The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 01, 1933, Page 6, Image 6

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Telling About
People and
Events in the City and
For sound Are insurance, go to Ned
C. Kelley.
F. W. Martinh a* oeen laid up at
home thia week and unable to ba on
duty at the J. C. Penney Co. store.
The W. C. T. U. will meet with
Mrs. C. A. Rietman on Friday, Doe.
8. There will be a program and tea.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bennett, of Cor-
valiiti, came over Wednesday to eat
turkey at the Ray Thomae home yes­
Waffle Supper at Episcopal Guild
Hall, on Wednesday, Dec. 6. Will
serve from 5 till' 7 p. m. 36 cent* per
My entire herd of live stock, hay
and farm implement* for sale at a
bargain; Leslie Kime, Coquille, Phon*
Mr. and Mr*. Willard Johnson and
children, of Roseburg, were Thanks
giving day guest* of Mr. and Mrs.
It. L. Stewart
’ Ray Jeub left Tuesday morning foi
Lexington, Ore., where Mr*. Jeub ha*
been visiting her parent* for the
past three weeks.
• " V. R. Wilson, “Optometrist” Error/
in refraction corrected, without tht
use of drugs. “For giaaoes” see Wil­
son first and save money.
MI m Grace pllingsen came in yes­
terday morning from Lyons, Ore.,
where she is teaching, to spend the
Thanksgiving holiday* with her fam­
Having failed to be enlightened at
to the meaning of the expression
“honey,. booboo,” the Sentinel would
now like to know what “260” stand*
Stanleys Return From South
Farm Loans Greatly Increased
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Stanley, of Co­
quille, and Mr. and Mrs. Jens T.
Hansen, their son-in-law and daugh­
ter, of Marshfield, returned last Mon­
day night from a three weeks’ trip
to California points, and report a
most enjoyable trip and Mr. Stanley
la very much improved in health, r
Relatives of Mr. Stanley provided
a picnic and family reunion in Al­
hambra Park on Sunday, Novmnber
19th, at which there were foirty-fivo
present, Ml relatives or related by
marriage to Mr.‘ Stanley—and then
there were quite a number of other
relatives in that vicinity who could
not be persent, one being Mr. Stan-
ley’s sister who lives in Costa Mesa
out had been called to Sacramento by
•.he serious illness of a son. Mr. Stan­
ley had a visit with her, however, be­
fore she left.
The weather wm ideal during the
satire trip except for the loot after­
noon on the road home after they
were hear the southern Oregon line,
they were greeted with a heavy down­
pour, possibly just to remind them
>f old-fashioned Oregon Weather.
Mr. -Hansen ha* a «»ter in Comp­
ton with whom they all had a pleas­
ant viesit «nd recalled old times in
Coo* county, a* she vu raised here.
Two special “quakes” were staged
apparently for tbe entertainment of
the visitors, but none of them felt the
•ffect or knew that anything of the
kind had occurred until the day after
in each instance.
One was while
they were dining with relative* in
' Costa Mesa and the other while stay­
ing with Joe Downing (whom many
Coquille residents know), at Bellflow­
veathei; and the- unsullied pleasure of
his trip, the traveler* all neemed
tlad to get back to the land of the
evergreen* and flowers. The ther­
mometer registered around 96 in and
«round Los Angele« while they were
With loans by the Federal land
banka the first 16 days of this month
tutwiing a* much a* the total for all
of the year 1982, Wm. I. Myers, gov­
ernor of the Farm Credit Administra­
tion, appointed last week to succeed
.Henry Morgenthau, Jr., who assumed
the position of Under Secretary and
Acting Secretary of the Treasury, de­
clared that the policy of expediting
farm mortgage loans would be con­
tinued and that he expected the num­
ber of loans closed to increase rapid­
ly. “The 12 Federal land bank* are
now making loans at the rate of *50,-
000,000 a month,” said Mr. Myers,
"whereas during all of 1982 the total
loan* closed was *27,667,800.”
