The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 07, 1935, Image 1

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    'J ' JJF *
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NO. 31.
Was It Hot Wednesday?
Coquille Valley Sentinel Makes Attrae
tive Offer to Ambitious Persons
in All Parts of Coos County
With no duly authorized weather
observer in this section of the Co­
quille valley—and there should be
one—it to impossible to report how
Commencement Exercises Ijwt
long it has been since this section en­ Delinquent Water Users Are to
joyed as hot a day as it did Wednes­
by Forest Service Speaker
Friday the Best Ever Held
Be Cut Off, Unless
day. Probably it was ten years ago
Some local person will earn not less than 3300. another $200, and
at Lions Club Yesterday
by Coquille High School
when the thermometer reached 100
a third $100 as a result of his or her participation in the work of a
————— -
■ i.
degrees. On Wednesday of this week
campaign announced by the Coquille Valley Sentinel today.
The plan used is a new and different one, those taking part being
has so interesting a commencement yesterday Joe Axtell,
only ford Heights recorded 94 degrees, and have increased »1500 in the past year,
paid on a liberal commission and bonus basis, while those who make
program been presented as was that dele«ate from Coos county, gave 91 on Tuesday. Another thermome­ was seriously considered at the regu­
the best sales records will enjoy an earning hardly possible in the
which the Coquille High School grad­ a report on the state convention ter liere in town, hung In a vine- lar council session Monday evening.
same length of time in any other kind of local work.
uating claAi of 1935 rendered at the which
the first
this covered arbor, showed 98 on Wednes­ The councilmen felt that a number of
Young ladles or men not now employed, housewives and those ac-
Community Building last Friday eve­ week at The Dalles. The convention day. There are no theremometers on water users had gotten into the habit
tiye in the affairs of civic'and community
ning. This is no reflection on the next year is going to Newport and in the top of buildings, such as the of letting their water bills slide and
school teachers and those whose experience qualifies them to meet the
very able speakers who have deliver­ 1937 to Medford. The Lions Club weather bureau observation stations declared that the practice must stop.
public successfully are well qualified, regardless of any actual sales
ed commencement addresses here in there outbid what Mr. Axtell of­ in Portland or North Bend, in Cb-
The council was unanimous in its
experience, to take part and shore in this attractive money-making
the past.but this year the program was fered as an inducement to come to quiUe, and the figures reported above instructions to the water department
almost entirely given by the members Coquille.
are for readings in the shade, a few to cut the water off from those who
An experienced sales manager has been employed to assist thoe
The report he brought back shows feet above the ground.
do not pay, or at least make arrange­
who take up this work, and his wide experience in specialty st b- . of the class and It Is In them that the
parents and friends of the graduates that the Coquille club to the eighth
At Remote it was 101 on Tuesday ments for paying more than the cur­
scription sales campaigns is available to those interested in taking
largest in the state.
are more interested.
and farther up in the hjlls, as at Pow­ rent month’s bill each month.
■•s part.
The stage had been beautifully
Two forest service men were pres­ ers, it to reported to have been 108.
Beside the regular monthly ex­
It would be a mistake to assume
decorated with greenery and flowers ent yesterday. One was W. V. Fuller,
Yesterday’s breeze kept the ther­ penses of the water department there
that only those who can devote all of
and the entire auditorium presented of the state forestry department who mometer from going so high, and a is bond interest to be met And bond
their time can participate. In fact,
a pleasing aspect to the hundreds in had visited the local club before. The falling barometer gave hope that the | retirements impending and the city
those who regard this opportunity as
other was L. R. Wheeler, formerly needed rain might bring respite from must have the funds to meet these
a means of adding to the family in­
with the Portland Telegram, who is this unusual temperature.
come or increasing their earnings can
Ulett, Gretchen Neal, Geraldine Min­ now in the federal forest service.
It will be possible to pay off the de­
give the work only a few hours time
An exodus of Coquille members of ard and Lin( Swain were exceedingly
In the course of his remarks, Mr
gradually, but the con-
a day and find their effort well worth
the Eastern Star to Portland, will well delivered and showed much Wheeler stated that 40 per cent of
summer must Vnake arrangements to
start on Sunday with a few going thought and research work on the the population of the Northwest are
do so or he will find his supply shut
The details of the attractive plan to
each day until Wednesday. Beulah part of those who prepared them. directly or indirectly dependent up­ next Sunday, June 9,'from 2:30 to off.
