Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1934)
Long Ago School New» Uncovered by J. J. Stanley Brewster Valley Mrs. Jess Hicks and son, Claud, and n.jphew. Gene Jewett, went to Rose- In going through some old file» re burg, Saturday, returning Sunday af- cently J. J. Stanley found a register ' ternoon. Mrs. Fred IBurnam, of Dora, of the pupils registered in his sub- went with them. I The Copco and Mountain S to tee in what is now the Presbyterian 1 men who have been at the Jess Hicks church, then the two story publte home for some time, returned Sunday school building, on September 16th, evening to resume their work clearing make thia Mohair Davenport and right-of-way, after spending the Mr Stanley had taught the public week-end at their respective homes at Chair appealing to the eye and the school that year *hkh ‘ ‘¿J Cottage Grove, Marshfield and Rose- Prices months term beginning the first M >urg. Lee Ingles was unable to price appeals to the thrifty buyer. day in April. Many of the residenU turn as he sustained a broken Vigoro, 100 lbs. - desired period, their children school begat for a while working last Thursday.- £n£r to Mr. in Stanley (This suite will be on display during the Style Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Krewson Morcrop, 100 lbs. Show at the Liberty Theatre, Marth 28 - 29) a eubecripbion school to above «toted .urned Saturday after attending However, an epidemic of Agricultural Lime 'uneral services of Mr. Krewson’s had taken so many youngsters from 'ether, Tom Krew.ton, who died 100 tbs. Coquille ju*t a few ye*« Prlor> ,nd Thursday and was buried Friday. when several cases of this disease ap Mrs. Jake Bohlander entertained Seed Potatoes, 100 lbs j,§5 peared in this vicinity, the school did he young folks of the galley Friday not continue long. Mr. Stanley say* ivening with a house party. Seed Peas, 2 lbs. - ,25 The he believes it dosed about the latter evening was »pent in playing games Onion Sets, 3 lbs. - part of October. tnd stunts. Refreshments of cake, Following is the list given u. by ’ruit jello with whipped cream and Mr. Stanley of those who entered hie •offee were served by the following: Garden GuMe Complete irhool at the commencement: VSnda Houdyahell, Genevieve, Edwin Encyclopedia FREE with Ixiu Nichols, Eugene Norton, Oliver tnd James Crowley, Eloda and Velma each 100 Iba. order of ■ Sanford. Bennie Lawrence, Mary Krewson, Christina Christensen, Geo. Vigoro. Skelley, Wm. Nichols, Roy Drew, Woodruff, Alta, Eva and Florence Willie Baker, Bert Dean, Frank ..---- Mead, Mr. and Mrs. Rsy Bookard, Strong. Erma Lukens, Walter Dean, 3ora Bullock, Howard Carpenter, Nonda Anderson, Net) Lawrence, Lida Minor Mead, Tom Luttrell, Kermit Moulton, Willie Lyons, Stewart Ly Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Ben- ons, Willard Lakin, Lillie Lakin Ar ram, Jack Groves, Oscar Ferguson, thur White, Clarence Dean, Zettf. Duane Shoemaker, Hasel Taylor, Messer, Edgar Boot, Eddie Lukens, lease Rouse, Mickey Peterson, Harry Alice Aiken, Charlie Aiken, bar Howard and the host and hostess, Phone 16 Strang, Emma Lorens, Claude Nos Mr. and Mrs. Jake Bohlander. ier. Fred Nosier, Eddie Lorenz, Eva Tom Luttrell, of Bridge, spent the White, Sarah McAdams, John Mc week-end visiting at the OOC camp Adams, George Strang, Edna Lorenz. with his cousin. George Lorenz, Otarley Lorenz Ora Mrs. P. A. Alford has been very Devaul, Jasper Moon, Nina McGaf- seriously ill at her home this past r.v Freddie Hall, Addie Hunnewell, week and Is unimproved at present Alma Ward, Zoe Ward, Julia time. Robert Benham, Henry Benh*“’ Miss Genevieve Crowley, who teach Charles Felter, Lou ArmlteW, Hattie es at Bandon, spent the week-end at Armfield, Willie Armfield, Lillie Arm the home of her parents, Mr. and field, Flora Urquhart, Irvin Urquhart, Mrs. Prley Crowiey. Sammy Johnson, Albert Johnson, Grant Harry visited at the home of Johnny Johnson, Lizzie Johnson. hie son, Hubert Harry, who lives near tractively decorated with bowls of At the public term the enrollment Drain. SOCIAL NOTES calendulas and purple stock. In was about 160 and required three Norman Coon, of Camas