“WewiM continue to train apprais­
ers and add to the appraisal force in
order to pas* upon all applications as
quickly a* possible. The banks now
have about 190,000 applications on
which they have appraisal reports and
the total number of applications in
hand is approximately 300,000. For
several weeks now appraisals have
considerably outnumbered new appli­
cations. The total applications for
loans since May 12 ia nearly 380,000
for approximately *1,500,000,000.
“From a skeleton force of 210 ap­
praisers at the time the Farm Credit
Administration was organised, the
number has been increased by careful
training and selective appointments
until on November 11 there were 4039
appraiser* in the field, 230 about to
pt appointed, 268 in training and 448
beiftg used in supervising or coaching
» pi MriMp-
lisers. During th« week ended
Novenvber 11, 28,787 appraisals were
made and 18,369 application* were re-
Not only ha* the number of
re on the job been increased
but the number of farm* that each
appraiser ia able to appraise during
a week also is larger.
Scarlet Fever
fourth, transfusions from patients
who have recently' recovered from
scarlet fever. Direct transfusion ia
found to be the method of choice for
septic cases of the disease. Antitox­
in is more suited to the toxic variety.
Caution is indicated in labeling -scar­
let fever cases as extremely mild
and refraining from serum treatment
for this reason. (Mild cases may be­
came malignant or toxic a* early as
the second or third day. Early admin­
istration ,of antitoxin reduces the in­
cidence of complications even though
it does not entirely eliminate them.
Prevention depends chiefly on im­
munisation of susceptible«, early
recognition and isoaltion of caees,
and on observing precautions usual
with diaeaeses transmitted by the
secretions of the mouth, nose and
!*------- --
' ■
■ • .
HE same pleasant taste, the same safe action
—but Mi31’s NEW reinforced formula kills
germs even when diluted half strength. You
get the equivalent of two pints of antiseptic for
less money than you pay for a pint of inferior
mouth washes! Mi31 is the “mouth-tested” anti­
septic that is sold only at Rexall Drug Stores.
Walter Raleigh's Pipe
Sir Walter, Raleigh's pipe, said to
nave been given to him by the Indians
ind smoked by him on the scaffold,
vas displayed In the recent Eliza-
‘wlhan exhibition In London.
«seme— .... I n i
Damascus, probably containing a
■luarter-iullllon Inhabltanta. has them
<o packed together that one can walk
around the whole city In quite a short
Damascus a Crowded City
full pint
Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc.
Brief oe th* Enemies
I have an- enemy," said Uncle
“I'm much obliged If he'll talk
an' loud instld o' trytn* to fool
Al Lut 3 he le U.m.W
First Man (In art inuseuin)—Hallo!
Here's tbe Mona Lisa.
Second Man—Aw, come <>n! That
dame'* amile remlnds me of my wlfe's
wben sbe thinka I’m lylng.—Cleveland
Pialo Dealer.
Sympathetic Pa
She (as her father turns off the
light at the main as a hint to late-
staying suitor)—That's daddy!
He—I say—Whit a sport I— Shef­
field Weekly Telegraph.
Chadwick Lotfge No. 68
A. F. & A. M.
Stated Communication
Tuesday, Dec. 12
Election of Officers
Chiropractor and
Foot Correctionist
Phone 86-J
292 Moulton St.
The Ida Owen House
(Oregon State Board of Health).
Scarlet fever is more prevalent
than usual for this time of the year.
Oerding - Cobb
One reaeon is that the disease is rel­
Wm. A. deeding, of Coquille, and atively mild and many cases are not
A small deposit will hold you* Miss Naomi Cobb, of Roseburg, were »een by the doctor. These cases re­
Tutor (sternly)—Thia easay on
ChristsnM cards and wrappings untr united in marriage at the Presbyter­ main at- home three or four day*
“Our Dog" Is word for word tbe same
called for. Select them at H. 6 ian church in Salem last Saturday while the process is acute and then
as your brother's!
