Mrs. ance A. A. Nosier, Jr., Call 147-J. icare shall be recorded; the contestant Ireland said, in an endeavor to have who pitched last shall be awarded the every registered woman voter cast Buy your fuse plugs, the depend­ lead. x her ballot at the November election. able kind, at Hooton’» Electric Shop, 5 cents each. A. L. Hooton, electrical contractor Body and Fender repair work done and dealer, 274 Second St., Coquille. by experienced mechanics. Our body ----------------------------------- . Complete stock of wiring supplies. painter is an expert. Let us prove we have the best of repair service. INEZ ROVER Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley Southwestern Motor Co. lltf in a reliable Oregon stock company. Accredited Piano Teacher Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and Keys made for all locks. Stevens milk, the only milk and cream made Cash Hardware, Coquille, Ore. safe by pasteurization. Buy local bread and support home For sound Fire Insurance, go to industry. Siti Ned C. Kelley. Beginners and Advanced Inatrne- lion in Piano, Reed Organ and Accdrdlon 165 Wert Second St. [T H UR , J U N E 14 -15 -16 ] June 18 ]| BANK cnc NIU6T Too big •ny one ..» BIGGER with Tour ANN HARDING ' ----- PREVIEW THE UJlTnE55 CHOIR Thurston Holl Direct rd by Albert S. Rogell ACelvmblaFktvr« 10c & 25c Selected Short The New Subjects iberty L Admission 10c & 35c THEATRE COQUILLE OLMANCOLBERT IACIFM.I -- £ ( ~ I I 10c & 35c Coming Soon “MR. DEED GOES TO TOWN” «tarring GARY COOPER and JEAN ARTHUR. “SPECIAL INVESTIGATOR” star­ ring RICARD DIX. ‘EX MRS. BRADFORD’ ‘SHOW BOAT*