•mi tí horvm ‘¿vanu Coquille Laundry Co One of the oldest established concerns of this city is the Coquille Laundry Co., of 527 W. Front street. This business was founded over thirty years ago. A modern laundry is often taken for grant­ ed, being one of the conveniences we enjoy to­ day and is not usually thought of as being one of our largest institutions. However, when you stop to think that the Coquille Laundry has over >15,000.00 invested in machinery, equip­ ment and trucks you will realize that a laundry business is not one that any man is able to open up on Monday morning just because he has a desire to be in the public cleaning business. KNOWYOUR HOME TOWN FOLKS _________________________ Another very important part of the business quille and the trade area and one truck ia kept takes place on Saturday about noon, and that is the paying of the ten to fifteen employees who Handle the different departments for Mr. Simp­ son. This payroll will average over <1,000.00 per busy with this work. The plant is equipped with modern machinery and caters to the gen­ eral foundry business of this territory. month and is another very good reason why everybody is not in the laundry business. Mr. Arthur L. Simpson is the manager, a native of Iowa, and has been in the foundry business all his business life to date. Mr. Simp­ son came to Coquille from Albany, Oregon, six- Delivery service is extended to cover Co- The slogan of this folundry is, “The foundry does it best” and much care is taken so the most exacting housewife could not take excep­ tion to this trademark. Having been in business in Coquille for the last thirty years speaks well for the solid foun­ dation upon which this institution was estab­ lished, It also speaks well of the able manage­ ment which has piloted this sturdy business through many crises during the passing years. The 1934 business is showing gains over the same period of time last year and from indica­ tions should be one of the above average years for this company. ho- Do iob* CM" w»* teen years ago, where he had been in the same line of business. V«rv‘l iinr1 Co« PYto»« otoV1 si«*' yVOt»« Try our THRIF-T Service Slow . V. R. Wilson 6c a pound — Flat pieces Baked Bread OPTOMETRIST |E la proving to be the most popular Bread sold in the Coquille valley. ‘‘Me»"** Coquille Laundry use of drug»- Broken plicated, "PUtdl pairs. th ***tk***t. 1<>3L Phone 11 eai*ers There must be a rea­ son and there ia. Have you tried it? C*n be bought at all local grocery stores. Ideal Bakery payers, even though they pay as little One-Half Oregon’« Adults , Pay No Direct Taxes as 2c a day, can cut >2,190,000 off the graduating class. Live News From Arago The Pioneer Methodist Church New convert study class Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller, Mr. and The program of the Pioneer Metho­ 8:00 p. m. The Ladies Aid met Wednesday at taxes that property now pays for the home of Mrs. J. L. Burtta. Besides Mrs. Orvus Miller and daughter, dist Church service during Holy More than 800,000 people, or ap­ school support. Tax free folk can do the regular work they started the Phyllis, and Alvin McQuigg visited Week and for Easter Sunday, from Flint Church of Christ, Sdeatlat proximately one-half Oregon’s adult this bit without sacrifice! piecing of a quilt to be eent to the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lett at Bridge March 25th to April lot: Coquille, Oregea “A* things now stand, property al­ population, are contributing no direct Sunday 11:00 a. m. Children's Home at Corvallis. A pot­ Friday Sunday School at 9:80 a. ready delinquent by 40 per cent ie be ­ property nor income taxes for support Mr. and Mrs. David Root and son, Text: "Father, forgive them for luck dinner Was served at noon. Those Sunday Service at 11 ■ of Oregon’s municipalities, her ing called upon to pay >41,876,000 present were Mrs. Leon PaulJ Mrs. John Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. they know not what they do.” (Luke Subject for next Sunday, “Matter." schools, counties or the state, accord­ next year. In addition the school dis­ Nsomi 'Robison, Mrs. Tyrrell Wood­ Root spent Monday on the Bandon 28:84.) Wednesday evening meeting at 8 ing to Just compiled figures released tricts have >6,000,000 out in interest- Sunday 