Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1934)
SOCIAL NOTES KEtE-THERE-EVElYWnar BANKING THROUGH OUR MANY CORRESPONDENTS IS ABLE TO FINANCIAL WORLD THIS TO GIVE SERVICE WIDE BANK YOU THAT ITS A IS SCOPE Mra. Geo. W. Taylor, Sr., and her daughter-inlaw, Mra. Geo. W. Taylor, Jr., entertained at the home of the latter Tuesday afternoon for the pleasure of Mrs. Jennie Adame, who to leaving tomorrow moring for her home in Union, Oregon. Bouquets of tulips were used to decorate the rooms for the pleasant occasion. Late in the afternoon the hostess served refresh ment* to their guests: Mesdames Jen nie Adam«, Lyman Carrier, C. T. Skeels, Mary Gage, 8. M. Nosier, Ju lius Ruble, C. L. Ward and Miss Hazel Adams. ■we invite you to Pre-Easter Sale Ladies Coats & Dresses Handsome New All-Wool Swagger Coats Members of the Mothers' Club of the Roy District spent a pleasant af ternoon on Wednesdty of this week ■ - ■ at the home of Mrs. John McNair, on Smartly Tailored, 43-inch length the Ftahtrap road. The ladies sur Blues, Tans and other Popular Spring Shades FIRST NATIONAL BANK prised Mrs. C. C. Bonniksen, who is leaving their community, by present of Coquille. Oregon ing her with a lovely vase. Mr*. Bon- nikaen has been an active worker ia the club and her absence will be great —neighbors of yours ly felt Attending that day wore Mesdames O. G. Rotated, Cora Mackey, Bay Detlefaen, W. E. Croea, Milton Mast, E. M. Shull, AHie Milter, C. C. Bonniksen, -C. ID. Beyers, J. D. Bailey, Harry Aber, Peter Biaseo, Stanley Stevens, Thee. Anderson, Ed L. Detlefaen, Rock Robison, Althea Oregon Foods Are Tested Harrah, Frank Lane, Letha Witaon. Foods and foodstuffs offered for In two weeks the dub will meet for In a large variety of shades. Lovely dresses for sale in Oregon are subjected to con tn evening session at the school-house. stant laboratory testa in an endeavor any occasion, modeled in the latest designs The Justamere eiub ladies were to safeguard the health of resident« LILJEQVIST, 8WANTON of the state, according to J. D. Mickle, luncheon guests of Mrs. H. W. Pierce Large variety from which to select. A SLACK head of the dairy and food division of at her home Thursday afternoon with Mrs. J. L. Smith and Mrs. Bert Fol the state department of agriculture. Attorneys and Counsellors During 1983 more than 2000 of these ram assisting in serving. Cover* were First National Bank Building tests were made. From 25 to 60 testa laid for Mesdames A. J. Sherwood, L. Coquille Oregon are underway daily in the depart H. Hazard, Nel» Oamundeon, J. L. 1 ' ■"...... ■■■■'■ ' ■- < ment. Testa are also made by the de Smith, Paul Van Seoy, M. O. Haw- partment to determine the ingredients kins, C. J. Fuhrman, Lyman Carrier, DR. J. R. BUNCH of foods and to ascertain whether or W. IS. Sickels, J. A. Lamb, E. E. John not they conform to their labels. son, Bert Folsom and two guests, Mrs. X-RAY Those testa, Mickle, declares, have L. P. Maury and Miss Ella Watetrom, Jr- done much to enforce the “truth in if Marshfield. Shopping Center since 1887 advertising” policy of the department. A luncheon and sewing party was riven by Mrs. E. E. Johnson at her Ask Nad C. Kelley for ratea on Fire apartment in the Coquille Hotel on Inaurane». ’ GRANT CORBY Monday of this week, with covers laid Rothennei by Mra. Hooton, Letter WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Missionary Society Meets *or Mesdames Lyman Carrier, J. A. from Mr. and Mra. Fred Smith read BROCKMAN FARM FOR 8ALK Notice is hereby given that war Lamb, Bert Folsom, O. C .Sanford, J. The ladiee of the missionary society by Amelia Hili, illustrated reading by rants up to i and including The heirs of Peter Brockman, de L. Smith, H. A. Young, A. J. Sher of the Church of Christ met in the No. 