be followed are given in an adver­
chapter will be honored next week at “Charting the Seas,” “Logs of Other on lumber and for Coos county the
City Engineer Stacer reported that
tisement in this issue. Our readers
the grand chapter session by the elec­ Ships,” Home Port" and “Setting figure to 60 per cent. Eighty per cent ficials are flushing the mains, from street work and work on the Fourth
are u^gpd to turn to this and learn
tion of one of its members, Mrs. Inez Sail,” the titles of the four papers, are dependent on lumber and agri­
street fill would be resumed at once
more af the many interesting features
tions of the city. The two reservoirs
J. Glaisyen, as worthy grand matron dealt in a high-minded way with the culture.
with 15 men working for three weeks.
of the campaign.
at the plant on the hill east of town
for Oregon. Twenty-five members of past, present and future of the 52
He stated that there was less farm­
A license was granted Hub Davis
This to not a “Get rich quick Beulah chapter have been practicing young ladiae and men who are juM tag in this district than there was in
to conduct a card room in the Gilkey
for weeks, perfecting a floral degree starting life’s battles at the conclusion 1880 and declared that 50 per cent
building on Front street, formerly the
scheme.” Neither to it a “Something
ceremony which will be presented at of twelve years in the public schools. of the land to unfit for farming, be­
Casey Jones building, with Mrs.
for nothing” plan.
Rather, it to a
grand chapter next Thursday evening
To digress for a moment, the class ing mountainous and suitable for
Grace Gilkey and Marc Shelley as
strictly business proposition drawn at the time the instalaltion of grand
adviser, Mrs. Ruth Beyers, began her timber only.
sureties on his bond.
along such liberal lines that it should
officers to held. The Indies who will work in the Coquille high school the
His estimate was that In 35 or 40
The street committee reported that
interest the best talent in the county. take part in the floral degree will ap­
same fall that most of this graduating years the timber resources of the
the white frosted lights, alongside the
Somebody to going to make at least pear in Grecian costume, carrying
class entered the first grade—twelve Northwest will be exhausted unless
An invading band of Californians colored police lights had been order­
$59.99 per week during the next few bouquets whose color uwapsiiill to
years ago—and H was with a
a ' sustained timber yield" program seeking tough, rough Oregon foes to ed in. They were installed by A. L.
weeks, and all others who take part the office they represent. Those who
of sentiment and intense inter«
to fallowed with reforestation of the conquer, will storm the strongholds Hooten on Tuesday of thia week.
pay they
will take part are Mrs. Flora Cotnp- she spoke of this year's class
logyed-off land.
That to what the at Coquille Sunday.
The massacre
RMn. W. <
forest service to endeavoring to ne- will see either the Crescent City To Be Worthy Grand Matron
in a great ma
eafflplish, and one «< the chief re­ Moons or the Coquille Loggers sink
Mrs. W. V. Glaisyer, associate
matron, Mrs. Belle
The Sentinel cannot give even a quirements for reforestation to the into oblivion, for it’s In baseball that
Gould, conductress, Miss Beu Maury, brief synopsis of the four splendid protection of the logged, as well as the sectional honors are to be at grand matron of the Eastern Star for
Oregon, left Tuesday for Portland
associate conductress, Mrs. Bemadine papers, but will present a few of the the timber areas, from fin».
where the O. E. S. grand chapter ses­
Witoan, Mrs. Ann Mansell, Mrs Eda statistics which had been assembled
The United States will face a short­
"Cocky” Brewer will start on the
sion will be held next week, starting
Taylor, Mrs. June Walker, Mrs Idyl after diligent research.
age of timber, as Europe has, unless a mound for Coquille, with Dan Moran,
Tuesday, in Masonic Temple.
Godard, Mrs. Mabel Clinton, Miss
There have been 514 graduates of reseeding program to followed hero, the hard working catcher, on the re­
Edna Robison, Mrs. Maude Emery, C. H. S. in the past quarter of a cen­ and Mr. Wheeler urged that a senti­ ceiving end of his slants. Whom the grand chapter reception is to be held
Miss Rosabel Shone, Mrs. Maxine tury, 202 boys and 312 girls Four ment for reforestation be aroused on Californians will start is unknown, Monday evening, and various com­
Jeub, Mrs. Emma Pierce, Mrs. Susie beys and four girls of that number the part of all those interested in this but for years a southpaw, “Lefty” mittee meetings this week called Mrs.
Glaisyer to Portland. Being in line
Folsom, Mrs. Florebelle Boober, Mrs. have passed to the great beyond, and country.
