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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1933)
The Coquille Valley Sentinel ♦ & THE PAPER THAT’S LIKE A LETTER # EROM HOME VOL. XXIX. COQUILLE. COOS COUNTY. OREGON, NO. 38. MUSSELS POISON Dr. Stricker Reports on Findings at California University Laboratory Sheriff Settles “Tough” Baby Sheriff Hees and State Police Cor nell met up with a hard-boiled bunch of hunters on upper Dement creek lasj Sunday morning and before the ses sion was over one of the “tough” boys was lying on his back with his arms and legs pointing heavenward. The officers found a four-point un tagged dear tied in a tree on proper ty not belonging to any of the hunt ers, two of whom were from Eugene. When they declared their intention to take the buck, aa no one would claim it, one of the Eugene men became abusive and personal in his remarks to the sheriff, but he learned his les son and was not nearly so hard-boiled when the officers left, with the deer. No arrests have yet been made, but Mr. Cornell is continuing his investi gations. I FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1933, * Corn Carnival, Nov. 10-11, to Be Comparative Registrations and Other School News Given the Best Yet—M. H. S. by Supt. Ward Band Coming Queen Avis Will Reign Queen Avis I will preside at the B. P. W. Club's Fall Festival Dance in Aragon Ball Room here next Sat urday evening, Oct. 14. The decision was made by lot Mon day evening when the seven candi dates drew envelopes from the box held by Mns. Ida K. Owen. Miss Avis Hartson was the candidate named by the Chamber of Commerce. The six young ladies who will serve as her attendants for this annual event of the B. P. W. club, are Miss Laura Mc Leod, named by that club; Marvin Jane Hawkins, by the Lions Club; Mias Catherine Wiernich.'by the Wom an’s Club; Miss Barbara Bradford, by the American Legion; Miss Virginia Miller, by the Flower Lovers’ Club; and Mies Olive Tillman, by the Legion Auxiliary. Queen Avis will be crowned Mayor Berg at nine o'clock as of the features of the dance, there will be other features during the evening, all very worth while and entertaining. I 2,835 BARRELS Flour, $30,000 Worth Cotton Goods Distributed by Red Cross in County The public will be interested in the There has been no change in the i A special meeting of the Coos and dates set for the Corn Show, Friday comparative registration figures at Curry Red Cross chapter was ad and Saturday, Nov. 10-41, and the i ths beginning of the second month of dressed here Wednesday afternoon, in committee in charge is beginning to i school. the city hall, by Miss AHda Bigelow, Total registration at the beginning line up the two-day program. of Portland, state field representa Chairman J. L. Smith received a of the second month of last year was tive. letter yesterday from the Marshfield 1686; the total at present writing is Miss ’Bigelow gave figures as to high school band, offering to come also 686. The distribution a year ago the amount of material and supplies over and add to the pep one day. as waa as follows: high school 247, sent to Coos county for relief pur they did last year. The only expense grades 436. The distribution at pres poses, the figures being as of July 1, will be for a bus charter to bring | ent ia high school 266, and grades 420. and more material has been received This makes a total of seventeen more them over. since that date. There were 2,985 Mr. Smith has not announced his j j in high school, as compared with the barrels of flour in the list, 14,969 committee appointments yet but will same period last year, but a small yards of cotton goods, 1623 dozen Dr. E. F. Lucas, of Bandon, submit Two Cases for Grand Jury drop in the grades. Peak registration do so soon. cotton garments, 96 dozen sweaters, ted specimens of mussel» presumed to The grand jury, Which meets next It is the plan now to have the pa in high school last year, which came 810 blankets and comforts, and placed have caused the death of a man in Monday, has but two criminal cases to rade on Saturday instead of Friday as during February, was 264, so we an the value of the cotton goods at 330,- that vicinity. These mussels were come before it, that of C. D. Smith on heretofore. This will probably pre ticipate a considerably heavier enroll 000. sent to the Hooper Foundation, Uni a rape charge, and Thos. Calhoun for vent the Marshfield band appearing in ment at peak this year. New students versity of California, for examination She also spoke on the need for ap writing bad cheeks. Other matters the parade, for the Armistice Day continue to register every few weeks. New County Budget Committee pointment