The Coquille Valley Senti-d THE PAPER THAT’S LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME .-<• .X VOL. XXXII. NO. SS. 5 Nr*- M* -at/V,., , COQUILLE. COOS COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY. JUNE IS, 1938. Second Tax Payment Due School Meeting Next Monday “Come early and avoid the rush,” is the advice of the tax department of Coos county to taxpayers. Monday, June 15th, to the due date of the sec ond one-quarter payment of the cur rent year’s taxes, or the 1936 taxes. Second quarterly papyments not made by or on that date will draw interest from then on at the rate of two-thirds of one per cent per month. It is imperative, according to the tax department, that taxpayers bring with them their first one-quarter re ceipts, in- order that their second quarterly payment may be stamped thereon. This, in addition to giving a record of all payments on one receipt, will greatly facilitate the department in giving prompt and efficient atten tion to all taxpayers. Next Monday evening, June 15, at eight o'clock in the high school audi- .orilm, will be held the annual school meeting for district No. 8, at which Mrs. Esther Hatcher, Coquille, Running from Coquille to Arago time a director to serve for three Won Silver Cup and Firat Place Republicans Name a Strong Secures 7,200,000 Votes in Presidential Combination at years and a clerk to serve for one, to Broadbent to Start in Civic Section of Bridge will be chosen. The director who is July 1 Trade & Win Contest Cleveland Convention Parade just completing a three-year term is Mrs. Leona Bryant, and Keith Leslie Alf M. Landon, governor of Kan Wednesady night, June 10, at 8:30j A new star route out of Coquille is the clerk. Whether there were 15,000 people sas, was nominated last night as re o'clock, marked the close of the ten has been ordered by the pcstoi'fice While the meeting is called for present on the streets of North Bend weeks’ Merchants Trade and Win department. It will serve the Roy eight o'clock the polls will be open last Saturday afternoon will never be publican candidate for president of contest sponsored by over thirty and Fishtrap districts up the river, until nine and7 any registered voter known, for there was no way to the United States by what was prac south Coos county business concerns Arago, the territory between there may cast his or her ballot during the check on them, but it was the largest tically a unanimous vote. It was made unanimous after the roll call of Coquille, Bandon and Myrtle and Myrtle Point, then from Myrtle hour. crowd ever assembled on the Bay, Point. This contest in which more Point up the Catching creek road to was completed. So generally satisfactory has been and the congestion of- cars on the than $1000.00 in prizes were offered Broadbent. Returning the route is the management of the schools the highway and all over the city would Not until Wisconsin, in the alpha was open in competition to boys and via the Powers road and the high j past two years, with no internal indicate that a guess of 15,000 is not betical roll call of states, was reached girls between the ages of ten and way to Myrtle Point, thence through strifes, and with a single-minded far out of the way. did any other candidate receive a * twelve years and has been the talk of the Arago section and back by the purpose to keep Coquille schools on vote. Senator Borah, of Idaho, had Everything was carried out as the district for the past several west road through, the valley there. withdrawn before the roll call start the high plane they now occupy, that planned and the event is one long to weeks. Much interest was in evi ed, leaving Oregon's delegates free to The new route will be inaugurated no cpmmeni is heard on the streets be remembered. Arrow Plant Ships Veneer dence with candidates participating July 1. get onto the band wagon. High lights of the celebration were not- in the clubs and civic organiza The first carload of veneer, cut by all over the district. Everett E. Lafferty was the suc- tions that a change is necessary or the dedication of the mile long Coos Frank Knox. Chicago publisher, the new slicer at the Arrow Mill The final count which was made cessful bidder on the contract, pis wjould be desirable: was this morning named as Gov. Bay bridge by Gov. Martin, the pa plant here, was shipped to Chicago under the supervision of a represen- SI 187 bid for the 50 miles a day trip Landon’s running mate. And so far as yet heard there is no rade, both events occurring Saturday yesterday. The veneer for the pres tative merchant from each of the being ---- _ the —______ lowest. _____ Sundays and holi- Gov. Landon to the best man the ent is being cut into strips which three