Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1935)
H'. & The Coquill s THE PAPER THAT'S LIKE A. LETTER FROM HOME .»I f 1 ,n VOL. XXXI. NO. M. Sentinel 4c e*y * . „W COQUILLE. COO8 COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1935. - highway between Coquille, Oregon, and Cook Bay, and that a copy of this A burglar, who had entered the J. resolution be sent to the State High A. Lamb Co. store last Saturday way Commission. night, shortly before midnight, was Dated this 20th day of December, shot at six times by Kermit Shaw, of Urges Straightening and Re 1935. Homes, Stores and Streets Have Cause Many Accidents on High the city police force, but managed Treasurer R. L. Stewart reported to escape in the fog and darkness be alignment of Highway, Festive Appearance way—Mrs. Joe. Nilsen to the Chamber board of directors neath the railroad trestle. Years *** This Week Coquille to Coos Bay Tuesday that the membership solici Injured Marshal Lewis English had passed tation committees had reported total along the rear of the Front street Dr. H. W. Woodworth, of Roseburg, All the Chambers of Commerce in pledges of $778 with considerable Selection of winners in the Cham Mrs. Jos. Nilsen, of Riverton, suf stores less than half an hour before. district supervisor for the rural san Coos county are co-operating in urg work yet to do. It is expected that ber of Commerce Christmas decora fered severe chest injuries, broken When Shaw made the same trip, ribs and left limb, and head bruises flashing his light, he noticed the itation project, of which Lans Leneve ing the State Highway Commission to ' when all are in the total will be close tions contest was made by the judges Monday evening, the prize awards last Friday when her car was struck broken window and went to summon is Coos county supervisor, was a straighten and improve the Coast to $1200. being as follows: by a Farr & Elwood truck, a mile or English. The latter placed himself Coquille visitor yesterday, and gave Highway section between Coquille Happy New Year! For outdoor home decorations, Dr. two this side of her home on the at the front door and Kermit went to a better idea of what the project in and Coos Bay. Each Chamber has highway to Bandon. She was coming the rear, opposite the broken win tends than this writer has had before. passed resolutions urging such action 1935 is dying; long live 1936—at and Mrs. C. A. Rietman, first; Mr. To put it plainly the work is that and each will have its highway com- least for 366 days. toCoqutile*-with her mother and dow. The burglar evidently saw the and Mrs. Geo. W. Taylor, Jr, second. J As we -pass another milestone by Honorable mention was made ofths XjBBdded off the pavement on an icy flashlight playing and left by a door of supplying sanitary toilets to mittee in attendance ‘at a meeting to turn. Her mother got out of the car at tlie other rear comer of the build ranches and farms which have no be held here on Friday evening, which the world’s history is marked, homes of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Thomas, sewage disposal accommodations. The Jan. 3, just a few days before the let us pause to wish you, one and all Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fortier and Dr. and after Mrs. Nilsen had backed qn ing. to the highway was preparing to re The fellow took a header as Shaw matter is optional at the prêtent time next session of the Commission ! a very Happy New Year, as well as and Mrs. M. Earl Wilson. In the business district decorations enter the car just as the truck came shot the fifth time but no trace of but it is expected that before long Plans will be made at that time as ' a most prosperous one. May every around the bend. Another approach him could be found when the officer the installation of these sanitary to how a united Coos county will , blessing spiritual and material, be first prize was awarded to the Niles toilets on farms will be compulsory. present its plans. It is hoped that at yours; and may each of us find our- 'Motor Co., second to the Ideal Bak- ing car and the truck did not have went to investigate. room to pass the Nilsen car, but the Judging from the outline as seen The project is backed by the U. S. least ten or twelve will be able to at- selves and the whole earth more at ery, «nd honorable mention given truck also skidded on the icy surface in the dim light, Mr. Shaw thinks he health department and the Oregon( tend the commission meeting in Port- peace with our fellow man during the Southwestern Motor Co., the Co quille Gas & Power Co., and Steve’s and sideswiped the Nilsen car, fore- »i knows who the burglar was, and as Board of Health. The program was