of a disaster committee for and we are today in receipt of the fol not on the sheriff’s record# will proba football game between Marshfield and Because of the general financial lowing telegram from Dr. Karl F. the chapter, which would function in bly also be considered by the grand An entirely new committee was North iBend is scheduled for that Sat pressure, the Board thought it best to a relief role if such a disaster as the Meyer: jury. reduce the school term for the grades named by the county court yesterday flood at Kelso, the earthquake in urday. “Your samples of mussels highly Two man, now in jail who have sig to eight months but have the high to sit with the court in preparing Coos southern California, or the hurricanes The big state game between O. S. C. poisonous stop Survey by my asso nified an intention to waive grand school term the full nine. While the county’s budget for the coming year. on the Atlantic coast this fall, should and U. of O. is also to be played on ciates show mussels Oregon Coast Jury investigation, enter pleas of It will consist of Fred Powers, of Armistice Dey, but since the big col reduction of pne month makes it just very prisonous stop (Please warn pub happen in this district She told of guilty in circuit court, and take their Powers, W. U- Douglas, of Marshfield, -a bit mors difficult to work in the ma leges have gone so money-mad and how much the Red Cross had done to lic and place quarantine." — - - Jolt, are Paul Covalt, arrested last moved the game to Portland, instead terial, with an early decision, the and Ellis 8. Dement, of Dement relieve suffering at Kelso and painted Will you please see that this is creek. Saturday on a non-supoprt charge, of keeping it at Eugene or Corvallis teachers will have ample opportunity a word picture of the devastation given all the publicity possible. and Delbert Charles Sumeriin charged The committee will organize soon Where all the students can see it, it to do any necessary readjusting. This v —v*—■ 1 ■ there which made it quite real to her with forgery. and get to work on the probable ex is not probable that many will go will in no way affect the standardiza auditors. Holding Penn for Pheasants tion of the elementary school. It was penditures schedule, as the budget from here. Cliff Brunk, of Marshfield, gave a About a dozen members of the Coos must be adopted the first of December There is some mighty fine corn in decided not to reduce the high school very interesting talk about amateur County Game Protective Association now instead of the last of December the valley this year, the spud crop Is term because of college entrance re radio. At first thought there might are going down to Bandon Sunday to as heretofore. * good, and there will be no lack of ex quirements and so many students are seem to be very little connection be ■ build holding pens for Chinese pheas cellent exhibits, which w«> rea-l taking college preparatory courses. tween Red Cross work and the ama ants. The work will bo done under Because of crowded conditions ex son for starting the Corn Show in the teur broadcaster, but there is. For the supervision of Warren Cornell and Kerb Emery received a lot of at first place. Nor will the carnival cel isting in the Fourth and Fifth grades the first half hour or more after some the pens build on land adjoining the tention at the Lions Club luncheon ebration be any less interesting than at Washington building it was also de disaster strikes a community all fish hatchery, which belongs to the cided to replace one teacher. Mias HH- yesterday, due to his failure to pro in former years. means of communication may be par state fish commission. da Wittick, who substituted last year, vide venison for the meal as he had alyzed, and it is here that the ama Pens to hold 200 birds will be built was elected. This still leaves us promised. And then the buck ague 1530 Head Under Test , teur radio has helped more than once and it is expected pheasants from the which seized him over at Bly when one teacher short of last year. in bringing prompt assistance. Coos county now has more than state’s game farms wilt be sent down the biggest buck he ever saw waa We hope to have ready at the next These amateur sets, such aa Paul 'twice aa many cows included in cow edition of the paper, the exiet figures aa soon aa the peas are ready. driven out from shelter by the rest of Van Scoy has here, are under the di These birds will be kept panned up the hunters and stood 80 feet distant, testing association work as any other showing the amount saved in teachers’ rect supervision of the U. 8. army, until all danger of high water fe with Forb shooting over him and then county in Oregon, according to the salaries by the reduction of one which has authority to silence them passed neat spring, thereby saving jamming a shell in bis excitement. At all if the necessity arises. that!» the stars Gw Ulstt and " ce,v * 1 ** county ***** ------------ .’ «w." . 4 one and possibly two spring hatches, I nd Overhead are concerned, can only The Roll Call quota for Coot and iZu JuT "hows that there are now 1530H>e an whiA are often destroyed by floods I bo an estimate. Mb toM. and “Datch" Clinton Curry counties was announced at cows in «5 herds being tested regu- r- * - - -- When the birds are released too We desire to commend very highly the rest of the party could aot [•riy °nc« e«4i month and records ^ 81600. ’^ncipLr a^d'te'acVrT \o7Vhe early in the spring. shoot because of their laughter at Those present for the meeting Wed With the saving of these spring Forb's attempts, with teeth chatter kept by the association tester. real progress made during the first nesday afternoon, besides the two There are two associations operat batches and the Chipping of more’ knonth. The students have caught the ing, knees knocking, and the buck speakers were the Coos and Curry birds aa soon as the danger from letting out a bleat every time Ferb ing in Coos county; one in the Co attitude of enthusiasm as manifested county chairman, Mrs. W. G. Barrow, freshets is over in the spring, the worked the lever! Oh well, probably quille valley and one in the Coos Boy by the teachers and are doing, in gen Marshfield; Mrs. C. C. Bennett, of number of pheasants wiH be material any of us who had never killed any section. Charles Leatherman, of Co eral, very good work. The teachers North Bend; Mrs. M. Cutsforth, of quille, is "the tester for the Coquille ly increased in the future. are working out some splendid pro thing larger than a jack rabbit might Charlo«ton; Mia. Chas. Magee, Mrs. The material for the pens is being suffer the same way, but according to valley association which includes all grams and a general advance is being Wm. Eickworth, Mrs. G. M. Long, of paid for by members of the Isaac Mr. Jeub the walls of Mr. Emery’s of the southern part of Coos county made throughout the entire system. Empire; Mrs. Nellie Ray, of Myrtle Fred Walton League and the Game Protec i home are covered with pictures of and northern Curry county. We appreciate, very much, all co Point; Mrs. Albert Pancoast and Mrs. tive Association and the care of the I himself and his many kills in his New IBeasey, of Marshfield, is tester for operation by the patrons of our school. Harold James, of Bridge; Mrs. F. F. birds will be in the hands of the com- England days, with guns of all kinds the Coos Bay Association which in The high school was most apprecia Schram and Mrs. Ida Owen, of Co cludes the territory around Marsh misaion employees at the hatchery. tive of the entertainment afforded by in his hand. quille. field, Coos river and the section north Rev. T. R. Jackman, who with Mrs. the Lions club at last Friday’s morn Feih’e red-faced explanation was of the bay. Jackman has been co-pastor of the Big Cuts in Valuations ing assembly. If the program was a that he waa not used to the kind of a Roy Boys Win Honors The average milk production for sample of “pinch hitting” as Mr. Foursquare church here for the past Assessor J. P. Beyers returned this gun he had with him at Bly! "Returns just received from Salem the 1098 cows in the Coquille valley •Rackleff informed us, then the real two years, will preach his farewell A committee was named by Presi morning from attending the state as association for August was 630 program as originally planned must sermon ’Sunday evening and next gave Willard Miller aqd Harold Shull sessors convention in McMinnville, dent Uiett to confer with Scoutmaster pounds. This contained an average Tuesday will leave Coquille. He will second place in the Home Economics indeed have been a wonder article. which met Wednesday. Yesterday the Sayre and the Scouts and fix the date of 289 pounds of fat for the month of go first of Lodi, Calif., for Mrs. Jack Demonstration division. Chester L. Ward, Superintendent. for an out-doors meeting of the Club assessors met with the state tax com August. One hundred and thirty-nine man, whose mother is now improved, This is the highest place ever won which would furnish the lunch and mission in Salem. of the cows in thia association pro and will open a conference in Red I by any team in that division in Coos A gsnerol slash ia property valua which would be cooked by «he Scouts. Joe Nilsen Barn Burned Bluff next Sunday. After working in1 county and this team has the dietinc duced more than 40 pounds of