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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1936)
TH« COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE. .QUGON, FRIDAY. JUNE U, 1M6. PAGBTWKLYR ___ MINOR MENTION L. R. Jameson, son of Nate Jame son of the Arrow Mills, arrived in Coquille last Thursday and will be here for some time taking care of the company's Coquille interests. Telling About People and Events in the City and County Carroll Jessie O’Brien was brought to jail here on Monday to serve a ten-day sentence imposed by Justice Bolt at Marshfield for being drunk and disorderly. Mrs. Geo. H. Jenkin» left Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Tex Davidson and for Portland, to »pend two week» vis small daughter, of Los Angeles, are iting her mother. her visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Buy Ideal Bakery bread because It Harry Ross. They are former resi is better. Sltf dents of Coquille and plan to spend a Mr». Jack Lefevre returned Satur couple of months here this summer. day from a two weeks’ visit with her A baby girl was born to Mr. and daughter at Corvallis. Mrs. Ted Huitin, of Bandon, at the Dr. G. C. Stem, chiropractic physi Coquille Hospital this morning at ten cian, foot correctionist, electro thera- o’clock. It is their first child. When - pi st, 292 Moulton St., phone BflJ. 22tf the Sentinel reporter called at the Mr. and Mrs. E. F. McDonald are hospital the young lady had not yet leaving Saturday for Pendleton, been weighed. where he will teach next fall. Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and milk, the only milk and cream made safe by pasteurization. Mrs. Fred McClellan and daughter, Marjorie, left Tuesday to spend a few «. days in Salem visiting relative». For reliable Life, Sick and Accident insurance, • call A. A. Nosier, Jr. Call 147-J. ‘-wit Mrs. M. O. Hawkins and daughter, Mrs. Tom Dimmick, left on Monday for Portland to attend the Rose show festivities. J. A. Church, gunner in the U. S. Marine Corps and formerly of Wash ington, D. C., enjoyed a three days’ visit here last week with his aunt. Mrs. Jerry Peart, while enroute to San Diego to take up his duties there. He has been transferred to <he place Rev. and Mrs. Hale B. Eubanks and daughter came in Monday evening from their home in Klamath Falls. The latter will spend a couple of weeks visiting at the L. H. Hazard home while Mr. Eubanks is attending an Episcopal summer school near La Grande. J____ , Grandpa Lou Hazard is wearing I, met in the community hall on Sat- though he was visibly elated on Tues- day when word came that a 7 Mi pound son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sercombe at Portland that morning. Mrs. Sercombe was for merly Miss Adrienne Hazard. This is not, of course, Mr. and Mrs. Hazard's first grandson, for their son, Austin, who expects to visit Coquille this summer with his wife, also has a son. Dusting Sulphur for Garden Pests, Aphis Sprays, Bug-Go, etc. See our complete line of Garden Pest exter minators. Coos Feed 8c Seed Stores. Miss Elois Wilson, who left last week on a trip through the East, writes that she enjoyed u lovely visit with the Rev. S. D. Walters family in Prescott, Arizona, and had a delight ful trip with them to the grand can yon. She will go from there to Ells worth, Kansas, where she will visit her mother’s old home; then to Phil-1 adelphia and New York and to Washington, D. C., where she will visit at the Lyman Carrier home. On the return trip she will stop in Ohio, where she will visit relatives. She expects to be gone several months. FRI-SAT Aaron Wilson announces this week the opening'of a modem, up-to-date grocery store in the Farr & Elwood building on the corner of 2nd 8c Tay lor street in connection with the Feed and Seed business of Farr & Elwood, Inc. Mr. Wilson worked for twenty- two years in the Busy Comer Gro cery of this city. For the past two years he has been engaged in operat ing a Rawleigh Prodqcts route. He is closing out his Rawleigh line and will devote his energies to supplying fresh fruits and vegetables, fancy and staple groceries, and in connection with Farr 8c Elwood all lines of feeds and seeds. Farr 8c Elwood have remodeled their building by making an open front on Taylor and Second streets and with a wide marque around the corner which provides Mr. Wilson with a very modern, up-to-date gro cery store. Mr. Wilson will special ize on Red and White quality mer chandise but, being an independent store, will handle all