Coquille A THE PAPER THAT'S LIKE A TuETTER FROM HOME VOL. XJIX. COQJJILLE, COOS COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1833. NO. 45. CHA IN COQUILLE Grand Jury Finished Yesterday CCC Rebuilding Road SEALSALE.N0Ï.30 The Sitkum OOC camp la moving The grand jury which met Monday right along on the road building pro to investigate the' murder charges' gram which was set for their winter filed against Raymond Frye for killing | labor. The crew and equipment are H. U. Blackman, finished their work 20 Men WiU Start Work At Once last night, but their findings will not Public Works Jobs Selected— Marshfield Man WiU Be Presi strung out over a Ave or six mile Christmas Stamps to Be Sold front on the old Coos Bay Wagon From Thanksgiving Will Attempt to Eliminate dent Coos County Cham Under State Relief be made public until Judge Brand re road, with bulldozers, scrapers, gas turns from Portland a week hence. Until Ch ria tunas ber of Comnlerce Acute Angle on Highway Approval engine«, a blade, etc., everything Frye was bound over to the grand jury needed for road building. by Judge Thompson, in Juvenile I Considerable discussion was held at According to Mrs. R. A. Wernich, The Coos County Chamber of Com Mayor J. Arthur Berg returned eourt, Monday. Already a mile of road from the president of the Coos County Health yesterday morning from Portland The grand jury also investigated the session of the city council Monday merce held its bi-monthly meeting at camp toward the divide has been with the welcome anouncement that the involuntary manalaughter charge ■ evening as to the projects to be sub- the Hotel here Wednesday evening graveled and the program calls for association, the Christmas Seal Sale two of Coquille’s projects, to employ agdinst Victor McAllister, and other ' rnitted for C. W. A. approval. Three With all towns in the county repre a weM-gravelled road, thirty miles in for Coos County will be launched , . idle men in relief work, had been ap matters were also brought before the of tfibse decided upon are mentioned sented except Powers. length, to connect with a gravelled Thanksgiving Day, November 80. and One of the questions quite thor road on the Roseburg aide of the will continue until Christmas elsewhere in this issue. A fourth proved by the state relief committee seven grand jurymen. Mrs. Wernich has appointed commit mentioned Monday, but was not asked oughly discussed wm the old-sge pen Coast range. and that twenty men, who must be ■ i , ■ —.... — _ a, tees in each community to carry on for, was for redecking the Spurgeon sion law, effective next year. Coos registered on the county relief records School Census 29 Less the seal sale work and these are al street bridge. The greater part of oounty has budgeted 135,000 for this at the court house, would be put to Moon Flirting With Vensus Mrs. Keith Leali«, who took the that cost would be for material which Rem, while some counties in the state ready beginning to function. Mias work next Monday morning. That star and crescent pageant Katherine June Haesler has boon ap refuse to budget anything. In view One of the projects is listed aa school census thia year, reporta that I exclodt„ u frora C. W. A projects. which the moon and Venus staged pointed county publicity chairman and they are 390 boys and 416 girls in The sidewalk construction, along of the tax delinquency now existing requiring 30 days and the other 80. Monday evening was one of the most will announce her community ehair the district this year, between the the highway north to the high school, here it was felt that to add this ex A third project—the building of a ages of 4 and 20, or a total of 806. was estimated by Engineer Stacer at tra tax burden at this time was un beautiful sights ever presented by the men later. wooden sidewalk along the highway This is 29 less than last year’s cen 81756. With its elimination as a C. just. A resolution was adopted by heavenly bodies. The thin crescent of The following is the history of the out to the high school—was turned sus of 885. Of the latter number 408 W. A. project, Mayor Berg will con the delegates asking Coos county’s the moon appeared to be but a few double-barred cross, which is the em down because the relief committee re i were boys and 427 girls. tinue‘his efforts to secure help in its senator and representatives to intro inches below Venus which was bright blem of the world-wide tuberculosis quires that not more than 20 per cent The report also shows three chil construction from the state highway duce a bill in the special legislative er m that close proximity