Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1936)
COQUILLE VALLET SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8. MM. PAGB SE* * 1 I Chas. A. Charter, manager of the, school superintendent, has leased the Dr. G. C. Stem, chlropratic phyal- sian, foot correctionist, electro thera Arrow Mill Co. plant here, left to home of the late Mrs. E. G. Wood on pist. 292 Moulton St., phone MJ. 22tt day for Portland where he will meet Division street, and expects to move into it next week, as soon as the re Miss Geraldine Bunch, of Medford, Mrs. Charter and their two children pairs and alterations are completed. who are arriving from Chicago. Mr. spent a part of the Christmas holi Since selling her home on Eleventh Telling About People days with her grandparents, Mr. and Charter has rented the Jas. Brady streets several months ago. Mrs. Mul home on East First street. Mrs. Charlie Bunch, at Gravel Ford. Eventa in the City and Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Nelson, who key and children have been occupy County $7.00 per $1,000.00 will insure your ing an apartment upstairs in their home and contents for three years. have been living near Roseburg for former home.^ the past two or three years, were Buy local bread and support home 'i Call J. L. Smith, Coquille representa holiday visitors in Coquille and Pow Body and Fender repair work done tive, Huggins Insurance Agency. industry. Sltf ers. For years O. T. conducted a by experienced mechanics. Our body Mrs. M. J. Platt, of Centralia, meat market in Coquille and has painter is an expert. Let us prove Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Emery left yes terday morning on a business trip to Wash, who came down to spend the many friends here who were glad to we have the best of repair service. holidays with her daughter, Mrs. greet him again. Southwestern Motor Co. lltf Portland. Lous Charneaki, expects to leave for Mrs. J. L. Smith and daughter, Buy Ideal Bakery bread because it Mrs. Maud Woodyard returned home, Sunday. is better. Sltf Margaret, returned last evening from Wednesday evening from a five days’ K. Fire Insurance on dwelling and Eugene to which city they drove out visit in Portland. Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Stem and fam contents in Coquille $7.00 per $1,000 on New Year’s Day, taking David and ily left Tuesday evening for Mc Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and for 3 years at Huggins Insurance Donald Smith, Jailant and Harrison milk, the only milk and cream made Agency, Marshfield. Write us, our Minnville and Portland. At the for Greenough back to college. All the mer place Mrs. Stem's sister was safe bv pasteurization. representative will call. 49tf other students from Coquille who at quite seriously ill. While gone Dr. ' Mr. and Mr». J. O. Williams were Mr Bn<j Mrs. Osborne tend either O. S. C. or U. of .O. also Stem will take some special class called to Roseburg on Wednesday by Wm jjuff, in the north Co_ returned Wednesday. Misses La work in chiropractic. They will re the death of Mrs. Williams’ grand quiUe, on Monday, a 714 pound son, 1 Verne Knife and Jeanette Pook, who turn next Monday evening. father. attended business college in Portland ! who has been named Charles Joseph. I State Land Board farms and will go back this week end. Dr. C. G. Stem, Chiropractor. 292 He is their second child. ranches for sale, low prices and easy Moulton St., phone 88J. J,tf Keys made for all locks. Stevens terms. Apply at the office of James Trade at Eaton's Feed Store , Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Walker and Cash Hardware, Coquille, Ore. Watson, Attorney for the State Land Ground Com - - - $1.95 daughter, Mary Anne, left last Sat- , The local W. C. T. U. invites you Board. The First National Bank Whole Com - .. - - 1-85 urday on a few days’ trip to southern ' tf Scratch Feed to ba present at their meeting Friday, Building, Coquille, Oregon. - - - 2.00 California. January 10, at the home of Mrs. Percy Blake, of Marshfield, suf Insure your car with Ned C. Kellev Frank Leslie. Several important Wanted—Furs, Hides, Wool and fered fracture of his skull and nose In a reliable Oregon stock company. things are to be discussed. and face lacerations, on New Year’s, Sheep Pelts. I can skin your furs The Past Noble Grands Club will Ask for Cow BeU Dairy cream and when the Model T Ford in whlfrh he and pay you same price. Mink from meet at the home of Mrs. E. M. Kay milk, the only milk and cream made was riding with his son, skidded from $4 00 to $10.00. Hides 5c to 11c a Sheep pelts this Friday, January 3, for regular «fe by pasteurization. the highway near the Jos. Nilsen lb. Wool 21c to 26c. 10c to $1.50 eacrt. See me before business and entertainment. Dr. R. C. Bloyd and family left Co place at Riverton. He was brought selling. I’m