towns was completed yester- ’ days are not included in his contract, candidate preparing to contest with afternoon, the banquet in the Hotel republicans could have named as this Mrs. Bryant or Mr. Leslie re-election North Bend that evening, the two will make two or three battery sep day, Thursday, June 11. The win- making it about a 305 days a year to their respective offices. year’s standard bearer and has a days of motor boat racing, and to a arators when cut and treated at the ners were found as follows: first contract. better chance of election than any of lesser extent the street sports which company's Chicago plant. prize, a Ford V-8 sedan, went to Es-[ The local postoffice has no count the other candidates mentioned. But kept the crowds entertained. Just now there are 20 people em Bullards Ferry Bids Asked ther Hatcher, of Coquille, with 7,- on the number of patrons this new it will be a fight to overcome the The Coquille entry in the parade, ployed in the Arrow plant here but Coos county is calling for bids for 394,139 votes; the $100.00 cash prizes route will serve, none of them have advantage which Jim Farley has se on which J. L. Smith sweat blood be that number will be increased when went to the following candidates: heretofore been able to get their mail the operation of the Bullards ferry, fore he finally got it started in line, cured through the use of billions in another slicer is received. Point, daily except by going to the Broad- on the lower Coquille, for the coming was a credit to this community and Tammanyizing the United States. MMrad Hunt, . of Myrtle . - standing high in her district, with bent, Myrtle Point, Arago or Coquille year. Bids will be opened by the drew forth considerable praise. A Landon may not be elected but if county court at 10 a. m. on Monday, 4,962,771 votes; and to Marvin Mc- postoffices. he to the increasing deficit in this huge log, loaded on a Ford truck, June 22. Cue, of Bandon, with 4,874,845 votes, country’s finances will be halted. bore labels on either side bearing the standing highest for the Bandon dis Senator Fred Steiwer, of Oregon, words: "Coquille — Largest Trees, Soft Ball League Starts trict. Honorable mention goes to the might possibly have had the nomin Finest Cheese, Prettiest Knees.” The first scheduled soft ball game following candidates who scored in ation for vice president had he been Alongside the log on platform planks in the Coquille league was played That was a terrible accident in the high places: Marilyn Compton, willing to accept it. His keynote were placed cheese after cheese, Monday evening at the ball park speech the first evening of the con Empire, Tueaday evening, when Earl Coquille, 4,245,990 votes; Leia Coch made at the Swift plant here, while when the 20-30 club won from Don Phillips, Myrtle Point youth, loot ran, Bandon, 3,565,283 votes; Gladys vention was as masterly an indict six of Coquille’s fairest daughters, ment of the new deal's wasteful in control of the truck he was driving. Dominigheni, Bandon, 1,007,227 votes; Estes’ team, 7-3. The next evening Coquille’s Loggers face a tough op clad in bathing suits, stood three on the Stevens Harware club defeated Before it came to a stop 400 feet be Glenna Cornell, Bandon, 947,330 efficiency as was that of Herbert ponent Sunday when the Toledo either side. The young ladies were yond the corner which Phillips tried votes; Barton Christy, Myrtle Point, the Leroy Rice team, 11-3. Hoover who spoke Wednesday. Lions journey down the coast to in Margaret Stewart, La Veile Dale, This evening Brick Leslie’s team to take at too high a rate of speed, it 820,833 votes; Mary Dye, Myrtle vade the Coos county sector. Toledo, Georgianna Johnson, Aloha Allen, had caused the death of two people, Point, 802,418 votes, and Marvin plays the Smith-Wood-Products club now even with Salem in the leader Powerful Logging Engine Barbara Leslie and Carol Shore. and on Monday Stevens' ' meets Don a mother and her daughter, had in Myers. Coquille, 801,885 votes. Other ship of the Oregon state league, is The entry won first place in the The Coos Bay Lumber Co. camp at jured the lady in a coupe which fin Estes.' ’ candidates, too numerous to mention, one of the state's top clubs. civic section of the parade, the prize Fairview, of which Ray Simpson is Softball games are played with ally brought the runaway to a stop finished way up in the hundred Manager Eddie Rathjen has as a being a* silver cup. foreman, is only working ope side nine or ten players on a team, and and young Phillips had suffered two thousand mark. starter a real battery. Ted Pallette now, with a small crew of 85 men. It the interest ’ in the game here to flour broken legs, a fractured