Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1935)
COQUILLE VALLEY J, ,juu,JL',lAira .7119 Live News From Arago I Ed Carter, of Myrtle Point, and ! Jess Damron at Hail’s creek, collided | near the S. L. Lafferty place Friday —we’re trying to paint afternoon. Damions were returning to their home with a trailer load ot with servie? | sand which probably saved the occu pants of the car serious injury. Mr, Carter suffered a heart attack and A V« lost consciousness temporarily. When he recovered he found himself going —not merely “JUST A BANK over the bank and swerved his car in rather we’d have you know uh as a the direct path of the Damron car. real community financial partner . . Damron’s car was badly wrecked, the rendering to each of you that helpful trailer broke loose and turned over in counsel and financial co-operation so the field below but the weight REAT number* of steadied the car so that it remained essential to your success as well as people in this com upright and the only occupant to suf our own . . . WE NEED YOU and fer more than shock was Mrs. Sam munity have learned that . . . YOU NEED US . . . let’s Dann on, who had a badly bruised the way to get a better co-operate—-and both benefit arm. Mr Carter was unhurt. He as used car is to visit thia or sumed entire responsibility for the ganisation and buy a car unfortunate occurrence. „ ...... Miss Leola Robison arrived Friday with the “OK” that counts. evening from northern California to you’ll appreciate the “EXTRA EFFORT’ at make her home with Mrs. Albert Every car must paaa a Gulstrom v^ile Mr. Gulsirom is in rigid, systematic inspection the hospital. Mr. Gulstrom is show before it is awarded our ing very satisfactory improvement. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Guarantee«* "OX” tag. Fred Lafferty has been ill the past » of Coquille, Oregon KADKATOB** All features are carefully HOBN week. George Pauli is assisting with checked by factory-trained the chores. MOTO*'<1 BATTERY Mr. and Mrs. T; B. MacDonald at mechanics—brakes are ad ¡pi» BODY CLUTCH tended the graduating exercises in justed, upholstery cleaned, Coquille last Friday. They drove in GLASS TRANSMISSION the ctx made to look like Thursday evening and were over f new, and all mechanical FEN»«3RS^ night guests of Mrs. Martha Mulkey; *KAR AXLE Strang’s Addition to the City of Co parts reconditioned to pro quille, Coos County, Oregon, as they attended both the grade and STEERING shown by the recorded map or plat high school exercises. vide the finest and most - . thereof. Lee Collier is hauling tlie milk for * 7IR«8 MAKES dependable performance. Said sale will be made for cash in hand and will be subject to confir Earl Genzoli this week. The Gen- UPHOLSTERY OTARTING^ mation by said court. zoli truck is out of commission. See our fine stock of Dated at Coquille, Oregon, May Mr. and Mrs. B? B. Watkins took FLOOR MATS LIGHTING LIUEQVIST, SWANTON guaranteed OK used cars— 4 th, 1935. their house guest, Mrs. A. A. Rob & SLACK Wm. F. Howell. k’ LUBRICATION IGNITION ? today! Not only will you bins to her home In Bandon Sunday. 17t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. Attorneys and Counsellors get a better used car value Juanita Robbins returned with them First National Bank Building NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE tor a week. She is the great grand but you will also get a I Coquille Oregon daughter of Jackson Barnett, the Ok better deal on your old car In the Circuit Court of the State of lahoma Indian of oil well fame who Oregon For Coos County in trade. THE FEbERAL LAND’BANK OF recently died. DR. J. R. BUNCH John Damron drove a car up from SPOKANE, a corporation. DENTIST Plaintiff, Bandon Sunday afternoon for his vs. X-RAY Service father, Jess Damron, to use while J. F. CONKLIN, also known as John First 8treet Laird Bldg. F. Conklin, and Laura Conklin, their wrecked car is being repaired. Coquille, Ora. Telephon? 