j Club Notes and Other Social Activities TRENDS FAVORABLE IN STATE BANKING The Powers chapter of O. E S. en­ tertained u nu.uber of visitors from other county chapters last Friday Recent Figures Indicate Large evening, those going from Beulah Inocpases in Deposits and chapter being Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Gould, Mr. and Mrs? W. V. Glaisyer. Invested Funds Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Compton, Mrs. C. A. Rietman, Mrs. Willard Boaaerman, Improvement la tha condition of state Mrs. Wm Mansell and Mrs. Harry banks lu almost every respect during Godard. 1*34 Is sbowu by statistics recently as­ On Saturday of last week, Mrs. L. £1. Hazard and Mrs. Jack Sercomb, formerly Miss Adrienne Hazard, en­ tertained with a desesrt lunch, alxjut a dozen of Mrs. Scrcomb’s friends, who spent a most pleasant afternoon with needlework and visiting, Mrs. Sercomb being in town for a brief stay only. Among those enjoying the occasion were Mrs. Harry Slack. Mrs. Arthur Berg, Miss Hariret Gould. Miss Kuthleen McClintock, Mrs. A. L. Beck. Mrs. C. A Rietman. Mrs. Muri Pettit, Mrs. M. Earl Wilson, Mrs. Lucky Bonney and Mrs. Geo. Jen­ kins and the latter’s mother, who is a visitor in the city. sembled. Robert M. Hanes, President War ho vie Bank and Trust Company, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, pointa out In an article In "Bauklng“ pub­ lished by the American Bankers Asso­ ciation. The figures on which thia state ment Is based were gathered by the Committee oa State Bank Research of the association from reporta furalabod by state bank supervisors throughout the coantry. "Ever sines 1*31 the number of state banks baa been declining.’* Mr. Hanes aays. Between l»Jl and 1934 the de cline was rapid. Figures tor December 81, 1*34, showed that the downward trend has not yet ended, but the de cline last year was the smallest lq twelve years " There are now. be aaya, about ten Utausand alate banka, which term In Eludes all alate rhertered Institution* with the exception of mutual savings banka. The article continuée: “Even more sign meant was the end­ ing of the decline at deposits in state banks which had been going on since the collapse of the stock market boom in 1*3*. In recent years for which 8g ares are available the drop haa been particularly abrupt. Total depoelta In state banks declined from »80.8*5.781 «00 on December 81, 1*31, to 318.434.- 833.000 on December 31. 1*33. The rec ord for 1*34 shows a recovery to |1T> t08.T08.000 at the yearend. Tits J. G. W. Club members are being entertained at the home of Mrs. A. N. Gould today with a twelve o'clock lunch, the assisting hostesses, being Mrs. Ed Lorenz and Mrs. M. O. Hawkins. Following lunch the ladies indulge in various sorts of needle-' work. Members expected include the , following: Mesdames Skecls, H. Lor- Dae Presented Pupils onz, Smith, Geo. Lorenz, Folsom. Recital Last Evening 31_Ho »ward ward Rasmussen, of Sanford, Roza, Fuhrman, Young and \ Coquille, and Nancy Ruth Young, of from Marshfield: Mesdames Endicott, Miss Muriel Dae presented a group Myrtle Point. Johnson, Lyons, Jennings, Liljeqvist of her pupils in recital, at the M. O. May 31—H. Crausen Fosburg and and Parker. Hawkins’ home, last evening, before Early E. Hegdali, both of Myrtle an audience of parents, pupils and a Point. Mrs. L. H. Hazard and Mrs. Roy Significance el Increased Deposits few friends. The program was 31—John E. Guenther, of Wemich were joint hostesses on "It is particularly gratifying to note splendidly rendered and the partlci- North Bend, and Geraldine Clora Tuesday, to a large company of la­ the expansion of depoelta, since It was cipants won fresh honors for them­ Deiaman, of Marshfield dies, for dessert lunch, at the home of their decline which made necessary the selves as well as for their instructor. June 1—Glenn N. McCullough and Mrs. Wemich. Both cards and ’sew- | liquidation of investments, the celling Following was the program given: Vivian A. Taylor, both of North eBnd. ing were features of the afternoon’s of loans, and all the other phenomena Andante Cantabile - Tschaikowcky June 1—Wesley B. Swafford, of entertainment, the latter being en­ which go under the name of 'deflation' AnfiapU» . • • HivfUn