The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 28, 1935, Page 6, Image 6

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Live News From Arago
Dr. or.d Mrs. G. D. Kelker and chil­
dren, Marilyn and Stanly, from San
Luis Obispo, California, and Mrs.
Ella Guerin and daughter, Jean, from
San Francisco, and Mrs. Lorin Guerin
and children, Patty and Harry, re­
cently of Los Angeles, visited Mrs
Fred Lafferty on Wednesday
Marjorie Hill,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Hill, and Mr. Gene Robison, eldest
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ithamer Robison
of the Fat Elk district, were married
by Justice Stanley in Coquille Sat-
urday afternoon.
Callers greeting S. C. McAllister
on his birthday were Mr. and Mrs.
Adolph Haberly, of Jefferson, Ore­
gon, Miss Caroline June Haberly, of
Portland, Mrs. B. B. Watkins, Mrs.
Ernest Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. L. M.
Aasen, Miss Leatha Munford, Mrs
Naomi Robison and Mr. Sam Root
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Myers called Mon­
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Polland, of
Myrtle Point, were Friday evening
visitors at the Robert Munford home
A group of friends surprised Mrs.
Walter Moore, formerly Iola Robi­
son, with a miscellaneous shower
Friday afternoon at her home in Co­
quille. Those attending from Arago
were Mrs. George Robison and
daughters. Marguerite, Lois and Opal,
Mrs. Glenn Collier, Mrs. Sarah Robi­
No, 18*87-19«
son, Mrs. Bert Dpyle, Mrs. Wendell
Robison, Mrs. Art Farrier, Mrs. Mary
Mix, Mrs. C. A. Keltner, Mrs. Adrian
Halter. Miss Joan Milani, Miss
DOUGLAS BUILDING AND LOAN Evelyn Doyle, Miss Stella , Hussar,
Marian Hoxey and Glenda Stewart.
ASSOCIATION, a corporation, i
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parker and sons.
< .1 Gene, Joe and Bill, drove in from
C. D. Walker, Lucile Waker, Lloyd I„
Shepherd and Getrude E. Shep­ Port Orford Saturday afternoon,
Defendant* They left Monday morning for Port­
To C. D. Walker and Lucile Wai cet. land, whefe Mrs. Parker and the boys
defendants above named.
will visit while Mr. Parker attends
OF ORGEON: You and each of you the summer session at O. S. C.
Francis Keltner left Saturday
are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of plaintiff morning for Eugehe where he will
filed against you in the above en­ attend the summer school at the Uni­
titled court and cause on or before
four weeks from the first publicatioh versity of Oregon.
Mrs. Alvin Billings is recuperating
of this summons, and if you fail go
to appear and answer said complaint, from her recent illness at the home
for want thereof the plaintiff wi|l of her mother, Mrs. Mary Miller, in
apply to the court for the relief de­
manded in mid complaint, a succint Myrtle Point.
Miss Martha Hock ema, of Portland,
statement of which is as follows, to-
wit: For judgment upon a promis­ spent from Monday evening until
sory note made by Catnryn Clay and Saturday with her sister. Mrs David
Charles D. Clay dated April 5, 1928,
__ plaintiff, in the
_ sum , Ropt. On Friday an uncle and his
in the favtir of
of Eight Hundred Seventeen and wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Hockema.
22/100 (3817.22) dollars, with inter-1 of Salem, and their daughter and
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chnser »
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the further sum at Eighty-five •nd Verle, of Monmouth, drove in for
(885 00) dollars as attorney’s fees and an overnight visit with the ladies.
costs and disbursements; the fore-
Bible study was held Thursday
&sr.fSfMn'Sdisr,£ —• «»■—«'«" “'»■
rorKlcur. o< . m«. mOn,.S. Wo«l»«rd with O.vH Root
of the last part of thaj
made by said Cathryn Clay •nd
and the discussion 'of
Charles D. Clay in favor of plaintiff tenth chapter of Matthew. . Those at-
, Miss Edythe Woodward. Miss Rachael
described parcel of land:
Commencing one hundred (100) Woodward. Mrs. Naomi Robison, Mrs.
1th'L.SoYthT2?t Forne,r.i>f Oluf Aaaen, Mrs. Tyrrell Woodward
WBA’k&.’Sf... ...............-..
Mrs. New Location 344 Front St.
Coos County, Oregon; running thence of Vancouver, B. C„ Mr. and ”
North a distance of one hundred Ernest Watkins and daughter, Anne,
(100) feet; thence East to the West Mary Jean McAllister and Mrs.
side of alley running through block
tion at the picnic in Bandon Thurs­
sixty-two (62) of Wm. Notley’s Ad-, Woodward.
