. w Sbssttf ...................................... , ••••► Myrtle Point Herald, Supplies rho followed a Yax Dept. ...... . ............. ........ the pack upon WwrWi Ofe. ick into forest Coquille Machine Shop, He­ 'ton so^ood. H World, Reprinting be a tenderfoot i>BX Receipts ...... .............. favorite hunt- Buriouglis Adding Machine isn behind ev-1 Co., Ribbon Coupon Book virgin rtreams. - i the vast, clean Knife^ Hospital, Hospital Care — .................... 147.50 20.00 Cash Emergency Fund War­ 150.00 Ben Alsup. Finger print work 12.50 R. T. Whitty, Labor ..... Coos Co. Hiway Dept . Gas, Clifford Herbage, Labor 19.00 rants ...... ................... . ....... 233.50 Trans. CCC Boys ............... 32 30 Algie Hanson, Labor ___ 3.20 Dog License Fund Warrants 206.99 261.00 Geo. Harding, Labor .... 3.20 J. P. A J. M. Hayes, Sheep lulled him to even the forgetfulness Keizer Bros. Hospital, Hospi- 92.00 killed by dogs ___________ 15.00 G. Gunderson, Labor .... of being a human being. It was in „tal Persons .... 214.00 816,755.58 57.60 Earl Snell, Sec. State, For Vic Lindstrom, Labor ... I Coquille Hospital, Hospital May, 1935 such retreats that man understood Predatory Animal Control .. 25.60 200.00 Chas. Eckhoff, Labor Care Various Persons ...... „. General Road Fund War­ and learned to appreciate the fact of 1 Dr. Vem L. Hamilton, Prof. 283.25 Dependant Mother's Allowance 32.00 A. Ray, Labor------ ;----- rants ...................................617,366.30 2000 25.60 PHMM88 Mate _____ how really small a unit he really is i L. Williams, Labor ..... . Services ..... Dist. Maint. Road Fund War­ 138.00 Mrs. F. M. Waggoner Fuhrman A Shmdltir, Medicine 15.00 J. W. Dye, Labor .......... 104.00 rants ....... 237.93 ; in the scheme of things in this world. 28.00 15.00 Arlyn Bark low. Labor ... 95.00 General Rd. Cash Emergency 5.M Mary Frances Smith ! It was there that he stood ix awe and Pacific Drug Co, Medicine .... Mary Anusich _____ 12.50 C. H. Mast, Labor 19.20 Hudson’s Drug Store, Medi­ Fund Warrants 9.00 , silent worship of the greatest beauty 12.50 Tom Evans, Labor ____ 44.00 cine ....................... ....... ...... 2.20 Margaret Davis ......... 12 50 F. B Hickok, Labor...... ! that was ever created. It was there ' Red Cross Drug Store, Medl- Nellie Thurman .—.... 114.40 817,613.23 Churchill__ __ 1544 STATE OF OREGON 1540 F. B Hickok, Mileage ... cine. . that he could He upon his back and i W. A. Miller .... 98 80 12.00 M. McCarthy. Labor The Busy Comer, Medicine?, County of Coos: ss. gaze up at the stars and the big ■ M. Harry ........ 10.00 Floyd Smith, Labor 58.10 L L. W. Oddy. County Clerk of N. G. W. Perkins, Medicte. round moon and feel or sense the ' - 10.00 H. A. steward. Labor ... M. 10 Coos County, Ex-officio Clerk ot etc. ............ . 2545 Lenora Hale ___ 1000 Rose Robison Roy Wheeler, Labor ----- 95.00 the County Court of said County and presence of something that actually Sempert’s Drug Store, Medi­ 10 00 Levi Wilson, Labor------- 98.80 State, do hereby certify that the cine, etc. ------- ..... 25.14 Jennie Combe ............ awed him. Hilma Peterson ____ 10.00 Vance Weekly, Labor ... 103.00 foregoing is a true and correct state­ Such talk no doubt appears silly to , Sempert’s Drug Store, Medi­ Nettie Crosby ______ 10.00 Vance Weekly, Mileage 4.50 ment of the amount of bills allowed cine ...... _.......... ...... those who have never slept beneath 1000 Margaret Thomas ..._ Elmer Ross, Labor ........ N. M on the various funds of the County Farr A Elwood, Garden seed 10.00 R. T. Whitty, Labor the stars and the old moon, alone and 72.00 as audited by the County Court ait , for Indigent __ ______ ____ 0.78 Hattie Huntley .._...... 1000 C. B. Young. Labor ----- 99.00 Mary A. Butterfield . miles and miles away from any habi­ Golden Rule Store, Clothing said County at the regular June, 10.00 C. E. Patterson, Labor ... 93.10 1935, term thereof, as the same ap­ for Indigent ........................... 12.46 Zoe M Shields_____ tation, but to those who have I know 10.00 J. D. Avery, Labor ........ Gertrude Hendrick „ 73.30 pears on the exhibits of claims and that they grasp the thoughts I am Schroeder Bros. Mortuaries, 10.00 Wayne Goodman, Labor 81.60 warrants in my office and custody. Ambulance Service Indigent 1740 Susie K. Weekly 8.00 seeking to convey. Pearl Linn ----- --------- Earl West, Labor 81. M WITNESS my hand and seal of Peterson Funeral Home, Fun­ 10.00 G. Franzwa, Mileage;...j Mulkey.... ......... 32.22 the County Court affixed this eral ___ ___ ___ _ ________ But now fast, too fast, wilderness 12.50 Cora Bernice Andrews 15.00 117.00 G. Franzwa, Labor ------ 14th day of June, 1935. retreats are being coi into Campbell Funeral Home, Fun­ 1240 Rufus Howe, Labor ----- 116.00 erals _______ _ w _ L. W. Oddy, County Clerk 42.50 Goldie Hannevold ..... modern settings and ev that 12.60 Willis Van Velsor, Labor Mrs. Della Warner .... 3.00 (Seal) By J. W. Leneve, Deputy Drs. Peacock A Simpkim In­ 12.50 Geo Bonar, Labor ....... a woodman holds dear is being Mrs. Phyllis Wilson ... 30.00 sanity Hearing.... .........._...... 10.00 Marvin Shaw, Labor .... Hanna Griswold 6.40 erased. There is a little satisfaction The Clolhing for FeeW*- SUMMONS 92.00 10.00 J. K. Baker, Labor........ in knowing that we still have the No. 10666-100 46 88 Mrs. Ruby Smith ____________ Frank McAdams, Labor 87.40 Indigent Allowance J. C. Penney Co, Clothing for stars and the moon—thank the Lord 116.00 Feeble-minded ......... ........... 11.58 Geo. A. Albright ..................... 30.00 Wm. Twohig, Labor___ for that. But I have not the slightest Hudson Drug Store, Drugs, ... 100 00 la the Circuit Court of the Stole of Ernest Anderson .......... .......... 15.M J. L. Lea, Labor...... ....... Oregon For Coos County .. M.40 Dale Seiwell, Labor A Team Nina Bottom ..... ...... ......... doubt that their beauty would soon be County Jail..... .....„...... ... DOUGLAS BUILDING AND LOAN 3.00 Danirt Barklow ........._____ 10.00 10.00 Curt Seiwell, Labor ____ ..... ... 1600 spoiled if it lay in man’s power to Coquille Laundry Co., Laun­ ASSOCIATION, a corporation, 18.00 8.00 Kent Seiwell, Labor----- - — dry Service..... ....... ........ ...... 12.80 George H. Barrett ______ __ _ Plaintiff, do so. 7 50 Charley Seiwell. Labor__ ... .... 3.20 Margaret E. Brown __ _____ Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff. Con­ vs. I might add that I hold no person­ — 88.50 10.W K. EV. Aagurc, Lane. Labor AteERMT ........ - ......... . W. M. Brtner ___ ______ .... 16.00 veying Prisoner to Pen ___ 9.58 Alice Bateman .............. ......... 10.00 Jack Lefevre, Labor .... 40.00 S. M. Nosier, Lula M. Nosier, C. D. al grudge against the CCC outfits. Coquille Valley Sentinel, Pub Walker, Lucile Walker, E. W ... 3.20 10.00 Jack S Berg. Labor Mrs. Sadie Buchanan ____ ...... Del. Tax Foreclosure List 2930.95 They are merely tools and cannot Gregg and Frances Holmstrom, 8.00 Ray C. Bolton, Labor . — .... 340 . Carrie E. Baird _ ____________ Coos Bay Times, Pub Co. Ct. Defendants. help the part they play. ... 