The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 23, 1934, Image 1

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vol .
Coquille Merchante to Present
IJvbst Modeta at Theatre,
2» and 30
E. A. Britton, scout executive from
Roseburg, met with the Coquille Scout
Council and discussed problem* per­
taining to Soout work, including sum­
mer chmp, which will probably be
held su usual.
Mr. Britton held Court of Honor at
the eity hall here the same evening.
Members of the local Scout commit­
tee* who were present included R. L.
Slewart, J. L. Stevens, K. P. Law­
oncer, E. N. Shull, C. C. Farr, Ned C.
Kelley and Scoutmasters J. E. Axtell
and J. W. Sayre.
The following were promoted to
Second Class and gave some very
snappy and interesting demonstra­
tions: from Troop No. 14, Jack Mar­
tin; from Troop No. 15, Tom Percy,
Ralph Fuhrman, Clinton Burr, Harold
Shaw, Leonard Farr, Kennett Law­
rence, Tom Martindale, Frederick
Watson, Laurie Rabison, Dick 8tacer.
Merit Badges were presented to
Henry Teal, No. 14, Handicraft; Jack
Clinton. No. 14, Public Health and Pi­
oneering; Virgil Arrell, No. 14,
New Tenderfoot* admitted to troop
No. 14 were Clifford Neal, Ted c*d-
man and Guy Haynes.
At this time of year, a whole new
group of dresses burst* into bloom
with the radiance that comes, at no
other season of the year. It is jqat
the medicine that wardrobe-weary
women need to give them a new lease
on lif*. There are many type* of
dresses tn tbe daytime picture, each
type most interesting.
To properly present these new
styles, shades and beauties of millin­
ers’ art a Style Show is to be held in
the Liberty Theatre on Wednesday
and Thursday of next week, March
28 and 29. with several of the local
stores co-operating.
The J. C. Penney Co. store ha* en­
gaged six of Coquille'« fairest io act
as models far tits presentation of
dresses, suite, hosiery, millinery and
a groat variety of article* of fem­
inine wear. Those who will appear
at* Mr*. Geo. MdClellan, Mi** Jean­
ette Pook, Mis* Laura Davis, Mia*
Ksthleen Collier, Mias Mae Groshem,
Mtoe Gladys Williams and Mis* Cath­
erine Wernich.
The Geo. Unsoeld store which will
also feature all the latest and most
beautiful of ladies' wear, will present
another bevy of beauty, Misses Bar-
An unusually large attendance was
bars Bradford, Virginia Tillmann,
Zalma Boesermaa and Barbara, Beryl present for the meeting of Beulah
Chapter here last evening, at which
and Isabel Unweld.
The T. Warner store will display time the matron* and parton* of all
on living models a fins assortment of the O. E. 8. chapters in the county
gents’ furnishing* taken from their assisted in an exemplification of the
initiatory ceremonies. More than one
complete stock.
Hosier’s Beauty Shop will bo repre­ hundred members from all part* of
sented by Miss Muriel Dee who will th* county enjoyed the ceremony.
Mr*. Or* X. Maury acted ** worthy
demonstrate the beauty treatments,
matron. Goo. A. Uieit, worthy pa-
marcelling, _ etc.
Th* Gould Furniture store Will'iron, was awisted in that office by
...... ....
provide the furniture need on the «*>• Martin, of Marshfield, Oornelius
showing davenports, stand Johnson, of Bandon, Raleigh Greene,
lamps, ehairs, etc.
Ioi Myrtle Point, Dewitt Hoeing, of
Mbw Faye June Nosier will be the North Bend, E. A. Walker and I^fe
maid Who will open th* book of fash- Compton, of Coquille.
ions from which these beautiful and
Mrs. Flora Compton, as associate
manly models will emerge.
I matron, Mrs. Camilla Rietman, as
This style show program wffi be conductress, Mrs. Belle Gould, ns as-
both Wednesday
and social* conduetrass, occupied
Thursday evening* between th* first regular stations bat the star paints
and second picture presentation* Pal were filled by visiting worthy ma­
night price* will not prevail, however, trons: Leah Zentner, of Bandon; Alice
Jones, of North Bend; Ells Eaton, of
admission being 26 and 10 cents.
A splendid program to accompany Powers; Florence Frietag, of Marsh­
the modeling will be conducted under field; and Helen May Mast, of Myr­
the supervision of Miss Dae as mis- tle Point.
Mr*. Florence Zosel, a past matron
vTFBB Ol CwrOnivniCfl.