4393, issued by Coquille ceased, request sealed bids for what wood, M. O. Hawkins, Geo. Lorenz, church basement for their regular so Mrs. Sloan and Mm. Nina Noaler. School District No. 8, will be is known as the Peter Brockman farm Henry Lorenz, H. W. Pierce, R. A. cial meeting on Wednesday afternoon. The roll waa called and point* counted paid upon presentartion to the district near Bastendorff Beach, Coo» Bay, Wernich, J. E. Norton, L. H. Hazard, The following program was given, for the diviaions, Mrs. Jessee’s aide clerk, on and after Saturday, March J. ARTHUR BERG Oregon, (farm contains 160 acres, and Mias Ella Walatrom, of Marsh the topic being, ‘"India:” song by con winning with 200 points. After the 24. 1984. Interest cease a on said war rants on that date. estimate 12.14 acres bottom under field. Keith Leslie, Clerk, gregation, devotional by Mra. Sloan, program sandwiches, picklee and tea 1 A I plow, 11.20 acres meadow bottom al School District No. 8, Coquille, prayer by Mrs. Hooton, Life of Dr. were served by the committee. On Thursday for luncheon the Coos County, Oregon. most clear, balance hill grazing land, small house and barn,) to be opened Needle Worker» chib met at the home at the Law Officers of Liljeqvist A at Mm. Ed L. Detlefaen on the Fiah- Swanton, American Building, Msnsh- trap road with a »mall attendance of field, Oregon, at hour of 2:00 P. M., members present. Cover» were pro Wednesday, April 26, 1934. Reserve vided for Mesdames E. C. Yarbrough, W. E. Croea, Jack Arnold, Ray Simp- right to reject any and all bids. ton, Fred Hickok, E. A. Wimer, and Ralph Barker, Administrator. Ray Detlefaen. —broadcast from the Beautiful, New Silk Dresses Professional Cards Priced at $4*95 'and $6.90 H. N. LORENZ DON’T LET THIS « NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notiee ta hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed Executor of the Last Will and Estate of Emma F. Oerding, deceased, by the County Court of Coos County, Oregon; and that all persons having claims against said Estate are here by notified that they are required to present the same duly ver died and with the proper vouchers therefor to the undersigned at the office of B. D. ! Pulford tn the First National Bank Building at Coquille, Coos County, i Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 23rd day of March, 1984. John H. Oerding, Executor of the Last will and Es NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND AC tate of Emma F. Oerding. lOtfi QUIRED BY COOS COUNTY. OREGON, FOR DELIN QUENT TAXES riH IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR NOTICE IS ------------ HEREBY . GIVEN, ; and by virtue of an order COOS COUNTY e by the County Court of j n Matter of the Estate of J. W. cf sale made or 1 Laird, Deceased. Notice of Final Settlement I). 1984, commanding me to nell the Notloe is hereby given that the un- to-wit: d< rsjgned has filed her Final Account in the matter of the administration Û9 South, Range 14 Wert of the Wff- of the Eetate of J. W. Laird, deceased, limette Meridian, at a minimum price and the County Court for Coo* Coun ’VsiMitL, in compliance with said ty, Oregon, has set Saturday, th* 24th day of March, 1934, as the day, and order, on Saturday, the 14tfc day of the County Court Room in the County April, A. D. 1984, commencing at the Court House at Coquille, in Coo» hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said day at County, Oregon, as the place for hear the front door of the Court House in ing objections to said Final Account the City of Coquille, and County of and the settlement of said eetate. Coos, State of Oregon, offer for sale Dated this 23rd day of Febrqary. and sell at public auction the above described reel property to the highest Adqitototyatrix irthe Estate of J. and beat bidder for cash in hand at the tiipe of ti,» sale, or fir not tee» W. Laird, deceased. 