340 10.00 Ray Forsyth, Labor ....... Proceedings A Notices ....... ” 40 Mary V. Collier ...... To C. D. Walker and Lucile Walker, — 8 00 | Warren Gilbert, Labor .. ... 340 Stevens Cash Hdw., Paints A defendants above named. 14.00 Raymond Hayes, Labor ... ... 3.20 Kalsomine Ct. House.... .... . IN THE NAME OF THE STATE _. 34o 10.00 Geo. Buchanan, Labor ,, L. M. Jones, Wood, Court OF OREGON: You and each of you 10 00:Atlee W. Hoyt, Labor .... 340 ... Emma Duncan House .......................... 10 00 j-------- 3 Labor ...». Wallacp — Hunt. ... 340 are hereby required to appear and John DeCosta _____________ Wm. Hull, Wood, Court House answer the complaint of plaintiff 8 00.Alice Davis _______________ Belmont Jones, Labor ... _. 3.20 8.00 wm^A^ Stewart. Wood, Court _. 3.20 filed against you in the above entitled 1200 Raymond Mason, Labor .„I Bertha Ennis ... -____ ;— 800,Lela A Ellis ............................ 10 00 Lee ■ ___ Labor ._.... Neville, ... 3.20 court and cause on or before four E. E, Benham, Hauling Fire" Labor _ _ 8.00 , Lester Powers, Labe ... 340 weeks from the first publication of . Alex Evanoff -------- - ------------ ......... 0 90. Mrs. I. M. Endsley .................. 8.001 Chas Purus. Labor _ 3.20 this summons, and if you fail so to J. A. Lamb Co., Janitor’s Sup­ appear and answer said complaint, 10 00 O. ” —— r Labor -1 H. 4^1 Robinson, ... 3.2o for .„'Daisy Fredericks___ plies ...... -.„....77^ want thereof, the plaintiff will 3.20 Mrs. A. N. Foley___________ 1640 Elmer Rowan. Labor ............. ... Mountain States Power Oo„ 340 apply to the court for the relief de­ MO.M Q. .- Homer Farlow ------- ----- - 8.00 Edgar Royton. Labor1 ___ __ ... Lights and Power .... ...... manded complaint, a succinct 340 statement in of said *w| Frank Ferguson ------------------- 10.00 F.phram Vand. LabOrP _____ ... W5L‘ Telephone Co, which is as follows to- Rhul.- Labor _______ 80.00 - 104.00 Sue Geddes ...—. ...... — 10.00 wit: For judgment upon a promis­ 10 00 W Newton. Labor - ------------- ... 100.00 sory note dated May 18, 1931, signed ™ Geo. Thos. Gent ____ National Reemployment Ser ­ 14040 John Glock ........ ........ ............. 10 00 L. A. Fitzgerald. I^bor ......... vice, Donation for April A by Nosier and Walker, Inc, a cor- 7.60 Roy M. Jones, Labor .;........... ■■■ «■«> r«. ^.=== .... ............ ........................ • 2o Poration, made in favor of plaintiff, 80.00 Western Union, Telegraph 10 00 Geo. Harding, Labor .......... . the sum of One thousand forty ... I Fannie Hoffman ------- - --------- 20.00 L. A. Fitzgerald. Mileage ..... ^ la's«'lor Service ......... ... ’¿0 and 05/100 (81040.05) dollars with Jack Arnold, Labor __ ____ 120.00 2 al I Nettie Hodges ........................... 10.00 Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Sup­ interest thereon at six per cent per 10.00 D. G. Ireland, Lebor ..... ....... „ 192 00 annum from March 15, 1935, until plies ... ......... ”....._ 1° 36 Dove Hutchinson .......... . .... .. E. R. Strain, Operating River ts Coos Bay Stationery Co, Sup- ton Ferry ........ ........ . ....... 45.00 paid, the further sum of One Hun­ nlitg ......... dred (8100) dollars as attorney’s fees ‘• ‘» Ida B. Hill ...... . ............. ......... Norman Wilson, Operating 66.00 Fnmklin Printing Co, Stro­ Bullards Ferry ..................... 