Koskela, has made it extremely an­
for the office of worthy gand matron,
Gertrude Ulett, Mrs. Florence San­ of the remainder the lives of all ex­
noying for all opponents who chance
there is no question about her ad­
ford, Mrs. Catherine Ruble, Mrs. cept fourteen were traced down to
Two Cases, Two Convictions
vancement to that office at the grand
Louise Leslie, Mrs. Clsra Bouerman, the present time.
der entirely new management, how­
Mrs. Ruth Axtell, Mrs. Capitola Fitz­
They are scattered in eight states of
ever, a new group of stars may grace
gerald, Mrs. Mabie Laird, Mrs. Sylvia the Uhion, the Hawaiian Islands, cuit court this week, both criminal. her lineup.
Mr». Leia Elrod Goes East *
EWIEta .
Alaska, Italy, but the great majority The case of Owens vs. Thompson did
Ray Woodyard will likely be on
Mrs. Mabel Ulett will be installed still remain in the Webfoot state— not oeme up on Monday due to the
Mn. ■ Leia Elrod, county health
(Continued on Page Ten)
illness of W. B. Ridle, attorney for
at that time u grand marshal.
nurse, left last Saturday evening on
(Continued on Page Ten)
Beulah Chapter is also to furnish a
a month’s trip which will take her
The first case heard was that of the
musical number, a solo by Mrs. Maud
across the country. She went first to
State vs. Clarence H. Howard, in­
Hobby Chib« Next Week
A Coos County Woman’s Christian Seattle, thence by boat to Prince Ru­
Woodyard, who will be accompanied
dicted for burglary not in a dwelling Temperance Union Institute will be pert, and from there will cross Can­
by Mrs. Wilson on the violin and by
The Hobby Clubs, which were in­
at the Bay. He was found guilty, but held next Tuesday, June 11, in the ada, reaching Detroit by next Mon­
Mrs. Rietman at the piano.
augurated by the Coquille Parent-
Other Beulah Chapter members Teachers' Association to provide in­ sentence was deferred until a report Church of Christ, beginning at 10 a. day. She will go on to Washington,
who will be in attendance are Mrs structive entertainment for the chil­ is received on his finger print record. m. Some of the subjects to be dis­ D. C., where she will visit a brother,
The cage against Chas. Cook and cussed are: “The Willard Centenary and then to New York city before
Edith Miller, of Malin, Mrs. Kiva dren of Coquille this summer, got
Robertson and Mn. Emily Hersey, of away to a good sUrt .this week, but Mabelle Emmerson, indicted tar un­ Fund” and “The Coos Cottage Fund,” starting for home.
Portland, and Gao. A. Ulett. of Co- with a smaller attendance than had lawful sale of liquor, was begun in by Coquille women; “Alcohol Educa­
Miss Hannah Sandquist, Marsh­
court Wednesday morning and given tion" by Mrs. W. H. Phillips, of field nurse, to acting county health
been hoped.
to the jury yesterday afternoon. After Marshfelid, and “Social Morality,” by nurse during Mrs. Elrod's absence.
A report has been current that being out several hours a verdict of
a Bandon woman. A covered lunch­
ZHn snXrt to win«tr.
0« Parkway
there was a fee connected 'with at­ guilty was brought in at 10 p. m.
eon will be served at noon.
8th Grade Citizenship Awards
dollars. But you will have to hurry
For years past it has been urged
They will be sentenced next Monday. gates from Myrtle Point, Marshfield,
At the Junior High commencement
or somebody else will beet you to it. that the parkways in Willard street is entirely erroneous. There is no
The case against Nick Anjon, in­ North Bend. Arago and Bandon will
exercises last Friday afternoon, men­
The Sentinel office will be open I m cut down to street level to provide charge of any kind, unless materials dicted for the same offense, was be­ be present.
You are invited to be
tion of which was givenstn last Fri­
Saturday evening until eight-thirty if additional perking space for cars have to be provided, and the pur­ gun this morning.
day’s Sentinel, citizenship awards
you went to come In during the eve- j Some few years ago the curbing was chase of those is left to the parent or
On Monday the trials of Robert Os-
The instructors of the clubs strander and Wilford Ashton, in­
were made. Ann Hawkins received
to rrv about the campaign.
knocked away at the eiyto to permit child.
Putting in Concrete Floor
the award, presented by Mrs. Marie
access by cars, but the parking strips have nothing to do with it.
dicted for breaking into a service sta­
The remodeling of the W. O. W. Stewart, and Leonard Farr was
Where no date is specified in the tion at Bandon and robbing it, will
School Meeting, June 17
were always muddy ih the rainy sea-
building is in progress this week. Af­ awarded the cup for boys which had
list of classes scheduled for next be started.
ter lowering the entrance to the side­ been presented by the Coquille
June 17 to the annual school meet-
SERA project, the week it is only necessary to contact
Malcolm Duncan, a 17-year old
ing date. On this date there win be
parkway, the one the leader to learn the time and place. boy, who was arrested with them, walk level a concrete floor is being American Legion post.
