The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 21, 1935, Page 10, Image 10

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    Mrs. Ora X. Maury and Mrs. H. W.
! Pierce are expected hoibe today from
About People and
Event« in the City and
'Portland where they went on Wed­
nesday for thè former to have treat­
ment for a facial trouble. Mrs. Geo.
Ulett and Miss Bess Maury drove out
with them to Eugene on Wednesday.
Lee and Alvin Neely, who went up
the coast last Sunday as far as Flor­
ence, are quite enthusiastic over the
Cooked food sale by B. P. W. Club progress being made on the coast
Saturday, June 15, at Gould's store.
bridges They saw those across Coos
Mill Wood, 82.00 a load. Mansell Bay, the Umpqua and the Siuslaw,
Drayage & Delivery Co>
23t2 where the steel work is being rushed.
Graydon Anderson arrived^ home
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hooker arrived
Monday from Ashland, where he has here last Saturday from San Francis­
co for a two weeks’ visit with their
attended normal the past year.
daughter, Mrs. O. T. Gant, and lieir
Mrs. J. E. Walstrom and daughter,
many friends here Louie formerly
Mrs. Margaret Norton and baby, were
conducted the garage in the Fuhrman
Coquille shoppers on Thursday.
concrete buildings on Front street.
Old Growth Fir,
Wood for sale.
Keys made for all locks. Stevens’
Wm. Peart,
82.00 a tier, delivered.
Cash Hardware.
Coquille; phone 75J. •
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Wood and
Ml?-. A.. E. Bradford and daughter, son, of Aberdeen, Idaho, were Co­
Barbara, are visiting Mrs. John Goss quille visitors last Saturday. He is
gt hffc summer home.on Coos river. an ehnploye of the Idaho Gas & Pow­
Mrs. A. E. Kendall left this morn­ er Co., and has ah idea that he would
fog for Red Willow, Alberta, Canada, like to'return to Oregon where the
tor a visit of months with relatives. grass is green the year round. Both
of them formerly lived in this state.
. Mias Clarabclle Watson will return
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Newdall are
home Monday from a visit to her
aunt, Mrs. Levi Snyder, in Portland.’ enjoying a visit from her mother,
Mrs. Chas. E. Owens, and daughters,
Ideal Bakery bread is slow baked.
Misses Frances and Charlesie Owens,
who arrived here last Saturday from
Mrs. Novia Landrith, of Roseburg, Seattle for a two weeks' stay. Tom­
has been Visiting her mother, Mrs. my Grosvenor, of Wenatchee, also
, Alice Gage, and other relatives and came in with .the ladies for the fort­
1 friends since last Saturday.
night stay.
Try This
UST rub a little Rexali Foot Balm on the feet at
night and in the morning. See how quickly it com­
forts tired, hot, perspiring feet. AidB in relieving chil­
blains, too.
Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc.
T. C Zosel, who now makes his
home at Amity, near Salem, was
greeting old friends here last week.
He came in Thursday and left Sun­
Mrs. Sarah P. Thrift, who had been
Visitors from Grand Coulee
with her daughter, Mrs. Belle Hogan,
in Portland, for several yean, re­
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bushell, of
turned to Coquille last week and will Grand Coulee, Wash., were Coquille
remain here with her son, Frank visitors Wednesdayt afternoon and
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Peart and two Thrift, and wife for the rest of this callers at the Sentinel. Mr. Bushell
year. Her'grand daughter, Adrienne is published of the Daily Times at
daughters left early Sunday morning
for Co.nelius to spend his two weeks’ Hogan, who came down with her, Grand Coulee. There are three post­
will return Sunday.
offices in the district there, and the
vacation from the poetoffice with
Mrs. Peart's parents.
Mn. Hazel Sharkey and Mrs. Jen-- three towns, all within two or three
miles of one another, have a combin­
L. H. Hazard, president of the First nie Barrow arrived in Coquille last ed population of 7500. The Bushells
National Bank, returned Tuesday
were on their way to the exposition at
evening frpm Salem. He went out sano, Wash., for a two weeks’ visit San Diego.
Sunday to attend the Oregon State
and other relatives and friends. It
Bankers Association meeting.
Now An Accredited Teacher
has been several years since either
Miss Ines Rover this week received
Buy Crown Flour and Feeds at of the ladies were here, although they
Coos Feed & Saad Stores.
8tf grew to womanhood in Coquille, and her certificate from State Superin­
tendent of Schools, C. A. Howard,
I Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Harley have they noted a great change in the
which makes her an accredited
I gone to Falls City, where she will town’s appearance.
teacher of piano in Oregon. The ex­
spend the next two months visiting I Mr. and Mn. S. H. Donated return­
amination required by the state board
her parents. Mr. Hartley will attend ed last Sunday from a two weeks’
of education was given Miss Rover
summer school at the university.
visit to their former home in Sacra­ by Supt. P. W. Lane on May 15. She
Mrs. H. H. Oerding left yesterday mento and in Fresno. They were ac­ is naturally greatly elated at having
for Bend where she will join her companied home by his sister, Miss so successfully passed the examina­
aunt, Mrs. 'Dean Hollinshead, and Alice Donated, of Fresno, who will tion in preparation for which she had
Their spent much time.
they will drive from there south to spend her vacation here.
nephew, Howard Bonnicksen, of the
visit the exposition at San Diego.
Gravel Ford district, went down with Trap Shooter From Washington
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Fuhrman en­
them and will enter the state college
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Coffey, of Port
joyed a visit with his sister, Mrs.
at Fresno this fall. The Oregon peo­ Angel us, Washington, while enroute
Clara Gage, of Tacoma, Wash., who
ple were glad to get back where the home Sunday from the state trap
was on hter way home from Medford,
country is still green and comfortable. shoot at Medford, stopped over here
where she had visited a daughter.
