Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1936)
I The Coquille Valley Sentinel 4*&l,^***y g THE PAPER THAT'S LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME VOL. XXXII , « NO. >1. COQUILLE, COO8 COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. JUNE 5. 1938. $2.88 THE YEAR ,. i THELASTVETEMN Bonus Bonds Here June 18 GOOSBATBRIOGEIMPfiOVEMENTS I . J__ A Logging Camp Victim COMMENCEMENT Luray Thomas Miller, 21, was in The adjusted service bonds for ex- stantly killed at the Garoutte Bros, service men, in other words the logging camp on the Carmichael place bonus, will be mailed from San Fran on Fat Elk last Monday afternoon at cisco on June IS, and will be deliver In Coos County, of Civil War, ed in Coquille on June 18. They are Dedication Celebration Starts Of Streets and Lights to Be 4:10 o’clock when a log he was chas For C. H. S. Held Last Friday-- ing to unloose the choker, rolled back coming by registered mail and can Today — Ample Parking Started by City This Interesting Papers by J. M. DeLong, Buried over him, crushing his head. The only be delivered to the ex-service Room for Visitors Summer Yesterday the Seniors tree was one of ten thousand feet and man they are addressed to, not even a as it started to roll back he either wife may sign for the registry, and Contradicting rumors that there The city council declared its inten slipped and fell or else was unable to > Jasper M. DeLong, the last surviv the addressees are requested to be at The Coquille high school graduat- ing veteran of the Civil war and G. home to receive their bonds. Where will not be parking space in North tion to install a business section get out of its path. No one in the ■ ing class of 49 members received A. R. member in Coquille, and also the addressee is not known to the de Bend for the three-day bridge cele lighting system, at its session Monday vicinity witnessed his death. their diplomas from the hahd of Mrs. in Coos county, was called from his liverer of the mail he must be identi bration—today, tomorrow and Sun evening. The notice of that declara Funeral services were held at the . Geo. W. Bryant, chairman of the earthly suffering at five o’clock Tues fied by two witnesses known to the day—Lyle Chappell phoned to the tion appears in this issue of the Sen Schroeder funeral parlors In Myrtle > school board, in the Community Building last Friday evening, in the day morning. He was past 91 yean mail carrier or clerk who delivers Sentinel yesterday that there will be tinel and should anyone be opposed Point yesterday afternoon. ample accommodations for all car». to giving Coquille a better name as a of age. Ray Miller was bom in Myrtle i presence of hundreds of their well the bond. ____ __ __ Some streets for a few blocks will be progressive, well-lighted city, they Point, May 1, 1915, and graduated . wishers who assembled to wish them Until two years ago he had never When it _____ comes __ to _____ sending the known a sick day in his life, even in bonds in to Portland for redemption I roped off for the parade line of have 20 days in 'which to file a re from the high school there in 1935. God-speed on the journey of life at the Civil war his only injury was on the ex-service man himself must march, but there will be np lack of monstrance against the improvement. He had been working in the camp ■ the end of their public school career. City Engineer Stacer’s estimate was for only a week. • The stage was prettily decorated the forehead where he was struck make application at the postoffice parking facilities for the thousand» that it would cost $7,231.09 for in with a rifle butt in a hand to hand and be personally known to the clerk. of cars expected. His father; Daniel C. Millejr, passed and banked with greenery and flow The program of events has been stalling a single circuit, and $8,002.31 away in March, 1933. Surviving rel ers as a setting for this large class conflict. While on a visit in Nebraska The checks for the redemption will be heretofore published in the Coos for a double circuit which would per atives are: his mother, Mrs. Mary A. which is the twenty-sixth to graduate two years ago he became ill and for mailed from Portland. to be turned out at «vaaaava ” J a VXC x Point; ullll, 1UU1 the past nine months had been quite Miller, f Vi of sva Myrtle four sisters,. since C. H. S. became a four-year It is estimated by the local postof county press, the city of North Bend mit half the lights ------ ----------------------- has been decorated with --------- flags, -------- bunt- midnight. The front footage to be Mrs. Violet Hayes, feeble. _ .. Glendale; ______ ; Mn standard high school. fice that there will be from 200 to 250 — Funeral services, at the Gano Fun ex-service men who will receive ing and trees for the gala event and, Assessed is 5740 feet. The saving in ‘ Elizabeth Robison, Arago; Mrs. Nellie Of the