well recognized high quality brands of staple and fancy foods. Mark Seeley Back on Job The Sentinel is pleased to announce Coquille Students Home that Mark Seeley, who returned last Last week-end saw the arrival at I Saturday morning from the South - home of all the Coquille students who ' em . Oregon Normal School at Aah- have attended higher institutions of • land, will handle sports for this pa- learning. Returning from the nor 1 per again this sumemr. Mark was mal at Ashland were Linus and Mark sports writer for the Sentinel before Seeley, Janey Ferbrache, and Cherie he went- to school out there and he Mae Hartwell, of Riverton. continued his writing at Ashland for From the university at Eugene n _ __ . . ., , . were Ann Barton, Edythe and Don ‘h* ®. ° ® IWper’ of whi^h Farr, Audrey Aasen, David and Don- * he returna to “b™1 there aid Smith, Gus Gailas. Iin the iaU;_______________ Frank W. Martin, is taking a two Ideal Bakery bread Is slow baked. weeks' vacation froth duty at the J. SIU C. Penney Co. store here and on Sun - Many visitors are stopping at the day he and Mrs. Martin left for their ranch of Mrs. Vesta Sturm, at Mc former home In the Puget sound Kinley, to »ee the recenUy foaled From O. S. C. came Sara Margaret country. Their younger sons preced Nye, Harrison Greenough, Fred Arabian colt. 'd them north, having gone by train I r Fuhrman, unrman, Frank r rana »enram Schram and ana mere there Ask about Pacific Mutual 5 way last week. ' are others whom this writer has not Policy. A. A. Nosier, Jr., 147-J. Dr. C. G. Stem, Chiropractor. 292; seen. Wade Arstill, former principal of Moulton St., phone 86J. . 22tf Coquille Junior High, came in from Knife Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Toole and Forest Grove Tuesday to take care of two little girls, from Porterville, Cal Dorothy Jeffries was dismissed last business and to visit friends. ifornia, stopped in Coquille yesterday Saturday following recovery from an Mrs. Roy Boober and Mrs Harry to viait the J. A. Berg family Mr. appendicitis operation. Godard drove to Portland Tuesday Toole is the brother of Joe Toole, of Gladys Rivers, U, of Coquille, qn- morning to attend the O. E. S. grand Coquille. The family was on their derwent an operation for appendicitis chapter and returned Thursday. way to Eugene where Mr. Toole will the same day. Postmaster M. O. Hawkins left on attend summer school. - Arthur Milani, of Arago, under Wednesday for Grants Pass to attend For outstanding work in music went a tonsilectomy on Sunday, and the Oregon postmasters association which »he accomplished her first year Grant Wilcox a similar operation on session» there yesterday and today. at the University of Oregon, Miss Monday. M. M. Minogue, section foreman Mrs. Lafe Compton and daughter, Audrey Aasen, of this city, received Dorris, and Mrs. O. C. Sanford left one of the four scholarship awards for the S. P. here, was admitted on Tuesday for Portland to attend the given by the Beta Phi, honorary Tuesday for treatment and the next sessions of the O. E. S. grand chapter. music organization. Miss Audrey re day was taken to the S. P. hospital It was necessary turned home last Saturday from Eu- at San Franciscp “Hode” Caughell, who was quite that a nurse be constantly with him seriously ill the first of last week, is gent. and Miss Jean Dungey was selected greatly improved now. He is able to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. E. Axtell left to accompany him. sit up now and hopes to be able to Monday noon for Neyport where he Darrell Cox underwent a minor get back to work soon. was a delegate to the state Lions Club operation on Tuesday and the same Work In the E. A. degree is sched convention. The convention was in day Mrs. Cleo Capps, of Coquille, uled for Chadwick Lodge, No. 68, A. session on Sunday, Monday and submitted to an operation for appen F. & A. M., for next Tuesday, June Tuesday. From there they went on dicitis. Peggy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ■ 16, at 6 p.m. All members and vis to Portland to get their daughter, iting Masons are invited to be pres Marianne, who attended Reed college Forrest Tommilson, of Gravel Ford, the past two years. underwent a tonsil operation yester ent. day. FOR RENT—Furnished house of four V. R. WILSON, O. D. rooms and bath, for a period of six OPTOMETRIST Drink Stillicious—the vitamin B weeks,. at 691 North Heath. Will Errors in refraction scienti Chocolate health drink. Contains be available June 20. J. W. Sayre. fically corrected without yeast. Cloverleaf Dairy, Pure Milk the use of drugs. Coquille, Oregon. Phone 197R. 8c Cream. Phone 7R42. 