Arizona Wrangler«” to Be Bere Two Night Next Week FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Dr. Jaa. Richmond returned Tues­ day from a business trip to Portland on which he left Sunday. Greeting cards, Bridge tellies and Place cards for all occasions at H. S. Norton’s. PREVIEW Mrs. C. A. Wynana, mother of Mrs. R. II. Creager, came in from Medford Tuesday evening for a visit SAT Attend the Nine O’clock Show and Remain an Our Guest and See Thia Added Feature Samarang — where tropical breezes cool the body — where tropical romance warm, the heart. Insure your ear with Ned C. Kelley In a reliable Oregon stock company. Dress up that Patriotic Party on Washington’« Birthday with Bridge Tallies or Place Cards from H. S. Nor­ ton’s. Mr. and Mr,. Muri F. Pettit are ex­ pected home Sunday from a trip to Portland on which they left last Sat­ urday afternoon. Dr. C. G. Stem, Chiropractor, across street from Fred Kunz Garage. Phone 86J. Where the Strong Forever Survive the Weak Adults 25c Children 10c ADMISSION SUNDAY MONDAY & TUESDAY FEB. 18-19-20 Ifs Got Everything SEX APPEAL LAUGHS MUSIC DANCING Paramount'» Musical Comedv Riot with Jack Oakia Jack Haley Gm«le pries. Payments arranged to suit. Lakeside on Saturday, February 24 Warm, private rooms, connected with at 10 a. m. for signers in thsFdiatrict. The elimination of the minimum re­ bath. Minard home hospital on quirement of three litters per year be­ Marshfield highway. fore a farmer is eligible for the bene­ Frank Wilson, who lives a mile be- fit payments under the corn-hog re­ coad, was in town Monday for the duction campaign wiM make many first time sines the first of the year, more producers in Coos county eli­ yond the county farm, on the Fairview gible and it is expected that several He has been down with the flu. more will sign up at the series of Washed Coat at the following meetings which will be held from prices: Lump 23.00 per ton, 15c per February 21 to 24. In addition to the sack; Nut 22.00 per ton, 10c per sack; general meetings at Lakewide and Co­ Judge Brand in Circuit court last at the bunker. Johnson Coal Co., one quille, sign-up meetings will be held half mile north of Riverton. Phone in Marshfield at the Coos Bay Mutual Friday sot the following cases for 1R13. Creamery on Wednesday, February hearing on the opening of the Febru­ 21, at ten a. m. and in Myrtle Point ary term, which wNl be presided over Mrs. Roy A. Barton returned home on Friday, February 22, at ten a. m., by Judge Eddy: Tuesday from Roseburg where she State of Oregon vs. Fffi P. Wise. in the Smith-Hughes rooms at the was called last Saturday by the seri­ State of Oregon vs. Elmer Olson. Myrtle Point high school. ous condition of her father, who un­ City of Coquille m. Frank J. Fish. derwent a major operation on Monday Chas. E. Kaiser, et al, vs. W. V. Eastern Star Dance Feb. 22 of this week. His condition when she Glaisyer. The Social dob of Beulah Chap­ left was quite serious. Gottesman A Company vs. C. McC. tar O. E. S. is plannig a Washington’s Johnson.. Miss Goldie-Child and her sister. Birthday dance m Masonic Temple A. A. Schramm, as Supt. of Banks, Mrs. Elieon Emmerson, came in this next Thursday evening, February 22. vs. J. E. Montgomery, M al.. week from Angwin, Calif., called here st the conclusion of a short stated Carl Olson vs. State Induetrial by the serious illness of their mother, communication. Accident Commission. Mrs. Addie Child, who msrkes her ATI Masons and their families and Louis Knutson vs. Reedsport Tow home with her son, J. L. Child. The friends are invited to attend, the ad­ Boat Co. elderly lady has been ill for a lang mission price being 25 cents pe time and there ia little hope for her couple. . ... V. F. W. Dance, Feb. 24 recovery. Good music will be a feature of the Coquille Post No. 1412, Veterans of Coquille Masons and their wives evening, the floor ia an excellent one who attended the social evening given and the committee in charge, with ' Foreign Wars, are making extensive by Bianco Lodge at Marshfield last Mrs. W. H. Mansell as chairpian, in­ I preparations for the big Washington evening inlcuded Mr. and Mrs. Er­ tend making it one of the most en­ Birthday dance to be given in the Arago Ball Room here Saturday eve­ nest Purvance, Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ joyable ever held in Coquille. ning of the next week. Feb. 24. Ernie ----------------- nett Lasrrence, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Ferrari’s orchestra will furnish the Ruble, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Davis, Lafe The Washington’s 'Birthday danec, Compton and daughters, Dorris and to be given by the Moose in The Dun­ music and the V. F. W. Ix>ys «rill wel­ Marilyn. Dorris presented two de­ geon next Thursday evening, Feb. 22, come one and all. Admission will be lightful dance numbers for the en­ is a benefit for Moosehaven, the old 40 cefits for men, 25c for ladies. At a meeting of the post held at tertainment of those attending. folks home, established and conducted the Harry Oerding residence Wednes­ by the Moose Lodge, in Florida. The Seeking Definite Information proceeds from upwards of 2000 Moose day evening it anas decided to post­ pone indefinitely the feed and initia­ dances, to be held all over/he country The Coquille Grange, which has tion which had been planned for next Thursday night, will be used for the previously gone on record as in favor Saturday, preceding the dance. same purpose. of the state sales tax, decided last evening to eend to other state« where a »ales tax is already in operation, for a true statement of how success­ ful it is in those Mates. They expect “but we And with the suurlse to use the information in refuting the day baa changed Ita name statements of organisations and indi­ promise la wnrthlraa •• Why W« Are I« Nervy viduals who are fighting the sales tax The human body contains mors that on cloth. nerves. Construction of the Bryant cabin at Bandin beach was started this week and it » Mrs. Bryant’s intention to have it completed as soon as pos­ sible. STATIONERS Asff Nod C. Kelley for rates on Firs Inaurane«. A Good Magazine Offer The Sentinel is not going into the magazine business, but it haa a very attractive offear to make to its sob­ scribers. For a combination of the Sentinel, Collier’s Weekly and ths American Magazine for one year each we are able to offer the very low price of 24.50. The regular price for the three is >6.50, which means that by paying the regular price for the two magazines, >4.50. you can get the Sen­ tinel for a year without extra charge. BEST MANNERS! » Dagmar Haugen, Eugene, and Neal Bush, Vernonia, have been chosen as the moat courteous woman and man In the University ef Orogen, as the result ef a oon- tsM conducted by Phi Theta Up* «lien, women’s upperclass service honorary. The contest was sue ef the most papular ef the year wtth. students. I I MASONRY WORK Of say kind Prompt Service Reasonable Price« •’ GEO. T. COOK Coqaille, Ore.