Incidental music will be provided of Bsuhh chapter, Was a visitor from
by Mis* Inez Rover, concert pianist, McMinnville, and was honored by the
throughout the program.
The next meeting of Beulah Chap­
A clever tap dance number will be
presented by that Peppy, Pretty and ter will be on April 112 at which time
Popular quartet, Misses Laura Mc­ representative* of Daughters of the
Leod, Beryl Unsoeld, Elisabeth Pieroe Nile and Jeb’s Daughters, from
and Rose Matney, accompanied by Granta Pass and Roseburg will be in
Miss Rover.
Refreshment* were served in the
The vocal numbers by the “Three
Chums,” whose harmonizing honeys, banquet hall at the close of the *ss-
will be presented by Edythe Farr, aion.
Audrey Aaeen and Jeanne Barbour.
And last but by no moans least,
V. F. W. Head Coming
will be a violin solo by that mistress
Swetlsnd, of Astoria, Depart­
of the instrument. Miss Dae, than
whom no finer violin artist has ever ment Qommander V. F. W. of Oregon,
been heard in southwestern Oregon. will make an official vistt to the post*
The theatre management to making of Cose and Curry countie*, which
preparation for a record- breaking at­ have been invited to sssrnnble in Co­
tendance, at leaat one which will pack quille, with the Coquille Post a* host.
the houoe from pit to gallery, and The Odd Fellows hall ha* been en­
with the imposing array of talent and gaged for this occasion, on Thursday
beauty engaged, there to certain to night, April 12, and the visiting
be an attendance from all southwest­ post* will be 'Marshfield, Myrtle Point
and Brooking*. A committee, com-
ern Oregon.
poeed »•
of W.
D. —
W. —
E. ---------
But to get back to the matter of
»»• —
ladies’ wear which is the “ratoon ler and Ray Storer, has been appoint-
d’ stre“ for the Style Show. Below'*d to make arrangements for the ve­
to given a floral description of thto|eeption of Commander Bwetland, and
year’s spring apparel which should, ti»e entertainment of th* visiting com-
appeal to the drees-loving Instinct of rade*.
____ ________
At Tueeday
Tuesday night ’ » s meeting of the
The print dree* is a hardy peran- CoquiUe Post, with Commander Bart-
noal that is always *ure of a welcome, lett and- several members present
They are young and becoming to ev- from Myrtle Point Post, W. D. Laa-
eryone. There are enough different' man and E. B. Fuller were elected del-
tvpes of prints no that you may never egate», and Earl Nosier and Henry
tire of them. There are large dash- George alternates, to attend the . an-
ing design* for young people who love nual encampment at Medford June
to be bold. There are small Oonserva- 4-7. It is expected that several other
tive pattern* for women who dr*«* member* from Coquille will also at­
quietly and for the larger woman to tend.
whom a big print would bo unbecom­
ing. The field flower print having Coffee Shop to Keep Long Hours
made a successful debut last year, re­
Compton’s Coffee Shop, the hotel
turn* for another season of popular-
ity. It to seen used sparsely in small, cafe, opens a new schedule today, by
neat patterns, and ft is mere often which it will be open to the public
seen used in profusion which is most from 6 a. m. until 12 p. m. daily and
charming. Three floral prints may until after the dance Saturday night.
be had in crepes, and in heavy sheer*. An added feature will be the serving
Ranking high in th* fashion picture of a special 60 cent dinner on Sunday,
is the navy blue drees. It invades from 11 a. m. until 9p. m
Carpenters have been busy this
not only the daytime picture, but th*
week installing ths new refrigeration
evening mode as well. It is at It*
system for draught beer which ^fill
rt darkness to re-
bo served by the
well as by
Prominent Coquille Dairyman Red Devils, Coos County Cham­
Paraes Away in Sleep
pions, Win First and Lose
Monday Night
Second at Salem
to be given thia (Friday) evening at
nine o’clock at the Aragon Ball Room
at Coquille. The dance is free, re­
freshments will be served and a gen­
eral good time is planned, according
to Captain Geo. (L. Maynard, camp
commander, and his assistant, Lieu­
tenant R. K, Kennedy.
The orchestra will consist of eight
pieces and will furnish up-to-date
music with plenty of pep.
The camp personnel ha* arranged
to have a truck at the Myrtle Point
hotel at eight o’clock to carry pas­
sengers to the dance at Coquille and
another truck will be at Mel’s News
Stand in Marshfield at eight o’clock
to pick Up persons wishing to attend
the dance.
Lower River Site Approved-
Jitney Airplanes To Be on
the Market Soon
Mayor j. Arthur Berg and J. E.