than it was movement: of a project coat rttall be of ma before or since. dren in the district so physically department session now holding, postponing op terial, while that sidewalk would run Here in Coquille the view was ob handicapped that they cannot attend The history of the double-barrod The Lions Club resolution in regard erations of the old-age pension law 76 to 80 per cent for lumber. . scured by fog after two or three hours cross, which is now the emblem of the school. to this sidewalk was received and until the regular session of the leg The two projects approved were: but on the beach at Bendon it was world-wide tuberculosis movement, islature in January, 1985. read before the council. Grading out the two parkways in Another highway matter, withia Another matter in regard to taxa- bright and clear until the earth’s goes away back to about throe hun Willard street, alongsied the Liberty the city limits, to be discussed by the lion was the resolution adopted, re revolution caused the pair to disap dred yearn after the time of Christ. Theatre and Sentinel buildings. This pear in the Pacific. In those days Palestine was a part of council, was the acute angle turn questing the state law-making bodies, will be shovel and wheelbarrow work, what was called ths Eastern Roman from Front street toward the river to provide for a discount on - tax- all labor. The gravelling of the two empire. The heads of the Christian bridge. The state highway depart paymente if both halves are paid in plots will have to be done by the city church at Jerusalem and Constantin Featured by a gruelling three round ment is going to spend quite a little the spring. The chamber did not at a later data. It has not yet been ople, who were known as patriarchs, determined whether the curbs on the wrestling match in which both con money between the Myrtle Point and mention the matter of a rebate for adopted as their emblem a erase with east and west sides of the parkways testants concluded the final stanza in Bandon entrances to Coquille and one payment of delinquent taxes, but the two horizontal bars. rtiall be left or not. The curtís on groggy condition the amateur boxing improvement contemplated is the members did feel" that many taxpay Coquille Boy Scouts held Court of the ends will bo removed. If the and wrestling card held in the Com making of a better turn near the de ers would pay for the whole year, at curbs are left it will still confine the munity Hall last night was a marked pot. The city’s aid in securing the time of the spring payment, if a Honor at the city hall Wednesday enough land to permit a more gradual small percentage cqpld be saved by evening this week, with Chairman C. traffic to the pavement, prevent cut success. Russ Barns and Hay Bum doing so. C. Farr, E. A. Britton, Scout Execu The main event grappling encoun curve there has been asked. ting aeroea with less danger of eolN- The Russ estate suffered a consid This is a matter which was agitated All county chamber delegates tive, Ned C. Kelley, Joseph Sayre, siona, and keep the «trips free for ter in which Pop Burch, 160 pounds, erable loss recently when two barns parking purposes. There will be met Alfred Plaep, 170 pounds, was some years ago but was not carried agreed to appear at the county bud Scoutmaster Troup No. 14, C. L. were destroyed. The flret was that a Atting conclusion. In each round through. A driver unacquainted with get meeting at 10 o’clock next Mon Ward, C. W. Gano, J. E. Axtell, Scout about 40 yards of excavation. on what is known as the Joe. Har both muscle manglere tested esch that corner is more than likely to find day morning to endeavor to have a master Troop No. 16, and George The other project, which is the ville place on China creek when the other with many holds, but aside from himself clear over on the wrong side ♦500 item for Coos county publicity Ulett in charge. day one, includes ditching on Virgil Arrell, Troop No. 14, was small barn, holding 85 to 40 ton« of sides of gravelled streets, cleaning the fact that Plaep often had Burch’s of the street, after crossing the included in the budget. hay was destroyed. Strange to say Ed. Miller, manager of the Coast promoted to second class. out of brash under the city’s bridges, shoulders closely pressed to the mat bridge, endangering himself and those that fire seems to have been started "The following of Troop No. 14 re « Highway Association, commented on and clearing around the water reeer- there was little difference between the he may meet. on the outside, the building being des — 1 . . , two boys. As a