twelve honor students pre eral Home yesterday, were conducted their bonds at the Coquille office and according to news reaching here from juice if every other light of the 45 Billings, Myrtle Point, and Mrs. Zel- sented by P. W. Lane, six received by Rev. G. A. Gray in the presence of j the inspector who was here this week the bay side, everything is in read^- was turned off at midnight was es- ma Dillen, of Portland; two brothers, special mehtion—Dorris Jane Comp for — the — most stupendous celebra- timated at $280 per year. William Miller, Coos River, and ton, E. Levelle Walstrom, Howard a very large attendance of friends | gays it will require considerable night ness ----- — —— w----------------------- _ and neighbors who gathered to pay work for the postoffice force to keep ‘ion ever held on this Oregon coast. | I The council also began on another Isaac D. Miller, of Arago; four half Hickam, Eleanor Mae Smith, Lewis The only disappointing feature in improvement, that of gravelling the brother, Earl E. and Thomas Royer, Mortensen and Aloha Allen—and six their last respects to one whom they the records and handle the bonds, honored and loved. both coming in and going out for re connection with the celebration is Greets in the north end, building of Powers, and George and Ira L. received honorable mention—Gerald that Marshfield merchants decided to sidewalks, and possibly extending the Royer, of Myrtle Point. Jasper Mathias DeLong was born demption. ine Enaele, Jack Clinton, Gordon observe regular closing hours on Sat- sewer on streets not now served, in Iowa, Feb. 12, 1845. At the age of Daniels, Fred Cunningham, Margaret ~ _____________ _ there ____ will be ' Jim Child was one of several In in urday, which means that Belloni and Margaret Anne Tway. ■eventeen he enlisted in Company 1 Y> A ITO AD 117 A X IS ________ a.-. -- -------- 1^ no ■ holiday observance tomorrow in ' , tHfit ‘hat Siak/'iizv» section tasR^k who naira asks fax for alJn..M>1L> sidewalks, of the 21st regiment, Iowa Volunteer», I Al Ul CJK W A The class and its adviser, Clarence ___ ovavvew. the other towns of the county and «ravelling, sewer and water improve- and served through exactly three Osika, were presented for their di years of the Civil war, being muster- 1 prevent manyfcoquille, Myrtle ment and he was present to voice that plomas by H. H. Hartley, high school Point and Bandon citizens from at request. ed out as a corporal, July 15, 1885. principal, who stated that four years The council has no desire to force During his service to his country tending during the day. ago he began his duties as principal, Four men were fined in Recorder The city council Monday evening he was engaged in the battles of Fort | But no one in southwestern Oregon Street improvements in the north end Mr. Osika started his first year in C. Leslie ’ s court, Tuesday morning, on set June 1 as the date when the ir- * who can possibly get there, will miss district but if s majority of the peo Gibson, Champion Hills, Black' River the charge of disturbing the peace. H. S. and the present graduating rigation rates for the summer went bridge, and was present at the sieges i the opportunity to do honor to the ple there wish to have more conven Two of them, Schuyler Cook and class had entered as green freshmen. into effect, which means that after : officials who have made this dream iences the council members do not of Vicksburg, Jackson, Spanish Fort, Glenn Brannon, pleaded guilty and Referring to the class and their ad the 7000 gallons for $2.00 shows on > Blakeley and Mobile. , of years a reality in the building of feel that a minority should be allow viser he said he thought they had all the meter that the next 20,000 gallons ed to dictate. They therefore in were fined $15 each. The other two, learned something during those four For thirteen years after being mus a highway bridge across Coos Bay. Paul Crouch and Walter Boren, stood will be charged tor at five cents per tered out he was a freighter through Visitors for the bridge dedication structed the city engineer to prepare years. r - trial, were convicted and fined $20 thousand. Utah, Montana and Colorado, and he who want to see the Saturday parade plans and estimates with the proba In presenting the diplomas Mrs. i ' The water committee was asked to each by the recorder. would do well to take a position some bility that a declaration of intention has told friends here of the frequent Bryant said that three years ago The melee occurred Sunday eve figure out and submit a revision of battles his wagon train engaged in where on North Sherman avenue, this to improve the streets will be made at ning in Tommy Wing's restaurant on when E. D. Webb retired from the rate which will be more equable as with the Indians. side of the city park, for the parade the next meeting. school board he told her that her Front street, between