The young people’s Sunday school day.
dition to said Coquille City; thence
South one hundred (100) feet; thence classes drove to Bandon after church
The Pollyanna club enjoyed a pic­
West one hundred (100) feet to place last Sunday and picnicked in the
at the Richmond cabin on the
of beginning, the payment of which
mortgage you assumed; that you and park, enjoying a swim in the tank in Bandon beach Friday evening, swim­
each of you be barred and foreclosed the afternoon. The group included ming in the tank afterwards. Those
of all right, title and interest in and___________
Lodema and __ Yvonne Cross, Iris and attending were Messrs, and Mes­
property; ,nd(Genevie Barklow, Mary, Jean and dames Art Farrier, Wendell Robison,
Anna XU a 4 Irina 1
Everett, Lafferty,
This summons is served upon you by Anne Watkins, Maxine and Ellis Glenn Robison,
publication thereof for a period of Rackleff, Stephen Aasen, Clyde Lillis, Frank Burbank, Marvin Shaw, Adri­
once each week for four consecutive Charles Webb, George Pauli, Melden, an Halter, and Gordon Fleming? The
weeks in the Coquille Valley Sen­ Herbert and Wallace Carl,
Price Burbanks and the Farriers remained
a newapaper of general circula-
, tion published in Coos County, Ore- Schroeder. They were chaperoned overnight returning Saturday after­
| gon, by order of Hon. J. T. Brand, by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schroeder, noon. Mr. and Mrs. Farrier visited
of the above entitled court Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Watkins. Mrs. their grandmothers, Mrs. E. Doyle
made «n.
made and dated June 20, 1935; and
under and by virtue of an Execution you are hereby notified to appear Naomi Robison, Mrs. Lawrence Rack­ and Mrs. M. Leneve.
issued out. of the Circuit Court of the and answer the same on or before leff.
Mrs. Rex Bunnage and sons, James
State of Oregon for the County of four weeks from the date of the first
Mr and Mrs Ernest Watkins vis­ and Robert, of Portland, arrived
Coos on the 1st day of June, 1935, publication of this summons
Date ited Saturday evening with Mr. and Thursday for a short visit with Mr.
in a certain cause in said Court pend­ of first publication June 28, , IMS
and Mrs. J. L. Burtls.
ing wherein A. H. Smith is Plaintiff, Date of last publication July 26. I, 1935. Mrs. Allison Roberts in Powers.
S. C. McAllister had a three-day
and Pioneer Mining and Milling
Everett Doyle is spending several
B. L. Eddy,
Company, a California Corporation
Attorney for Plaintiff celebration of his birthday last week days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert
•nd luccwor to Pioneer Gold Mining
Post Office Address,
Roseburg, *“
■ ~
Friday .........................
his sisters. Mrs.
Leo Cox Doyle in Powers.
Company, a California Corporation Oregon.
24t5 and Mrs. Ed Wannamaugher, and
Mrs. Harriet Burbank spent Satur­
but now Extinct, is Defendant, Case
No. 10701 of said Court and com-1
REDEMPTION NOTICE Mr Wannamaugher, of Bandon, sur­ day, Sunday and Monday at the Clar­
mending me to levy upon any prop­ WARRANT
prised him by bringing a birthday ence Schroeder home
A birthday
erty of the said defendant, not ex-1 Notice is hereby given that War-
dinner and cake with them. They dinner was given in her honor Mon­
empt from execution, or a sufficient
to satisfv
the sum
cdos Co'. are’
helped him to a chair and he sat up day Her grandson, Frank Anderson,
amount thereof
thereof to
satisfy the
sum of
330,0M.50 with interest at fl per cent,
for the first time since his accident of Los Angeles, arrived to spend the
from May 31st, 1935, and costs and warrants ceases June 14, 1935.
December third. A shower of gifts summer with her at her ranch.
disbursements 316.80, together with
Mrs. M. E. Borgard,
came in for him on Saturday ynd on
Rev. George Carl, of California,
I have
Clerk Ü. H. No 3,
Sunday Rev. and Mrs. A. Haberly, of will conduct the morning service at
upon and I WILL ON SATl'R
DAY, THE 5th DAY OF JULY. 1935,
Bandon, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hab­ Arago June 30. He will preach at
at the hour of 10 o’clock in the fore­
erly, of Jefferson, Carolyn June Hab­ the Brethren church in Myrtle Point
noon of said day at the front door of
Notice is hereby given that the erly, of Portland, and Alfred Haber­ in the evening and the services at
the County Court House in the City
of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, undersigned, Administratrix of the ly, of Mt. Vernon, and Mr. and Mrs. Arago will be dismissed.
offer for sale and sell at public auc­ Estate of Martha E. Custer, Deceased, Oluf Aasen brought another birthday . The July meeting of the mission­
tion to the highest and best bidder for has filed her Final Account in the dinner for him. All his friends are
___ __________
ary society ________
has been w postponed
cash in hand, all the right, title and County Court of the State of Oregon so glad that he is gaining in strength 'July
10 when it will "be held at the
Interest of the said Defendant in and for Coos County and said Court has
to the following described real prop­ appointed, Monday, the 22nd day of ■nd hope he will soon be able to be Ernest Watkins home. Special music
July, 1985, as the day for hearing of up.
erty, to-wit:
and a play are under preparation for
objections to said Final Account and
The northwest quarter of the
Ellis Rackleff returned to his home the program.
the settlement thereof.