82-L husband and wife; L. A. Lei by; M. He went back to Bandon in the eve A. Leiby, a widow; Rose B. Cottell ning. and John Doe Cottell, whose true Alvin Fredenberg spent the past name is John Cottell, wife and hus GRANT CORBY week at the home of his sister, Mrs. band; Doris Lund and James Roe Lund, whose true name is George Rodney Davenport, on Catching Attorney at Law ___ ..... — . Lund,wife and husband; Anna Col creek. Richmond-Barker Bldg. lins and Richard Rbe Collins, whose ‘ Sam Damron is able to be out In . ■ . ■*- true name is E. W. Collins; wife Phono 157 Coquille, Ora ?7. and husband; C. E. Conley; The un the sunshine again after a serious at Residence Phone 24-M known heirs of L. A. Leiby, de tack of pneumonia. I ceased; Also all other persons or Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hill have parties unknown claiming any been bedfast with intestinal flu the J. ARTHUR BERG right,, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the past week. They are convalescing Attorney at Law * CHEVROLET - PONTIAC - OLDSMOBILE ■ BUICK • LA SALLE • CADILLAC complaint herein; and Coos Bay now. Their daughter, Marjorie, re Rooms 1 Al National Farm Loan Association, a turned from a visit with friends near Farmers A Merchants Bank Bldg « '■ corporation. Coquille to care for them. Phone 37 Defendants, Mr. and Mrs L. W. McAdam and Coquille, Oregon t No. 10525 were Sunday NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that daughter, Barbara, under and by virtue of a Writ of Ex guests at the Damron ranch. DK. W. V. GLAISYER ecution and order of sale issued out The high school Sunday school al the above entitled court in the and Saturday in Marshfield with her ern Oregon. He was accompanied on Ellison will remain here for a short VETERINARIAN 'above entitled cause on the 16th day class of Arago went to Bandon Sun sister, Lois Schroeder. Mrs. Hickam the trip by Glenn Hutton, time and then go to Denver, Colo., to of May, 1935, upon a judgment and day after church for a picnic. They Coaaly Herd A Meat inspecter Mrs. Hattie Hatcher went to Co attend a meeting of the national ed decree rendered and entered in said- lunched in the city park and went was recuperating from an attack of Coquille, Ore. court and cause on the 18th day of swimming In the tank afterwards. flu contracted While she was in Cor quille Sunday evening to spend sev ucational association, after which he May, 1935. in favor of the above vallis last week. will go to his home in Portland. eral days. named plaintiff and against the above Those making the trip were Iris and Mr. and Mrs. Claud Bechdoldt and Ben James went to Sitkum Tues Members and friends of the Grange J. A. RICHMOND named defendants, which said execu Genevie Barklow, Ixxlema Croes, tion and order of sale commanded me Mary. Jean and Anne Watkins, Chas son, Delbert, visited her uncle, Henry, enjoyed a potluck supper Friday eve day, where he will be employed by PHYSICIAN and SURGEON to sell the hereinafter described real Webb; George Pauli, Merle Randle Fredenberg, on Saturday. They plan ning, followed by a pleasing program Elmer Wilson for a time. Richmond-Barker Building property for the purpose of satisfying Mrs. Brusch, from near Portland, Price Schroeder, Ellis Rackleff. to spend another day with him before of songs, readings, etc. said judgment in the sum at Nine man, Coquille, Ore. Stephen Aasen, chaperoned by Mra|^™in< *2^ ch,cken r,nch ne“r came last week for a visit of about James Morrison, who has been re hundred dollars and forty cents Phones: Office 62M, Res. 93R ceiving treatment for some time for ten days with her sister, Mrs. Fred (»900.40) with'interest at eight per Naomi Robison, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bonanza, Oregon. —-- Wallace Carl was ill with flu a crippled knee, went to Roland Scofield. cent per annum from the 18th day of Burtis, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Watkins. Her daughter, Dorothy May, 1935,, and the further sum of Lawrence Rackleff was unable to' Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Creek Tuesday morning to resume