land on Jan. 8-9. the twelve iponth period ahead. The directors of the local chamber Grocery. ing it over the grade. It ran down the fellow left town next day, the started back in 1911, in an investi Again, Happy New Year. gation way, and is now beginning to budgeted $100 at its noon session i Probably the most striking Christ- -------------------------- 15 or 20 feet before being stopped, suspicion is rather confirmed. bear fruit, with 41 states already Tuesday for expenses of the highway ' mast decoration wm that of the Niles r? Q 'T’/'Y I NT but did not turn over. joined in the campaign. In Oregon committee, and it Is expected that J. V7. L. O. IO UN' Mrs. Nilsen insisted on being taken ' Motor Co., and Mr. Niles gives the 24 counties are now organized. E. Norton will head the delegation1 credit to C. L. Price, proprietor of The project is, of course, a health which is to appear before the eom- The Anchor, who did the decorating. measure, and in states Ilka Texas it mission, At night the scene there wm beau proving. has cut down the typhoid and hook- ; The Coquille Chamber board of tiful. The outline of the huge tree The same day the P. M. T. truck All members of the Eastern Star, worm toll by 70 per cent, statistics (directors has passed resolutions urg was shown by red lights, the outline skidded on the ice on the second turn their families and invited guests, are ing the improvement of the highway this side of the overhead crossing The Coquille Treasure Hunt, which1 show, showing as a huge red heart, inverted invited to the pot-luck dinner in Ma beyond Coaledo, the trailer pulling has been in progress for the past; Dr. Wood worth says there will be and its highway committee—J. A. with the tip at the apex of the tree. sonic Hall this eveing. Dinner will Standing just east of the tree was a the truck backward off the highway three weeks, will be concluded to- a model ready for display here in a Lamb, Lafe Compton,. C. E. Niles, L. be served at 6:43. 1936 Ford sedan, with the shoulders for about 25 feet. It required log . morrow and Monday when the suc- day or two. To build one of them H. Hazard and A. O. Walker—is leav At 8:30 this evening the installa ging equipment to haul it back to the ( ccssful treasure hunters all find their will cost from $65 to $80, but under ing no contact unmade in the effort tion ceremonies for both Beulah and heeds of three reindeer showing the present set-up the ranch or farm to present a united Coos county front and _®y«JR giving highway from the headwaters of treasure. chapter and -Dorio chapter, of Marsh- from behind shrubbery, «W Hruvcr Slough — Al ■ sporting proposition, and h- owner pays only for the material— at the «wnmBttioh’s session, field, will be held in the chapter nhp «PI*»™««* * being hitched to Below are reproduced the resolu the car. Intermittent lights gave Another wreck was that of a Seat ferred to Is a “paper chase,” it can be from $12 to $15—and the labor is roorp. About fifty Eastern Star tle man who tore Up about 100 feet of said that more than 80,000 pieces of performed by those on relief from tions adopted by the Bandon Cham members are expected to be present the impression of blinking eyes in the John A. Martin’s fence, mile and a paper have been scattered all over WPA funds. Fifteen men, part of ber of Comemroe on this matter and for both dinner and the installa dear. Dr. Rietman, who set the fashion half out on the Marshfield highway, the Coquille valley, and the hunters them skilled mechanics, will form the also those of the North Bend cham tion. Doric chapter is also assisting for outdoor decorating last year, ex and rolled down into the Martin ' will be converging on Coquille to run Coos county crew of which Mr. Len ber: with the dinner. ~ tended the colored lighting effect to yard. The man’s wife was taken to their quarry to earth. But in this eve is supervisor. Grand officers who preside at the Whereas: That section of the Coast the hospital for treatment. his fish pool this year and the col case there are 200 treasures to be run installation ceremony are Mrs. Inez Quarantine Ends Next Tuesday Highway between Coos Bay and Co Glaisyer, who will act as installing ored lights give his yard the appear According to a local resident al down. most every turn between Cooquille For the information of the public The scarlet fever quarantine which quille was constructed some fifteen officer; Mrs. Mabel Ulett, grand mar ance of fairyland. and Marshfield had cars in the ditch the merchants participating in the Dr. M. Earl Wilson, county health of years ago on alignments and to Geo. Taylor had placed lights on shal; and Dr. June Martin as chap last Friday, before the ice