Tap Dancing—Miss Laura McLeod pleaded guilty in Circuit court this laid where the confectionery former­ award was for the best citizenship
elected in each district a clerk and
the Liberty Theatre, is be-
director. Nearly all districts are vot-
removed and when finally cut to There were over 50 present for this week, and sentence in his case will ly was located. The repairing of the record for a two year period.
foundation supports and the walls and
Ing budgets at this time.
I grade
surface win be covered class last evening. The next session await the result of their trials.
the construction of a comer entrance Young Matron Buried Yetenrday
The voters In Zeno 2 only will vote
gr,vel Being done in the lum. will be in the Community Building at
will make it a much more modem
on a director for the Non-Hlgh School
time, the gravel would gradually seven p. m. on Thursday, June 13.
Funeral services were conducted
Lights Blinded the Driver
Camera Club—C. K. Norcott.
District. This zone covers the school work out on t0 the pavement unless
yesterday afternoon at Gold Beach
As soon as it is ready for occupancy
Stamp Collecting—F. L. Green-
Lyle Varney and Grace Ricketts
diftrictf of
Sumner, Alie- confined, so the curbings are being
for Mrs. Mary Ellen Leeper, daughter
had a narrow escape last Saturday a beer parlor will be installed there of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Turner, pioneers
■any, West Allegany and Catching left on the east and west sides of that ough.
Basketry—Mrs. Robt. Wheeler
night when the DeSoto roadster, in
I barkway.
The old concrete water
of Curry county. She passed away
which they were going to the dance have secured the necessary license at the Gold Beach hospital on Tues­
Picnicking—Mrs. Marc Shelley.
I trough has been removed at the south
Tn Hold State Teachers’ Exams end. The north parkway to not to Doll Costuming—Mrs. W H. For­ at Bandon, went off the grade half a from the state liquor commisison
day, aged 26 years, one month, and
ill. 41»*
mile below the Russ bam on the
State teachers* exam, will be ■' hold > -•------- A
23 days. The services were conduct­
Sketching—Miss Lucille Sherwood, j dike. Lyle was blinded by the lights To Hold Open F. 0. E. Meeting
in the city hall. Coquille, June 11, 13 I ***
ed by the Schroeder Bros Mortuaries.
Moth-Butterfy—Geo. W. Taylor,' of an approaching car and stopped his
The Fraternal Order of Eagles will
and 14. After thia examination there
comer i o be connected up
Beside her husband and parents,
, __,
with the manhole in the center of the comer Fourth and Coulter streets, car but It was nearer the edge than hold an open meeting Tuesday eve­ she is survived by three sisters, Mrs.
will remain only three more at which
____ _
intersection and the liphoning under Saturday. June 8, two p. m.
ning, June 11, at the W. O. W. hall. Harold Whitsett, of Myrtle Point,
Hooked Rugs—Mrs. F. L. McNelly. ' landing on its wheels just at the wat- The Marshfield
flrit to the Liberty comer abolished
Drum and Bugle1 Mrs. Hanseth and Miss Leona Turner,
at Jas. Brady residence, 620 E. First, er’s edge. The two young folks were Corps will furnish some music and both of Gold Beach.
June 10, 9:45 a. m.
I thrown into the muddy waters of the parade before the meeting.
no —
injury. will also be present. Everyone that
Scrapbook—Mrs. H. S. Norton, at ditch * but
—• suffered
—"---- ‘ —
1----- -----------
Mrs. Nosier Seriously III
Busy Comer, June 11 at ten a. m.
wants to learn what the Eagles offer
Mrs. Augusta Nosier, mother of
Knitting—Mrs. T. B. Currie, at city
to a member for >1.00 a month is Ralph E. Nosier, is gradually growing
hall, Tuesday, June 11, 9:30 a. m.
Tax Payments for Five Months earnestly requested to attend, Re­ weaker, and is considered to be in a.
vm * m aww
«« v « tawv
was paid to the clerk here. Swift A
Airplane modeling. George Wilson.
very serious condition. Mf. and Mrs.
Tax payments, both current and freshments will be served.
Co. have paid over $5000 for filing at Hl*h School, Saturday, June 15.
Nosier have moved from their own
delinquent, received by the sheriffs
this instrument, it being necessary to | Kite Building, Marc Shelley, at the office since Jan. 1, totalled $570,124.-
will home to his mother’s, at the comer of
record it in every county in which Shelley Meat Market, at two P an. 36 when the turnover to the county
Third and Taylor streets, so that they
they own property.
- Wednesday, Jun« 13.
■ a S
treasurer was made yesterday.
may take care of bar.