Norton’s now while the stock is com­ afternoon at three o’clock.
return to school. In many case* the
Pupil—Toe sir—same dog.—London
The church had been prettily dec rssh is *o fleeting a* to escape notice. Opinion.
there The' most effective means of prevent­
Mia* Barbara Uneoeld,. who iq at­ jrated for the occasion and
tending a school at Areata, Calif, vere sixty relatives and friends ing the spread of thi* infection rest*
with the parent*.
If ail parents
came home yesterday morning fo* ireeent.
The bride was attired in a most would but take a minute each morn­
Thankagiving, intending to return
►eejming dress,
crushed raspberry ing to look at their children, particu­
In color, and carried a beautiful larly at their nose and throat, and
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lamb left Wed­
inquire a* to bow they feel and
iridal • bouquet.
nesday afternoon for Medford where
Mr. and Mm. H. F. Beauchamp, of would keep them away from other
they will spend Thanksgiving with
flalem, the latter a sister of the bride, children whenever they have sueh
relatives. They plan to return home
acted as beet man and matron of symptoms a* sore throat, headache*
Friday evening.
watery or inflamed eyes,
Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and
After a reception in Salem the spotted or "strawberry” tongue or a
milk, the only milk and cream mads happy pair drove to Eugene where rash, much would be accompanished
•af* by pasteurization.
Mrs. Oerding had attended the uni­ in preventing th« spread of not only
Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Bunch and versity for three years, and then scarlet fever but other communica­
children left Wednesday morning came to Roseburg, returning to Co­ ble disease* as well.
About 12 per cent of family con­
for Walla Walla to «pend Thankagiv­ quille Monday afternoon. They have
ing with her sister. They will be taken an apartment in the Oerding tact* under 16 year* of age contract
scarlet fever. Thi* might lead you to
Apartment* on Henry street.
home the first of the week.
Mrs. Oerding is the daughter of believe the dieoeaae is not highly
Deputy Sheriff and Mrs. Wm. Davie Mr. and Mm. J. A. Cobb, of Roeeburg. communicable. This assumption if,
and son, Joe, drove out to Yoncalla Following her schooling at the uni­ however, incorrect a* many of the
yesterday morning to eat Thankagiv­
versity she came to Coquille and contact* are not susceptible. If you
ing turkey with Mrs. Davis' mother.
taught in the public school* here for are susceptible to scarlet fever and
They returned last evening.
two years, not being an applicant for are exposed to it, you are quite likely
See Mansell Drayage and Delivery a position this year. She is a tal­ to contract this disease. If a mem­
I- . ....... ¡■iiii ZZiSSSS
Co. for Mill Wood, *2 a load. Order* ented young lady, a musician, and ha* ber of your family contracts scarlet
filled promptly.
frequently appeared in public here fever and you arg under 16 years of
University of Oregon, Eugen*.—
age and have nft't had the disease, or
Ml** Margaret DeYoung, Portland,
as a singer.
Loe Hand, who had been st the Vet­
•ophomors, ha* been ehoaen of­
The groom is the son of J. H. a negative Dick test, your chances
eran* Hospital in Portland for the
ficially a* the “All-American Girl”
Oerding, of Coquille. He has been for avoiding the disease are best if
at the University of Oregon, It
past five weeks, returned home Wed­
a resident of this city for more than you stay with some adult friend. You
wss snnounced at the sophomore
nesday, feeling greatly improved, but
Informal dance hers. Final selec­
still looking pale after hie five weeks 30 years, for several years one of the are approximately five times more
tion In the contact, which wss
likely to get scarlet fever if you stay
of confinement.