Frank Richard Bullack, a promin­
Eleven passenger* in two c*r* left
ent and prosperous dairyman who haa here Tuesday morning for Salem
Norton, of this city. Mayor Elmore
lived hi* whole life near Coquille, where the Coquille Red Devil* won
Drane and Herbert Brown, of Bandon,
paxaed away in hi* sleep oome time their first game in the state basket­
left yesterday morning for Portland
Monday night, his death not being ball tournament from Mitchel High
to take up with Burton E. Palmer,
discovered until his sister Went to on tyt-dneeday, 37-21, but dropped the
head of the OWA for Oregon, the
call him about seven a. m. Tuesday.
second yesterday to Ashland, 45-28,
question of the proposed airport north
Bill Pook seema to have been the
He had been in town the day be­
sf ths river, between Bandon and Bul­
fore, apparently in his usual health, spark plug for Coquille was leading
lard*. There is a 400 foot stretch of
but a remark he made to J. L. Stev­ Ashland yesterday when Bill went
tide lands there which is idesl for s
ens that day indicated that he be­ out of the game on four fouls in the
landing field after it is once filled in
lieved his days were numbered. They first quarter. After that it was a
by a dredge.
were closing the deal for the Ellingson runsway game for the big, lanky
The trip was the result of a meeting
Hardware stoek, but something came Lithia Springs team.
at Bandon Wednesday, at which Major
1375,000 Taxes Paid
In the ten yeans of county tourna­
up which caused Mr. Stevens to sug­
Geo. E. Bandy, airport engineer for
C. G. Caughell, of tbe tax collec­
gest that the completion be postponed ment contests, Coquille has tffbn in
the Department of Commerce, was
for a day or two.
“We had better the final game six times, three under tion department, says that tax pay­ I present.
close it now,” was Mr. Bullack’s reply. Brick Leslie as coach and three with ment* have been totalled sufficiently
Major Sandy approved the proposed
He had had stomach trouble for Henry Hartley as tutor, but this year now that he is safe in saying that site and told the meeting that the de­
years and Dr. Richmond, who attend­ is the first time the Red Devils havs
partment was endeavoring to have
ed him and performed an operation won the coveted trip to Salem. And since Jan. 1. This includes both cur­ landing fields located at approximate­
for hernia a couple of months ago, richly -did they deserve to win for
ly every 80 miles from Astoria south.
states that his heart had been in bad they played an inspired three games percentage of it was paid in war­ One ha* already been built at the Col­
rants. ,
in the armory last week.
condition for some time.
umbia river mouth and other* expect­
Last year, from Jan. 1 to May SO,
Funeral services were conducted at
This afternoon they play their
ed are at Tillamook, an emergency
the chapel yesterday at two o’clock by final game in the tournament, a con­ there was a total of 6257,000 paid in. field at DeLake, at Newport, Florence,
Walter Fiscus, of the Christian solation game with The Dalles. -
Reedsport or Gardiner, Coo* Bay,
Those who left Tuesday morning
church. Interment was in the Mason­
Bandon, Part Orford, Gold Beach and
ic cemetery.
were Mr. Hartley, John Cary, man­
Frank Bullack was born Oct. 16, ager, Mrs. F. A. Pook and the mem-
Eugene is considered the hub in
1878, on the old Bullack ranch, now bers of the team, Bill Pook, ’Bob Col­
west central Oregon from which fliers
the Geaney ranch, north of the rail­ lier, Joe Davis, Morse Btonecypher,
may hop to the coast, or across the
road crossing just beyond the county Earl Morri*. Junior Bailey, Louie
There is excellent reason for the Cascade or south along the Pacific
farm. Hi* father, Richard Bullack. Donaldson and Harry Kelley.
optimism expressed by W. E. Marrion Highway, depending on weather con­
died in 1898 and his mother in 1915.
The next morning Geo. Burr, three and the crew at the well beyond Fat ditions, and the flying which it is ex­
For a great many years the de­ of hi* children and Esther and Hasel Elk. In fact Bob Burns, the driller, pected to develop very rapidly in the
ceased has operated the dairy ranch Mansell left for Sslem to witness the says it is the best looking prospect next few years, will need frequent
on the Cunningham road, two and one- opening game.
on which he ever drilled.
half miles from ^Coquille, and has
Since the installation of the new
The report is that manufacturing
been one of. the most successful dairy
CoquiUe to Broadcast Mar. 29 cable last Saturday work has been companits are now ready to turn out
men of thi* section.