Brusch, who has attended school here Fifty-three dollars and ninety cents J. J. STANLEY the past few months, will return make cheese Friday and Saturday be Herbert and John Carl took sick on work. (»53 90) costs and disbursements: Attorney-at-Law Junior Bartlett is appointed to lead home with her. NOW THEREFORE, I will, on Sat cause of illness. Mrs Rackleff was I Monday. Ellis Rackleff is assisting urday, the 22nd day of June, 1935, at ill Saturday and Sunday but both j with the chores. Office at residence, 27» South the Christian Endeavor meeting next ten o'clockto^f^n’ £2Jd Xt ™ZX * work at Schroe- Sunday evening. The topic is “How Willard St., Coquille Ask Ned C. Kelley for rates on day, at the courthouse front door in I w re *Dle «>0« out on Monday, Ellis I to Conquer Anger.” Fire Insurance. Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, of- and Maxine were ill the early part M?T; y-„ . . .. . There was a large crowd at the Mrr Kate Hob*°n v*’lted from fer for sale and sell at public auction of the week. House guests of the to the highest and beet bidder for! R,ckleffs during the week wen Mr Thursday until Monday with her Eighth Grade commencement exer NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS OWN cash in hand the following described “ c ' WARRANTS TAKEN cises in the school auditorium Mon ING LOTS IN THE MASONIC 1 and Mrs. Lowell Rackleff and twin niece, Mrs. John Carl. real property, to-wit: The Mexican furniture makers who day evening. The following program CEMETERY AT COQUILLE. sons, Charles and Edward, of Merrill. The East half of the Northwest OREGON AH Repair Work, Parts, New quarter (Eti NW Vi) of Section Charles suffered an attack of three- were camped on the Carl place for a was represented: processional, Marvel . Notice is hereby given that certain Twenty-two (22), Township week moved on Sunday. Brode; invocation. Rev. W. A. Cou - and Used Cars day measles. non-used streets in the Masonic cem Twenty-six (26) South of Range Lillaverle Myers took sick Wednes den, of Myrtle Point Presbyterian etery will be vacated. The streets George Zinzerling and Joe Milani Fourteen (14) West of the Wil Southwestern Motor Co. Church; vocal selections. Intermedi have not been used as such and their lamette Meridian, containining made a business trip to Marshfield day and is sUU seriously ill. position is such that they cannot be. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Watkins and ate Chorus; address, Eugene Laird, of _ 80 acres, situated in Coot Coun-' Monday. Milani delivered a load of These vacated streets will platted 7lU be ** £ ty, State of Oregon; daughters, Mary and Anne, spent a Myrtle Point; solo, Mrs. Helen Pan for burial lots, leavl ing sufficient SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER j wiu apply proceeds of said calves. One six weeks old weighed few hours in Salem Saturday morn coast; essay contest awards, C. E. El 176 pounds. alleys around each -bli lock to permit EXECUTION first, to me payment of the costs ing. They made the trip Friday af- lison; vocal selections. Junior Class; access — —— to - each -—• lot. . . .. .. of said sale and to the costs and dis- Joan Milani went to Marshfield L___ _ Time of public hurini before the burlements of said suit; and, second. Sunday evening to be the guest of Iternoon by way of Drain and S™1“- presentation of diplomas, R. H. Bry NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That County Court at Coos County, Ore- |0 me payment of the amount due burg and found the highways beau ant; vocal number. Bridge Quartette; under and by virtue of an Execution gon, in the county court room at the piaintlff on the aforesaid judgment Clara Delsman till after her wedding issued out of the Circuit Court of the court house Coquille Oregon, will be £lth Bccrued interest. June 4th to John Guntheur, when tiful, with everything green and the benediction, Rev. W A. Couden; re State of Oregon for the County of roses in their prime. cessional. Marvel Brode. Those who Coos on the 1st day