whirlwind finish they ’’’ voir. the five bridge affair which is being ceived merit badges: Frances Arrell, troyed but not nearly all the hay. These three projects were all that crashed to the mat just before the Planning CCC Entertainment temporarily held up by Secretary Pioneering, Life badge; Tom Hender The second firs occurred early Ickes at Washington. Mr. Miller ex son, Dairying, Cycling; Henry Teal, the council authorized at its session Anal bell to be rendered slightly grog- Ferb Emery’s quotation from the Cycling, Dairying; Jack Clinton, Monday morning and resulted from Monday evening, but Mr. Berg says n- "«an MU, ------------- Bible was not CA-H; exactly correct yeater- pressed confidence that the financing spontaneous combustion of hay not All of the boxing bouts offered a day noon when tfee Lions Club dinnqx he could have included another after A. bridges would be Dairying, Animal Industry, 1st AM . . . ... . - -**' acopmplisbod. «*-v--* to Animals, Star badge; Orville entirely cured. There were 200 tons he had withdrawn the sidewalk pro varied aaaoriment of milling. Perhaps session started, but his idea wssMeZ- in that bum all of whioh was daatroy- U m highlight of these saw Tom Schaer when he said, “Let him who is purs ject. Treasurer Geo. C. Huggins sub Weekly, Life Beout. od. It was M m bum elongates the The investiture and inflation of 13 He brought home blanks for mak and Shorty Harrison, both fighting at csst the first stone.’’ And thus ’prov mitted a financial report of the Coun Tenderfoot Scouts in the new Troop, highway near the overtwad lagging ing other applications and is now eon- 152 pounds, go three rounds to a ing he could take it on the chin and ty Chamber’s condition, showing draw. And then the mixes between No. 16, was then held, after which road, just beyond the John McAdams come up smiling, he was let off with 8161.70 to have been received the past place. two 115 pounders in which Charley Mie new Scouts offered the following year, and 868.70 expended, leaving a a 20-cent fine and considerable rais The loss is estimated at between program: Vincent doeiaioned Ray Willard and Water Dept, on Cash Basis ing for his failure to supply sports cash balance of 893. ♦4000 and »5000. Hollis Must edged out Henry Rhule “The Scout Oath and Explanation” G. E. Kreiger, of Marshfield, was There appears in this issue of the st 180 pounds, also slightly overshad equipment at the Corn Show. —Laurie Robinson. Dick Barnes was another who paid nominated and elected unanimously aa Sentinel an official notice of warrant owed the other goes in interest. The Nothing Definite Yet “The Scout Laws”—Tommy Percy. president of the organization for the his fine like a little man for neglect redemption that calls for payment of other results were: “Explanation Of the First Six"— Liquor, power and relief are the coming year, and R. L. Stewart, of during the Corn Show. all outstanding warrants of the city’s Ole Chard doeiaioned Young Abbott John Leatherwood. three major issues which are coming The tailtwister had a busy hour, the Coquille, was elected vice-president water department. Aa of November at 102 pounds. “Explanation of the Last Bix“— before .the legislature which began only man to complain because he was H. A. Young was named as treasurer, 1, 1088, this floating debt amounted Louie Donaldson won by a technical a special session last Monday, but and Miss Betty Hill,’ secretary of the Billy Smith. to 82,247.02, which includes 8888.9« knockout in the first round over Ernie not fined being Gene Nosier. “ Meaning and Description from the list of senate bills deceived of the Marshfield Chamber of Commerce,, Ed Kreiger, of the telephone com for warrants hartofore called, but Smith at 162 pounds. Scout Badge”—Kennett 'Lawrence. from Senator Goes at Salem a good was named as secretary. pany. compared the liveliness of a not yet presented by the holders. Jim Schaer and Benny Daniela “ Salute and Sign and Motto of B. many other matters will be attempted Those attending the meeting were Lions Club session with the solemni Practicsrlly, this puts the water de fought a draw at 134 pounds. by the members. Herbert Brown and L. D. Felsheim, S. A.