7:80 p. m. ward, Mrs. O. H. Aasen, Mrs. 8. C. beach. o'clock. Practically half through School Relief and Prop­ bearing warrants. Text: "Today shalt thou be with MaAllister, Mm. Webb and Mrs. Bur- Free public Roadinc Room open to erty Tax Reduction League of Oregon. the districts are without any funds tis. 2350 Tons of Food for CCC* me in paradise.” (Luke 23:48.) Church Building every Tueeday and "The figures, closely parallel the whatever, and despite a »,600,000 cut Monday 730 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl visited Mr. ■ Two thousand, three hundred and Friday afternoons except holidays McMinnville and Jackson County in operating expenses for the last Text: "Behold thy son. Behold thy and Mrs. Alfred Schroeder of Coquille fifty tons of food were consumed in from two to five o’clock. school surveys which show that 68 per year, are at the ends of their financial Sundsy afternoon. the OOC camps of the Eugene dis­ Mother.” (John 19:86, 27.) The public is cordially invited to at­ cent of the families having children in ropes. The 154,000 home owners and Text: “My God, My God, Why Mr. and Mrs. (Henry Cordwell and trict from May 9, 19», to February tend our services and to visit the farmers of Oregon comprise the two city schools are paying no property Hast Thou Forsaken Me 7 ” (Matt 27: family, of Coquille, were dinner 28, 1984, according to an informal re­ Reading Room. taxes upon which education in Ore­ group« that must pay the biggest part guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Roy port filed by Captain Charles Per­ 46.) of these two obligations. To ask gon's 2200 elementary school districts Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Purser. fect, quartermaster. ■300,000 people who aro property tax Methodist Episcopal Church depend.” Text: “I Thirst.7 (John 19:28.) Mrs. Zehna (Dillon, of Portland, is The report shows that ¿93,677 In releasing tbs figures, Paul T. free to lift a mere twentieth part of Evening Preaching 7:80 p. m. Thursday 7:80 p. m. making an extended visit with her pounds of beef, more than live car­ Shaw, chairman of the league and the burden off the shoulders of the Prayer mooting Wednesday 7:80 p. Text: “It ie finished.” (John 1940) sister, Mrs. Alvin Billings. Her loads, were used in the camps during head of Portland School District No. minority for the next two years is Friday 7:30 p. m. *** brother-in-law, Lewis Dillon, is with the ten months. The bread purchased 1, characterised th* situation as “ap­ certainly fair, particularly when the Preaching at Bandon 11 a. m. Text: "Father into Thy Hands I her and will attend the Arago school through the district quarteimaster pallingly unfair to the 164,000 home directly untaxed enjoy aH the bene­ Scriptural, Spiritual Preaching. Ev­ Commend my Spirit.” (Luke 28:46.) the remainder of the term. totaled 279478 pounds. The 2fi50 and farm owners who are paying the fits and free services of our cities, eryone welcome. Easter Sunday Mr and Mrs. Wm. Lobdell, Sr., en­ tons of subsistence averaged 112 tons the counties and state, and all free bills for the tax-free 800,000.” G. A. Gray, Pastor. 6:00 a. m. Easter Sunrise service tertained as dinner guests Sunday, to a camp and included a total of 871,- “In all of Oregon’s history,” said uses of schools and other state-main­ 107 E. 2nd St., Coquille, Ora. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nathan, of 746 rations. The amount of stores with Easter songs, talk by the poster tained facilities. Shaw, “we have never called upon the Norway, and Mr. and Mrs Wm. Lob­ purchased by the quartermaster for sad concluding with the Sacrament of “Demagogue* and self-willed and non-taxpaying majority to come to the Church of God dell, Jr., of Myrtle Point. » rations totaled >231,089.14, while the the Lord's Supper. reactionary politicians and publica ­ aid of either the school* or th* tax­ 9:46 a. m. Sunday school. . Ellis and Maxine Rackleff enrolled amount expended by the camps to- Sunday School at 10 o’clock with payer* of the state in general. Now tions have misrepresented condition* 11:00 a. m. Sermon. Subject, “What classes for everyone. in the Arago school Monday, in the' taled >96356.06. we need their help. Now through the long enough. Now it’s time to face eighth and sixth grade* respectively. I The report shows that 393 tons of Doe* Easter Mean?” Morning service at H a. m. emergency two year 1% per eent facta, and vote as facts indicate. 