melted on Treasure Hunt, will not be in at the ficer, ordered in Coquille on Tues widths then regarded as adequate to both sides of his high front gable, lain. Mrs. Maud Woodyard will be the pavement. death. That is. they will not claim day of this week will end next Tues serve the localities being connected, pianist and Mrs. Clara Bowerman, grouped them about the shrubbery Paul McElwaine, of the Southwest any-of the treasure offered, no mat day unless new cases of the disease and has since been maintained with at the front door and then extended a secretary. ern Motor Co., said their wrecker ter how many pieces of paper they develop. At the time he ordered the little change therein, and string of lights on the shrubbery Mrs. Flora Compton, retiring wor Whereas: The traffic thereon has pidtod WM IS «aasto late Friday and have been able to capture, the pur quarantine for children there li WMk across the front of the home. The i thy matron of Beulah chapter, re annually, . this increase ba- Saturday, al! due to the icy pave pose of the TreMure Hunt was to six active cases in town. ’ Two effect wm very lovely. T*— — . ports that the chapter-tit making un ments. The Ideal Bakery depicted the give the buying public a novel thrill them have now fully recovered and usual efforts to have this evening’s and none of the members here will the young people are due to be re-j ■ the Coast Highway, and a greater in affair as enjoyable as possible. It scene of 1933 years ago, in Bethle crease may reasonably be anticipated be eligible for “treasure.” " hem, which is the source of Christ One of Oldest in County leased from quarantine. is unusual to have the installation Dr. Wilson’s idea in issuing the due to the impending completion of ceremony performed by the worthy mas observance. In a manger, sur Peter Johnson, who lives just be warning he did wm to advise par the five bridges spanning rivers grand matron, but Mrs. Compton was rounded by worshiping wisemen, and A r Appreciation yond the Cunningham logging road crossing the said highway, and the with the cattle in the background, lay on the Marshfield highway, called at The board of directors of the Co ents to keep their chilidren at home, further completion of the San Fran more than pleased to waive her pre the Christ child. The blue illumina the Sentinel office Tuesday to extend quille Chamber of Commerce wishes away from all contacts where they rogative as installing officer in favor cisco Bay bridge having its northern tion added wonderfully to the effect, his subscription for another year. He to thank each and every one for the might contract the disease, and he of the grand matron. terminus at Sausalito, Calif., and is one of the oldest Coos county citi co-operation shown in making Co has been greatly encouraged by the M bs . Glaisyer and Mrs. Ulett acted giving it the apeparance of a beauti Whereas: The section of highway zens, having been born Feb. 22, 1848. quille beautiful for the holiday sea co-operation that parents generally as installing officers for Elgin chap ful night. complained of and sought to be im Many others deserve a more ex He was two or three months younger son. Never in the past has our fair have given the health department. ter at Myrtle'Point last evening. tended mention, but cold type can The forbidding of chUdren to gath proved is now over-burdened to an than the late Russell C. Dement. Mr. city presented so festive an appear not express the beauty and color Johnson was ijom in Alaska before ance at this season and to the busi er in groups worked a hardship on extent rendering its alignment and Airport Funds Assured widths a menace to trafife and re that were found in all of Coquille’s that territory belonged to the United ness houses, home owners and civic Christmas entertainments in the The North Bend airport and sea decorations thia year. States, and touched nearly every sea organizations who aided in making churches this week, but if it saved quiring an undue caution and care in its use, a condition which will. In plane base will be something out of An out-of-town home which was port in the world before settling at Coquille’s apeparance a matter of the life of one child we must aU ad our judgment, be greatly aggravated the ordinary before the government strikingly beautiful wm that of Riley Coquille. He was at Battle Rock, pride, we extend our sincerest ap mit it was worth whUe. Dr. Wilson purposely made his in the near future, now therefore be plans are fully matured and com Clinton's at Johnson's MUI. Port Orford, in 1886 and later at preciation. It: ..............