Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1935)
i I f I X’ - FRIDAY. JUNE M. IMS. MINOR MENTION TelHng About People and Events in the City and . County amuse at the illness of her Betty daughter, When J. L. Smith and E. D. Webb returned home early last Saturday morning from Portland where they attended the Rose show, they were accompanied by the latter’s daugh ter, Martha Jane, who had been at tending O. S. C, and Anne Van Scoy who is a guest at the Webb home. '■» AKE vacation letters a real pleasure with this handy portfolio. 50 sheets D9 fine linen paper. 34 matched M envelopes tucked in a slim portfolio that slips right into your traveling bag. Rigid back aits as desk. Be sure you h,ve on® with you. '^*^*y**> / g For sound Fire Insurance, go to 4ed C. Kelley. Mrs. Eva Fox, house mother of the Eg agricultural college at Fort Collins, Mrs. Arthur Ellingson left for Port Colo, arrived here last Friday for a lul <1 end Tuesday to attend the O. E. S. two weeks' visit with her aunt, Mrs. •rand chapter sessions. Jas. Dunlap, and her cousin, Mrs. Keys mad< for all locks. Stevens’ Chas. Schroeder. Mrs. Fox will go from here to the exposition at San Cash Hardware CET THE SAVINGS OF THE Diego. Mrs. Leia Bogan and son, Jack, The Picnic Club, sponsored by the lave been visitors from Eugene at he Chas Schroeder home this week P. T. A, with Mrs. Marc Shelley as I . • leader, met at the Washington school LICED, topped, or straight down the fairway, you’ll get Buy Crown Flour and Feeds st last week with twelve grade school more yardage with the Braeburn than you will with any ?oos Feed A Seed Stores. Btf youngsters present. Their meeting 1 * ball in the 50c class. at the Buy local bread and support home today will be a picnic Industry. -:;U % 51tf Shelley ranch where the girls will do Perfectly balanced center holla straight and true. And the the cooking and the boys the eating. cover is a tough one—built for punishment. Dimple markings. Mrs Ray Storer and baby daughter Try a few of these now and learn how you can save money. Mrs. O. C. Sanford, Mrs. Geo. Ulett, elumed to her home on Sanford Heights Thursday, from the Coquille Mrs. C. E. Schroeder and Mrs. J. D. Rankin attended the reception at the hospital. O. L. Zentner home in Bandon last Buy Ideal Bakery bread because it i Saturday, given in honor of Miss Bet j is better. 51tf ty Zentner, who left Wednesday for I Mrs. Maggie Simmons, formerly of San Francisco where she is to be Coquille and now living near Fem- married this week. ' dale, California, came in yesterday Mrs. C. S. Townsend, of Portland, for a few days’ visit with friends. Ms *----- W -— Oregon, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. Dr. C. O. Stem, Chiropractor. 292 R. Bloyd of this city, and her sister, Moulton St, phone 88J. 22tf Mrs. Wm. F. Ziegler and daughter, DRUGGISTS STATIONERS Miss Harriet Gould left Wednesday Neva, and son, William, of Hillsboro, for Seattle, where she will take a Oregon, are visiting at the home of I summer course in library work at Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Bloyd for a few days. ‘ Wilder, Francis on Next Pound Party at Riverton I University nf Washington. Friday’s Fight Card Here The Wunnegan Girls Club of Riv That was a hot ball game at Ath Insure your car wttn Ned C. Kellev erton is giving a pound party at the in a reliable Oregon stock company.' letic park Wednesday evening when (Continued from Page One) teacherage Wednesday afternoon, the Stevens clan cleaned up on the Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Fugelson spent 20-30 boys. They weren’t all mem June 19, at 1:30 p. m. Each person last week-end visiting her cousin, bers of the Stevens family but five of end for the fight as both fighters car who comes is to bring some article of ' Mrs. McLain, at Linslaw, Oregon, them were. Tom Stevens and George ry dynamite in either hand. 1 food that will keep, such as canned about forty miles west ot Eugene In the semifinal of six rounds. Jack goods or potatoes. The purpose of McClellan were the opposing hurlers. Nard. 147 pounds, of Buffalo, New this party is to acquaint the public Mrs. Claire Treadgold and Miss The score was 27 to 8. York, a newcomer to this neck of the with the fine work being done by the Emma Lyons, of Bandon, were here W. D. Leaman, who had been road woods, will fight Don Atkison, of club and also to help supply food for Wednesday visiting Mrs. Chas. E. supervisor for Coos county for some Medford. Nard has quite a reputa a proposed camping trip in the near Schroeder and her mother. years past and whose duties termin tion and was amateur welter weight future. The program will be put on Ask Ned C. Kelley for rates on ated the first of June, intends leaving < champion of New York State for by the girls themselves and