Southwest quarter of Section 32;
Saturday evening from his two
Nellie J. Prey,
Mr. and Mrs. B. B Watkins and Mr.
also what is known as the Pi­
Administratrix of the Estate of weeks' vacation at the 4-H club sum­ dnd Mrs. Ernest Watkins and daugh­
oneer Mining Claim No. 37 being
Martha E. Custer, Deceased.
23t5 mer school in Corvallis.
in the west half of the northeast
ters drove to Bandon Wednesday af­
quarter of Section 33, all in
, M«rv>n Shaw is working on the ternoon where they were joined by
township 27 south, of range 14
| bridge at North Bend He started on Earl Watkins and daughter, Wilma,
west of the Willamette meridian
Notice is hereby given that I, Sarah . Thursday
in the County of Coos and State
of Portland, Mrs. J. K. Baker, Mrs.
of Oregon.
t^trix^'t^'esuÜ'of^CSatUrda7 a“-<tay guests at the John Damron and children. Jack arid
Said sale being made subject to
redemption in the manner provided deceased, have filed ipy Final Report C1,rence Schroeder home were Mrs Annalou, and all took their supper to
■nd Account as such Administratrix Ella Laingor. Mrs Hazel Lewis and (the beach. The evening was delight­
by law.
Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 4th in the^office o^the County Clerk of son, Bobby, Mrs. Ida Matthews and ful and Bandon at its best is almost
day of June, 1935.
““ Mrs Arthur Sandbaum. of Power.
Final Report and "Account will be
Wm. F. Howell. \
B. B. Watkins left on Thursday for
Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Western and
21t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. heard in the County Court Room at
the Court House in Coquille, Oregon, 1 Bandon, where he will assist J. K. family have moved into the Sandy
on the 18th day of July, 1935, at 10 Baker on his cranberry bog
Ellis house.
Mr. Western and his
o’clock A. M„ and all persons having
an the Stauff place,
objections thereto are hereby notified
to appear at said time and place or to of Myrtle Point, were in Arago Mon- clearing for several months,
file their objections thereto.
day afternoon. Mrs. Ray met with Western and their daughter. Mar-
Dated this 12thday of June 1935. the
_ 4-H sewing club girls at the
_ mme
_. - just
home JU
arrived from southern Cal-
Administratrix of ?h« Ä of J. of
they'tfornia >•*
C. Watson.
22t5 ’"■de plans for the Arago demonstra-1 the school term had closed.
Coquille, Oregon
NO. 1*724
■on ii expected soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Haberly, of
Jefferson, Oregon, who have been In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon. In and For the County
visiting his sisters, Mrs. Oluf Aasen
of Coos
and Mrs. S. C. McAllister, left Wed­
nesday morning for Mt. Vernon, Mabie Parsons, Plaintiff
Oregon, where they will spend the
Frank Parsons, Defendant
summer visiting her parents.
To Frank Parsons,
OF OREGON, You are hereby re­
quired to appear and answer the
Complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit within four weeks
from the date of the first publication
Wanted: Bids for construction of i of this summons, which said first
gymnasium at Riverton — see J. F. date of publication is the 28th day
Van Leuven at Bear Creek, for plans of June, 1935, and if you fail so to
and specifications. Sealed bids will answer, for want thereof, the Plain­
be received by Clerk on or before tiff will apply to the Court for the
July 6,
bids will ba opened July relief demanded in her complaint,
8, 1935. A certified cheat for 5 per to-wit:
cent of amount of bid must accom­
For a decree dissolving the mar­
pany bid.
riage relation now and heretofore ex­
Board reserves the right to accept isting between you and the Plaintiff.
or reject any or all bids.
Mabie Parsons, and for an absolute
Mrs. M. E. Borgard,
summons is served upon , you
Clerk U. H. No. 3,
23t2 * Star Route, Bandon, Oregon, by publication in the Coquille Valley
.Sentinel, a weekly newspaper pub-
1 lished at Coquille, Oregon, for four
consecutive weeks and the date of
the first publication thereof is the
28th day of June, 1935, and you are
hereby required to answer the com­
plaint within a period of four weeks
subsequent to said date by virtue of
an order made and entered by James
T. Brand. Circuit Judge, on the 25tl>
day of June, 1935.
Grant Corby,
Attorney for Plaintiff
P. O. and resident address, Co­
quille, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given: That the
undersigned has filed his Final Re­
port as Administrator of the Estate of
B. B. Teters, deceased, in the County
Court of Coos County. Oregon, and
that the Honorable Hugh McLain.
Judge of the said Court, has set July
22id, 1935, at the hour of 10 o'clock
A. M. as the time and the County
Courtroom, Courthouse.
Oregon, as the place for hearing ob­
jections to such Final Account and
the settlement thereof and that all
persons objecting thereto must file
their objections on or before said
Date of first publication, June 21.
Date of last publication, July 19.
William Bettys, .Administrator
8. D. Pulford.
Attorney for Administrator.
Residing at Coquille, Coos County.
Calling carda, 30 for 11.00.