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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1936)
1 MW w - sa ■" RP 'M ■ e Coquille Valley Sentinel THE PAPER THAT« LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME ■—"■»'■■j VOL. XXXI. NO. 52. ■■£ COO VILLE, COO8 COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, «ANVARY 16. 1986. President’« Ball Here to Be Given This Month To Be Issued to Retire Road Warrants^if Voters Approve Clarence A. Barton, who .has been named as general chairman for the •Birthday Ball for the President” in Coquille, states that the hall in which the ball will be given, nor the date has yet been selected. Mr. Roose velt’s birthday is on Jan. 30, but the dance may be held on the 31st. The purpose of the Birthday Ball for the President is to create, through the direct help of the citizens of our country, funds with which to help victims of infantine paralysis and support research efforts to wipe out the disease itself. Infantile paralysis again stalked through the land this year, adding thousands of new victims to the sev eral hundred thousand already crip- pied. The need of continued effort in their behalf is greater than ever, and once more the call is made to American citizens to participate in this humanitarian work, which for the past two yean they have aided so generously and with such out- standing credit to our nation, Mr. Barton has appointed the fol- lowing committees to handle various phases of preparation for the ball: (Continued on Page Three) In adition to the four state meas ures to be voted upon at the special election on January 31, Coos county voters will find on the ballot another measure which, if approved, will re sult in the saving of approximately »7,000 a year to Coos county in in terest charges. . This special Coos measure is a pro posal to retire »376,000 worth of out standing county road warrants by is suing that amount of general obliga tion bonds. The saving is to be effected by the anticipated lower interest rate on the bonds. If a loyver rate was not bid the county court would not issue j the bonds. j The warrants bear six per cent in-■ terest and it te confidently expected that the »376,000 issue can be sold at ‘ an interest rate not to exceed four! per cent, and it might possibly be lower. ________ __ ’ _______ Coos county s credit ranks high with bond buyers and it will without doubt receive the best figure the money market can make. All road warrants issued prior to March 7, 1935, are included in the list to be retired, if the bonds are voted. The first time the highway hat While the possible saving of about »7000 a year in interest makes the been Impassable for more than a year issuing of the bonds a wise step, there because of high water on the road to is the added fact that to retire county Bandon occurred last . Monday . . mom- road warrant, up to last March will >g when the low place in the thke. Stockhoff tend to stabilize the warrant market ¡half “ mile ■ below ----- ~ the r *.------- - in Coos county and insure a par value barn, K“”' was under-about 20 inches of water. But even then ctfrs used it, for its paper. the highway department providing a Retirement of the bonds will start in five years when »16,000 will be pilot car for those who found it nec paid off Each succeeding year there essary to make the trip. The storm of last Friday and Sat after the amount to be retired will be urday brought the streams up quickly increased by »1,900, the final retire and the same condition prevailed ment being in 1956 when the final. over on Coos river. $31,000 will be paid. At Fairview a bridge was washed trees blown across the road and Eastern Travellers Return . out, telephones were out because of lev. and Mrs. W Raymond Wilder. crossed «fires. tu< __ ................... . j — ua eas * HIGHWAYHEARIHG TRADESIL0IF0R2 ■ ' ----------- L Delegation Presenting Coquille- Coos Bay Improvement Needs Today Judge Hugh McLain and Edw. The city co Miller, of Marshfield, and J. E. Nor- ning session, ton, of Coquille, were named as del- tomey to pn .'gates by the roads committees meet- per» by whi ing in the hotel here last Friday eve« will deed to ning to attend the session of the State angular lot Ji Highway Commission in Portland to- Laundry. In day and present the need of the Co- receive from quille-Coos Bay section of the Coast the two lots Highway for realignment and Im- the Maaenic 1 proving. and Moulton __ The meeting was harmonious and pn even rws all sections of the county, by resolu- assumes the tion, have urged upon the taste high- 196 feet aqua