17tf ( SUN.-MON.-TUE. _ __ . __ BBSS To Have Opening Tomorrow „ „ Mr8’ to Return Soon A n letter iciier from irum Mrs. mis Rosa nosa E. a. Glossop, uiossop, formerly principal In the Washington school here, to the Sentinel states that she is taking the ashes of her son, Herman, who died at San Fernando, Calif., on May 16, to the Portland Mausoleum, where they will rest be side those of his father, who died a few months ago. After visiting witii another son at Oak Harbor, Wash., she expects to return to Marshfield about July 1. No Unemploy ment Here The busy executive Is in no danger of losing his position, T"‘ " - however hard the times, for he keeps himself in perfect physical condition ready to meet the problems of his busy life. Be sure that no ill health will keep you from your desk. Make a friend of your physician. A Prescriptionlst Fills Rxs Carefully at Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc. !*• Assart JSseo DRUGGISTS STATIONERS —pit Mrn. R. A. Wernich Is Coos % Pro-America Chairman Probate Court Claud H. Giles was on Monday ap pointed administrator of the estate of Anna McGovern, who died May IS, 1935. The appraisers are J. Al bert Matson, Chas. Kampfer and R. C. Shumate. * Mertie Bryon was named Monday as administrator of the $950 estate left by L. S. Bryon, who died June 3. The appraisers appointed are Jess Strader, Leonard Leuthold and Wil- ford Harris. June 9—J. J. Stanley was on Tues day named as executor of the will of Jasper M. DeLong, who died here last week. O. C. Sanford, L. H. Haz ard and E. D. Webb are appraisers of the estate which is estimated to be worth $4500 in real property and $5,- 599.67 in personal. Mr». Reade M. Ireland, one of the trustees of the organization “Pro America,” a national women’s repub lican group, was in Coquille last Fri day afternoon and announced the ap pointment of Mrs. R. A. Wemich, of Cquille, as Coos county chairman, the appointment being made by her self and Mrs. Geo. Gerlinger, state president. Organization meetings will be held soon, both in Coquille and Marshfield, to complete the county organization. Pro-America was founded in Seat Hor»e»hoa Pilchlrg tle, Feb. 22, 1933, by Mrs Theodore The rule la horseshoe pitching Is tba> Roosevelt, Sr., and has spread If both contestants huve one shoe through all the Northwest stages. each an equal distance from the stake, Coos county was the twenty-first to or against the »kike or ringers, they ■hall he counted ss tie and the next be organized in Oregon. While Pro-America is partisan in closest shoe shall score, la case all Investigate Pacific Mutural Nen- four shoes are tie or an equal distance its objects, its members would con Cancellable sick and accident insur from the stake, or four ringers, no centrate its efforts this year, Mrs. ance A. A. Nosier, Jr., Call 147-J. icare shall be recorded; the contestant Ireland said, in an endeavor to have who pitched last shall be awarded the every registered woman voter cast Buy your fuse plugs, the depend lead. x her ballot at the November election. able kind, at Hooton’» Electric Shop, 5 cents each. A. L. Hooton, electrical contractor Body and Fender repair work done and dealer, 274 Second St., Coquille. by experienced mechanics. Our body ----------------------------------- . Complete stock of wiring supplies. painter is an expert. Let us prove we have the best of repair service. INEZ ROVER Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley Southwestern Motor Co. lltf in a reliable Oregon stock company. Accredited Piano Teacher Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and Keys made for all locks. Stevens milk, the only milk and cream made Cash Hardware, Coquille, Ore. safe by pasteurization. Buy local bread and support home For sound Fire Insurance, go to industry. Siti Ned C. Kelley. Beginners and Advanced Inatrne- lion in Piano, Reed Organ and Accdrdlon 165 Wert Second St. [T H UR , J U N E 14 -15 -16 ] June 18 ]| BANK cnc NIU6T Too big •ny one ..» BIGGER with Tour ANN HARDING ' ----- PREVIEW THE UJlTnE55 CHOIR Thurston Holl Direct rd by Albert S. Rogell ACelvmblaFktvr« 10c & 25c Selected Short The New Subjects iberty L Admission 10c & 35c THEATRE COQUILLE OLMANCOLBERT IACIFM.I -- £ ( ~ I I 10c & 35c Coming Soon “MR. DEED GOES TO TOWN” «tarring GARY COOPER and JEAN ARTHUR. “SPECIAL INVESTIGATOR” star ring RICARD DIX. ‘EX MRS. BRADFORD’ ‘SHOW BOAT*