pelvis bone, The contest manager wishes to ex is the pitcher and "Chick” Hauser to Cooking School Next Wednesday will be different, however, next fall and internal injuries. press his appreciation on behalf of ishing as it is everywhere else In the the catcher. Both at one time played and winter when around 400 men will Miss Marguerite Fenner, home The killed were Mrs. Rosetta Car- the merchants for the splendid co State. in this section, “Chick” for Coquille be working out there. economist with the Mountain States Tliere ano six teams in the C oqu IU c son, 53, and her daughter, Ida, 1$, operation and support given to the rat SK a ■- - —a ar f * -> <ai nir in 1931 and the hurler at North Bend (-/nr ot inc rYMjwi puwenui lugging Power Company and California-Ore “ ‘l was sponsored by the who were there on business from engines ever built to now pulling the unity, I; and the young sfld older jp 1921 or thereabouts, and both are gon Power Company, will conduct- a The mother ex-professional league performers. logs from Fairview to the company ................... was thrown 20 feet by the impact of As is customary, prizes will be held ' men have had a lot of fun practising This latter fact is probably already one-day electric cookery school at the dump in Isthmus Inlet. It pulled a Liberty Theatre, Wednesday after the truck and the daughter was for thirty days following the close of before the schedule opened this week. known by baseball fans. train of 29 cars of logs over the di noon, June 17, at 2:00 p. m crushed against the plate glass of a the contest. Therefore, presentation Games are played three nights a Also with Rathjen, himself once in vide beyond Coaledo without appar A, gradaute of the University of store window as the runaway plowed to the Winners will be made on Sat week, on- Monday, Wednesady and the Western League, a lots of stars ent effort. The engines heretofore South Dakota in Home Economics, Friday evenings, at the ball park un- along the sidewalk. urday, July 11, at the Niles Motor Co. are on the roster. One of the better used have never been able to pull Mrs. Carl Keating, in the parked in Coquille at 2:30 p. m. Winners less it to being used by the Loggers, known is Lou Sauer, one-time clever Miss Fenner comes to Coquille for more than half a trainload of cars this school, well known in southern coupe, suffered scalp lacerations. are requested to appear at that time i The hour to 6:30 o’clock. middleweight fighter who boxed Ole over the hump. Oregon after conducting almost fifty Each team to scheduled to meet The truck belonged to the Niles for their prizes. President Bunker, of the Coos Bay ' every other team once, making a Neishiem's .ears in a Marshfield main schools here since the 15th of Feb Motor Co. It was their demonstra- If for any reason there is any pro-' event. Sauer was headed up the fis Lumber Co., states that next fall and ruary. Ladies in Powers and Myr young man had been tor which the test on the standings or awards as 1 five-week schedule at three games tic ladder when he retired. winter the railroad out through the tle Point will remember Miss Fenner allowed to try out as he was think- found and made by the merchants per week. Bill Fortier expects to have Fairview country will be extended from schools conducted there only a At the conclusion of the schedule ing of buying one. He was on the committee who made the final count, "Chuck” Wirth and "Rocky" Peterson and that there is more than two bil few weeks ago. way to pick up his mother, Mrs. Bar it must be made within this period of there may be a play-off between the on hand to bolster his team. Joe lion feet which will come out even Miss Fenner’s school will be practi first, second and third teams, or bara Barnett, and take her back to thirty days notice. Spencer, tall moundsman, will be on tually over that road, although much cal, stressing economy, not only in there may be a championship of Coos Myrtle Point. He is reported to have the slab, with Billy Calvert doing the of the timber belongs to the govern electric range operation but in food . admitted having had two glasses of Leslies Here From Penn State county arranged with the winner of receiving. Spencer was the pitcher ment and will be purchased by the buying as well. Complete meals will the Coos Bay league. beer at the Bay. who lost to Coquille, 3 to 2, while company as needed. Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Leslie arrived be prepared during the two hour Spectators are invited to come out pitching for Roseburg. Last Sun in Coquille last Saturday evening and razz the players! school; also salads, desserts and cakes Had Been in Trouble Before day he was literally "robbed” out of from State College, Penn., where he Not Drunk. Only Sleep Walking prepared in the morning will be Earl Phillips, Involved In the Em is basket ball eOach and assistant the 5 to 4 game at Empire, ihownand e x plained.