Valley, Saturday Mrs. C. A. DdLong was1 eluded were Mesdames M. J. Platt, teachers. Mr. T. P. Srinagar tought -»sited at the home of Mr. and Mrs given a surprise party in honor of her I Annie J. Robinson, D. D. Dale, Louis the intermediate grade in the Little C. M. Wilson Wednesday. birthday, by her daughter, Mrs. J. J.' Charneski, R. L. Stewart, Wm. Davis, Church," now the Christian Chureh, Hazel Durell was ill at her home Geaney, who invited a number of la-' Ray Thomae, Paul Van Sony and Mrs. and Miss Annie Clinton, who after Thursday and unable to attend school. dies to her home on the Cunningham M. Charneski, of Bandon. ward became Mrs. Chas. Moon, had Thursday evening several in the road for the afternoon, which was1 ■ the primary grade on the first floor valley met at the hall where the Life pleasantly spent in sewing. Mr. De-1 Recently at her home on East First of the school building. of the Twelve Apostles was given. Long received many lovely gifts in street Mrs. L. J. Cary entertained for For the subscription school, Mr. Those taking part were: Albert Chris honor of the occasion. Late in the' luncheon and afternoon of Bridge Stanley had but one assistant, Mias tensen, Stella Crowley, Allen Shuck, Mrs. Carrie Benham went to Fair afternoon Mm. Geaney served a de-' several Marshfield ladies. She also Hattie Kistler, who afterwards be Robert Gibson, (Howard Carpenter, C. fleers being present The social eve ning on March 30th was planned for. view Tuesday to visit for several days lieious luncheon to those present: included a few Coquille guests to came Mrs. D. P, Strang, Jr. M. Wilson, Bert Meed, Cora Bullock, The Home Economics chairman, Irene at the home of her son, Tom Benham. Mesdames L. P. Maury, Annie J. make up two tables of bridge. Guests A L. Nosier was chairman of the W. A. Nickason, Carrie Nickason. Hatfield, will be in charge. The Sales Mrs, Elizal>etfi Murray has been a Robinson, Jas. Watson, C. A. Riet- were Mesdames W. K. Atchison, Geo school board, and the other two mem Mr«. Bert Mead returned to her Schuartz, Jack Dillon, J. man, Henry Lorenz, Lloyd Oddy and “ * — ’ * W. ” Mineau, ------ bers were G. R. Wickham and J. . home in the valley after visiting Tax question was discussed and a guest for aeveral days at the home of “For Sale or Trade" exchange was her nephew, Roy Doney. Dennis McCarty, of Marshfield and Messer. The clerk was G. F. Boutell. among relatives on the Bay Sadie Jayes. for the started in the local Grange. Nearly Mesdames C. T. Selbig, Ed McKeown Mr. Stanley says it gives him a past two weeks. all of the patrons retired and then Plans for Rose Festival The Tuesday evening bridge club' and E. M. Kay from here. feeding of sadness to read this list and Mrs. W. A. Nickason entertained was entertained by Mrs. Walter Lit- see how many have gone from earth Mrs. Bert Mead, Flort-nce and Alta worked their way into the hall in the Four big outstanding events will flrrt, second, third and fourth de Wednesday afternoon the Woman’s zenberger at her home on East Sec i Guild of the Episcopal Church met at that he knows of, and, no doiibt.many Mead, Lois Burris, Mr. and Mrs. C. grees. Included in the (Lecturer’s pro mark Rose Festival week in Portland ond street thio week at which time the others have been taken of which he M. Wilson, Mrs. Elmer Wilson, Bur this year. In addition to the 28th An members of the club complimented their Pariah house, with Mrs. Muri has not heard. On the other hand, it ton and Virginia Wilson, Velma and gram were the following numbers: nual Festival and its many colorful singing led by Helen Pancoast; a Pettit and Mrs. George Lorens as Mrs. Richard Barnes, who is leaving gives him a great deal of pleasure and Eloda, Glade and Donna Jane Krew features, and the annual rose show of this week for Yreka, Calif., with a hostesses. Others attending were pride to meet any of these pioneer pu son Betty Nickason and Mrs. Carrie number of Scotch and Irish songs, the Portland Rose Society, June 11th reading» and stories by Wm. Lilly, of Mesdames L. H. Hazard, W. H. Man handkerchief shower. In Bridge Mrs. pils, his chief regret on this score be- Nickason