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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1933)
VOL. XXIX. COQUILLE. COOS COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1983. NO. 48. SUICIDE ATTEMPT Capt. Callan Left Today f I DM THE TEAM 20 oa C. W. A. Projects Here Capt and Mrs. N. E. Callan left Twenty men have been at work this this noon for Ban Francisco, where, week on the city of Coquille’s CWA he will enter the (Leatherman Hoepi- i projects, the work so fsr being under tai for treatment for an ankle trouble * the Henry street bridge and cleaning “Babe” Riddle Shot Himself at he contracted in the tropics a couple And Installation of Pomona and Will Invade Coquille Tomorrow out along the gutters on the sides of How the Idea Originated—Sale Myrtle Point Last Night— of years ago. Fifth and other gravelled streets. Coos and Curry County Sub Evening for Banquet Win Continue Until Capt. Callan came here just prior The removal of the earth from the Recovery Probable ordinates Here Tomorrow at Hotel December 25 to the opening of the CCC camp at parkways in Willard street will start Fairview, seven or eight months ago next week if the city officials decide James “Babe” Riddle, who has fre and has made a host of friends here Several hundred members of the Coquille will be the mecca for all on where the dirt shall be dumped. A hobby that is proving the salva quently been seen on boxing cards in who hope that his trouble will re Orange in Coos and northern Curry peace officers in this part of the state One possible location for the 400 tion of America’s children is that ef Coos county, attempted suicide at his spond promptly to treatment. counties will be in Coquille tomorrow tomorrow evening, the occasion being yards is on Seventh street, a block stamp collecting—in one of its many home just outside Myrtle Point last When Capt. CaHan had finished the for the Grange Jubilee and installa the quarterly meeting and banquet of and a half east ’of Henry street, phays. night at ten o’clock, while under the first six months for which the CCC tion of officers which will be held in thex Southern Oregon Law Enforce where the bridge is in bad condition. The idea started in the mind of a influence of liquor. He was alone at boys enlisted, he was succeeded as the Community Building, starting at ment Officers’ Association, of which City Endineer Stacer was securing Danish postal clerk in 1904, when the time, an<| the bullet from his re commander of the camp by Capt. W. 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. Sheriff H. E, Hess is president. data on a project there this morning Einar Hoelbel, canceling stamps for volver entered his left side just above W.. Boyer but has remained in charge Arthur Brown, state deputy, and The affair will be a 6:30 o’clock with the idea of preeenting it to the his royal Danish highness, saw the her heart. of construction of the new buildings former master of Coos Pomona dinner at the Coquille Hotel at which state relief committee for another Co thousands of Christmas greetings go- ’ Finding that the shot had not killed until this week. He expects to be Grange, is to be here to act as in- upwards of one hundred peace officers quille project. Those already approv ing through his section of the post him he began to call for help and returned to bis regular command ' stalling officer. The officers for Po and guests will sit down. Manager ed by the committe do not require all office. He wondered at the many neighbors responded. Sheriff Hess when he leaves the hospital. mona and the twelve subordinate Lafe Compton is preparing a very fine the men accepted for projects in Co messages of good will they bore and was ealled and he went to Myrtle granges will be installed in groups, repast for the banquet. longed to harness that spirit of ths quille. Point at once to investigate. Whether the city can spend >200 festival to some enduring expression Coos County Pays State in Full all the masters at one time, the secre ""Guy Cordon, of Roseburg, has been The young men, who ie 20 years taries at one time, and each of the selected as tceatmaster for the oc of brotherly love. The last payment of Coos county seventeen similar officers will be in- casion, and Judge J. T. Brand will be for gravel to spread a four-inch cov of age, was taken to the Meet hospi He know, of hundreds of little ering over those parking places in tal where it ie said he stands a good to the state of Oregon for taxes this eluded in a group. the principal speaker, his subject be Willard street, after the dirt has been children suffering with tuberculosis. year