He had never
Through the courtesy of the Cor­ progressing and the casing was down planes, capable of carrying two or
been married.
vallis Legion post, which ha* a half to within 22 feet of the old bottom three, at around 6700 each, and capa­
He leaves to mourn his passing
ble of 100 mUe* an hour.
hour broadcasting
schedule each last evening.
his brother, John Bullack, who live*
But what makes it look like such
Tbe major predicted that within five
Thursday evening over KOAC, the
on Knowlton Height*; hi* sister, Miss
'Coquille Legion will sponsor a pro- a hot prospect is the oil and gas yeans regular jitney service on a two-
Louisa Bullack, who kept housg for
hoqr schedule to Portland would be in
Xram over that station next Thursday brought up at each bailing.
him; and another sister, Mrs. Ru*a'|
On Wednesday the U»O feet of •ffect, with a fare of 21.26 or 91.50.
pruning. March 29' from 7:30 to 8:00.
Croy, of San Fernando, Calif.
The Port of Bendon will provide the
The program as at present out­ water was bailed out as well a* sev­
Another brother, James, passed
lined show* C. W. Cano as announcer, eral bailer* full of mock. Thi* mud rite down there and It is expected
away at Myrtle Creek, Ore., March
Mr*. Roy E. Boobe; as reader, Mes­ and silt was slimy with oil, gas bub­ that under the new appropriations,
8, 1982.
dames J. Ji. Dalen, Paul Walker, E. bled up from the bottom in globule* funds for the work will be avsilabs
A. W-oodyard, LeNorme Pownder, as a* large a* two flat* and the odor of for dredging and levelling off the Ban­
Cross Heads Corn-Hog Ara’n singer* and musicians, E. G. Mans­ crude petroleum ws* moot pro­ don airport.
Attending the meeting down there
W. E. Cross, of Coquille, was elect­ field a* banjoist, and R, A. Jeub a* nounced.
That there is oil and gas there 1* Wednesday, from Coquille, were J. E.
ed president of the Corn-Fog Control speaker.
association of Coos and Curry coun­
The party will leave for Corvallis beyond question. Just .how much Norton, J. A. Lamb and R. L. Stewart.
there is esnnot be told until the drill
ties at a meeting of the director* of fiext Thursday morning.
bite* farther into the sand and stone,
Three Taken to Pen
the organisation held in the county
but the men on the job there ar* con­
agent’* office Tuesday afternoon.
Alexander was sentenced to
Bids on Five Bridges Asked
fident that the production will be in
Community committee chaiihnran in
two years in the pen Monday by
It’s mighty good news to Oregon commercial quantities and that an
the two counties attending the meet­
Judge B. iL. Eddy, for cattle stealing.
ing were B. J. Munson, Lakeside; Al­ and especially to the coast section, oil field in this valley is certain.
Miles Randall, convicted by a jury
The pipe was filled with water to
bin 8. Carlson, Marshfield; Clarence that bide for the construction of the
Monday on bad check chargee, was
Zumwalt, northern Curry, and Edward five bridges on the Coast Highway a 700 feet height yesterday and drill­ sentenced to six years.
Lawranee, southern Curry.
A. R. have been called for by the Highway ing continues.
His wife, Helen Mae Randall, pre­
Davenport, chairman of the Myrtle Conwnisssion.
viously sentenced to two years was
A contract for the largest, that Concrete Building for Front St.
Point committee, was not present.
given a year of grace when Judge
Completing the organisation of the across Coos Bay, will be let April 26.
Drue Cunningham, who purchased Brand changed her sentence to one
courtty association, Davenport was and work will begin within two or the 25-foot lot on the north aide of year on the same charge. She will
elected as vice-president, Zumwalt as three weeks thereafter.
Front street a few weeks ago from be taken to Salem this week.
Bid* will be opened for the bridge
treasurer end George Jenkins, secre­
Mr*. Viola Holyeross, state* that
Sheriff Heaa and Constablo Adrian
tary. Members of the allotment com­ at Waldport on April 5; for the Ya- construction will begin there next Campbell went out to the pen Tues­
mittee, in addition to the president of quina bridge at Newport, on May 17; Monday. The building will be 25x50, day, taking Bruce McCready, for two
the organisation, include Ben Munson, and for the «Florence and Gardiner- of concrete, and one story.
years, Frank Alexander,
of Lakeside, and Edward Lawrance, Reedsport bridge* on June 7.