fat dur K. C. Couch, of Portland, father of tions all over the state was reported ing the month. Production of all northern California, holding confer tion of being the first team composed The first bad barn fire of this sea by the assessors, the only county to Mrs. J. R. Bunch, was introduced by herds in thia association averaged son occurred last Sunday morning, be ences at various points, they will go of boy* to compete for the honor show an increase being Hood River. Dr. Bun A .as his guest. Mr. Couch lower this year than some previous tween 10 and 11, when the 40x107 to Portland for a conference at the from Ooos county. Multnomah valuations are down over ( responded briefly. years. This is thought to be due to foot structure on the upper Joe Nil- church in that city. The increase in Theas boys, aged eleven, are to be 883,000,000, while Jackson and Linn' territory for which Mr. Jackman is given especial credit for the fact that sen place, where Geo. Cox lives, a (Continued on third page.) both reported cuts of $2,000,000. I Legion Installation Oct. 9 mile or more this side of Riverton, superintendent, and which will in- they were alone at Salem to put on The old age pensions it is estimated ( A joint installation of the Coquille elude northern California, Oregon, their demonstration, having to ar- was destroyed, with all its contents. will cost the taxpayers of the state Non-HIgh School Budget American Legion and Auxiliary will Spontaneous combustion of the hay, Washington, Idaho and a portion of . range everything and be entirely on about 84,000,000 and Coos county’s ex be held in the Legion headquarters ‘ ' their own. The judges stated that The budget committee for the non- which had been in the mow for «0 Montana, necessitates his making his' pense for this purpose is estimated next Monday evening, Oct 9. The high school district met in county su- days, is supposed to have been the headquarters in Portland. the boys did exceptionally wed. at 840.000 per year, at 320 per month Both Mr. and Mrs. Jackman have) The pupils from the Roy district other posts in the county, at Myrtle perintendent's office on Friday eve- cause. There were between 126 and per person. • ! Point, Bandon, Marshfield and North ning. Ed Marcy, of Dora, waa chosen 150 tons there, and aa the whole mow made a wide circle of friends in Coos have appeared in public at various The officials in session discussed Bend, have been invited to attend and as chairman and Adam Donalson, Jr, was aflame when. discovered it is county who deeply regrot their de times and have won a reputation for asking the legislature, when the spec 100 guests are expected for the oc- ' as secretary for the meeting. Other probable that the spontaneous theory parture. Both are earnest Christian their naturalness and ability. These ial session ia called, to postpone the casion. There will also be several members of budget committee ware: ia correct rather than that it was ac workers who have the universal re experiences will greatly benefit thorn operation of the old age pension law spect of all, both in and outside their in the future. entertainment features and a feed at Leslie Kime, Sylvia J. Hiilar, Everett cidentally set by tramps. until the counties can have some the evening's close. ,^t. Mr. Nilsen estimates his loss at be church. Messer le, J. N. Gearhardt, Ed Detlef - prospect of being able to pay. $14,968 Coming at Once sen, Neil O. Wateon and W. M. Hiilar. tween 88000 and 87000, with insur Pall of Smoke, Slashings Fire Olivers to Move to Portland October 23rd has been set by the ance of 84,000 on barn and contents. A letter from the Department of Services at Christian Church Beside the barn and hay there were The heavy smoke which drifted the Interior at Washington to Asses Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Oliver, who non-high school board as date for burned the milking machinery, con down the valley, just west of Coquille, sor Beyers states that 814,956.01 will ____________________________________ hearing on the budget for the fiscal Beginning Sunday, October 8, Wal recently sold their home on Knowlton The amount siderable harness, three gasoline en Wednesday afternoon and yesterday, ter Fiscus, of Eugene, will begin an Heights to John BulTack, expect to ■cho®1 F»» be sent soon to Coos county for its board *• propping to levy gines, the generator for the lighting was from the former Hal Baxter camp, share of the O. A C. payments. This evangelistic campaign at the Church leave the first of the week to make which near ^urvuiiMi. Portland. air. Mr. arm and '* ▼ 065,667.85. The meeting of vbtwu Christ Mr. jinvue Fiscus 1* is * a graduate their ox vncir home