was made by County Treasurer chance for recovery. His borne is in The subordinate granges to be ing some phases of law enforcement. removed, has not yet been decided by “Why not help them?” his practical Klamath Falls whore his mother re Stauff last Saturday, when he mailed here include the Coquille, The address of welcome will be the council. Myrtle mind inquired. “Why not have a a draft for 814,661.38. No further Point, Fairview-North Fork, McKin given by Mayor J. Arthur Berg and sides. small sur-change added to the cost of bond payment is due until April, so Unrequited love is said to be the ley, Bridge, Broadbent, Parkersburg, the response by Capt. ¡Lee Brown, of each stamp sold during the holiday if any taxes are paid in the next four Coos River, Allegany, North Bayside, the state police, located at Medford. Drivers Exams Next Wednesday cause of his rash act season?” months the county may be able to Catching 'Inlet and Langlois subor Again next Wednesday, Dec. 8, Capt. W. M. Boyer, in command of Swiftly bis idea took form and at accumulate a fund for retirement of the Fairview OOC camp, will act as Ward McReynolds will be at the Co once he presented it to the royal fam dinates. Looks Like the Knox Plan Home warrants. At noon a basket dinner consisting chaplain. The Chan Orchestra from quille city hail to conduct examina ily of Denmark. With kqen appre Just what attitude Oregon is go of sandwiches, cake and coffee, North Bend will furnish music dur* tions for driver's* and chauffeurs’ li ciation of his motive and wisdom, the ing to take on liquor control will be brought by the members will be en ing the banquet «nd the Tuggles censes. He will be here from 8 a. king sanctioned the now well-devel decided by the special session of the joyed. youngsters from Marshfield will put m. till 4 p. m. oped plan. legislature within the next few days. Tn the afternoon a program ar on their clog dancing and singing act. Jacob Biis, in this county, got one Daily press reporte just now indi “Sunny” Sundstrom in his ventrilo ranged by Pomona Lecturer,. Mrs. of the postage seals on a letter some cate that the Knox plan of state Hanson, of Langlois, in which each quist act, will also add humor to the time later. Upon inquiry he learned stores for selling hard liquor is likely The first evening entertainment to subordinate grange will have a part, evening’s program, besides which im Its purpose. He wrote an article to be approved, leaving beer and light * ' promptu responses at the request of about the idea in the Outlook. Mias wines to be handled along the same be presented by Coquille for the CCC will be presented. the toa«tmaster will add to the eve boys at McKinley wiill be on Wednes Emily Bissell, of Wilmington, Del., lines it is now being sold. ning ’s merriment. - day of next week when the Monotony " And now for “the last round up." read the article. Fine Weather Still Holds That the return of the saloon will Wth so many officers in our midst The sports department of the Sentin She thought it over, changed it not be welcomed by hundreds in this Killers will present a 46-minute com Those out at six o'clock or earlier section who were strongest for re edy, under the auspices of the Cham beheld a beautiful sight yesterday Coquille will be on it« good behavior el, hoping that the choice td bo made some and in 1907 set out to sell the in. the "following selection meets ap first Christmas seals in this country, peal of the prohibition laws, is cer ber of Commerce. Other local civic morning. White frost covered the en tomorrow night proval, presents its 1983 all-star foot for a purpose similar to Clerk Hoel- tain. One prominent Coos county organisations wiN . take care of suc tire valley, and as it glitened in the ball teams of Coos county high school b«Ts idea—to raise funds to fight Housewarming Was Enjoyed democrat remarks that if the demo ceeding Wednesday evenings for the moonlight the spectacle resembled tuberculosis, particularly among cratic platform is not lived up to, next three months. Several hundred people from Co grids ten: fairyland. And at six the moon, half At the meeting called by 0. W. First Teem children. She raised 83000 and built and the saloon eliminated, he wiH vote quille, Myrtle Point and the surround of it dropped below the hills, cast a 'Hansen—End—IMarsMIeld. a hospital for tuberculosis children. for a return of prohibition just aS Gano, president of the Chamber of wierd light which made the effect so ing country were present for the OOC Hall—End—Myrtle Point. From that year to this, Christmas quickly as he can get a ballot in his Commerce last Monday