of June, 1935, Monday. July L I“5- at 10 • , Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 18th Joan will be Clara's attendant. A plat showing the proposed vacs-1 day of May, 1M8 Art Doyle and Harry Collier are received diplomas were: Robert C. in a certain cause in said Court pend 1935.. The Pollyanna club met at the tions is on file at the county clerk’s Wm. F. Howell, home' of Mrs.Wenden Itobiso^W^d- : haulin< wood for the cheeae factory Davidson, Mary Aileen James, Dade ing wherein A. H. Smith is Plaintiff, office 19t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. James, Fauniel Moore, Orville L. and Pioneer Mining and Milling Chadwick Lodge, No. 68, A. F. & nesday. The members pieced quilt this week. Company, a California Corporation Mr. and Mrs. R. Adams and chil Rice, Glenn M. Shields, Maxine M. and AM. WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE blocks for their hostess. Those pres successor to Pioneer Gold Mining By Ernest Purvance. Theodore dren. of Langlois, were Sunday guests Thompson The prizes in the essary Company, a California Corporation Notice is hereby given that all ent were Mrs. Gordon Fleming. Mrs. Clinton, Jno. W. Leneve, E. A. Walk of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parker. but now Extinct, is Defendant, Case contest, sponsored by Chas. F. Gilroy, er, committee, all of Coquille, Ore. warrants drawn against the General Marvin Shaw, Mrs Everett Lafferty, No. 10701 of said Court and com Fund of the City of Coquille, Oregon, Oliver Myers returned Thursday on “ Why Are Liquor and Tobacco 18t6 and indorsed prior to January 1, Mrs. Frank Burbank, Mrs. Art Far evening from Lane county where he Harmful, or How Could I Be a Better manding me to levy upon any prop erty of the said defendant, not eX'- 1932, are hereby called for payment rier. Mrs. Norman Halter and I has just completed a road contract. Citizen by Not Using Them,” were empt from execution, or a sufficient NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE OF hostess, Mrs. Robison. upon presentation at. my office. In Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shane and awarded as follows: first prize, »3.00 amount thereof to satisfy the sum of REAL PROPERTY Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Chapman and In pursuance of a decree of f ore- terest on such warrants will cease as daughter, Gwendolyn, returned and a gold medal, Virginia Lake; sec »30,063.56 with interest at 6 per cent Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bennett of May 31, 1935. and closure and order of sale made and Thursday from a two weeks' vacation ond prize, »2.00, Genevieve Johnson; from May 31st, 1935, and costs and W. S. SICKELS, Treasurer. daughter, Dorothy, of Portland, were entered in the Circuit Court of the disbuisements »16.80, together with trip to Portland third prize, »1.00, Virginia Beckett; accruing costs, I WILL ON SATUR City of Coquille, Oregon. Memorial day visitors at the Ray State of Oregon for Coos County, 20t3 dated April 29, 1935, in the suit of honorable mention, Pauline Farmer, DAY, THE 6th DAY OF JULY, 1935. Parker home. Mrs Parker is a niece Douglas Building and Loan Associa DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR whom Mr Gilroy also presented with at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore of Mrs. Bennett. Bridge Happenings tion. a corporation. Plaintiff, vs. noon of said day at the front door of U. S. Land Office, at Roseburg, a dollar. Ten students competed for the County Court House in the City Mr. and Mrs Gordon Fleming and Marion George, Alice Bunch George, Oregon, May 17th, 1995. her Mrs. J. R. O ’ Neal returned to the prizes. Walter O. Greves, Adeline M. Greves, of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, NOTICE is hereby given that children, Donald and Virginia, Emil Lester B. Billings and Edna R. Bill David B. Price, of Star Rt„ Coquille, Fleming and Kenton Myers drove to home in Medford Friday, after spend Miss Dorothy Hooton, nurse at the offer for sale and