fáíámiM Live Newn From Aragn An unusual feature of the Randi-- ! man reunion 'picnic held June 10 at ■ the home of Mrs. Louisa Barklow i near Not way was that rot one of the twenty-nine descendants of Henry Randleman who vero p.-esent was named Randleman. Henry Randle­ man came to Cqas county and settled an Bear Creek about 1870. The only living children are Mrs. Medora Sneed, Mrs. Louisa Barklow and Evander Randleman. Mrs. Sneed and Evander Randleman live on Bear Creek and Mrs. Barklow near Nor­ way an the Coquille rivkri Due to* the serious illness of one of the im­ mediate family none of the Evander Randleman family were able to ai- tend, the press of spring work and other reasons kept other Randleman FIRST NATIONAL BANK families away and only part of the descendants of the two living sisters of Coquille, Oregon were in attendance. There were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sneed and grandson. Donny Sneed, of Bear Creek, Mr. and —co-operation Mrs. Ivan Young and small daughter, of Bandon, Mrs. Clara Peterson, her daughter and a friend, Mr. Kelly, all of Roseburg, representing that branch. The rest were direct descen­ dants of Mrs. Louisa Barklow, includ­ ing Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barklow and daughters. Iris and Genevie, Mr. and ¡Mrs. Ike Miller and daughter, Velma, ¡ Mrs. Ray Barklow and daughter, Le- to th» following described real prop- . ola Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robison arty, to-wit: and daughters, Cleta and Thelma, all '1 ne northwest quarter of the of Norway, Mrs. J. S. Keller and chil­ Southwest quarter of Section 32; dren, Howard and Helene, and grand­ also what ia known as the Pi­ oneer Mining Claim No. 37 being daughter, Reta Summerlin, of Lee, in the west half of the northeast and Mavis and Carolyn Barklow, of quarter of Section S3, all in LIUEQV1ST, SWANSON Norway. township 27 south, of range 14 A SLACK George Zinzerllng. of the Arago west of the Willamette meridian in the County of Coos and State brick yard, sealed the first kiln of Attorney a and Counsellors of Oregon. the season early Sunday morning af­ First National Bank Building Said sale being made subject to edeinption in the manner provided ter a week’s firing. Over thirty-eight Coquille Oregon cords of wood were used to heat this by law. I Dated at CoquiUe, Oregon, this 4th first lot of bricks. It is a most im­ • day of June, liMM. pressive sight to look into the kUn of DR. J. R. BUNCH Wm. F. HoweU, ' 2 lt5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. red hot bricks were a heat of 1972 de­ DENTIST grees is necessary before the kiln is X-RAY Serrteo sealed airtight and the fires are bank- ' NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Laird Bldg. First Street * d and the kiln is allowed to cool AUTHORIZED TORD DEALERS Telephone 82-L Coquille, Ore. slowly. The heat la slightly more than that before the cooling starts, 2300 degrees wUl melt the day. A GRANT CORBY glance into any of the eight furnace« Attorney at Law at the last will show the bricks lining the fire box well glazed, al­ Richmond-Barker Bldg. New Location 344 Front St moat dripping from the intense heat. Coquille, Oregon Coquille, Ore. Phone 187 Making bricks is a very Interesting . M Residence Phono 24-M t process and Mr. Zinzerllng is glad to show and explain each step to vis­ Mrs. B. B Watkins received ward present were Mrs. Adrian Halter, camo in Tuesday, remaining UH Wed­ itors He hopes to bum three more Monday of the death of her only sis­ Mrs. Wendell Robison, Mrs. Glenn nesday evening when Ernest Watkins J. ARTHUR BIRG kiln this season. Hie new drainage ‘ ter, Mrs Angie Weaver, in Batesville, Robison. Mrs. Frank Burbank, Mrs. and B. B. Watkins families Joined Attorney at Law ditch completed this spring enabled Arkansas. Mrs. Weaver wag injured, Gordon Fleming, Mrs. Marvin Shaw, other relaUveSNn Bandon for a beach Rooms 1 A i him to work the clay several weeks a broken back In an ajtomobUe Mrs. Everett Lafferty, Mrs. Art Far­ party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Farmers A Merchants Bank Bldg earlier than formerly and be wfll ’wreck May 24. She died June 8. Mrs. rier and Miss Opal Robison Phons 37 Watkins and Wilma. Coquille, Oregon have the first bricks of the aagson Weaver and her daughter’s family, Mr. and Mrs. T. B MacDonald have Silo fillers were busy for three days ready to market about the first dr the ,Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McClendon, lived at th* Clarence Schroeder place last sold part of their acreage and their month. A new die purchased last in Cooa county in 1928-27. new house to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. week. DR. W. V. GLA18YKR fall makes an even better product | ■ Rev. R C. Young, of Myrtle Point, Beaver, of Myrtle Point. They will Jacob Moomaw returned to Arago VETERINARIAN than he has marketed before and , conducted both morning and evening last week from