- pleted. Already the government has Klamath Falls, then known as Link- Coquille Chamber of Commerce warning and quarantine indefinite Resolved: That the request made appropriated $68.000 for construction but he expressed pleasure this morn “This Is God’s Country; ville, where he became acquainted ing that it was effective Guards can upon us by the Coquille Chamber of work, while the City of North Bend, with Dr. C. R. Bloyd, then in the U. Don’t Drive Like Heir Sitka Mill Sold not be placed at the homes of all Commerce for our supoprt in its ef on request of Capt. Edward White- S. army. forts to secure an improvement of head, U. S. A., commerce department The old Sitka Mill, below Coquille, suspects, but parents who care for A full story of Mr. Johnson's life The president of the Oregon Coast and travels would be more interest on which the Hibernia Bank at Port- the health of their children will use this highway link merits our ap head of aeronautics for the north Highway Association, Walter 8. proval, and that we join with that west, last Friday night at a special ing and thrilling than any work of land, has held a mortgage for several the utmost precaution, Chiene, suggests as a motto for safer body and other interested groups and session of the council, approved an years, was sold by Edward Joehnk, * fiction every written. driving along the Oregon coast, and in n * Weeks • localities in petitioning the Highway appropriation of $3500 to be used for referee in bankruptcy, at Marshfield Ready in Couple of Weeks ............. _ as a contribution to the state-wide airport improvements in the line of last Monday. With all the deling Tnesday the Busiest Day N. Jameson, of the Arrow Mill Co., construction requested in time and in flood lights, a beacon and enlarge and national efforts in behalf of safe quent taxes, preferred claims, judg-' stated this morning that as quickly as manner to avoid m(wt Jn. driving, this motto—"This is God’s Tuesday afternoon Coquille streets ment of the field. ments, first and second mortgages were parked as full of cars as at any the electric wiring contract is com- convenience to the traveling public That action brings the amount of against the property, one wonders at If it appeals to you as it does to time In its history for a strictly busi pleted that they will be ready to in- which will ensue upon completion money for the intial base to $71,500, the termepty of anyone buying it for ness day. Parking space was at a stall the equipment already on hand and openin< the*> bridges, and be which is to be utilized in construction others as a means for making people old junk even. premium. ( and the carload which is yet coming it further of hangars and ramps for the moor think, promote the idea. Spread it Merchants generally agree that from Chicago. I Resolved: That a copy of this reso- ing and safety of seaplanes. — Coos in the press. Use it in any way to Cy Goodman Improving bring it before our own people, and. there was more buying for the holi i He anticipates thst the plant will |ution be filed in the records of this Bay Harbor. | if possible, to the attention of the day season than for many years. The Cy Goodman, a Coquille resident be ready to operate by Jan. 15, possi- chamber, and copies thereof be -sent After surveying the flying fleM: trailing public along the Oregon Treasure Hunt had something to do years ago but now the draw bridge bly a week sooner. 'to the Coquille Chamber of Com- with it; the festive appearance of the ender at Charleston, was operated Chas. A. Charter, manager of the meree and other bodies interested situation at Bandon, Capt. Edward coast. The Oregon Coast Highway is rap busineM district and the homes all on at Keizer hospital in North Bend plant, already has 300 applications 'herin. I Whitehead of the U. S. Bureau of Air helped, but the principal reason is last Friday for enlarged prostate from those who desire employment _______ Passed by the Bandon Chamber of Commerce, approved an appropria idly developing into a fast road, but tliat people are coming more and g'.and. His condition was extremely there, about four times the number Cqmroen;e< Cqmmeree, Bandon. Oregon, this tion of $38,000 for the airport there we do not wish to develop a speed tour umes tne numoer . ■ will ___ .. be employed . . d 4t more to believe that Coquille is S critical for several days after the that kt the the start. start. twenty-first day of December, 1935. and left assurance that work would way. All travel should be safe. Our 1 “■Mg mighty good place in which to trade. operation, but he now seems to be start at once. The site to be used is a highway is guarded for safety, and Entertains f or \ Daughter on the road to recovery. North Bend Resolution 400-acre tract recently acquired by our Roadside committee will''call to our attention, and we to the High Mrs. Lloyd Oddy arrahgdd<4 holi Fewer Baskets This Christmas Whereas: there is a widespread in the Port of Bandon. It was believed Christmas baskets by the local day club party Monday evening for terest and definite demand for the. that hangars were not contemplated way Commission, any dangers that Wm. Dailey Died in East American Legion and Veterans of the pleasure of her daughter, Fran straightening and improvement of ' in the list of improvements, but 'that need to be guarded against on the Wm. Dailey, who left Coquille in If . 