Mn. G. E. Trott, who waa in Co­ to visit with Mrs. Coffey’s sister,
Ask Ned C. Kelley for rates on quille from North Bend on Tuesday, Mrs. A. O. Culbertson and family. Mr.
Fire Insurance.
said that Mr. Trott la making fine Coffey is the president of the North­
Mr. ynd Mrs. E. F. Martindale, who progress toward recovery now. He western State Trap Shoot and stated
left here last year to return to their was out in a wheel chair last Sun­ that Medford had the largest atten­
former home at Coalingo, Calif., came day for the first time and is able to dance that there has been for years
in last Friday for a visit with their be out for a few houn every day now aTa state trap shoot.
son, Harris Martindale, and other He is still in the hospital but hopes
Neighbors of Woodcraft
friends in this section.
to be able to come home soon. The
The Neighbors of Woodcraft are
Paul Walker is wearing his right cast was taken off his body a couple
of weeks ago after lying there for planning an enjoyable evening of en-
arm in a sling as the result of a bad
twelve weeks, since the accident hap­ teertainment after the regular busi­
break of two bones in his wrist last
pened on March 16, while he was at ness meeting of the lodge on July lit
Saturday evening when he fell at
All members be sure and be out.
work on the new Coos Bay bridge.
the Guss Tillmann home where he
Correspondent, Dora Culbertson.
was installing a gas range.
Among the young people coming
home from Eugene last week-end
were Willett Jessee, Gus Gallas.
David Smith, Anne Barton, Alda
Sloan, Donald and Edyth Farr, Jack
Mast and Allington Glaisyer.
Buy Ideal Bakery bread because It
is better.'
Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hag­
lund, at the Coquille Hospital, Mon­
day morning, a nine pound daughter.
Thia is the fourth baby bom to 20-30
club members in the past few weeks
They each weighed more than eight
JUNE 26-27 |
Mrs. F. A. Pook returned last Sat­
urday from Santa Rosa, Calif., where
she visited her daughter, Mrs. Cath­
erine DeVoto. She was accompanied
home by her grandson who will-re­
main here until his parents come
north next month.
The Coquille Happy Timers anet
Wednesday evening at the home of
Mrs. Alice Dean. It has been argeed
to have only one meeting a mooth
throughout the summer. They will
meet the third Wednesday of July at
the A. O. Culbertson home.
Cakes, pies, salads and everything
■ good to eat at the cooked food sale • in
Gould's store Saturday, June 15.
Alvin Shaver, who left here for
Portlind last Friday, joined his aunt
there and they left on Saturday for a
two or three months' trip east to visit
relatives in Minnesota and Wisconsin
They will return home by way of
California and the San Diego fair.
Miss Alice Collier, who now lives
in Portland, was here last Sunday for
a short visit with her sister, Mrs. T.
B. Currie. While here she gave an
option to the Arrow Mill Co. for a
portion of the property lying between
the Collier warehouse and the Swift
Royal Neighbors Dance
Plan to attend the Saturday night
dance at V. F. W. hall in Myrtle Point
June 22, given by Royal Neighbors
of Coquille and V. F. W.’s of Myr­
tle Point. Admission prices, 40c for
men. 25c for ladies.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, Administratrix of the
Estate of Martha E. Custer, Deceased,
has filed her Final Account in the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Coos County and said Court has
appointed, Monday, the 22nd day of
July, 1S35, as the day for Rearing of
objections to said Final Account and
the settlement thereof.
Nellie J. Prey,
" -
Administratrix of the Estate of *
Martha E. Custer, Deceased.
Norway Resident Dies
Chadwick Lodge No. 68
William Francis Soper, 73-ykar old
resident of Norway, who had lived in
Coos county for the past 30 years,
passed away Wednesday afternoon, at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. E. T.
Brodie, with whom he has made his
home for five years. Infirmities due
to his age were the cause of his death
Funeral services were to be held at
the Schroedr Home in Myrtle Point
this afternoon.
Mr. Soper was bom in Femdale,
Calif., Feb. 14, 1882, and was a car­
penter by trade.
He is survived by his widow, J^n.
Vesta Soper; a son, William Albert
Soper, of North Bend; his daughter,
Mrs. Brodie; one brother, R. R. Soper;
five grandchildren and several great
A. F. & A. M.
Stated Communication -
Tuesday, July 9, 8 p. m.
Iola’s Beauty Salon
257 South Taylor
(Across Highway from Telephone Office)
- Coquille’s new Beauty Salon was opened this week, with
experienced operator in charge.
Injured in Wreck
Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, Herbert
Morris and Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Lakey, all of Myrtle Point, received
treatment at Mast hospital Sunday as
a result of an automobile accident
which occurred at approximately
three o'clock Sunday morning. Mrs.
Lakey suffered an injured hip, and
Mr. Lakey a qut hand, says the Her­
ald. The other occupants escaped
with only minor injuries. The Morris
car was damaged beyond repair and
was brought to Myrtle Point by a lo­
cal wrecker.
The accident occurred
on' the Myrtle Point-Coquille high­
way near the Valley View school.
Regular Oil Permanents
$3.75 and $5.00
Mrs. Walter Moore
The 4th at Bandon
One of the events of the July
Fourth celebration at Bandon will be
a baseball game in the afternoon be­
tween the Coquille Loggers and the
Marshfield Eagles.
A program of
sports during the day and a fire­
works display on the beach in the
evening are other feature announced.
Phone 51-J
Ladies of Coquille and vicinity are invited to come and in­
spect the shop whether deBiring work done now or not.