sell at public auc ings, defendants, for the recovery of — for — bidder ing about a month here with her par Mast Hospital in Myrtle Point, was' tion . to . the highest and best -----: the sum of »907.40 together with in Ore., who, on October 11th, 1932, Coos Head CCC camp at Charleston ‘ -_________ ______ 1 at home Saturday and Sunday. terest thereon at six (6%) per cent made Homestead entry Serial, No. Thursday to visit Clyde Fleming ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brown. interest of the said Defendant in and The Bible school attendance num slating in the care of her aged grand- ' to the'ionowing’describetTreal* prop per annum from March 15, 1935, until 020613. for SE¥e, Section 17, Town Emil remained in Marshfield, expect paid, the further sum of »80 00 as ship 28 S., Range 12 W„ Willamette ing to continue east to his home in bered only 45 Sunday. A splendid mother, Mrs. Matilda Hill, who is erif ty, to-wit: , ----- attorney’s fees and plaintiff’s costs Meridian, has filed notice of inten The northwest quarter of the sermon was given by J. W. Barnett, quite ill with heart trouble. and disbursements taxed at »12 50, tion to make final three year Proof, Clintwood, Virginia. Southwest quarter of Section 32; The three teachers of the Bridge Mrs. E. F. Huffman and J. T. who will have charge of the church and of an execution upon said decree to establish claim to the land above also what is known as the Pi duly issued out of said court on the described, before L. W. OddJTp Clerk Evemden were Saturday and Sunday service again next Sunday Mrs. Or- school, all of whom have been re oneer Mining Claim No. 27 being 3rd of May. 1935, I will expose for of County Court, at Coquille, Ore guests of their sister, Mrs. L. M. lin Lett favored the audience with a elected for another year, will soon be in the west half of the northeast gon, on the 25th day of June, 1935. sale and sell at public auction as the quarter of Section 33, all in Claimant names at wit nes s a s: E. B. Aasen. Other Sunday dinner guests lovely solo, "Since I've Learned to leaving for their summer vacations. law directs, at the court house door township 27 south, of range 14 Trust Him More. ” Finley, of Coquille, Ore., Star Rt., I,*rs. E'ise Lamp and little daugh were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Coates and of said county in the City of Coquille. west of the Willamette meridian D. L. Cox, of Coquille, Ore., A. L. Clarence E. Ellison enjoyed a visit Coos Count» Oregon, on Saturday, daughter, Helen, of Powers, Mr. and ter. Frances, plan to leave the latter in the County ot Coos and State Stone, of Coquille, Ore., Star Rt., the Sth of June, 1935, at ten (10) of Oregon. Mrs. T. B. MacDonald, Ariel Mac the past week-end from his mother, part of this week for Oswego and o’clock A. M., the real property sit Z. C. Finley, of Coquille, Ore, 8tar Bald sale being made subject to Mrs. Alma Ellison, his brother, Wal Portland, and will later go to Eureka, Rt. Donald and Miss Evelyn Garrett, of uated in the County of Coos and redemption in the manner provided ter Ellison, and niece. Miss Dorothy William H. Canon, Coquille. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. John California, for a visit. Mrs. W. R. State of Oregon, and described in by law. ' Register. said decree and order of sate as fol 19t5 Brown plans to go to California next ston and three small sons, of Coquille, Singer, all of Portland. Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 4th lows, to-wit: Fred W. Corps returned Friday af- 1 week to spend the summer with her day of June, 1935. were Sunday supper guests. Lots one (1), two (2) and three (2) Wm. F. Howell, Mrs. Emily Hickam spent Friday ternoon from a business trip to husband who is working there. C. E. in Block one (1) of Barrow and 2115 Sheriff of Coos County, A PICTURE For OverTen Years- ///e emblem o/j complete tinei/ìcele1! I’alitcjm G ?" Kj IM Professional Cards IB SEE US FOR USED CARS with an Southwestern Motor Company i that counts cor I gone