—Harold Shull. ty of other service clubs he had vis partment on a cash basis, flor the first Jack Smith won by a technical “Tiistory of the U. 8. Flag”— Just what action will be taken in of Bandon; Jess Clinton and L. L. time, perhaps, during its history. knockout over Buzz Blaylock in the ited, and wondered how Dr. M. Earl Leonard Farr. regulating the sale of liquor has not Powers, of Myrtle Point; H. G. Kern Wilson found it possible to make a However, warrants will continue to first round at 155 pounds. “Respects Duetto the U. S. Flag’’ been indicated yet, but it appears and Clifton Day, retiring president living over here where continuous be issued for current obligations, but Jack Smith in another match went probable that the Knox plan for its and secretary, of North Bend; T. H. —Clinton Burr. it b expected that they will run for to a draw with ENis Newton, the lat laughter was a decided aid to diges “Three Useful Knots”—Roiph Fuhr- sale wiM not be approved. Too many Nees, J. B. Bedingfield, Ed Miller tion. such short periods asB to make them ter weighing 145 pounds. muhrman. private interests are hoping to make As president of the Chamber of and G. C. Huggins, of Marshfield; J. acceptable as carti. Thia is the first of a series of ama “Three Useful Knots”—Dick Stacer a profit from the sale of hard liquor. E. Norton, R. L. Stewart, C. W. Gano, Collections for the ten months of teur cards which a group of local boys Commerce C. W. Gano stated that he “Three More Useful Knota”—Tom Tax delinquency, relief and other Geo. H. Jenkins and H. A. Young, of 1938 have averaged 81,861.72 per stage each winter. They are held un had been approached by the district my Martindale. matters coming before the legislature Coquille. OOC chiaplain of the Eugene district month. der strict amateur rules and are well The program was closed by repeat have not been brought into the light J — — — — — — who suggested that Coquille plan a The bonded debt has been reduced attended by competent men who see ing the Scout Oath. sufficiently, aa yet, to indicate what Joe Nilsen Badly Burned to 8113,500 but the department will that absolute attention to clean series of entertainments to be given action is probable. for the OOC camps at McKinley and Misfortune seems to be still dodg bo faced with no maturities until 1945. sportsmanship is upheld. For this Pena to Hold 400 Pheasants Fairview. To formulate plans for ing Joe Nilsen’s steps. Not long ago card Harry Hunt acted as referee, Myrtle Point Pioneer Passes such events Mr. Gano stated that he one of his large barns between here Courier Appraised at $351 The Chinese pheasant pens, on the Frank Schram as timekeeper, anti had requested the six clubs of Co and Riverton burned to the ground, Isaac Barklow, a Coos county pi fidh hatchery land near Bandon, was The appraisers appointed by Ref Stanley Fitzgerald and Melvin Kern quille—the Chamber of Commerce, full of hay, and last Friday evening oneer, passed away Monday evening completed last week and in a short eree in Bankruptcy E. H. Joehnk to as judges. the Woman’s’ Club, the B. P: W., the he suffered burns to his person which at his home in Myrtle Point He was time about 200 pheasants are expected value the equipment of the Coos Coun Legion, the Auxiliary, and the Lions were excruciatingly painful and very 62 years of age, and came with his from the state’s game farm in the try Courier plant here-in Coquille, set Houaewarming at Fairview Club—to name a committee of three serious. parents in 1872 from Keokuk county, Willamette valley. These birds will the figure at 8361, after examining It Five hundred invitations were from each who will meet at the city He was plowing in the late evening be kept until some time next spring, Iowa. His -death was attributed to Wednesday morning. The men doing mailed this week to attend the House hall next Monday evening at 7:30. and stopped to All the gasoline tank and Released some months before the heart trouble as a result of the re the appraising were R. L. Tucker, warming at the Fairview OOC camp of his tractor. For some reason the pheasant season, after which another moval of his tonsils in September of publisher of the Myrtle Point Herald, this evening. New Cottage Started at Bandon gasoline exploded, setting Are to his flock of young birds wiM be shipped this year. W. S. Hickels and J. A. Lamb, of this The guests will have an opportun Surviving relatives are: hit widow, clothing on which the gas had dripped. down. city, all of whom have had more or ity to inspect the new barracks, Another Coquille cottage is being Mrs. Ceeea Barklow, a daughter, Vir- Before help could reach him and cut The pen is 80x80 feet with cross less newspaper experience. recreation and mess haill, and other started just above the beach at Ban off his flaming clothing he had been na; two brothers, Dan and Manley, partitions, providing four separate There is quite a spread between buildings erected the past few weeks don, which will be a fine addition to burned