way board the need for the improve- When he » ment. ICapt. T. M. County Commissioners Charles eight years i Doane and R. H Lawhorn accom- pected to bu panted Judge McLain to Portland) plant there ba this week to attend the highway terialiae. meeting and the annual state session The city n jf county Judges snd commissioners, on which to Edw. W. Miller, who will present housing Rs ti the Coast Highway Association’s ap- supplies, etc., proval of the highway improvement one of the k project went out to Salem the first Power Co. aa of the week to contact highway on- poles, jineers and to secure if possible an- If the time jineering approval of the project. ond Andrew J. E. Norton and Lafe Compton left quests for p early yesterday morning for Port- quille become land, expecting to take either Chas, able library i Van Duyne or H. G. Kern, from will be an ide North Bend, and a good road’s boost- The council er from Marshfield to swell the stalks in iron Coos* delegation which has an ap- Cumer build pointment with the highway commie- Train comer sion to present the matter at 3:30 this A restaurai afternoon. teed fap The A John E. Loreman brought in to the Sentinel office last Saturday a living organism which is the most active thing for its size one can imagine. He called it a “hariadidget,” a single cell animal. It is about seven inches long and the size of a horse hair. It lives in water and Mr. Loreman found it in the pool at the C. W. Ashton place. The head of the animal, if it can be so called, is a sort of serpentine mouth. It breaths and has its exis tence as a result of oscillation and it is never still for an instant when in water. When taken from the bottle and placed under a microscope it lay dormant for the two minutes it was out of its natural element. Mr. Loreman says it is only in re the cent years that the existence of such a worm-like creature was known and ef that there te nothing in natural his tories relating to it. He sent it by air mail to the Smith sonian Institute at Washington for inspection by the experts in charge there. »2.66 1^ FROM FAR EASF r ' Rev. T. R. Jackman Writes the Sentinel After Visiting India When Rev. and Mrs. T. R. Jackman, former pastors of the Coquille Four square church, were in Coquille last summer Mr. Jackman promised the Sentinel that he would send us a letter from the far east, giving his impressions of peoples and conditions encountered. That promise was kept and the following letter was received from him Wednesday evening, after having been written nearly a month previously;----- •----------------------------------- 1 Red Sea S.S. Hakozaki Maru, Dec. 11, 1935 Dear Mr. Young:—I thought it was about time that I wrote you the let ter promised. We have surely had a most delightful cruise all the way. Although we have been on the way for a little over three months the weatlier has been perfect.. It will just be a few days now and we will be In Palestine again. Then we will be very busy establishing our work in Jerusalem. This trip is proving very interest The regular series of farmer meet ings sponsored by the Smith-Hughes ing and beneficial to us in our study department of Agriculture of the of the religions of the world. Particu larly has this been true of our visits high school will begin soon. The first meeting Will be held in to Japan, China and India. India is certainly an interestinig the Fairview Grange hail Wednes day, January 15. This work is put country with its many famous build on each year by the department ings, temples and shines. Of course, without cahrge and anyone interest the most beautiful of all is the lovely ed is welcome to attend. E. F. Mc “Taj Mahal” at Agra. The ”TaJ” is Donald, local instructor, is in charge. spoken of as a “dream in stone,” so The purpose of these meetings is to perfect is It in all its appointments. From a religious angle we are per- give the farmers an opoprtunity to get together and talk over their farm suaded that India has been and is 20 Men Already at Wark problems and discuss practical im • still under the curse of religion. I proved farm practices The work is 1 have never seen such a religiously N. Jameson hopes that the wiring __ __ _ out on the conference method fanatical people in all my life. By carried of the Arrow Mill Co. plant will be basis permits everyone ‘hat religion is a curse to them basis which which permits everyone td td so- en~ ' completed in time so that veneer ter tlie discussions. The course is ar- 1 mean exactly that. Their religion operations can begin there next ranged for ten consecutive weeks I ha# been • bl*8ht