6t6 tbsp tweqty per pent (20%) of the - NOTICE TQ CREDITORS Purchase pri«e > q caA, the remainder Notice is hereby gjven tha^ the un n be paid under written agreement dereigned hgs been «Hly appointed ad- with the purchaser in equal install Sinlstrator of the estate of H. P. meats ever a term not exceeding ten auaen. deceased, and all persons 1 10) yean from the date of ««>*.•*■ having claim* against said estate are ttrsLiKKW: ¿x hereby noticed, that they are required six per cent (6%) per annum, pay- to present same duly verified, with proper voucher therefore, to the un MbNo*wlTS&il be made of the above dersigned, at the law office of Harry A. Slack, in Coquille, Coo* County, parcel of real property for an amount Oregon, within six months from the faaa then the minimuzn fcrioe shown date of this notiee. therein. _ „ . Dated thiz 2Mday of March. 1984. George H. Clausen, Administrator of the Eetate of H. P. Clausen, Deceased. Ml NOTICE The Hartford Firs Insurance Com pany. of Hartford, Conneotlcut, here by gives notice that ite po**«ies num bered «266-6276 and «00013-600026 heretofore furnished Ita agent, C. D. Walker, Coquille, Oregon, have be come lost and that it will not be li able for. leas under uny of »aid policies should they be issued by an unauthorised turning to be »gent of this JOY Hartford Coquille Coal Co, Prompt Delivery Phone 75J, Coquille Lump, delivered $4.00 ton at bunker» Mrs. Louis Charr. «■':! : >vited a few '.n for the after ;: :n ut w home to day in hon’-r of her qtoth • Mrs. M J. Platt, of Centralia. W »K, who is planning to leave for her hi me early next week. Sewing -viz the diversion. Guests were Meed irne* Rty Thomas. J. A. Lamb, D. E. Ra klcff, H. E. Hess, R. L. Stewart, C. P. Zumwalt, T. 8. Stevens, F. W. Mfr n, Paul Van Seoy and Mrs. M. Cha nwki, of Bandon. Mr*. H P. Bell >ni w « hostess at the misisonary tew given by the ladies >f the Pioneer church at her home last Thursday. The program consisted of singing, discussions and a book re view. Mrs. IC. T. Skeels has replaced Mrs. & £. Booher in leading the enter tainmenta. A story was dramatized by the children of the Boy»' and Girls’ World Club under the direction of Mrs. C. L. Ward. The children parti- ■ipating were Betty Lou and Phyllis May Christensen, Donald Tillmann. Joan Knight, Jane Oerding and Eu gene Ward. Musical numbers were given by Misses LeVelle Dale, Mgr, garet Purvance and Audrey Aaaen. Refreehmeqt* wora «erred by the hostess committee, Mesdames Henry Ellis, C. W. Gano, W. V. Glatayer, Luelta Davis, to the folotwing ladies: Mesdames J. W. Sayr*, W. A-Oerding, Albert Piercy, 11 D. Dale, Chas. H. Oerding, Walter Oerding, Margaret E. Brown, M. W. Way, C. Vernon Smith, Louis Fogelson, Rosed 1* Wilkin», A. T. Morrison, J. A. Heudyehell, Blanche A. Dari», B. C. Minard, E. Purvance, C. L. Ward, Clyde Minard, H. A. Poet, 3. L. Petersen, G. Tilhnann, W. A. Ireland, Geo. W. Taylor, Jr., Kenneth Thompson, <a*. Richmond, L. Nosier, Julius Ruble, Lyman Carrier, R, B. Rogers, C. T. Bkeel», M O. Hawkins, Theo. Luebke and H. P. Bell on i. HAPPEN TO YOU ITS NEEDLESS WHEN BLOWOUT PROTECT ,5FREE A mazing N ew T ire W ill S ave L ives •TM 450x20 4-76x19 5-26x18 5.50x19 Royal Neighbors Enjoy Dance The Royal Neighbors met Wednes day night with a good number of of ficers present. After the business ses sion a dance was given and waa well attended. Another one is planned for the near future. Plana were made/or moat of the members to attend the Coos county rally at Power» Monday night The Coos county district »on- vent ion will be held In Coquille about the middle of June, 10-30 11.85 Goodrich Silvertown Taylor’s Battery & Service Station Phone 99