Fairview ., zi t. „ uUne Under the luP*rvision of the' the daughter of Mr. and W. W. Kight Mr. and Mrs. Ray Surcamp and Homt- Economic» chairman, Mr». Wm.' of thi» citv ns Jack,..JLnri Mvrnn visited — s_ Jlldd ... serve a ,ons, Jack-and Myron, rela- Judd- ths* ’be ITai Fairview ladies will tives in Marshfield last Sunday. The , ’»»ket dinner at noon in the new din- Surcamps are new folks in the valley. |in« room of the Grange hail Mr. Surcamp being empoyed at the' ——-------------------- loggins camp. Riverton New* Thera will be a community picnic The second annual Coos County at the falls on the fourth of July and Fox Breeders’ picnic, the members as veryone is urged to come. The guests of the A. Barrows family, was Brewster Valley usual plans for a program have, been held at their home home Sunday. A abandoned this year, but the large Miss Lelah Parks, of Creswell, general discussion of fox conditions variety of cats planned by the ladies was held in the morning with a de­ visiting in the valley. hould make up for this. Let’s see lightful potluck dinner at noon, Doris Durrell, who has been wo I ing in Coquille, returned to her home verybody there and be sure to bring served on long tables, in a little grove .he baseball equipment, boys! J _______ back of the house. In the business i Friday. Mr and Mrs. Ted Abbott and D. V. Yeoman, of Yachats, spent meeting following the meal j the hn week-end vi/ith __ . with His his fnmilv family at their member present . • told what he had daughter, June, and R. E. Alford were This equipment is the most advanced development in display re­ Lome . ' | bcen <««Mng, the number of pups business callers in Coquille and '“ m in Fairview. F“‘rVleW H Friends m mr Friends of of Sim Sim Hatcher Hatcher will will be be ' now, now. l^ losses ’inTca^"7f and causes of I loss. Mr? ■ Marshfield Saturday. frigeration using the latest principle of air conditioning. Lorraine Noyes, who has been vis­ "rry,ftO reCen! “,neM and Mrs Hinton Carmen invited the iting with Mrs. Reba Alford, returned L .*"* . h.U‘ farmers to a meeting at their home <~ Perishable foods may be held without loss of natural flavor and iiome with a daughter, Mrs. Lulu July 21. The rest of the afternoon to her home at Dora Wednesday. moisture. AU porcelain exterior and interior plus the elimina­ Alexander, in Coquille so that he may was spent in playing games and talk­ I J. F. T. Kirkup, of Bandon, and Genevieve Crowley left Thursday for 1« nearer his physician. ing over old times. Those present at tion of coils and drain pans makes it possible to keep the case Several valley residents have been this meeting were: Mr. and Mrs A Eugene, where Miss Crowley will at­ tend summer school. clean and sanitary at all times. iving up to the old saying of “mak­ B. Barrows, Mr. Lennon, Howard Christensen and ing hay while the sun shines' the Hull, of Bullards; Mr. and Mrs. Clin- I Mrs. Albert The installation was made by the Oregon distributor past week, j Among "* __________________ those we __ might ton Carmen _____ and son, John, Bob Car-’ , daughter, Christina, Mr. and Mrs. P mention are Charles Holverstott, Tom men, of Gaylord; Mr."and’lta?Owe A. Alford and Mrs. R. E. Alford were . Benham and Frank Teters. i Hamblock, of Bandon; Mr. and Mrs visitors at Powers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, of Em­ Horace Berry and »on, Billie, drove Josh Ruble, Mrs. Ben Smith, Ezra A. pire, were week-end visitors in the o Marshfield with a load of fems on _ ~ Smith, of Coquille; and Mr. and Mrs. valley. Jonday of this week. C. M. Hartwell and children, Cheyie . Ellen Abbott, of Coaledo, is visiting For the past few days, the valley Mae, Grant and Miles. at the Alford home. has been kept in a continual uproar Harry Hull, Jr., spent the week-end A dance was given in the commun­ by the blasting at the logging camp. with his mother and sisters in Myr­ ity hall Saturday night. Those fur­ The men are clearing the way for a tle Point. nishing the music were Mrs. Harold road back into the timber, which Mr. and Mrs. Hertry Steward and should explain the noisy prepara­ son have moved to South Coos River, Shepherd, Mr. Thompson and John Bettincourt, of Dora. tions. where Mr. Steward will work on the Mrs. Boreham, of San Francisco, road for three weeks. Bridge California, arrived at the R. J. Hol- J A surprise birthday party was giv­ verttott home Monday evening for a en Mrs. Clifford Martin at her home The meeting of the Bridge Grange visit. The folks who knew Mrs. Wednesday afternoon by Mesdames Friday evening was one of special in­ entertained at dinner Sunday at the Home Makers Camp to Buck Sales la C'oqaille i g® Held at Eel Lake Boreham when she visited here sev- ] Alpine, Berry, Dye, Peterson, Hol- terest and splendid attendance. Thir­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Orlin Lett. That business U better in Coquille Mr. and - — Mrs. R. — A. - Puett and son, first oiuiimu annual aiwum home uiaacn makers* ™ va- w 1 ----------- --■ — —— — — — —, _ , The ,uc U4M oral years ago, will be glad to meet