users. That two or more ' Application of M. M. Newdall to Later he was a farmer in Oklahoma will come from the north and pass chief duty as chairman would be to Mr. and Mrs. Boren, houses on one line and meter outside the letter’s and Kansas. He came to Oregon aix- the city, or that two or more families, down Sherman to the city’s center, install an advertising sign in the make a speech to the 1938 graduating ' sister and Paul Crouch were in a teen years ago and resided in Arago says the Coos Bay Harbor. The pa parking in front of the Haynes Motor class. She refused the opportunity booth there when i living in one building, should pay less two women for twelve years. • rade is to pass, starting promptly at Co. on Hall street was granted. 'per family than do those who main- engaged in an alterca- to make a speech, but did say that At the request of the county cham became if people were not satisfied with the Mrs" Julia Grow3 who surviwMHMaL I Uln ,t>P“rat* homes, was brought out three, and pass before the grandstand tion which was followed by a ber of commerce the council adopted and speaker»’, platform on the way the schools were conducted that hair-pulling contest. Mr. and Mrs. They- made thek home on North “ beln« a discrimination against the approach. on asking that the 3-C camp H was their own fault for not advis Brannon and Schuyler Cook were latter. The new rates will affect fna "Flat be retained and that Coulter for the past tour years. “ ■* ing the board of their desires. also eating there and Brannon at Surviving the deceased are six apartment booses and in some cases To Enforce Parking Regulations the 00 “»• road from Powers to As has been the improved custom homes outside the city limits. tempted to separate the women. This _ , . j, Agness be continued. children by a former marriage, Mn. since Mr. Lane became superinten caused one of the men in the other The irritating and annoying condl-1 jhe application of Mrs. Bonnie Councilman Jeub called attention Lula Ridenour, of Calumet, Okla., to the delinquency on the part of tion caused by double parking end Walker f<M. , restaurant Ucense for xirty to attack Brannon and from then dent in Coquille, no outside speaker Mrs. Patience Green, of Ranier, Ore., wag an(J Mr on it was a rough house right. Cat had been invited to address the grad many users of water. “Those that the fact that Coquille streets are lined the Tip T Earl DeLong, of El Reno, Okla., Mrs. from eight o’clock in the morning un-; bond approved i can ’ t pay, and we know they can ’ t, sup bottles, sugar bowls, water uates and school patrons. Instead the Emma Souther, of Pontiac, Mich., members of the class had all worked get them off the lists and forget about til five o’clock in the evening with( The remon8trance of {lasses, anything that could be gotten Mn. Ardna Griffin, of Myrtle Point, on assembling data and material and can belonging to business men and erty Ownerg that the from hold of, were used as weapons. them. But those who claim they and C. A. DeLong, of Salem, Ore. preparing papers which were pre and that the can’t pay, and yet are spending employees, was brought up by Mayor whey pIaBt „ A water glass, which missed its He is also survived by 8 brother, sented by four of the class members. money for liquor and pleasure, cut Berg at the city council session Mon-| noise of night operation was a nui victim, hit the plate glass window and Wm. DeLong, of O’Neill, Nebr., and them off without further notice,” day evening. He stated that he had sance, was referred to the city attor shattered, without even nicking the This year’s papers dealt with the his- a sister, Mn. Madeline Hink, of (Continued on Page Nine) window. was his expressed idea with which been forced to change his view on the ney for investigation. Winslow, Ariz. the other members of the council parking situation and believed that a Mrs. Boren’s sister, hit by a fist, Mr. DeLong was a most interesting two-hour parking limit on the main She Did Not Like the Ashes fell over the counter, Injuring her man to converse with and until af agreed. A Quitting Business Sale- streets must be enforced. One reason back, which broke up the fight, and There were nearly one hundred flicted with the Infirmities of old age, for the congestion is that so many, The T. Warner store in the Odd oart of the crowd left before the ar -present for charte? night of the Co- Grand Jury Indicts Five his mind was most clear, and he could driveways in front of business estab- Fellows building was closed yester- rival of the police. Marshals English quille Rotary club, last Friday eve- tell for hours of his war and Indian The gran d’Jury submitted its find lishments have reduced the curb fa- day, allowing for the drranging of tnd McCreary were over on Spurgeon ning, the dinner, charter presentation, fighting experiences in a most enter ings to Judge Brand in circuit court cilities