There wiU be three room* in the Mile* Randall six years.
of Pistol River.
building, one for the No-D-Lay Clean­
Scout Cabin Dance April 2
Action taken at this meeting of the
ing establishment, and one for hl*
No School Next Week
board of director* marks the comple­
The committee from six civic or­ shoe repair shop. The other will be
vacation. for
tion of the organiaation of the Coos- ganisation* which are sponsoring th* across the rear of the building for the
la next
Curry Corn-Hog Control association. After Easter dance on the evening of cleaning department.
week, and teaeehra, pupil* and stu­
(Continued on second page)
Monday, April 2, held a meeting Mon­
dent* will have a full week to get out
day evening and chose Mrs. Geo. W. the building, and it will be made a*
in the spring sunshine and enjoy out­
Medford’s Grocery Closed
door life, unless it rains a* ft is more
in turn appointed ticket, hall and
Medford’* Grocery, which has been
Junior Clara Play Postponed than likely to do.
operated in the Odd Fellows building publicity committees.
Closing date for the local grade
The dance will be held in
The Junior Class play, “The Night schools 1* on Wednesday, May 2. and
for the past few years, was closed
Tuesday morning on attachment. The Aragon Bal) Room on the day after Cry,** scheduled to be held in the for the high school, Friday, May 25.
concerns which assigned their ac­ Eaeter. Admisiaon will be 40 cent» Community Building this evening, has
count* to Mr*. Saima Caughell, whose for gentlemen and 25 cento for ladies. been postponed for two weeks, or un­
To Start Cabin Next Tuesday
All the proceeds will be used for the til Friday, April 6. The unexpected
name appears on the attachment no­
Scout »Cabin to be built in Myrtle basketball tournament success of Co­
F. S. Emery, who haa sufficiently
tice although she was not involved tn
quille High haa rather disrupted recovered from hie recent attack that
the proceeding* in any other way,
things out at the high school thia he was able to attend Lions Club yes­
were the Pioneer Grocery Co., whole­
sale, the Seaside Bakery, of Bandon, To Honor Oldest Oregon Mason week and nearly half the east have terday noon, reported that the lumber
gone to Salem for the state tourna­ for the Boys Scout cabin will be on
and Remmel’* Bakery, of Eugene.
The Port Orford Masonic Lodge
the ground in Myrtle Park next Tues­
has an invitation to all Coquille Ma­
day. Construction of the 24x88 build­
Only Trucks Get % Licenses son* to attend a communication at
ing will start at once.
To Hold Rummage Sale
The secretary of state haa notified Port Orford on Saturday, April 14.
Beulah Chapter, O. E. 8., will hold
the sheriff’s office that it Is only cdm- The event will bo in honor of Willi*
New Hardware Man Coming
mercial trucks which are allowed a T. White, 88 year* of age, who ha* a rummage sale on 'Friday and Sat-
F. 8. Stevens, who has purchased
three-quarter of a year license privi­
He was in the corner room of the I. O. 0. F. the Ellingson hardware stock on First
lege after March 26. Pleasure cars, oldest Mason in Oregon.
farmers’ special season trucks, deal­ made a Master Mason in Maine, in building. Anyone who h's* article* of street, writes his brother, J. L. Stev­
clothing to donate to the sale ehould ens, that h* and hi* wife will leave
ers, and motorcycles must have the 1867.
notify Mm. E. L. Vinton who will Iron Mountain, Mich., toon after the
entire year’s fee of <6 paid, no mat­
call for then.
first of April and will arrive here
ter what time the license is secured.
Boxing Cards In Prospect
by the tenth. The store will remain
Mack Lillard, boxing promoter, is
closed until hi* arrival.
3500 Copies of Thia Iraue
planning on making Coquille a part District No. 8 Warranto Called
The Sentinel wishes to thank the of a chain for the presentation of
Keith Le«lie, cleric of School Dis­
Should Have Items Earlier
Coquille merchants who made it pos­ fight cards. The date* have not yet trict, No. 8, ha* called all district
sible with their advertising for us to been set but he ha* written Harry warrants issued prior to Sept. 1, 1982,
Several item* »ent in last evening
print 3500 copies of this week's issue Hunt here, to know if the Community or up to and including warrant No. for thi* week's Sentinel «re omitted
Interest will cease on thosefteday because of lack of time. There
which ar* being distributed *11 over Building could be secured each Wed­ 4898.
He called, today.
southern Coo* and Curry counties. nesday evening for five weeks,
is a limit to the capacity of th* lino­
The Style Show next Wednesday and will bring his stable of fighter* bat
type and item* happening earjy in tbe
Thursday was the motif behind thi* will probably also engage some local
week should be in hand before Thurs­
•plsndW eo-operatlon.