upon them and has Tuesday. It will not be later than Wednesday evening has been ar- hindered their progress intellectually, Thursday. bltrerUy set aside tor tbs first meet- 1 morally and spiritually. About 20 men are al r ea dy tag HW should Ibero ba too SMoy ■— Their religion is mtp^nsihly to a OMffieto the meeting date cm be great degree for the caste system ... roefcns over the Coos Bottling changed. Much good has resulted and also for the degrading moral Wilson arrived home at nine o’clock marooned several residents for a New machinery, worka is increased to 40. After having in the previous meetings held under «wtoitloni existing, Wednesday evening from their three time. Cabins on the banks of the which will be arriving for a couple of Holes in the street pavement where the leadership of W. M. Cunning, crossed back and forth from one side weeks’ trip back to Memphis, Tenn., «■ East Fork, at the Kanu Klub grounds, monthl yet had to be manufactured repairs have been made to the steam former Smith-Hughes instructor. of the country to the other and from where they attended the Young Peo - just did escape being entered by the the full crew can not b. em- lines were ordered repaired Delhi north — to -— the --------- southem- ple’s national convention of the M. E. swollen stream. Many problems of farm interest ! ------ --- In the —-------- —- ployed at present. There are no girls dtately. have been brought up for discussion ' mo>t 1 have reached the conclu- Courch South. There were 6,000 Arago was completely cut off from women yet employed the plant The application for WPA funds during the aeries of Agricultural gion 01,1 M1“ Mayo’s book, ’’Mother young people present for the week's the outside world because of the high although therc wlll b. when ,11 the u correct She has in a very sessions, with the moot prominent water at the Elmer Shull place.and at gfoovlng r,aci,inery has been re for the construction of tennis courts Economic Conferences, held under at the ball park was approved by the the direction of George H. Jenkins, capable manner exposed the true divines and speakers in the denomin Stringtown across the river from ceived council. The mayor named R. A. agricultural agent, and some of these India. ation also present to address the Myrtle Point. | Mrs John Hawkins entered the Jeub and J. Loy Stacer to select the questions will be studied more fully This is, Indeed, a very serious In- meetings. The Coquille delegates By Tuesday morning the flood had poj^pgny'g employ yesterday morn spot at Athletic Park where the at these meetings. One topic to be thoroughly enjoyed the sessions snd ■ subs'ided sufficiently to leave the dike (Continued on Page 2) ing. She will keep the office records, courts will be built. found them very worth while. | to Bandon open, decided this year te that of finding and - although Mr jameson expects to leave the The councilmen decided to pur a pasture mixture best suited for The party from here travelled 7300 there has been more or less rain all latter part of this month for Cali chase Sam Brown belts and holsters City Debt Down 13,677 logged-off lands. Poultry work, miles while gone and were on the week thc prospects are that unless fornia and Chicago but will return in for the three city police officers, the On another page of this issue will dairying, crops and soils offer many road home for eight days, seven of it there te a continued downpour high-, April and expects to have decided by same to remain in the city’s posses travelling. They spent half a day in, way, wiU continue open. interesting problems for discusison. be found the annual report of City that time on the installation of a saw sion. At the first meeting the group will Tre,*urer W. S. Sickels which was Tuscon, Artz., and half a day in San But they are warm rains, such as mill in connection with the plant. select the topics to be studied later. Presented at the session of the city 1 southwestern Oregon enjoys. The Francisco. The need for a street light at the When the Siren Sounds By arranging the course in thia man- . council Monday evening, Mr. Wilder says they were very thermometer has ranged from a 40 intersection of the highway and the The fire siren means little to the ner, Mr. McDonald will contact the' The rno"t important item appearing glad to again reach Oregon and Co degree mark at night to 54 during road from thc plant, and another report is the decrease of im average citizen, except that it cre extension service workers for added. quille. although the gale and storm the day. nearer the plant was presented to city 677.14 of city indebtedness. Bonded ates a terrible disturbance, such as material and help. they encountered on the coast Wed An interesting item about Coos officials yesterday. indebtedness was decreased by »8,- parking cars when in a hurCy to get nesday evening slowed them down county’s representative in the legis Gold iaiure somewhere, causing mental agitation between the line and Regional Meeting in Coquille S00’ but wa«r«nt debt increased by —* state — -- — —-------------- « ucitci lature aiiu and hi his better uau half auu and their School Nurse Employed . . .