brook and Marie __ i Miss -- --------- Dye. . Mrs. ty-one members of a the Myrtle it indicated in the announcement of her again. , Martin was presented with a lovely Grange were present, the officers of Clyde, enjoyed an outing at Bandon cation camp will be held for women the Buick Motor Company that 'of Coos county from July 31 to Aug- Southwestern Motor Co. ha» »old The Young People’s Christian pyrex baking dish. , that grange filling the chairs, in beach Friday. The Christian Endeavor topic for 4 al Eel camp near Lakeside, League met last Sunday afternoon at Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hull were compliance with the “visiting plan" more Buick car» in the fir»t five two o’clock. In the absence of the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Hull, of sponsored by Pomona Grange. Mrs. next Sunday evening is Finding God This camp is arranged and directed month» of thia year than were »old in presiding officers, the secretary, Vi­ Bandon. Sunday. , Marjorie Magill, acting lecturer, pre­ in the Summertime," and Fred W. ’ by the Extension Service of the Ore- thia locality in all ci 1034. ola Johnson, took charge of the meet­ Charles Sell, of Coaledo, was visit- sented a program in honor of the ten Corpe will have charge of the meet- gon Agricultural College and is held Report» received at the factory 1 for the purpose of .providing a rest- »how that dealers in 340 town» and ing. Phillip Jensen, the appointed ing his brother, Fred Sell, Tuesday, school children who participated in ’n3- Virginia Ann, small daughter of f u l, inspiring and instructional va- leader, carried on the discusison of The annual high school board meet- the essay contest which was recent- cities throughout the United States the lessons. The next meeting will ing was held at the school housefly conducted in the school, on the Mr. and Mrs Hilburn Gum, bas been cation period at a minimum cost, ac- already have surpassed their total l Monday, _ from ______ 2:00 to . 7:00 in - the af- subject, “Why are Liquor and Tobac- tiulle 111 w*th infection, caused. by cording to information released at the 1034 volume. lie held Sunday, June 30. —- j — ~— — • county agricultural agent’s office. At the June 22 meeting of the Fair- temoon. Mrs. A. C. Dye was chair- ' w co ssaiiiuusi Harmful, or How could I be a Bet­ getting her leg cut with a wire.* “ Many of the towns showing heavi­ view-North Fork Grange, No. 730, man of the special board with Mrs. ' ' »Mr ter Citizen Kee by not aa^ease using them?' JOPlVA Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Roper, of 1 Any home maker in Coos county, ly increased sales over last year are Mr and Mrs. Ray Deadmond and Mr. Mettie Peterson as judge, Mrs. Ellis of the prize-winning essays, those Sphingfield, Mo., and their son, Paul, from city or country, is eligible to those serving rural areas," said W. T. and Mrs. Lew Sonneland presented Holbrook and Mrs. Russell as clerks, written by Virginia Lake and Vir­ gnd his wife and little daughter, register. It is pointed out, however, Hufstader, Buick general sales man­ their reports on the state grange con- There was no opposition to the bud- ginia Beckett, were read. Ice cream Marimartha, of West Plains, Mo., that the accommodations this year ager. “This indicates a greater pur­ ferencc at McMinnville. These dele- get which included funds for the new and cake were served at the close of have been visiting in Coos county the wU1 care ior no more than 40 wom. I chasing power on the part of the The Myrtle Grange past few days, dividing their time en, and that the first to register will farmer and the merchant and a re­ gates stated that they were more than gymnasium, a Smith-Hughes in- the evening. pleased with the weather, their trip structor and building, and four teach- master and other visitors gave some between the A. O. Hooton home here be enrolled for the turn of a measure of that prosperity and, especially, the welcome extend- (ers in the high school. Jos. Nilsen Interesting talks at the table. On and the Hootons in Coquille. Mrs. | Many interesting features will be that has ‘been around the comer* for ¡July 2, the local grange will vist the A. D. Roper is a sister of A. O. Hoo- available to the home makers attend- ed to them by residents of McMinn- was re-elected director. ' , . _ _ so many years.” time they ing this camp, including swimming, ville. | Mr. and Mrs. Shirley batcher are Broadbent Grange. ' I I ton, and this is the first _ In a letter congratulating the The Fairview-North Fork Grange, the proud parents of an 8¥4 pound Mr. and Mrs Turner B. MacDon- 1 hnri h*d met m«’ ninre since Mr Mr. Hooton Hooton left left Mil* Mis­ boating, camp fire programs, nature Southwestern Motor Co., Mr. Huf­ ■i 43 years ago last August to study, crafts, and an excellent li­ stader said: No. 730, will be hosts to the Pomona baby girl, bom Tuesday" at their aid, of "Myrtle Point, Mr. and Mm Grange of Coos and Curry counties home in Coquille. Mrs. Hatcher is W A. Lett and Miss Lou Hooton were make ► his home in Oregon. Miss