very materially. But the stock and marking down of prices for Hill when the call for police came in. and dance which followed being held taining manner. here Monday morning. Not true bills worst feature is the habit of all those the Quitting Business sale which They quickly rounded up those ini. O.O. -F. haU. His was a kindly nature and he were found in the cases of Thos. spending the day down town to park opened this morning. nixed up in the affair, took the in-' The district governor, Stanley made friends of all his acquaintances. Flint, Jr., charged with obtaining in front of their places of business, Sam Taylor, in his adv. and on iured woman to the hospital, and Long, was present to present the Interment was in the Masonic cem money under false pretenses; Ray leaving no space possible for the cus bills, announces that every item of lummoned the men to appear in «barter to Ji Arthur Berg, president etery." mond Foster and Allen Warner, each tomers of those same merchants. merchandise in the stock will be re court. .* of the local club; a former district charged with larceny. The tendency of automobile dealers duced to a price that will move it out Marshal English, who gave the governor, Mr. McGilchrist, of Salem, Baseball Schedule for June True bills were found in the fol to leave so many cars standing on the the front door, in possession of a sat Sentinel this story of the fight, said and others from the capital city, from The Coquille Loggers will meet the lowing cases: street, and of truck drivers to leave isfied customer, and every man or hat one of the women lost great Coos Bay, Eugene, . Roseburg, Med Dick Barrett who pleaded guilty Empire ball club on the Empire club’s their machines double parked while boy will save money by looking over bandsful of hair and that one of the ford, Grants Pass and Crescent City grounds this coming Sunday, June 7.; writing a worthless check for $7.50. they visited a merchant to take or his stock of clothing and gents’ fur men, cut on the head with a broken were also present. Many of the vis Joe Spencer, who pitched such great Sentence was deferred until the court ders, were other annoyances men nishings and making their selections water glass, had nearly a dozen lacer itors made talks and several fine gifts ball against the Loggers when the had time to investigate his record. tioned by the mayor, who requested there. ations. ' of paraphernalia necessary to a club’s Wesley (Jack) Phinnegar, for ma the council to give the matter of Roseburg Eagles visited here a couple Tommy Wing’s restaurant was operation were presented. licious and wanton destruction of of weeks ago, has signed to pitch for parking some thought and have sug rretty nearly wrecked during the In his Interesting address to the Ro Postmasters to Grants Pass the Loggers and will be on the mound personal property in a fit of anger at gestions for a remedy ready at the ighting, in which he was in no way tartans Mr. Long told a new story. It Postmaster M O. Hawkins of this the house where he resided in the Sunday. next council meeting. I concerned the conclusions of three implicated. city expects to attend the Oregon State Eugene E Other games scheduled by Manager north part of Coquille. ladles who told what they would do Postmasters’ association which will Fortier for the next month, all to be Laird was appointed to defend him. Beulah No. 6 at Grand Chapter be held in Grants Pass next week. Snyders to Make Home Here if they had their lives to live over Allen J. Cameron, for assault with played at Athletic Park here, include: Mr and Mrs Levi Snyder have a«ain One was «*«• one ‘our «nd ‘he All the officers of Beulah Chapter June 11 and 12. Elton Schroeder, of June 14—Toledo Lions of the Ore a dangerous weapon. He pointed a loved from Portland to Coquille and °‘her two years of age. Myrtle Point, president of the Ore No. 8, 0. E. S., beside many other gun at and threatened to shoot H. R. gon State League. to live over I will make their home here in the fu- I •'If I T had my ’ life **“ *' June 20-21—St. Louis Blues, a col Haughton last summer at the time he members, are planning to be in Port gon branch of the National League of ure. Mrs. Snyder, who suffered a would not eat spinach, it isn’t bene was escaping after stealing slot ma- land next Monday at which time the District Postmasters, will preside at ored team. grand chapter convenes. Mrs. Inez J. the sessions. Beside the banquets and iroken arm and leg a few weeks ago. ficial,” said the elder lady. The one June 24—Detroit Colored Giants, chines in Powers. Glaisyer, a member of Beulah chap- dinner on Wednesday and Thursday was brought down Sunday in the of four years would not use castor June 28—Eugene Townies, of the R. Baylor, for non-support, Mr. oil because she didn’t like it. | ’ Jack Chambers, on an involuntary ' ter, will preside at the sessions as evenings, the