Hamilton, Wash., and Marion Kenne­ joyed on the lawn, where native and have brought bunks so much criti­ dy, of Seattle. They were married shrubs and flowers have been at­ cism ta recent yer.ru. It is now plain that this was due to efforts of the last Saturday at his office here by tractively arranged. Indoors the banks to place themselves In the pos Justice J. J. Stanley. spacious rooms were artistically dec­ session of enough tquid assets to most . June 3—Dallas Alton Hamilton, of orated with loses, sweet peas and a the growing demands of depositors for North Bend, and Lillie Rose Early- profusion of yellow summer chrysan­ ths return of a part ot the money which Hauser even, of Marshfield. They were mar­ themums, with the dainty Cecile had been placed on depoeit. Wieniawski ried Saturday by Rev. W. Raymond Brunner roses adorning each small “That thia la tmq la borne oat by the LoutM Wôodÿàtd Wilder at the Pioneer church par­ lunch table. movement of Invented fonde of state Accompanied by Dorothy Glalsyer sonage. At contract bridge, Mrs. Henry banks, which baa paralleled that of de Gounod June 1—Chas. W. Loomis and Hartley scored high, with Mrs Louis posits. These Invested funds (loans and Marion J. Whitney, both of Myrtle Chameski second and Mrs. Arthur discounts plus In vest mental for state Point. They were married Sunday Berg scoring low. Invitations for the banks, dropped from 830.3*1.330.000, at by Rev. C. H. Barklow at his home occasion were extended the follow­ the end of 1*81. to »14.MI.7T3.000 at the Accompanied by Louise Woodyard end of 1*8*. Uy December 31.1*84, how­ in Myrtle Point. ing: Barton, Ulett, Berg, Boober, Slavonic Dance - - Dvorak June 1—Alton H. Rogers and Ruby Em^y, Stewart, Chaney, Thomas, ever, they bad recovered to »l».7«».»10, Moment Musical • "r. Schubert Gray, both of Marshfield, they were 000. All of this gain la accounted tor Annie Robinson, Davis, Bradford« by the Increase In In vest meats during Leonard Ensele, Lyndell South- married by Justlc • G. N. Bolt at the Bryant," Chameski, Watson, Pearl El- 1934. ths expansion amounting to ap stone, Audrey Aasen, LaValle Dale bay last Saturday. ~ lingsen, Hess, Lefevre, Geo. Lorenz. proximately »1.300.000 000. Accompanied by Geraldine Ensele June 8—Ralph Lewis Ed. Lorenz, Rankin, Lawrence, W. H "As for loans and discounts, they reg Miniature Concerto - -. Mozart Marshfield, and Wanda HoudysheU. Mansell. H. Lorenz, Paulson, M. Earl Istered a alight drop again In 1034. but Ann Hawkins of Coquille. Wilson, E. A. Walker, Gant, Jenikns, tha rate of decline was much smaller Accomapnied by Zettle Hawkins June ft—Arthur H. Whipple, Newdall, Compton, J. E. Norton, than In previous years, which In Itself Caprice Viennois - Kreisler-Wichtl Foster, Ore., and Lavina Nichols, Glaisyer, Jeub, Leslie, Roitman, Bon­ la progress. Whereas the drop in loans In a Country Garden - Grainger Charleston. ney, Slack, Beck, Lane, Hartley, Pet­ and discounts amonnted to approxi­ Cherie Mae Hartwell mately »3.3M.0M.M0 in 1*38. and to ap it, Sanford, Sherwood, Oamundson, Accompanied by Audrey Aasen proximately 81.8M.0M.0M to 1*88, It Sickels, Smith, Fuhrman, Hawkins, I m An Unlicensed Company Midnight Bells - - - Kreisler was less than 88OO.OOO.MO In 1*84. Young, Folsom, Greenough, Pierce, "In another respect the balance sheet The Brook - - de Boesdeff re Representatives of the Pacific In­ »nd from Marshfield: Mrs. Wm. Lyndell Southstone ternational Health Association of San Horsfall, Mrs. E. J. Loney, Mrs. J. D figures for December 31. 1*84, ware es­ pecially Impressive. Bills payable and Accompanied by Audrey Aasen Francisco are reported to be actively Humoresque - - - Dvorak soliciting busincss in Oregon, accord­ Goss, Mrs. Wm. Nicholson. Mrs. Hen­ rediscounts of the state banks, which The Bee - . - Schubert ing to the office of Hugh H. Earle, In­ ry Sengstacken, Mrs. J. S. Lyons. at the end of 1*83 had reached a de­ Mrs C. McC. Johnson, Mrs. Frederick pression high of 8*«*.7O*.OM, had surance Commission. The Pacific In­ dropped by the cloee of last year to the De Be riot ternational Health Association is not Jennings and Mrs. L. A. Liljeqvist. low flgure of »»3,101.000. One mast Concerto Allegro Moderfaw