---------- ----------- Kermit Shaw was called to a home In Circuit Court This Week pire killing, has a record, says Depu athletic instructor in Penn State col- Peterson will be posted in the out The Mountain States Power Com in the north part at town last Satur ty Sheriff Pete Cutver. It shows that lege. They will spend the summer ' Following the close of the Jack field. but what -Fortier wm do with pany urges every lady who to inter day morning by a lady who stated Phillips was arrested in 1931 and here visiting their parents, Mr. and Chambers case in Circuit court last, Wirth is unknown. He can play any ested in cookery as well as every lady that a drunk man was trying to breax charged with breaking into the N. P. Mrs. F. G. Leslie, and Mr. and Mrs. evening. Judge Brand excused the infield or outfield post, however, so who has an electric range to attend into her house. She had seen him Peterson store at Myrtle Point. He r H Mast and their many other jury until ten a. m. on Monday, June he will not be hard to place. this school. A thirty-minute sound coming and had locked the door. was held in jail because he could not friends in Coquille and Coos county i 22. picture, “The House Next Door,” will The officer learned from her where fumtoh a bond of $1,000. Wesley Phinnegar, indicted by the Zioncheck Martin Heads Lions be shown during the. program. This "Spike” says that although he had her unwelcome visitor had gone and At that time the navy department the best basket ball team last win grand jury, pleaded guilty to destruc Annual election of officers at the picture brings to you everything that by describing the man at a neighbor ' | took him for being a deserter but ter that he ever coached at Penn tion of personal property in Circuit Lior.s club luncheon yesterday noon is new and modem in the electric ing house found he was there. Mr. Culver does not know what ac State, that his boys did not win a sin • court on Monday. He was sentenced resulted in the following being chos kitchen of today. "Come here," the woman there ex tion was taken. gle conference game. One reason for * to one year in the county jail but if en: claimed to some one inside, “the of ”j District Attorney Flaxel has indi this is the fact that Penn State is he makes restitution within three President—Zion Check Frank Mar ficer thinks you were drunk.” Refunding Bonds Bids Called cated that he would institute pro practically the only big college in the months an application for parole will tin. It was then learned that the man A special session of the city coun ceedings against Phillips on an in- east _________________ ______________ which is simon , pure in athletics. be considered after 90 days. 1st Vice Pres.—Lion Don Gillespie was lame, which gave the drunken cil was held at five o’clock Wednes , voluntary manslaughter charge. The best high school players all go ’ The case of Anna Ertel, who was 2d Vice Pres —Lion Jim Fitzpatrick appearance, that he had been walk day evening, with five members I It to stated that he had the light to the colleges where room and board suing G. E. Trott for damages which 3d Vice Pres.—Lion Monte Newdall ing in his sleep and that it was not answering roll call. The only busi truck up to 90 miles an hour. are furnished them. There are jobs she claimed resulted from the sale of Tailtwister—Lion Joe Axtell until he tripped over a wire that he ness transacted was the adoption of at Penn State, where the compensa-! an equity in a piece of property, was Lion Tamer—Lion Bobby Bums awoke. two ordinances which authorize the Two New Babies Buried lion has to be earned, but no soft heard by the jury on Monday, At Sec.-Treas.—Lion Cy Gano. calling of bids for the sale of the re i 10 p. m. that evening the jurors were Graveyard services were con jebs furnished by the alumni. Directors—Lion Ned Kelley and ('eneral Committee Organized unable to agree and were dismissed Lion "Doc" Bunch, both of whom funding bonds which will retire ducted by Rev. W. S. Smith at the There were about 40 democrats Odd Fellows cemetery at 4 p. m. water, bridge and funding bonds ' from the case. serve for two years. w His First Anniversary Sale present in the court house Tuesday Tuesday for the infant son of Mr. bearing a higher rate of interest. C. R. Baylor, indicted on a qpn- For those not posted, Frank Martin T. S. Stevens, proprietor of Steve’s , support charge, pleaded not guilty on when the Democratic County Central and Mrs. Lawrence Hatcher, ^rhich claims that not only were he