Friday afternoon at her to 14th, there will be held there the Ruble won high score prise. Attend sell. E. L. Vinton, A. J. Sherwood, An inng that they have all changed so home in honor of her daughter, Fern’s Abernethy Grange, Oregon City; open Western Zone Convention of the Can discussion of the Irish potato, in which nie J. Robinson, C. J. Fuhrman and ing that evening were Mesdames much that many times he fails to rec seventh birthday. A weiner roast adian Legion, which will bring to Richard Barnes, Julius Ruble, Donald J. W. Laird. ognize them. Another satisfaction he wks enjoyed after which birthday several took part,, and a song on the Portland and the Pacific Northwest same subject, composed and sung by Estes, E. A. Walker, George Ander has in recalling those of whom he cake, fruit jello and punch were Chas. F. Gilroy; an interesting stunt thousands of Canadian Legionnaires Misses Madeline McKeown and has been able to keep track who have served. son, Theodore Clinton, Kenneth Kist- by the crowd and aeveral numbers by with their bands and marching organ the latter of attained fame and fortune. ner. In two weeks the club will meet Phyllis McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Christensen, the Grange quartette. The newly or isations; and the annual convention of attending Marshfield, who are both with Mrs. Kistner. George Woodruff, Howard Carpenter ganised music committee added a the American Rose Society, which will the University of Oregon thia year Cancer Now Being Cared Cora Bullock and Christina Christen -great deal to the enjoyment of the be attended by hundreds of the out Monday for luncheon and afternoon and home for their Easter vacation, Cancer, once considered an incur sen attended church at Coquille Sun evening with their fine music, as did standing rose culturiste of the nation. Mrs. Earl Nosier entertained the were honor guests at a small lunch The one big feature of the Festival, able disease, can now be cured by day. , also Mr. Lilly, who is a master at the Ecadrien club members besides three eon party given Wednesday by Mrs. Mr. and Mm. Tom Lawhorne were art of entertaining. as in past years, will be the Grand surgery, radium and X-ray. treat Leo J. Cary at her home on East First additional guests, Mrs. Don Fish, of visitors on Coos River Wednesday. ments. Floral Parade under the auspices of Seattle, Mrs. Arthur Fish, of Myrtle street. A mixed bouquet of spring Mrs. Matilda Hill has been ill since Those to meet at the home of Mr. the Royal Poserions. In this parade This statement, expressed in posi Point, and Mrs. Frank Fish, of Bridge. flowers made up the centerpiece at Saturday and confined to her bed most and Mrs. Bert Mead Sunday afternoon outside participation has been in tive terms, was made by Dr. Robert Members present wsre Mesdames E. the table where covers wre laid for to honor the birthday of Eva Burirs of the time. creasing from year to year until the A. Walker, J. E. AxteU, Roy Neal, Misses Madeline McKeown, Phyllis B. Greenough, cancer specialist of were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nickason, The Christian Endeavor meeting entries from cities and towns of the Geo. Johnson, J. L. Aasen, Willard McCarthy. Norene McKeown, Mary Boston, at the convention this month Mm. Carrie Nickason, Mr. and Mrs. next Sunday will be held at 2:80 art Pacific Northwest nearly outstrip en in Spokane of the American College McCarthy, Florence and Dorothy Cary Boaserman and W. V. Glalsyer. Instead of a of Surgeons. Dr. Greenough, who is Elmer Wilson, Florence, Alta and the home of Mrs. Lucy Culver, with tries from Portland. and the hostess, Mrs. Cary. president-elect of that organization, is Minort Mead, Frank Bates, Cora Bul Mrs. W. A. Lett as-the leader. The Portland affair, the annual festival Mrs. H. E. Hees entertained with a topic is, “ What Does Jesus Require lock, Howard Carpenter, Christina has become a Pacific Northwest in Drunken driver» were responsible considered one of the world’s most luncheon party on Monday for the , stitution. Christensen, James Crowley, Hazel of UsT" noted authorities on the “ Red for at least ten deaths and 88 