He underwent five Oerding Hardware store proprietors,
sponsored by the Order of the O,”
and is now employed in the Henry at home with the patient. If you are
operations while there.
lettermen’s orgsnlzstlon, wss made
unable to stay with an adult friend,
Loren* store.
by editor* of the magazine “Uni­
A “Dime-growing” committee from
versity” and “Life.“
The congratulations and beet kishes but the sick person is sent to a hos­
Pioneer M. E. Church will hold a pie which are being showered on them pital as early as possible, your
Picture* of 18 co-ed* «elected by
local judges were eent to the ed­
social at Noder's Grocery, December by their hosts of friend* in this sec­ chances of getting the disease ate a
itors, and from these five were
9. Big pi««, small pies, fat pie*, tion are joined in by the Sentinel.
little lee* than five out of a hundred.
rated In order of their beauty.
round pie*, triangular pies, aU kind*
Yesterday, Thankagiving day, was Complicated cases are more likely to
The four girl* receiving honorable
of pies.
Price 6c to 25c.
Orders observed by all the Oerding families rive rise to other cases than are
mention were Betty Franceo Gra
ham, freshman, Berkeley, Cal.;
taken by calling Mm. J. is Smith.
in Coquille with a welcome to the simple case*. Complications increase
Peggy Carper, freshman. Pert-
or prolong the infectivity of the pa­
Since the removal of Ray William* newly wedded pair.
land; Marian Baes, junior, Port­
land, and Charlotte Mae Eldridge,
to Arcata, Calif., a couple of weeks
sophomore, Portland.
Successful management of early
ago. Ted Snyder ha* been in charge
Openings in Civil Service
•cariet fever depend* upon accurate
of the Natural Gas Corporation plant
The United States Civil Service determination of clinical forms of the
Good Old Growth Fir Wood, any
here, and i* handling all the business
Commission will accept applications disease. There are five forms: Mod­ length desired; Alpine Coal, delivered
for the company. Mr. William» wm
until December 12 for positions of erate, moderately severe, toxic scarlet anywhere. E. M. Briner, phone 71 or
transferred to the company’« office
conservationist* (forestry) of various fever, septic scarlet fever, and surgi­ 74J.
and plant at Areata.
grades, To fill vacancies under the cal scarlet fever.
The music pupil* of Mrs. E. A. Forest Service, Department of Agri­
The method* of treatment are first
Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and
Woodyard, who are of grade school culture. These new positions have
symptomatic; second, the use of milk, the only milk and cream made
age, held their regular monthly re­ been created by the emergency work
streptococcic antitoxin; third, blood safe by pasteurisation.
cital at her house on test Saturday approved by the Pubic Works Board
serum from patient* who have re­
Prise«, were awarded as a part of th* National Recovery
covered from scarlet
Calling card* 50 for *1.00.
Margaret Smith and Verent Bailey. Act program, and appointments may
-------- —II.’"1'.'.'1 WJU -C
A nacial hour followed when Marion be only for the duration of such work.
Hess and Betty Emery served de­
A separate list of eligible* in each
lightful refreshment*.
grade will be established for each of
Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley the following optional*: Eroeion con­
in a reliable Oregon stock company. trol, silviculture, range management,
forest or range ecology, forest eco­
nomics, forest administration, forest
Two in Jail This Week
survey, forest recreation, and forest
Two new name* on the blotter at land acquisition.
The regular 6:05 P. M.
the sheriff’s office this morning. One
The salaries range from *8.900 to
was that of John Darting, of Powers, *«,400 a year, less a deduction of not
schedule northbound will
who pleaded guilty in Justice Stan- to exceed 15 per cent as a measure of
now be routed to Portland
ley’e court on Monday to disorderly economy and a retirement deduction
over the Oregon Coast
conduct. He was paroled on Wed­ of
per cent.
highway via Florence, Eu­
Full information may be obtained
gene and McMinnville.
The other wm that of D. J. DEvte, from Alton H. Grimes, secretary of
who wm arrested
at Marshfield the United States Civil Service Boa: d
while drunk and brought to the coun­ <rf Examiners, at the Coquille poet
ty jail to finish serving out tke bal­ office.
ance <>f a fine imposed some time ago
for poesesskm of liquor. The but­
Coquille Hotel Phone 609
anes wm *17.60.
U. of 0. "All-American”