num« iiv*r —»----------- — — ’—• will ----- be system and sixty drinking fountains. north of the McLain coal mine, where ia 60 per cent of what was expected, of Eugene Bible College and a young Mrs. Oliver have made Coquille their h«W in Circuit Court room at 8:00 None of the 80 head of stock was In Jack Hultin has been burning slashes. and the department writes that when ___ ______ ------------------------ —s- I -who ._________ . . ten _________________ n mn m end home ___________ for the past years and they'P- and ie is mwm open tn to all all. Precedintr Preceding the bam at the time, all being out in September 30 was the last day on more funds are available from the man * of wonderful personality which a permit waa necessary to do sales of timber that the payment of has recently completed a successful will be missed by their many friends i«* noting of budget committee, a the pasture. The Coquille fire department was such burning. year's work at the Marshfield Church here. He has not announced in what meeting of the non-high school board the other half “will bo considered.” of Christ He will be preaching ev line he will engage in their new place was held at which time Ed. Detlef- called but, of course, could do nothing sen was elected director to succeed with the chemical after the start the ery evening except Saturday at 7:30 of residence. Will Start It Next Week Indian Summer Thta Week fire had. The hay was still burning J. W. Powell, who has resigned. p m. E. W. Gregg, who has the contract The brand of Indian Summer Coos at nine o'clock that evening. Lawrence Simpler, at present pas Will Start Cranberry Picking for remodelling t)|g store front of the county has enjoyed flor the past week tor of the Marshfield Church of C. H. S. v*. McKinley CCC Odd Fellow» building which is to ba has made it one of the moat delight A. T. Morrison, who was in Coquille Christ, will be song loader and soloist Could Handle Him Anyway occupied by the H. N. Lorens stone ful periodo of the year. Warm days, Wednesday, expects to start cran The first local football game of the berry picking at his bog just off the season in Coquille’s Athletic Park will Sam Epperson, who acts as day next month, expects to start work the warmer even than any of the past Dr. J. F. Young to Leave highway, this side of Bandon, next be played at 2 p. m. tomorrow (Sat marshal a portion of the time each first of next week, in taking out the summer, and cool evenings and nights, I present wide window and repiacnig it make one glad to live in this God- Dr. J. F. Young, who has practiced Monday and will employ 100 pickers urday) between the Coquille High week, alternating with Frank Dungey, with the foyer type of entrance, with bleeoed country. The total rainfall for a flve-day period. He estimates tells a good story on himself. He School team and a team from the Mc here for the peat four years aa a display windows on either aide. since Sept 1 ia three and one-half chiropractic physician, intends leav his yield this year wiH be 1000 bush Kinley COC camp. Very little is made an arrest Tuesday of a man inches. els. Hie second bog has not yet come nearly twice his size who waa con known about the 8-C boys ’ squad, but ing tomorrow with his wife for Sa they ought to make it interesting for siderably under the influence. Sam lem, Where they will be temporarily into bearing. •i* - - - at Ward McReynolds will make Ms Coach Hartley's protegee, who will waa having quite a little trouble lead with his parents. His health has been ing, pulling, pushing and shoving the semi-monthly visit to Coquille next If you want to subscribe for • Port play a better game for having one such tfiat he has had to five up all Tuesday, Oct 10, and will bo at the practice of late, and bo will seek a land daily the dubbing combination contest under their belts, that with fellow up to the city jail, when an on looker remarked, “I wonder Which of city hall from 1 to > p. m., to conduct Marshfield last Saturday. Admission we offer with the Sentinel will save loaction which agrees wtih him bat- those two guys ia the drunker!" examination for drivers’ ItotnaM. win be 86 and 1« cento. ye« aoMy. tor eliaaatloally. There is one point not covered in the following letter from Dr. Fred erick D. Stricker, state health officer, to Dr. M. Earl Wilson, Coquille city health officer, in regard to mussel», but as a measure of safety it will be well for everyone to abstain from eat. ing them . Whether they are gathered from under the ocean’s surface or not. Mention is not made as to where the samples cent Were taken from. Dr. Stricker’s letter follows: WAS IT BUCK FEVER, FERB? lì REV. T. R. JACK- MAN TO LEAVE I ■ t •