two miles south of Ban If you want to subscribe for a Port quille yesterday for the Western to the Coquille Hospital where it is don on main highway. J. E. Buttner. thought he will recover. land daily the clubbing combination States College of Chiropractic in tf we offer with the Sentinel will save Portland, where he will take up some Is your dwelling a “Preferred new work. They expect to return Risk?” If so we will insure it for you money. Ideal Bakery bread la slow baked next Thursday. $7.00 per $1,000 for 3 years., Huggins Trade at Eaton’s Feed Store 51tf Insurance Agency, Marshfield. Out' Millrun ... $ .89 Trade at Eaton’s Feed Store 49tf Rolled Barley $1.15 solicitor will call. Middlings - For aound Fire Insurance, go to Climax Dairy, 18 per cent Ground Barley Mrs. Martha E. Mulkey, county Ned C. Kelley. Dairimeal, 20 per cent Wheat Ferrantine Swinney Married Little Hope for C. E. Huling C. E. Huling, of the firm of Huling. Lola Ferrantine Swinney and Fred Farlow were married in Medford, Lundy and Sons of Myrtle Point, who Oregon, at the home of the bride’s has been seriously ill for several sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. weeks in a Portland nursing home, Ellis Davidson, at 12:15 o’clock on is now in a critical condition, accord- ‘ New Year’s day, the bride’s sister ing to word received from the north Huling was and the father of the groom attend ern metropolis today. operated on Thursday morning and it ing. Mr. and Mrs. Farlow are visiting was found that he was suffering with for a few‘days at the home here of cancer of the stomach and very little Mrs. Farlow’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 hope is held for his recovery.—Myr Geo. W. Swinney. They will make tle Point Herald. their home at Lakecreek in Jackson Probate Court county. A bride’s shower was given Mrs. Ellis S. and Lester T. Dement were Fred Farlow al the home of Mr. and on Tuesday named as executors of Mrs. LeRoy Swinney Wednesday the will of R. C. Dement, who died evening. Those attending were Miss Dec. 6. The appraisers of the estate es Lena Williams, Vera Gaslin, Jean- ! , whose whose estimated estimated value value is is $17,300 $17,300 in in nette Pook, Florence Tway, M< real property and $17,545.85 in per dames Will Ulett, Cliff Brbckman, sonal, are F. C. True, Jesse D. Clinton Everett Seeley, Marion Clayton, Levi and Roy F. Garrett. Wilson, LeRoy Swinney, Geo. Swin ney and Grandma Swinney. Highest Waves Ths Fes Tret An article In the Britannica on (lanc ing calls the fox trot an outgrowth of negro music and earlier connected with such names as ragtime, blues and jazz; It la stated tn have been danced since about 1918 Some of the highest waves reported have been la the North Atlantic. These have been about 50 feet high In the Sonth Atlantic and South Pa clflc oceans storm waves have been reported that reach 50 feet In their fullest development. The Bay of Bls cay Is noteworthy for the height o* Its waves. Breaks 4 Bottles, Saves Gov’t. $2 ( tue .. WED J AN. 9 ) (THURS BANK NIGHT! SW Jane Comes Along In Another Hit! Cheers! For the Girl You’ve Been Waiting for The kid you can't resist turns hobo to make her dreams come true—and what excitement that starts! Here she is at last! Myrna Loy, laughing, loving, wise cracking again as she kisses a stranger and romps away on the maddest, merriest, romantic adventure you’ve ever seen! A GRAND girl in a GRAND SHOW! TMsfc lUieUFff F* MYRNA LOY e 1 a A fox FOX nctum MCTUH win with F JANE WITHERS I rv Oscar of the Waldorf-Astoria breaks empty liquor bottles In accordance, with new Government ruling. zä C jpencer tracy JOHN McGUIRE • SAUY BIANE On the Stage Wed.—Major Carlyle’s Amateur Night. 10c & 35c LIBERTY THEATRE X' ________________________________________________________________ _ _______________ . . . _ , _ . .................................... ï JTVEftY time four empty quart bottles pass through the bottle breaking machine shown above, an Increase in revenue la assured for the Treasury Department, as this eliminates four bottles from count- terfelting and bootlegging use, thereby assuring the payment of federal taxes In the legitimate con sumption of spirits at the rate of $100 per gallon. Under regulations effective Jan. 1. 1»S5. the government has made it a federal offense to allow liquor bottles to circulate around. AU bottles must be destroyed as eooni as they are emptied. Penalty la a One of $1,000, Imprisonment for tea years, or both. The latest regulation of the fader-, al government, which became effeeJ tire March 15th as another —term to rid the country of the bootlhgger will make it necessary for every distiller to fill only new bottles having blown in the shoulder the words: FEDERAL LAW FORBIDS' SALE OR REUSE OF THIS BOTTLE. The place and number,' of the distiller must also appear' oa the bottta. *