injuries pleasure of Mrs. M. J. Platt, of Cen Durell. Mr. and Mm. Jake Bohlander. Mr. and Mrs. Ehner Brownson and Plague.” tralia, Wash., who is here visiting her on Oregon highways during 1983, ac Mrs. Bert Mead, Loia Burris and the children and Mrs. Carrie Benham Aek Ned C. Kelley for rates on Fire Surgeons from all parts of the cording to records in the operator» ’ daughter, Mrs. Louis Charneski. The were Myrtle Point visitors Monday. I Insurance. Northwest attended the meeting, as guest of honor, Mm. Eva Burris. rooms and luncheon table were at- division of the state department 8. Duane is slowly recovering from did leaders in the medical profession a heart attack. from all parte of the country. Dr. Greenough stressed the impor Bridge Happenings tance of early diagnosis of cancer, and told fellow surgeons of the develop Mr. and Mra. Frank Herker and ment within the past two years of children, ABert and Ralph, were Co X-ray equipment with extremely high quille visitors Saturday. voltage which is specially adapted for M c K esson service There was an attendance of 87 at cancer treatment. Sunday school, Sunday. The pulpit By using the new type X-ray ma was occupied by T. B. MacDonald, <++♦+♦+♦♦+♦♦♦♦♦• Loe Angeles City Purchasing Department re chines, which generate nearly 1,000,- who gave a very fine sermon. Mrs. cently purchased 58 Ford V-8 sedans for the 000 volte, it is now possible to use ra MacDonald again delighted the au Police Department, after making grueling tests diation in a far more effective manner dience with one of her lovely chalk Milk Magnesia, pts. with the Ford V-8 and two other makes of cars than ever before, it was pointed out nictures, illustrating the song, “At the on the Los Angeles Speedway. One of the four machines of this type End of the Way,” which was pleasing Milk Magnesia, qtg. 69c in the country is located in Beattie, sung by Mrs. Ray L. Beckett, Mrs. The Ford V-8 excelled in every test as to accel while the others are in Chicago, New W. R. Brown, O. W. Heath and Karl Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste eration, speed, brakes, gas economy per mile, York and Pasadena. 2 for 33c Ehrig. The Christian Endeavor meet- cooling system, etc. The Ford negotiated the During the part two years the 'ng in the evening was led by Miss track in second gear within one second of the McKesson Shaving Cream American College of Burgeons has Lou Hooton. 2 for 37c time of the slower of the other two cars in high collected records of,24,000 cured can Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shields re gear. Psyllium Seed, 1 lb cer eases, alive and well, after jpe^-iode turned last week to Bridge after being of from five to twenty-Bvp yens. away for several months. They were Cancer cases are increading in num in Hillsboro most of the time during Drive the new Ford V-8, the SAFE car, and ex Aspirin Tableta, 100’s ber because it is a disease of middle their absence, but had been in Klam perience the thrill of this marvelous car without a price class. Ask us for a demonstration. age. Insurance statistics show that ath Falla tor a while before returning Kleenex 2 for 35c the average length of life M m in here. They are living in the house creased more than twenty years in next door to Mn. Joe Shields* resi The only car under 12,000.00 with a V-8 Motor. Palmolive Soap the larthalf century. This means dence. that a larger person of the population Mrs. James Morrison and Miss Mae Germani» Tea, J 1.50 size may have cancer and makes it espec Hatcher were business visitors in ially important that patients should Roerfrorg Thursday. have an early diagnosis followed by Mias Dorothy Hooton went to Myr **+*+*++♦+**♦♦*4 prompt and effective treatment. tle Point Sunday evening to work for a few days at the Mast hospital. Second & Taylor, Coquille Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley A good crowd attended the Grange in a reliable Oregon stock meeting Friday evening, all of the of- and how THEY / GROW' $4.00 - $3.00 - $1,00 ,25 Elwood, Inc Mohair Davenport and Chair Gould Furniture Co Ford V-8 JFins Competitive Tests NILES MOTOR COMPANY Rackleff Pharmacy