on his legs, arms, chert and' p.n,( each 20x20. The wooden frame both of West Myrtle Point that figure and the 88000 worth of and enjoy a program presented by the the Coquille colony there. The funeral was held at the Schroe even his back, at some points the work covered on all sides and the cash and notes for which It was sold boys of the camp. Last week the driving of piles was der Funeral Home at 1:80 yesterday skin peeling off. He will be laid up top wire netting. last May. ’ But good will is a very Refreshments will be served and a started on Mrs. Geo. Bryant’s lot, for some time. afternoon with Elder C. E. Wolff of ________________ valuable asset to a newspaper busi dance will follow the program. south of the Geo. A. Ulett cottage. ficiating. Interment followed in Nor ness. The structure is to be 26x27, half way Walter Fiscus to Be Pastor way cemetery. Ripe Berries at Thanksgiving down the bluff, which will afford pro After the morning service at the Presents Pupils in Recital i --------------------- tection from the wind. A living E. F. Martindale brought in several Pioneer Church Pastor Arrives Thanksgiving Next Thursday Miss Inez Rover presented her pu room, bed room and kitchen will oc branches from his raspberry plants, Church of Christ last Sunday morn Rev. Mallory Flanagin, who was Next Thursday is Thanksgiving pils in a piano recital last Tuesday cupy the lower floor and a balcony grown on hie ranch eart of town on ing, a congregational meeting was been assigned to the Pioneer church evening in the dining room of the Co will afford space for two more bed Dutch John creek, which were tended he,d at which time a call was extend- Day, and as individuals and as a na here by Bishop Moore, arrived Wed with ripe berries. There were aho ed Walt*r U tion wd have much to be thankful for. quille Hotel. A fine array of talorfl rooms. _ nesday evening from L m Angeles, ac Coquille stores win generally ob was displayed before seventy-five green ane. and he say the bushes | The cottage will be shake-covered companied by Mrs. Flanagin and their his home here, although he and serve the holiday by remaining eloeed. m»kehis guests who thoroughly enjoyed the and have a nine-foot porch, across the are still blossoming. Ripe raspber- make daughter, Edith. The Sentinel’s correspondents and program. Misses Dorris Compton and ocean front. ries at Thanksgiving time can t— Mrs. Fiscus bad previously agreed to Mr. Flanagin will occupy the pulpit 1 hold w-two weeks’ meeting at Spring- advertisers are requested to have Ruth Alien Herndon, meMo-contralto picked in but few section« of the at Pioneer church Sunday and will 1 field, beginning Dee. 8 and they will their communications and ads. in a of Marshfield, assisted in the program. A Quilting Program Tuesday United States. He says that they keep that engagement, after which day earlier than usual. serve out the balance of the confer still have ripe strawberries from the ence year. they will return to Coquille. Don't forget that on Tuesday, Nov. Coos Reports to State Board 28, at 800 p. m., you are to be at the vines every week or two. Seven new cases of chickenpox, two Pioneer Hall to see and hear some County Budget Hearing Monday legion Dance Saturday The annual Thanksgiving service of' of influenza, and one each of tuber- thing out of the ordinary. Grand The public hearing on Coos coun Flret Church of Christ, Scientist, Co- culosis, whooping cough and scarlet mother is going to open her hope cheat The Coquille Post of the American quilte, will be held Thursday, Nov. 80,1 fever were reported from Coos county and display her quilts. A history of Legion is making extensive prepara ty’s budget for 1984 will be held in at eleven a. m. in the church at Third for the week ending Nov. 18, it was each will be told in story and song. tions for the big Pre-Thankagiving the county court room next Monday, and Hall streets. Our service is open j announced today by the state board of If you love old songs, don’t miss this dance to be held Saturday evening. Nov. 27, at 10 a. m. Any taxpayer to the public and a cordial welcome is. health. Scarlet fever and measles led opportunity to enjoy an hour of them. Both lkdies and gentlemen will be in who desires a change in the budget extended to all who may wish to at-1 in the state with 41 and 40 new eases Under the auspices of the Pioneer terested in the evening’s feature when may appear Monday and make his or temi, | respectively. bar wiahea kmflNh- ' its, aix turkeys will ba gives away. Missionary society. 18 and 1« AMATEUR BOX ING LAST NIGHT SCOUT COURT OF HONOR HELD