6:80 p. m. Senior Epworth League, They have been students of the Co- straw bedding were used, that 12,068 Evening preaching 7:80 p. m. ‘The assessed value of property in «ales tax we are asking them as quille school. I pairi «hoe* were issued as well as Intermediate League, and Boys’ and Toung People’s meeting Sunday neighbor* and good citizen«, to vote Oregon is less now than it was 20 Henry Collier started to work in 12,087 pairs of denim trousers. Girta’ World Club. evening at 6:80. for the tax—whose sole purpose is to years ago—but the tax bill it pays is A-— Cheese r-u------------------- . ThMe gre i-olated itemi pjcked from ■'7:30 p. m. An Easter Cantata by the Arago factory this week Prayer meeting 7:80 Thuraaay eve­ keep our schools going and reduce more than >9,000,000 a year larger.” the Choir. "The Story of Easter." as helper. Lawrence Rackleff, of Co­ the quartermaster’s report. ning. outrageously high property taxa*. Everybody invited. The pastor I The public ie cordially invited to all quille, is cheesemaker thia year. “Three hundred thousand new tax- Oregon's Tax Load 41 Vt Millions will be in charge of these services. Mias Alice Scott .nd Mias Ethlyn these services. Entertains for Daughter Edward E. Watkins, Pastor. The total tax load imposed on Ore­ Root made a business trip to Marsh­ Mm. John C. Oerding entertained Mallory Flsnagin, Paa tor. gon property owners for all purposes field Saturday afternoon. Joe Sinko arrived home Saturday with a lovely party Wednesday after­ thia year amounta to >41,576,607.18 or Seventh Day Adventist Church noon honor daughter, Mar- from Ashland K. w-. *___ . I noon in in honor of of her her daughter, Mar ­ Church of Christ tending school. He ti H not^turo1 wh°* ’’’‘a’ Wrth<,*y occurred just. >406,09934 lees than the total Second and ( oilier Streets ' levy against property last yesr. State thia year. Walter Fiscus, Pastor B196,798 whHe ed around a table, with a lighted birth ­ Communion and morning worship at i levies fof the support of county gov­ the Intermediate Christian Endeavor Preaching service 11:00 a. m. day cake as its centerpiece. Mar­ 19 .-50, followed by the message by the ernment« show sn increase of »14,- class at their home Sunday evening jorie’s little friends enjoying the pastor on, “The Lord’s Day, A Day of after church services. The evening 526.96. Levies for general road taxes party were: Patricia Ann Brady, Joan Communion." Baptist Church snd for bond interest and redemption wa* spent in playing game*. Those Knight. Marianne Rackleff, Harriet Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 o’clock with are also somewhat higher. Levies present were Geerge Pauli, Mary Walker, Martha Jane Oerding, Laura with a class for all. for schools, special road taxes and Helen Watkins. Charles Webb, Her­ classes for all. Emily Ruble. Geraldine Oerding, bert Carl, Annie Deardorff. Wallace Evening evangelistic service at 7:80 Phone* 10IJ-224I. market road taxes, however, show Preaching service at 11 o’clock by Arde 11* ,Iri* Ba’*’ow «nd Genevieve Shirley Slater, Kay Leslie, p. m. The pastor spepks on a ques­ the pastor. substantial decrease* and account al­ Marjorie Shelley and Virginia and tion that all are interested in and that most entirely for the reduction in the Bark low. B Y. P. U. at 630 p. m. Lavaun Aasen is home for the Oerding. all should hear. “Divine Healing— „ grand total. The 1994 levy for Coos •*ry,c* Thursday evening at Is it of God or the Devil 7" Special 7:30 p. m. county, totalling >1363324.42 is soring vacation from Ashland, where St. James Church music and features by the young peo- »6344.66 greater than that for 19». she is attending school. Lavaun has The Saturday evening services are been an honor student throughout the (Episcopal) continuing with short tafo*. illustrated two years she has attended ________ Nonnal Church school every Sunday at 10 H Mid-week ehttreh service Wednes- with free hand drawtags by the nas- Calling carda SO for |1.00. day evening 8:30 p. m. of the spring a. «. C. Osika, superintendent. «*, Bev. Harold Minter. New low Price COAL HAUUNG Mansell Drayage & ■ t