evening all much more awesime. It was likewise housewarming at Fairview last Fri six of the CoquHle’« civic bodies were Breuer—Tackle—Bandon. seals have been sold annually during hands. the coldest morning so far this win day night and a very enjoyable eve represented—the Woman’s Club, the Bullard—Tackle—Bandon. the holiday season to bring health ter, the thermometer dropping to 28 ning was epent B. P. W. Club, the Legion Auxiliary, DieH—Guard—Marshfield. to the sick and help eave it for the Dancing, to music furnished by degrees. . *• County Budget Adopted the Legion, the Lions Club and the McCue—Guard—Bandon. well. Last year over 8000,000 were A huge ring around the moon laat Ernie Ferrari’s orchestra, in the mem Very little interest was taken in Chamber of Commerce. Plaep—Ganta r—Coquille. s»ld in Oregon »lone at a penny each. hall, kept the crowd busy from eight night presage« rain. So far this iatt the public heaHng'o'n the Coo. coun Chaplain Wm. V. Barney, located at Chan—Quarter— Marshfield. If all the seals printed for the 1983 Coos county is way below the average o’clock until after midnight. At ten ty budget last Monday morning and Eugene, was present to explain just Davis—Quarter—Marshfield. sale are sold they will reach, if placed o ’ clock a program of music, by sing- in rainfall. The total since Sept. 1 it was adopted without the change of what he had in mind in the way of Davie—Half—-Coquille. end to end, from your heart and purse Is nine inches, only 2U of-it being takers and * clarinet artist among the an item, the total being 861'1018, ’ entertainment. He stated it was Harrison—Half—Marsh» Old. — to the heme« and bedsides of scores of OOC boys, brought a break in the which is 848,622 less than the budget amusement for the OOC boys which November. / Strom—Full—Marshfield. American children. dance program. "Sunny" Sundstrom, a year ago. _ was desired, not lecture«, but musi Second Tftm with two dummies, also put on an They Will Be Toll Bridges The request of the Coos County cal programs, shows, dance features, Morris—End—Coquille. (The romance of the Christmas other of his clever ventriloquist Chamber of Commerce as made by etc. The programs are to be given in While it is to be regretted thst the B. Boak—End—Bandon. Seals will be continued next week.) stunts. "J art" and "Mary” con the retiring chamber officers, H. G. the camp building«. five bridge« on the Coset highway Armstrong—.Tackle—North 1 nena. The Christmas Seal this year ducted a lively dialogue, with frequent Kern and Clifton Day, of North Bend, Marshfield has asked permisison to will not be constructed with federal Holland—Tackle—Marshfield. «trikes a festive note, depicting the cracks at officers and men, bringing for funds to be used in county pub provide the Fairview camp with en fund« unlean the legislature provides Kohler- Guard—Marshfield. Yule log of song and story, as it was licity, was taken under consideration tertainment, leaving only the McKin for tolls, it cannot be helped. Some roars from the crowd. Redell—Guard—Myrtle Point. dragged toward the manor house in • "■ « by the court, but no new item was ley camp for Coquille to look after. one or some interest, has evidently Steiner—Center—North Bend. medieval times. Macy Transferred to Band permissable in the budget this week. This city wiH, however, provide two thrown a monkey wrench into the Smith—Quarter—North Bend. The court could hsve decreased any or three programs for the Powers machinery, and Secretary Ickes is A note to the Sentinel from Macy J avis—Half—(Bandon. The Seal Sale of Christmas Seals of item or it could have increased any camp. sdamant thst the funds will not be Anderson this week states that after Olsen— Half—'North Bend. the Tubercolusis Association opened item already listed by ten per cent, Some of the representatives at forthcoming for construction unless several weeks of preliminary train Young—Full—Bandon. in Coca county yesterday, Thanks but the budget law forbids the In- Monday evening’s meeting, stated tolls are to provide for repayment of ing as a soldier in the U. 8. army at Perhaps the main points to be con giving Day, and will close on Decem dueion of any item not listed by the that they would have to refer the mat part of the funds. That is, the state Vancouver Barracks, he ha« been sidered when selecting a player is Ms bers. Christmas Day, according to eitisens’ budget coaMnittee. ter back to a regular session of their must furnish bonds for repayment of transferred to the Seventh Infantry consistency and versatility. Then Mrs. R. A. Wsrnich, of Coquille, who organisation, but it is expected