will in Sunday for Salem to take a position 1933. Atkison has been bowling them Fire Insurance. clude a business meeting of the dub; with the state ’ s CCC department. The over in Medford, Klamath Falls and an original poem by Mayme Royer; Fred Fuhrman, Wm. Floten and Herman Ellingsen came home the position will probably be in connec vicinity the past .year. Frankie Edgmon will outline the pur Ken Rhule, Coquille 140 pounder, pose of the club and tell of the pro past week-end from Corvallis where tion, with the location of new 3C camps for the state. will swap blows with Frankie Ka- posed camping trip; Doris Morgan they were attending O. S C. John Seeley, who had just com druna, 140 pounds, of North Bend, and Joyce Moody will give a tap I Mrs. L. II. Hazard accompanied pleted his first year in the medical in the special event of four rounds. dance; May Simmons will report on Mrs. M. Earl Wilson when the latter There will also be a fast four-round her hike; Lucille Danielson and Caro- left Monday for the O. E. 8. grand school at Portland returned to Co certain raiser. quille Tuesday evening to spend the lyne Fetch will show their sand box; chapter in Portland this week. Jack McCarthy, who is promoting Genevieve Fetch will give a patriotic summer vacation at home. His Watch Real Silk adv. in next brother, Linus, and Ray Woodyard the »how, announces that new low talk; Alice Church will have an art week's Sentinel for details of gift to returned last Thursday from the summer prices will prevail. Any exhibit; Dorothie Porter will give a be given each hosuewife called upon normal at Ashland. 1 »eat will be 40 cents, those arriving musical number. Guardian Marjory by B. C. Jeffrey, Real Silk hosiery first getting the best seats. This is Bullard will give a talk as will the Mrs. Earl E. Leslie arrived here last an exceptionally good card at such representative. assistant guardian, Cherie Mae Hart Saturday from State College, Penn, low price» and a large crowd is ex well. Several other speakers and Misses Barbara and Beryl Unsoeld, expecting to spend the summer visit pected to attend. There will be no musical numbers will be presented by who have been attending college at ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. . advance ticket sale for this fight, all the guests. Christine Danielson and Arcata. Calif, the past year, came Mast, and other relatives and friend» tlcxeta being »old at the door on the Lucy Cox will be in charge of re home. Monday evening fpr the sum here. “Spike," who is busy with , order of first come first served. The freshments. Everyone is cordially mer vacation. summer school and other duties at first preliminary is scheduled to go invited to attend. Sketching Class members will Penn State, was not able to come , cm promptly at 8:00 p. m. please call Mrs. F. C. McNelly or Mrs. west this year. ■®v. Lord Baltimore PORTFOLIO PLAN 59« S BRAEBURN GOLF BALLS 3 for 35« $1.00 Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc. 4 3 1 I I . !f - A I wi f. 'X « | WED. THUR. JUNE 19-20 I Bargain Nite I Mr. and Mrs. Keith Leslie left Wednesday morning for Portland, he on business and she to attend the grand chapter sessions of the Eastern Star. Mis. Margaret-Paulson, who gradu- — ___ v ____ ated i last week from the Castillejo ADMISSION 1 10c « 20c THEY MATCHED WITS—AND UPS to «o/ve your merrieef murder/ » —, Am««*— blonde Z i .1 FRANCHOTTONE UNA MERKEL Conrad Nagel Hanrey Stephens ■ LIBERTYZ™ ■■■■I» I ■ L. Cornelius for date and place of J. E. Quick and sisters, Mrs. Flora next meeting as Mrs. Geo. Sherwood Dunne and Mrs. Clara Wheeler, last is in Portland. week attended the graduation of their Miss Madge White, who was up cousin, Winifred G. Butsch, from the here from Port Orford yesterday, Oregon Normal School at Monmouth, stated that she would give a dance in Oregon. They were accompanied to the remodelled hall at Port Orford, Coquille on their return by Miss Butach and her mother, Mrs. Chas. next Saturday, June 22. Hughes, of Yelm, Wash, who are Word has been received that John spending a few days here at the home B. Lamb, formerly of Fishtrap, is in of Mrs. Dunne. a very serious condition at the state Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Gray have been tubercular hospital at Salem to which enjoying a visit the past week from he was taken a few years ago. her sistier and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Townsend's Barber Shop is now lo-i Jack Downs, of Loe Angeles, who cated at 419 Front St, opposite Co arrived here last Saturday. | Both quille Hotel. Everything clean and families left this morning for Port sanitary. Come and inspect my new land and will return Sunday. On location. E. L. Townsend. Monday the visitors will leave for Jas. E. Hunt was brought to the home, accompanied by Mrs. Gray and county jail on Monday to serve out a daughter, Elaine, who will visit the fine at »30 imposed by the J. P. at San Diego fair, the Boulder dam, and Powers on a reckless driving convic other points 6f interest for three weeks. tion. - school for-girls at Palo Alto, Calif, That there are many beauty spots returned home last Saturday to spend in Oregon that equal those advertised the summer. far and wide, yet are seldom seen, Mrs. Geo. H. Jenkins left Sunday was illustrated Sunday to a party for a few days’ visitin Portland, tak from here consisting of Mr. and Mrs. ing her mother, Mrs. A. J. Peeper, J. S. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. who had been visiting here for the Lebow. They made a trip to Marsh- past two weeks. field, going by way of Loon lake and On the road between A note from Mrs. W. M Cunning Allegany. this week, changing the address for Loon lake and Allgany, a one-way their Sentinel, states that they are rough piece of highway, they saw now comfortably located in Indian two falls that they claimed are more beautiful than the far-famed Multno apolis, Ind. mah on Columbia highway. They are Notice. There will be a meeting of Silver falls and Golden falls, both in the airplane modeling group in the a wild natural setting. The party Ag. shop at the Coquille high school walked under Siver falls without get Saturday, June 15, at two o'clock All ting wet. those interested appear if possible. Mrs. C. W. Gano left Wednesday Book Reading Contest morning for Portland to take part in Gene Gregory, seven, and just out the Beulah chapter ^floral drill at of the first grade, surprised his teach grand chapter last evening. Mrs. F. er, Mrs. Ines Chase, by claiming his S. Emery was unable to attend be- reward this week for having read ten Body and Fender repair work done books since the close of school. May by experienced mechanics. Our body 31. Gene is a scholarly little man painter Is an expert. Let us prove with any amount of energy and de we have the best of repair service, termination and without doubt is on j Southwestern Motor Co. lltf the road to success. Bunch Cars Collide Will Be Taken East State officers from Vermont are enroute to Coos Bay for the purpose of returning to that state peniten tiary, one Walter Renaux, wanted as an escape two yean ago from the penal institution at Windsor, after serving but four months of a three year term for burglary. Renaux, who had been engaged in steel work on the state highway bridge here, talked himself into cus tody Saturday night when he became offensive and refused to take night officer Reeves’ advice and get off the streets and sober up. Reeves put him in the lockup and in consultation with Chief Sorenson, who, in his rounds had received a tip on Renaux’s iden tity, pegged him as the man sought in Vermont. Acting upon this tip, the officers obtained an admission from Renaux that he was the man Chief Soren son advised the Vermont authorities Of his capture of Renaux and they Rivals Columbia Scenery wired back immediately they were The Cottage Orove Sentinel re sending officers to return him to the cently published an item in praise of east and extradite him if required — Coos county scenery which should be Coos Bay Harbor. rep?ntedItln newspaper in this »ection. It read: It was not. a bunch of collisions but a collision of Bunches on the Rink creek road Tuesday evening. Mrs. J. R Bunch was returning to Coquille and met on a curve the L. L. Bunch car, driven by his daughter, Miss Dorothy L. Bunch. The road had been recently scraped, it is narrow and in the loose gravel the brakes did n<X stop the cars. Dr. Bunch’s Pontiac hit the Levi Bunch Buick midships and sheared it back to the rear, taking off running board and fender and turning the Buick over. Mis» Bunch was considerably bruised from head to foot and was unconscious for a time, but Mrs Buneh was not injured. Each car was a camplete wreck. The county court last week ap pointed as a board of county road viewers: E. A. Wimer, E. H. Kern and F. A. Robb, all of Coquille. - Edgar McDaniel Better Edgar McDanield, veteran editor of the Coos Bay Harbor at North Bend, who has been in poor health for sev eral month», is feeling somewhat bet ter this week, although he has been in the Keiwr hospital for the past te",dayJ, .. ......................... _ Mr». McDaniel and their aon, Gor don. are in the east, but expected home soon Hi» legion of friends in Coos coun ty are hoping that he will soon be out again and greeting his friends in his usual jovial manner. His affliction is a heart trouble. Old Lumber Doors and Windows Prices reasonable See GEO. W. SWINNEY at old Busy Corner Bldg, or 108 N Moulton, Coquille Concrete Foundation Blocks 24x24 inches, 10 in. thick W M II—.■■III I 11. I II.. —» I I ,