240.00 and costa and disbursements; that a Thoe^ A. Hughes . .. Thos. ...... , plies Clerk’s Ofc. .......... . certain mortgage made by said Nos­ Stian E. Smith, Operating 2 38 , Ida lua B. w. Irion ,v,l ....................... . W.VGlaisyer, Sal, Dairy A Daniels Creek Ferry ........... 80.00 ier and Walker, Inc., upon lots seven 1 J. c. Jackson Herd Inspector ..... ....... _ (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), Geo. Landrith, Operating Lan- 125 00 Coquille , Cora Kronsteiner -------------- Hotel, Lunch for Ju- 80 00 drith Ferry ............................. 20.00 eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block . I Mary Kaino --------------- ---------- I twenty-two (22) of Elliott’s Addition 9.75 1 Mrs. M. J. Kindiesparger Coos County, Use of Equip­ 80.00 Carter Rice A Co, Paper Tow­ J. F. ment .......... . ......... . ......... ...... 3493.63 to the town of Coquille City, now Margaret Kennedy -------- -- els ...—..... . ................ City of Coquille, Coos County, Ore­ 15.19 Leontine Knox ............. ........... Coos Bay Stationery Co, Blue 166.06 £ p 8®y*ra. Map of Coos Co. 040 W. A. Keller ............................ Print Paper ........................... 1.801 gon, be foreclosed and that you be CHF of Coquille, Water ......... barred and foreclosed of all right, 7.75 Eliza M. Lewis ----------- -------- Mountain States Power Co, 80.00 Coquille Valley Sentinel, Sup- Lights and power .... ....... . 29.65 title and interest in and to said mort- Elizabeth Lane ........................ property and for general 52.56 ' A. M. Lammey................... — City of Coquille, Water..... ...... r'AMaafw VapM................. 150.00 2.75 West Coast Telephone Co, Tel- Susan Laxtrom -------------------- F-U. McNelly. jal, Bupt. Co. This summons is served upon you phone Service ......... . .......... 24.44 Martha Almeda Leiby .....—. Farm ... .............. by publication thereof for a period of 10040 Wm. State Ind. Acci. Comm, Ind. __ consecutive Beta Horton. Sal. Nurse_____ Insurance County Employees 326.33 once each week for ; four 67.50 Edith McNally, Sal. Matron .... Carl E. Li weeks in the Coquille Valley ........... Sentin- State Ind. Acci. Comm, Ind. Malcolm 1 Mary Force. Sal. Cook...... Insurance (S. E. R. A.) ___ 354.00 el, a newspaper of general circula­ 8540 Sarah Martin -------------- Kight, Salary. Farm tion published and circulated in Coos nein Henry Michelbrink ------ Cook’s Helper ....... . Lumber ........... ............ ........ 503.10 and you are hereby notified to ap­ Coos County Farm, Prefas" 25 001 Franklin Marquis ...... . pear and answer the same on or be­ —............ ima * Corinthia Mills .... used on farm _______ AteMlBWVT ........... .. 108 Mark Mecum . — 75.00 30.49 fore four weeks from the date of the ■ mw — *** ................... Merc ®°- 1.46 first publication of this summons. . , n ,, Donald Nelson Nelson .... ------- ------ 12.00 Coquille Mill Co. Lumber__ Date of first publication June 28. l M. W W. Nye ..... — 25 00 10.00 Moore Mill A Lumber Co, Lumber ___ _____ _ I i Oliver Ocheltree ______ 3.36 1935. Date of last publication July 13.50 26, 1935. 175.00. 16.77 A. a . M. Osborne Osborne --------------- ...... 16-37 - 10.00 Coos Bay Logging Co, Lum­ B. L. Eddy. ber _______________ 'John Olson - -------- --------- SB __ ..... _______ ... 1.37 Attorney for Plaintiff 93.12 37.62 Eleanor Ozek-------------- - 7.50 Coquille Machine Shop, Post Office Address, Roseburg, Drugs .... 36.681 Chas. Qulmotto „— lo w * Mteetal —-------- -------- 59.50 Oregon. 34t5 /^’^ftalcSITfor Mro^;“0' ■a PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COURT * S