___ . , $4,822.86, »4,822.86, due entirely to the fact trying to remember whether you shut Beach. It 1 required an hour and a high water experience was told in the Oreran^ClUe.M!ta to be h'elrt' UXe* n°‘ P*“*1 off the draft on the furnace when you half to make that __ _ _ Point _________ t yesterday: ____ th*» 25 •» miles. ~‘1“. Myrtle Herald Mrs. Anna Sullivan, formerly nX nn T^Jdat j L^ m Total Total w,rranU warrants now now outstanding, outstanding. Mr. Wilder will occupy the pulpit ‘ Representative and Mrs. J. H. Mc- left your home; or perhaps you ’ ll school nurse at Newark, N. J, has Hei^n K^^LJSive’Le^S fOr ,enera1’ watar and «Pectal funds, of the Pioneer church as usual next ’ cioekey, of Norway, had an interest- been employed l^y the Coquille school wonder if Johnny has been playing H «restate nOW aMregat* M3.457.88. Bonds yet Sunday and the evening service will ing experience Sunday when they district as school nurse. Myrtle Point with matches again. of the league. City offcials from all unpaid (¿„Mid are nain« are 121.000 »21,000 nt of th« the r» funding In reality to the firemen and to southwest Oregon are being Invited be devoted to a report of their trip went to have dinner with Mrs. Mc has also employed her and she will and the conference. Closkey’s sister, Mrs. Lily Dement, in spend half of each week here and you it means a great deal more. To to attend the session here. Six such series at 1527, »1,500 for the .Henry Myrtle Point. Their home is about a half at Myrtle Point. The period of the firemen it means that some one is regional meetings are to be held In street bridge, »4,000 for the Beav.i street bridge, »83,181.57 for street ___ ______ was set at two in need of his help. His first move the Hate during a two weeks’ period. Masonic Meeting January 14 quarter of a mile west of the Myrtle ’her employment improvements, and »113,500 of water is to report to the fire hall, find the Point-Coquille highway at Norway, I a full month for each All interested citizens are Invited to The first stated communication of The i location and take the equipment to attend the session which will be held bonds, a total of »225,153.57. and ordinarily the distance can be1 town Chadwick Lodge, A. F. & A. M., at I --- i ■ n ~ rl Ao* e* AA* total debt at the city is »28,611.45. A 1 AAA ihaM f t 1 SB - a a .. aa - - ■ the fire or whatever the case might covered in a car in less than five This action was taken after — in I. O. O. F. hall and hear such mat which M F. Pettit as worshipful year ago it was $272,488.59. minutes.. On Sunday, however, due ferencc between the County Health _ ters of municipal Importance dis master and the other newly installed T° yo«- *“ to the flooded condition of the low Association and the school board The cussed as beer licenses, stream pollu officers of the lodge will preside, will r-i<*ence or some other tion, municipal accounting, effects of Coquille’s Tax Levy, 70.5 Mills lands, It took McCloskeys over three fund. for payment of her rotary will be held In Masonic Temple next cl°*- ‘7 »°7d «»ren measures to be voted upon Jan. 31, quarters of an hous-to reach the come from the sale of Christmas real., The Sentinel expects next week to Tuesday evening, Jihuary 14. and will not be an added tax. ‘*»P *• “*d and other matters affecting cities. highway. present the Coos county tax summary Following the regular session a Inspection of student, for contag- lu “ ‘ , you * h ° uld J* “ ** “ *7" and Equipped with hip boots, they as prepared by Assessor J. P. Bey meeting of the Masters and Wardens ha. ___________ occupied the _____ time *‘nd°ws *"d- ’T** refn,in waded from their house to that of a ious diseases ____ ers, showing the tax rate, valuation, To Build New Office organization for this Masonic district neighbor—the water was over their! oi Mrj Sullivan this week, but it is T T*** ’a* FI •«■111 ma Ak.