that a percentage of the money the bridges Band. He adds: again, in the event that an individual ’s president of the Coos County “I am better satisfied now that I I-ots of Ripe Raspberries each will take its turn in preparing wiR cost, and the state highway com (Continued on second page) Health association. Mrs. Wemich mission has no funds for retiring the am attached to the band, and appar has announced the appointment of E. F. Martindale started some and having presented a weekly pro bond«, nor will it have, except from ently three yean here won’t be hard ’he following chairmen in each com thing last week when he brought in gram at the McKinley camp. Must Not Happen Again tolls receipts. to take. The grub is pretty good and munity to have charge of the seal a lot of ripe and green raspberries The Sentinel has refrained from the quartern dean and comfortable Hill Billy Broke His Toe sale: North Bend, Mrs. Ted Balcolm; to the Sentinel office. This week Mrs. B. P. W. to Have Potluck Dinner ind musical duties pre light enough mentioning ail the boyish pranks and Marshfield, Mm. Florence Osborne; Harold Pointer tells of gathering Several hundred people were dis indiscretions of the hundreds of OOC to allow quite a bit of time away from The next meeting of the Business Coquille, Mies Maty Ela Cary; Myr raspberries at their place on Spur appointed last evening in not being the post, if one wishes to leave for a boys from the east who are scattered tle Point, Mrs. Verne Lundy; Ban geon Hill, Lans Leneve brings in a able to hear the Beverl^ Hill Billie« and Professional Women’s Club will through the several camps in south few hours of recreation.” don, Mrs. Ann Kicking; Powers, Mrs. bunch of ripe berries from the Clar who showed at the Liberty yesterday. be in the form of a potluck dinner western Oregon but there was one Kenneth Murdock. The general Seal ence Hatcher place in Fairview and There was a good attendance, al held in the Pioneer Hall on Monday, stunt pulled a week ago last Sunday Mott to Go East Soon Sale chairman is Mrs. Jesse Jones, Ed Lorens says he has frequently though not full houses at the two December 4 at 6:30 p. m. The meeting I at Bandon which must never be re Powers. Publicity chairmen, under picked both raspberries and straw matinees in the afternoon but at the and dinner will be in charge of the Congressman James W. Mott writes plated what camp th# Mias Katherine Jane Haesler, of Co berries in the past few weeks. In 7416 show last night the house was Emblem committee with Laura Mc the Sentinsi that he is dosing hi. of-J We do quille, county chairman, will be an fact, his strawberry production has full at that hour and at least 600 peo Leod as chairman. The roH call in the flee at Salem the first of December boy« wert from> it mirht been continuous. From these several ple could not get in. Some of them attendance contest will be called arid ta returning to Washington, D.' one a hundred mji«s or more away, nounced later. al accounta it can bo seen that ripe waited for the 9415 performance but ' promptly at eight o’clock. C.. for the regular seeaion of the 78rd when thay <trip clotfc. TO ENTERTAIN M c K inley camp berries the first of December is not even at that many were turned away. an unaual event in this favored clime. An accident to one of the players enlivened the evening. At one point Coquille Independents Won 6-0 in the act he was supposed to kick at a retiring Hill Billy. His foot struck The CoquHle Independent football the keg on which the other was sit team scored a 8-0 victory over the ting, resulting in a gashed foot and Bandon Independents at Athletic Park a broken toe. here yesterday morniag, on a field so muddy that the players ware unrec Car Through Bridge Railing ognisable after a few downs. Both teams played as good football Last Monday afternoon the car as could be expected on the slippery driven by Mm. Jessie J. Watson, of field with the CoquiMe team being a Bandon, skidded off the Bandon end little the better “mudders.