licensed to do an insurance business Members of the Episcopal Church search the records as far back as 1*17 Leonard in this state and any personal solici­ and Guild and families held theii to And bills payable and rediscounts of Accompanied by < tation is unlawful. Commissioner annual picnic last Wednesday at Ban­ stats banks at a lowsr flgurs. More Traumerei Earle states that a warrant has been don, with lunch in the city park, and over, it is reasonable to expect a further Arr. for cello solo with string swom out for the arrest of one repre­ ink and surf bathing following, reduction of such borrowings during the current year.” quartet accompaniment sentative, and anyone having infor­ kbout forty were in attendance and Hungarian Dance - Brahms mation which will lead to the appre­ he day being pronounced perfect, a Ensemble hension of others should contact the delightful time was enjoyed. TO FOIL BANK CROOKS Accomajfhied by Zettie Hawkins state police or insurance commisison- Calling cards. 80 for 81 00. Miss Lena Williams entertained her contract bridge club Wednesday eve­ ning at her home, all club members being present. After games, the lostess served a light lunch to the oilowing: Misses Katherine Jane Hassler. Frances Oddy, Carol Young, Elizabeth Pierce, Geneva Agostino, ¿arietta Hufford and Mrs. Margarita 3rodie. To Meet at Haynes* Residence NEW YORK. —Tha Americas Bank­ ers Association Protective Committee has developed a plan of bank inspec­ tion td bring out exposure hasards or weak spots In respect to attacks by criminals based oa Its long-established, nation-wide experience In Investigating bank burglaries. holdups and sneak thefts. The Inspection covers eighty leading questions and seventeen recommends tlons which are Instructive In the pre­ vention of each crimss. These relate to such subjects as the use of slarms and other protective equipment, also the condition of windows, doors, skylights and other entrances which have facili­ tated the early morning entry of ban­ dits who kidnap bank employees from their homes during the night, or b£esk Into the bank premises and bind and gag the employees On Monday evening, June 10, the '.merican Legion Auxiliary will hold FOÉ SALE--Three dozen barred- FOR SALE—Extra fine quality Kan- heir regular monthly business meet­ rock Pullets. Mrs. M. Martindale, ota Seed Oats. 82.25 per 100 Iba. ing in the home of Mrs. G. W. Haynes on Norton ranch, two miles this Coos Feed ft Seed Stores. 8tf nt 8:00 p. m. This same evening the side of Riverton. American Legion is to be honored SUDAN GRASS Seed, 12c. Farr ft vith a visit from their state com- SPERRY’S Olympic Dairy, 20 per Elwood, Inc. nander, Joe Chamberlain of Corval- cent protein, 3180. Farr ft El­ is. They will meet in the Legion If you want to subscribe for a Port­ wood, Inc. ‘ WASHING MACHINE — Used and land daily the clubbing combination Home. new wringer rolls. Expert repair­ we offer with the Sentinel will save FOR SA J JE—R. C. A. 5-tube Hetro- ing, ten years’ experience your Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and you money. dyne table model. A-l condition, guarantee. Will be at Lamb's Hard­ nllk, the only milk and cream madr 582 N. Henry St., Clarence Shoe­ ware two days a week. Phone Co­ »fe by pasteurisation. maker. quille 2L for service. Curley's Re­ pair Shop, 78» So. Broadway, Ideal Bakery bread is slow baked. HAVING purchased E. M. Briner’s Phone 289, Marshfield. 17tf Sltf truck, I am ready to do hauling and will continue the wood business. CROWN Calf Meal, M OO per 100 lbs. Leave orders at Bill's Place, Lee at Coos Feed ft Seed Stores. tf Hand’s Shoe Shop, or phone 178L. H. E. Huddle. It« SPERRY’S Surecalf and a heavy Want Ads H. S. Norton Music and Stationery JAPANESE MILLET. 8c. wood. Inc. Stamp Albums Stamp Packets Hinges and Tongs for the young collector Busy Corner Bldg. r a ii H SPRAY for aphids, 88c. wood, Inc. White Creaseback BLUE LAKE Elwood, I m . Beans, 18c. Farr Farr A El­ milk bucket, ftl.28. Farr ft Elwood, Inc. Farr ft El­ WE ACCEPT Coon county general fund warrants at 9 per cent dis­ count only. Folsom’s Grovery BABY CHICK Feed Surelive, 10 lbs., Free Hopper, 49c. Farr ft Elwood, SCRATCH Feed, best, 82.20. Elwood, Inc. I m . Farr ft