5 . Hi«hwsy Foreign Wars posts were down to a < ces, who is spending her Christmas the highway between Coquille,,Ore runways and ramps would be provid- the summer of 1933, after living here I highway 1. a continual show-r minimum thia year, the two putting vacation at home, from Oregon State gon, and the cities of Marshfield and ed. WPA workers will be employed. i for many years and being employed < ___________ t window, of such magnitude that “he out but six baskets to ex-soldiers, or College. Those enjoying the occa North Bend, and as millwright in the Johnson mill, as their families. Last year the two sion were Miss Grace Elllngsen, Miss Pirates Get Together *hoiru“’ "LT1 Whereas: the present condition of I the Prosper Mill was formerly | phasize that all travel has regard for posts gave out 27 baskets. , ' known, passed away on Nov. 30 at Lena Williams, Miss Katherine Jane the highway presents a menace and I The Coquille Pirates enjoyed one the safety of the driv er and everyone The Fraternal Order of Eagles also Hassler, Miss Elda Gilman, Miss hazard to the safety of the traveling i Chicopee Falla, Mass. where he has of their annual holiday gatherings el#e on highway. Indeed, it la had a very small list, with only fit- i Elizabeth Pierce, Miss Carol Young public, and resided since leaving Coquille. He | last night, with a seven o’clock din- God’s Country, so don’t drive like teen, and they tried to find every Contract and Mrs. Margarita Brodie, Whereas: this highway carries the , ner In the dining room of Coquille Hell.—Ed W. Miller, manager Coast i was ill about two weeks during worthy case. Last year's basket con bridge was the evening’s diversion, greatest traffic load of any highway hotel. Seated around a large table, Highway Association. i which time he suffered three para tributions locally ran up into the Miss Ellingsen won the traveling in Coos county, and it is also an in lytic strokes. centered with a ship, the merry Pi scores. prize. tegral part of the Oregon Coast high rates indulged in song and toasts in Heaviest Mail Monday way, U. S. 101, and the traditional manner Following Legion’s New Year Dance Tiro Names on Blotter More Than Ton of Turkeys Whereas: the improvements needed dinner they invaded the home of Mias All records for incoming mail were Serpentine, caps *n everything to The Smith Wood-Products, Inc., W. M. Brown wm brought up from would be a distinct advantage to each Audrey Aasen for further entertain broken at the Coquille poetoffice- ___ r__ , remembered ______________ ___ ______ make a New Year’s dance the biggest Bandon last Saturday to serve out a particular locality in Coos ocunty, as ment. Listed among the Outlaws Monday morning when 85,sacks of company its employees at Christmas time, each head of a1 event of the holiday season Is being $50 fine, imposed in justice court for it would result in greater tourist and were: Anne Barton, Sara Margaret parcels poet were received besides 32 family being given a turkey, unmar- planned by Coquille Poet of the drunkenness. commercial travel, Nye. Margaret Paulson. Elizabeth separate pieces, making a total of 117. ried men a present in cash and to American Legion for next Wednes- Wherefore, the Roads Committee of Pierce. Beryl Unsoeld, Carol Young, The previous record of two years Walter Greve, indicted by the wives whose husbands also were em- day evening. The dance will be giv- grand jury for non-support, was ar the North Bend Chamber of Com Betty Glaisyer and Audrey Aasen. ago was 77 sacks. ployed there a box of vegetables. The en in the Coquille Community Build rested and lodged in jail on Monday. merce, resolves that the Highway No record was kept of outgoing turkey Christmas gifts ran well over. ing, with Ernie Ferrari’s orchestra He has not been able to post the Commission of the State of Oregon, mail but it was heavier than it has ^furnishing the music. Jitney prices. $1000 bail fixed by the court. a ton. I ba urged to Improve and realign the ICY PAVEMENTS -— Burglar Frightened Away z treasure hunt NEARING END CITY ADORNED STALL TO-NIGHT