*------- *■ firemen will do the rest i of Oregon will be held with repre front yard, but had not reached the | expected that' immunization and A. L. Simpson, who will soon ac- total tax, etc., of every school district, Little do you, kind citizens, realize I port, ci t^, and road district in the sentatives present from all the lodges the value of this little unattractive Quire title to the lot just north of the I dairy barns which are on a knoll. other heaUh corrective programs will county, as well as other interesting along the coast from Gold Beach to piece of equipment. Should it fail to Sundry and Just south of E. W. I nor had it quite reached the house. carried on later. . Gardiner. Gregg's “Ko-Keel Village,” in a trade tax statistics. I At the neighbor’s house, they bor- ¡ | Tb« id„ of co-opersting with Myr- (Continued on Page Three) The total tax appearing on the Election of officers for the year !«" “ "¡"7 ’ ’ ------------------------------- _ with the City of Coquille, intends to * a Rzvof einrm Ike woinr urns ♦ran will be the principal businero trans- , P?lnt in em«*,ymen\ ? start at once the construction of an rolls this year, to be collected, is Orvin Gant. Townsend Head Mte^atMTa’skl't. written along Ma-’ hlgl* £°r..W“din< T*JeO ‘^ey *,ded . »chool nurse is a good one and if the »1,339,209. At the regular meeting of Coquille building. 14x18 feet, one-story sonic lines, will be presented for the ' tI temP°r>ry •rrangement. could be Coquille, with a total levy of 70.5 Townsend Club No. 1. held in W. O. ‘ •» th « iront 01 the ><* Need for more | course to a boat to take them to the | made permanent it would be increas- mills, is assessed $79465.78. Myrtle pleasure of those present. hig’-.way. Through it all. Mrs Me- ingly beneficial to the children of W. hall Wednesday evening, the an-! room in the laundry operating room Point’s 68.2 levy should.raise »38.- Any member of the ordeL-whether Closkey nual election of officers was the prin- makeg necessary to move the office carried one of her famous both towns. 481.46; Bandon, 74.5 mills, »58,580.77; a past master, master or warden or cipal business transacted. Those chos- out of the main building I angel cakes, and it arrived intact at Marshfield, 77.3 mills, »286,137.62; not, will be welcome to attend the its destination. Coming home, short North Bend, 79.3 mills, »198,334.06. session. 25 Per Cent Increase« Pomona Grange to Meet ly before dark, the McCloskeys were The total school levy for district obliged to follow the same procedure. Pomona Grange for Coos county No. 8, Coquille, is 22.3 mills. Not having a record of postal re- Miss Helen Fish Married So that In the course of a quarter of cejpts for 1934 in the local office. Sec—Jack Rust will hold its regular meeting in'Myr tle Point next Tuesday, January 14. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Fish, of North a mile, they waded twice, and used Postmaster M. O. Hawkins is unable Trees.—8. M. Nosier North Bend Here Toniflit Henry street, have received word two boats to reach the highway—and to give figures as to the increase in Advisory Board—F. G. Leslie, Geo. Ray Deadmond, of Fairview, recently 1935 over 1934, but he does say that Devs, Steve Dey, J. P Beyers, Oar reversed the process in going home. elected Pomona master, and the other that their daughter. Miss Helen, was The Coquille Red Devils, who lost new officers will take their seats at their first conference game at Bandon married on December 12, in Hono 1 The dinner was in honor of Mrs. in one of the departments the sale ence L. Tuttle and Goo. F. Burr, increased about 25 per cent a quarter . President Gant named an enter- that time. lulu, to Everett J. McCann. She has McCloskey’s’ birthday. last Friday evening, 20-17, will play during 1935. I tainment committee which is endeav- been teaching in Honolulu for sever their first home game this evening Judge Brand granted one divorce Bank deposits in Coquille increased oring to secure the McKinley Hill - If you want to subscribe for a Port with the North Bend Bull Dogs as op al years and a couple of years ago visited her- parents here. They will in circuit court here last Friday, to $128,345.11 from Jan. 1. 1935, to Jan. billies for next week’s session, and land dally the clubbing combination ponents. Both A and B teams of the make their home in Honolulu for the Martin Laskey, separating him from 1, 1936, from »488,664.55 to »617,009 - hopes to have some special entertain- we offer with the Sentinel trill save two schools will play, the first game 77, which is a gain <4 364 per cent, I »*it feature each mooting night. you mon®y | Arts Laskey. starting at 7:M tonight. present. HIGH WATERS THIS WEEK NIGHT SCHOOL STARTS JAN. 15 am X.. , r X