Dor­ brary. Tiie time of each person at­ "Already you are on the honor roll othy Hooton is also at home, haying tending will be free for her to use as of Buick dealers whose sales so far secured a nurse to take her place at she chooses, it is stated: There will this year have exceeded their total the Mast Hospital in Myrtle Point for be no dish washing, or meal planning volume in 1034. That*» a good Job a few days. » ’required of the campers, as an ex­ well done, and I want you to know Next Sunday is J. W. Barnett’s day cellent cook and assistants have been that you have my sincere apprecia- to occupy the pulpit of the church employed for this purpose, according ‘ tion and my hearty thanks' This here and the people of the commun­ to George Jenkins, county agent, who - achievement ... is too fine to keep in ity are cordially invited to attend the is assisting with local arrangements. the family. Your fellow citizens service. T. B. MacDonald, who has The cost to each member, according should know about it, too.1 been preaching here two Sundays a to the announcement, will be very month for nearly a year, is moving small, and in addition each one will C. L. Ward in Loa Angeles to Port Orford. He will be greatly be asked to bring some produce from In remitting for the Sentinel, C. L. mined here. - her home supply. Those who bring Mrs. H. C. Brodbeck and daughter, no produce will pay an additional fee Ward, former superintendent of schools here, who is now connected Mrs. Allen King, both of Cincinnati. Registration to attend this camp Ohio, arrived Friday for a few days’ should be made as soon as possible with the Los Angeles Pacific College, visit with the former's’ brother, C. S. and must be in the county agents' of­ writes: "We enjoyed very much our year Murphy, and family. fice not later than Wednesday, July Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Heath and Mr. 24. Members of the Home Extension at the University of California in and Mrs. Ray L. Beckett, Myrtle, council in Coos County can supply Berkeley, and were very happy, in­ Virginia, Wilda and Alden, were aditional information regarding the deed, to receive our higher degree; guests Sunday at a delightful birth-1 | camp and enrollment cards to those then we were delighted that this sit­ day dinner at the Roy Brown home interested. __ _____ uation opened up and now find our­ This council includes in Myrtle Point, honoring the anni- Mrs Leia McCue, of Bandon; Mrs selves in delightful surroundings in versaries of Mrs. Brown and her little Grace Rackleff, Arago; Mrs. Ray this metropolitan area. "We have received many fine let­ nephew, Alden Beckett. 1 Deadmond. of McKinley; Mrs. W. J. The community was shocked and DeBoer, Gravel Ford; Mrs. H. D.j ters from Coquille and always think saddened Tuesday by the death of H. Rones, Gaylord; Mrs. Everett Messrle,1 of the folks there and our stay there L Brown, who died very suddenly of catching Inlet, and Mrs Hilda with the kindnest of memories." Cow Bell Dairy Installs FRIEDLICH FLCATINC AIR REFRICERATCR DISPLAY CASE C. S, Hamilton Furniture Company Salem, Oregon FROM SOUTHWESTERN MOTOR CO CHEVROLET - PONTIAC - BUICK - LA SALLE COQUILLE OREGON CADILLAC ON HAVING SOLD MORE BUICKS SO FAR THIS YEAR THAN IN THE ENTIRE YEAR OF 1934 To those who, by becoming new Buick owners this year, have helped our dealer to this proud position, Buick's thanks and congratulations. You have joined a numer- OUS family of loyal owners. The money which you have invested in your Buick car has brought you the t value Buick ever built—and the fineat of motorin*. heart trouble at his home here. Mr. Reiher, of North Bend. Brown was about 65 years of age and ■ leaves to mourn their loss his widow and five children: Mrs Ethel O’Neal, _ ™de for loek« Medford, Ore.; Elwin Brown, Bridge; c,*h H«rd*’arp Mrs. Hazel Jones, Dufur; Mrs. Leone Haynes. Medford; Mrs. Jessie Fair-, child, Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Jas. Morrison, Mrs. Arthur Gates, Miss Mae Hatcher and Mrs John Paulsen and children, Faye and Jack, motored to Roseburg Monday in Mrs. Morrison’s car. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Puett and son, Clyde. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hooton and daughters. Lou, Maude and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Roper and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roper and daughter, Mari- martha, enjoyed a trip to the Sea Lion Caves, Umpqua Lighthouse and other points of interest Tuesday. —— “r me auoomg comDinauon Stevens’ we offer with the Sentinel will save * FRII TICKIT califohni * on tow summer roundtrips KIDNEY SUFFERERS AT RELIEF lf you are suffering from kidney disorders, burning pains, nervousness, stiffness, rheumatic pains, loss of vitality, don’t waste a minute. Get a Ixittle of Williams 8. L. K. Formula and if not delighted with results your money will be refunded. Sold and guaranteed by Fuhrman's Pharmacy. To own a Buick is to display sound buying judgment and to enjoy the utmost of motor car satisfaction. for details.