and the Committee was organized, the mem died at five o’clock that morning, i Groce&^Js this week advertising Tuesday. To Meet After School Election Wm. Dashney was ap ' | with a pago spread his first anniver- pointed to defend him. Date for trial -rratlc Washington congressman both bership being composed of those twelve hours after its birth. The Business & Profesional Worn- ‘ jraduales of the University of Wash elected at the primary last month. Another infant which died at the sary saje. It was just a year ago on of the casé has not been set. en’s Club will meet at the home of ington but are members of the same J. W. Flanagan, of Marshfield, was Coquille Hospital on Wednesday June 17th that Steve opened the Mrs Clara Bosserman on Third street fraternity. chosen as chairman, succeeding Dr. was the five-day old son of Mr. and doors of his store for business, al Monday evening, June 15. The meet Music for the occasion was fur 3C Camp Moved from China Flat G. W. Leslie who has held the posi Mrs. Geo. M. Bradbum, of Marsh- though it had been conducted pre ing will not start before 8:30 on ac Although the Chambers of Com- nished by H. H. Hartley, who sang tion for 30 years and is now lneli- . field. Services and interment were viously by another. count of the annual school meeting at two solos, and by Bobibe Bums, who Steve had made a great many , merce in Cone county were unable to gible because of his federal appoint- al the Myrtle cemetery. ------------ —----- — played that rollicking composition of 8 p. m. ment as postmaster at Marshfield. | funerals were conducted by ' friends during his years in Coquille , avert the removal of the CCC camp his own. at China Flat, the boys having been and those friends have been loyal to H. B. Donahey, of Marshfield, was t^e Gano Funeral Home. New Recording Clerk on Duty him and helped make the past yea> moved to a summer camp in Wash re-elected secretary; Geo. Kronen-1 ■_______________ Miss Wills Elliott, of North Bend, Jack Chambers Acquitted ington last week, a spike camp from a very satisfactory one for him. berg, of Bandon, treasurer; and Lana f|vi| War yetg stm Liv|n the Agness contingent has been lo Leneve of Fairview, congressional wM mUinfornied ,Mt The jury which heard the case of entered upon her duties as recording in County Clerk Oddy’s office committeeman. | wpek whlch cauaed u ¿tate that j Eagle Ladies Win Drill Prize cated on the Powers to Agness road the state against Jack Chambers, of clerk and the building of that road will Marshfield, for involuntary man this week, succeeding Miss Marjorie M. DeLong, who was buried here The Coquille Fraternal Order of Roseburg Salmon Bake, June 21 last week,-was the last veteran of the Eagles Auxiliary team won second I continue this summer with the boys slaughter of Harvey Nurss, during a McClellan, who left on Wednesday | in the spike camp. brawl over a plate of ham and eggs, for Great Falls, Mont., to be mar The Douglas County Rod & Gun Civil war in Coos county. Col, place in the street drill exemplifica was out but half an hour last eve ried. Club has set Sunday, June 21, as the Blumenrother, of Bandon, who is tion at the Coos Bay bridge celebra ning when it brought in an acquittal Wann Case Postponed date for their annual salmon bake. past 90 years of age, to still living and tion in North Bend last Friday, being i C. of C. Treasury Report This annual event always attracts in fair health. Al Flanders Is another nosed out by the Marshfield ladies' The cases of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. verdict. The death of Nurss was en The report of R. L. Stewart, treas many sportsmen from Coos county. Civil war veteran still living in Ban of the same order who have had Wann against Paul Stephan for in- tirely accidental as he struck his Target shooting, clay pigeon shoot don. much more experience. The local juries and damages resulting from head on the pavement when hit by urer, to the Chamber of Commerce board of directors meeting, Tuesday ing and fly casting are part of the This Sentinel item to written be ladies are now looking forward to the collision of their cars below Riv- Chambers. noon, showed a balance on hand of sports program which make the fore Louie Felsheim has an oppor their appearance in Silverton on June erton, was not begun in Circuit court Mining Location notices for sale at $267.85. Of the 8875 pledged for thia Roseburg salmon-bake so interesting tunity to correct us in his Western 25-27 when the Eagles and Auxiliary j this week. A possible out-of-court year, $448.75 has already been paid. state conventions will be held. | settlement to pending. this office. an event. World. SPEED RESULTS IN TRAGEDY TOLEDO LIONS vs. LOGGERS I