sessions will be ad ichroeder Bros, ambualnce. state league. ' | ‘‘And if I had my life to live over Inyder snd daughter, Pearl, arrived July 4-5—Klamath Falls Pelicans, manslaughter, charge. He is the Worthy Grand Matron. Mrs. Mabel dressed by postmasters and inspectors Marshfield cook who struck Harvey: Ulett is Grand Marshal, and another of prominence from Portland, Seattle Veflnesday, accompanying a friend, I would be a bottle baby,” declared of the southern Oregon league. r* Nurss with his fist at the bay a few member. Betty Glaisyer, is to act I m and other cities, by Hon. Edmund B drs. Posthumous, who is visiting the two-year old. "I don’t like ci garette ashes in my dinner.” Windsor, of Castile, N. Y., Hon. Har- here for a few days. weeks ago. In falling Nurss struck page. New Liberty Moat Attractive his head on the pavement, death re- The officers of Beulah chapter will’ rison Parkman, of Washington, D. C., To Visit Coquille Soon The appearance of the New Liberty suiting. Sang for the Lions exemplify the initiatory work at the and Hon. Wm. L. Slattery, of Wash- Theatre has been most heartily com- i Wednesday evening session when (ington. < / A letter from Warren C. Laird, Mrs. Maud Woodyard was the guest mended by all who have visited it in Dorris Compton, Gretchen Neal and inger at the Lions Club luncheon formerly a Coquille furniture dealer Hode Caughell Far From Well the past week, since its re-opening Zelma Bosserman, of this city, will •esterday noon and graciously re- who now lives in Honolulu, states Cases Settled for $6375 ______ to _________ ___ | c- (Hode) Caughell, of the tax receive the degrees and become mem Sunday. It .. is — unusual have a me- nalned to sing with the members in that he and Mrs. Laird are leaving on After the jury had been empanelled tropolitan show house in a town the collection department, shows in bers of Beulah chapter. i number of songs which were more June 6 for a six months’ vacation, in the cases of Elsie S. Wood and sist of Coquille, but Messrs. Wood provement one day and is not so well j plentifully sprinkled than usual in and hope soon to see all their friends and Clave/ have made thein the1 ‘he next and It will be some time be Mary Frances Sullivan vs. Jas. P. the rapid fire hilarity of the meeting. •in Coquille. Former Residents on Visit Mattei, last Monday morning, the equal, except in size, of any motion fore he will be able to get out again. Bobby Burns, club pianist, also made Jas. A. Stauf, of Ojai, Calif., his counsel for the parties involved set The undulant fever from which he-is Coo« Co. Warrants Called picture theatre in Oregon. a hit with the playing of a rollicking suffering has made a very sick man mother, Mrs. Mary E. Stauff, and tled the cases. The defendant agreed Coos county general fund warrants, number of his own composition. of him. Miss Lively, were Coquille valley to pay Mrs. Wood $4878, and the Sul issued prior to June 1, 1931, have M. P. to Close Tomorrow visitors from last Saturday until they livan -------.... girl $1500 ... for injuries ___ and — dam- been called for payment by County WUI Teach at Riverton Mayor Ralph D. Kring, of Myrtle D . „ „ . left for home yesterday. Mr. Stauff ( ages they received in an auto acci- Treasurer Stauff. The amount to be Point, on Wednesday of this week Is- 1 Elton Brad.' to Haynes Motors is a brother of County Treasurer dent at Myrtle Point. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robinson, who sued a proclamation declaring Satur- J Elton Brady has accepted a position Chas. Stauf, and he still owns the! Judge Brand set next Monday as have been teaching at Lostine, Ora., paid out for warrant principal and day, June 6. a holiday in that city on ' with the Haynes Moton on Hall ranch at Arago on which C. S. Webb' the date for trial of the cases of Cora for the past few yean, came in Sun interest is $32,000. account of the Coos Bay bridge cele- (street, across from Safeway, and Mr. lives. The visitors left Arago about E. and Wm. H. Wann against Pau) day to spend the summer visiting her Night Crew Again at Mill bration. Practically all the mer- Haynes states that he is now in a 30 years ago but have been back oc Stephan, of Bandon, for the injuries parents, Mr. and Mn. Steven Dey, The Smith Wood-Products sawmill chants in Myrtle Point are reported to position to give the best possible casionally on visits. He is now con they sufered when Stephan’s Buick ■nd other relatives and friends here. again started its two-shift operation have signed the petition asking the service to Ford owners. Mr Brady nected with the California hghway hit their car several weeks ago, a mile Wayne will be in the Riverton high this week, the night crew beginning mayor to so declare. has been a Ford mechanic for yean department. school next year. below Riverton. Wednesday evening. TER SHUT OFr wiu ----- I FIÇHI WRECKS RESTAURANT