** of the approach to the river bridge Harold Stevens played a wonder here, plunged through the railing and ful game at half, his feats including landed on its side twelve feet below. the interception of two Bandon for Aside from bruises snd a few minor ward passe« one of which resulted in cuts the three In the csr were not in the touchdown. jured but the ear was considerably damaged. With Mrs. Wstson were her mother and little girl. Can’t Agree on'Price SENTINEL’S ALL COUNTY CHOICE Large Crowd at Legion Dance There was a very large crowd at the Legion dance last Saturday eve ning and the post netted a nice sum for its treasury. The presentation of turkeys was made to Fred Rose, of Marshfield, (Louis Baker, . Frank Schram, T. C. McGiFvery, Jack McCue and Audrey Aasen, all of Coquille. To Move After Jan. 1 eonren,n< *r,y in J,m“ry'ing and go swimming in the nude in front of the cabins at the beach, it is The effectiveness of ths Sentinel as tjme a halt wal fIrWe<1 ^di a means of restoring lost articles wus on ^ch and cabln. at again demonstrated Tuesday after time th„ noon. We mean ’’lost,” not stolen articles. A young man brought in to the office that afternoon a bunch of 20th Anniversary Yesterday ear keys. Within 16 minues the loser Yesterday was more than a Thanks giving Day for the J. L. Smith family. tame in with the idea of running a It was the twentieth anniversary of lost adv. The keys were Us. The their arrival in Coos county, that is, Sentinel is always glad to restore Eight Cows Poisoned . for all of them except Donald and found artides to the losers, even Webb Mast, of Lee, lost eight of Margaret who were born here. They though we do not run a pay adv., and his most valuable cows Monday morn- came down from Portland on the old would bo glad to have the stock of ing. The cattle escaped from their Breakwater, in one of the worst single gloves in our front window pasture Sunday night and wandered storms of the season, and practically looked over by those who may have over to the Fairview OOC camp. In every one of the more than one hun- one glove for which they are seeking the dump at the camp were cans and dred passengers was sick and wished a mate. — refuse are thrown a liberal dose of ere-* the boat would sink, The H. N. Lorens store will not be moved from its present location on Front street to the old poetoffice building until after the first of the year. The room was not ready for occupancy so that he could move last month, and now Mr. Lorens wishes to wait until afthr the Christmas rush. osote is sprinkled over the mass and the cattle got to it and died as a re sult. ¿r-** - To Hear Grand Jary Report A special session of the city coun Guild to Serve Waffles cil was held Monday evening to hear The bare announcement that the a report of the committee which in terviewed E. W. Greet in regard to ladies of the Coquille Episcopal Guild the sale of so much of hie let as is j wiH serve a waffle supper next Wed necessary to provids a good turn from ( nesday, Dec. 8, from 5 till 7 p. m„ __ _________ ____ _ on is sufficient to assure that they will Front street south to __ the bridge the the highway. highway. Mr. Gregg’s offer of have a busy two hours, for the ladies so much as wm needed of the lot. was have a moot enviable reputation as 1600. but the council felt thst that culinary artiste. It will be held in was too high for the little astir1 Guild Hall and all the waffles you Further negotiations ate pending' Iwaat for M om W. • Judge J. T. Brand will be over here tomorrow to receive the grand jury report, made a week ago yesterday. He will also pass sentence on Harry Merchant convicted Nov. 9 of the killing of “Tobe” Morris at Powers on Oct. 8. Th» verdict was second de- gree murder. — Ask Ned C. Insuraaea The Sentinel Restores to Loners ,_ All future communication, to Con- gressman Mott should be address^ to the H mm Office Building, Wash- ington, D. C. The Congressman will be glad to hear from his constituents concerning any Federal problem or legislation in which they are interested. Lucia’s Arm Amputated CCC Officers Transferred Army and navy officers who have been on duty at OOC camp« in this O. E. S. Social Club Dance section have recently been transferred The Sosial Club of Beulah Chapter, as follows: To the Eureka district—Lieut R. O. E. S., ie advertising a dance at the Aragon Bali Room in Coquille for H. Wilkinson from Powers. To the Saturday evening, Dec. 9. Several Medford district—Lieut. Alvert M. special features are in preparation, Van Eaton from Camp Sttkwn; Lieut for this event and Ernie Ferrari’s' Herman E. Weisman, cavalry reserve, artiste’ dance band will furnish the 1 from McKinley; an snd Lieut. Jno. C. music. Admiqaion will be 40 cents I 1 MdCurnin, cavalry reeerve from C. H. Lucia, of Remote, who enter ed the Knife hospital here last week for treatment of his broken arm, un derwent an operation for its amputa tion on Tuesday of this week. He is resting fairly easy now but will not be able to leave the hospital for some time. The break, which resulted from a fall last week, was the same arm, the right, in which ho was shot a couple of years ago, and the bones for gentlemen anTiS eanta for ladies. Camp Bradford at Boek mob. would Mt halt