his studies at the Eu­ give possession July first when they County Herd A Moat lang arte s each year the demand far exceeds hit 'Services in the school house Sunday. gene Bible School. He plans to spend move to Port Orford. »upply If weather conditions are In ' There were his last sermons at Arago part of the summer with his father, Coquille, Oro. his,favor he will make about 250,000 before the yearly Methodist confer­ J. B. Moomaw, on the ranch. His WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE bricks this season. ence and Arago hopes sincerely that wife and children, David and Donna, Notice is hereby given that war­ J. A. RICHMOND Mr. and Mrs. J. Peabody, of New he will be returned so they will be spent a few days in Arago when they rants up to and including No. 0081, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON York city, and more recently of Port able to hear him again The fellow­ returned from Langlois, where Mrs. issued by Coquille School District, Na Orford, where they are spending the ship with both Mr. and Mrs. Young Moomaw has been teaching for the 8, will be paid upon presentation to Ricbmond-Barkor Building summer, were rriday afternoon call­ has been enjoyed very much by mem­ past two years. They went to Duns­ the district clerk, on and after Satur­ Coquille, Ore. day, June 8, 1935. Interest on ers at the T. B. MacDonald home. bers of this community. muir. California, to spend several said warrants ceases on that date. PboDos: Ofico «2M, Rea. MR Mr. and Mrs. Sam Damron received S. C. McAllister is gaining in weeks visiting Mrs. Moomaw’s broth­ Keith Clerk. a letter from a former neighbor, Os- strength eech week and was able to er and sister, who Uve there. School District No 8, Mrs. JJ- car Henry, which is the first news turn himself slightly on one side this Coot County, Oregon. J. J. STANLBY Moomaw will teach in Lane county .,1 from him in more than a year. He is week for the first time in almost next year. Attorney-at-Law I ng well known throughout Coos county seven months. CALL FOR B1D8 Mrs. Clarence Schroeder and OSes at residen re, 279 Berth ne where he made his home from 192Q Wanted: Bids for construction of Mrs. Ed Myers was able to be out daughters Lois and Mrs Frank Bur­ Willard 8L. Coquille when he started working on the Sunday after a week's illness. She bank, visited hen father, Price Robi­ gymnasium at Riverton — see J. F. of highway near North Bend. He work- has almost entirely recovered her son, at his home in Norway Sunday van Leuven at Bear Creek, for plans and specifications. Sealed bids will «f ed on the road from Coquille to Ban- strength but her neighbors are glad afternoon. They found him able to be received by Clerk on or before d*. don till it was finished and then she is better. bids will be opened July be about again but not in robust July 6, t I worked south to the Curry county.» ________________________ r__ ___ 8, 1935. A certified check for 5 per Gilbert McNeil, who has spent the health. cent of amount of bid must accom­ at line, living in the various localities.'past year assisting with the farm Evelyn Doyle returned from Pow­ pany bid. id He owned a ranch on upper Hall's work ----- - at the Glenn Cox place, left for ers last week after spending a week Board reserves the right to accept in creek which he used as winter head- Loe Angeles last week. He visiting her brother and his wife, Mr. or reject any or all bids. quarters. He sold this to Jess Dam- brother of Mrs. Cox. Mrs. M. E. Borgard, and Mrs. Robert Doyle. Mrs. Doyle Clerk U. H. No. 8, ur ron of Bandon in 1933 and went to Russell Hill waa a business visitor left for Pleasant H1U, where she wUl 23t2 Star Route, Bandon, Oregon. id Washington. He has been in the I ho*-( in Coquille Monday. He ia fully re- make her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. pital in Pasco for some months •nd covered from hia recenV illneaa. Cooper, a brief visit. NOTICE OF FILINO FINAL AC­ Is now at the Veteran's Hospital in Albert Gulstrom is improving this Mrs. Harriet Burbank spent Satur­ COUNT Walla Walla and will be bedfast, week. He is not suffering so severe­ day and Sunday at the Clarence Notice is hereby given: That the throughout the summer. He would ly as he waa for a few days last week. Schroeder home Mr. and Mrs Frank undersigned has filed his Final Re­ appreciate hearing from any of his Mr. and Mrs. L. W. McAdam drove Burbank returned to her home on port as Administrator of the Estate of Be — former friends as his days are long to Coquille Friday, where they upper Fishtrap to remain overnight B B. Teters, deceased, in the County Court of Coos County, Oregon, and and lonely. He served in the army weighed their small daughter. Bar­ Monday with her. that the Honorable Hugh McLain, Id for the entire duration of the war. bara, who is gaining as rapidly as so Mr. and Mrs. T. B. MacDonald re­ Judge of the said Court, has set July 23rd. 1935, at the hour of 10 o'clock ts His address is Ward 2, Veterans’ ’ small a lady should. turned to their home from Port Or­ AM.aa the time and the County £ Hospital, Walla Walla, Wash. Mrs. B. B. Watkins and her guest, ford Tuesday evening, expecting to Courtroom, Courthouse, Coquille, ie A moot enjoyable day was spent l Mias Juanita Robbins, spent all day remain till the end of the month Oregon, as the place for hearing ob­ nt viewing the Coast highway in full [ Friday visiting Mrs. S. L. Lafferty. The engagement of Miss Elda jections to such Final Account and - bloom when a group drove to Yachats The final meeting of the Red Cross Aasen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M the settlement thereof and that all persons objecting thereto must file and then returned to the Hecata Head class in home nursing was held Fri- T. Aasen, of Myrtle Point, but for­ their objections on or before said lighthouse for a pnicic dinner last . day afternoon with Mrs. Fay Ed­ merly of the Arago district, to Mr. date. SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER Date of first publication, June 21, n. Sunday. Visiting and exploring were monds in charge. All those taking Claire Keltner, son of Mr. and Mrs. EXECUTION ~ the order of the day till the home trip i the work completed it satisfactorily, C. A. Keltner, has been announced. 1935. Date of last publication, July 19, late in the afternoon. The group in- according ____ - to — the — - final ___ . grades given These young people are both gradu­ 1925. h eluded, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Aaaen and ' at that time and each member felt ates of Myrtle Point high school and I WiUiam Bettys, Administrator son, Jerry, Mrs. M. T. Aasen and that the Ume had been very well of Oregon State College and have 8. D. Pulford, Attorney for Administrator, n, daughter, Elda, and Miss Beneva spent. several years’ teaching experience to Residing at CoquiUe, Coos County, rt Volkmar, of Myrtle Point, Mr. and yr. and Mrs. B. B. Watkins took their credit. Miss Aasen is the niece Oregon. 23t5 * Mrs. C. A. Keltner and soni, Claire their guest. Miss Juanita Robbins, to of Oluf and L. M. Aasen and Russel) d and Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Adrian her home In Bandon Saturday morn­ Hill, • of Arago. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR * Halter and sons, Ronald and Allan, ing after a two weeks’ visit. Mr and Word has been received of the very U. S. Land Office, at Roseburg, and Raymond Halter, of CoquiUe, Mrs Watkins visited relatives in Ban­ critical illness of James (Grandpa) Oregon, May 17th, 1935. “j who is spending the summer with his don until Sunday afternoon. On their Parry, father of Mrs. Ben Gant, Mrs. NOTICE ia hereby given that brother on the Halter ranch. way home they were fortunate Will Warner and several sons in this David B. Price, of Star Rt., CoquiUe, d The annual school meeting of the enough to meet their eldest son, Earl, county and he was a resident here Ore., who, on October 11th, 1932, ° Arago district was held at the school who was driving to Bandon from for many years. Mr. Parry is ill at irade Homestead entry Serial, No. 020513, for SEYs, Section 17, Town­ 5 house Monday evening. The clerk's Portland. They visited briefly on the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carter, ship 28 S., Range 12 W., Willamette highway. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watkins Meridian, haa filed notice of inten­ annual report showed all outstanding another daughter, in Boise, tion to make final three year Proof, J. warrants paid, with a disbursement will visit relaUves at Bandon for sev­ He is past 86 years of age to establish claim to the land above * of over $10,000 for the year and a eral days before going to the Watkins The girls’ 4-H sewing club and the I described, before L W. Oddy, Clerk balance on hand for next year. The ranch to spend a few days. newly formed calf club of Arago are a County Court, at Coquille, Ore- n, on the 25th day of June, 1035 gymnasium and the teacherage have The Pollyanna club met at the making big plans tor their attendance Claimant names st witnesses: E. B. been painted and repaired and the home of Mrs. Norman Halter In Myr­ at the Bandon 4-H day. There will Finley, of CoquiUe, Ore- Star Rt., school property is in good repair. tle Point on Wednesday with a pot­ be several carloads. D. L. Cox, of Coquille, Ore., A. L, George Gillespie and Mrs. Ruth Shaw luck dinner at noon and sewing in Mrs. Emily Miller, of Myrtle Point, Stone, of Coquille, Or»., Star Rt., were elected without opposition for the afternoon. A picnic beach supper spent all day Tuesday visiting Mrs.. Z( C. Finley, of CoquiUe, Or»., Star the positions of director and clerk re- with husbands and families invited B. B. Watkins. Earl Watkins and ----- Al WiUiam H. •pcc vi v® -O. 1 y. was planned for Thursday. Thaw daughter, Wilma, at Portland, also im Professional Cards z NILES MOTOR 0 COMPANY U -