Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1933)
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2», 1»M. PAGI S8VBN 4 NOTICE OF CITY BUDGET Notice to hereby give. that th. Budget Committee of th. City of Co- “ * “Ti “ WHAT E An Emergency Exists in The Pioneer Methodist Church Oregon Rural Schools Philip D. Hartman, pastor. WITHOUT Residence 191 S. Henry St. Phone 60-J “Never before have the Oregon Morning worship at 11 o'clock with school*, particularly the rural school*, a message on “Found, A Perfect faced so serious a situation as that Man,” by Rev. W. Raymond Wilder. with which they are confronted at this (Evening worship at 7:30 o’clock ¿3rd day of October, 1938, at the hour of 8:00 p. m. aa the time and th« planted into permanent places will moment,'* state* C. A. Howard, super with a sermon on, “The Supreme Place: City Hall. intendent of public instruction. “ Un Council Chamber of the City Hall in said City of Coquille, Coo. County, Ore bloom in the spring. Get the beat Time: 7:30 p. tn. Question.” less state funds ean be found to meet gon, as the place, at which tune such estimate* may be dtocussed with the When: First and Third Tuesdays. seed you can afford. Cheap seeds are Sunday School at 9:45 a. m., Lyman this emergency, the school terms of levying board of said City, towit: the Common Council of said City, and at President—Geo. W. Taylor, Sr. an expense at any time. Carrier, superintendent. Come on time approximately 350 district* will be which tune andI place any person who shall be subject to auch tax levy when Tress.—Mrs. John A. Martin Many would like to propagate the and enjoy the opening worship service. greatly shortened, many of them clos made, may be heard in favor of or against such tax tovy or any part there- Cor. Sec.—Mrs. Nellie E. Whereat , clematis; this may be done succes*- Both departments of the Young ing before the first of January, and ' fully by layering a branch; peg down of. Peoples’ Division conduct their de That the estimates filed in the office of the City Recorder are a* Our next meeting which comes and cover all but several inches of 25,000 children will be thrown out of votional» at 6:30 p. m. follow*: Tuesday, October 3rd, commences our'the tip. If the under part of the school from two to Ave month* of the Prayer meeting Wednesday evening winter schedule and until further no- ’ branch is notched with a sharp knife current school year. So acute is the BUDGET OF THE CITY OF COQUILLE Choir rehearsal Saturday evening, tice the meetings will commence at in a couple of places, it will root emergency that Governor Meier has F. G. Leslie, dirsetos. Coos County, Oregon stated that the problem of school re 7:30 instead of 8 p. m. So don’t for quicker. In' the spring or after it is A cordial welcome awaits you at all lief will be among those he will place well rooted, cut the branch from the get, everybody. of our services. If you do not wor Calendar Year 1934 I before the legislature in case a special From the way our rains are keep plant and set in permanent position. ship elsewhere come with us, for wo GENERAL FUND • / PERSONAL SERVICES? ing up, it makes one feel as though Many other shrubs and Toses may be session is called. need you and you need us. “Because of tax delinquencies the City Recorder ............. ’ winter had commenced, but in spite of rooted in this way also. $ 900.00 actual cash available for current In spite of all this rain, my “ blaok- City Marshal ......... it there io lots than can be done yet St. James Church 1,620.00 Those of you who have not planted eyed Susans” (“Cut and come again” school expenses last year waa less Deputy City Marshal . w*•, 1,200.00 (Episcopal) - your sweet pea*, had better get busy. sunflowers) and my Michaelmas .dais th*'i half that of the previous year. Street Commissioner - Church school every Sunday at 10 1,200.00 In spite of heavy budget reductions There are other annuals that can be ies are a joy. Of the latter I have City Attorney a. m. Perry Roper, superintendent 648.00 J, ■ * ‘ City Treasurer ......... planted now for spring blooming. three different ones, a lovely tur the amount of outstanding warrants 460.00 increased 37 per cent over the previ Larkspur, calendulas, alyssum, quoise blue, a Ryecroft pink and a . Fire Chief ;................... 120.00 Foursquare Gospel Church clarkia, snapdragons and many others Ryecroft purple. These are depend ous year in the twenty-one counties Health Officer ............. Hl 120.00 that have reported. County superin Rev. and Mrs. T. R. Jackman, Other Services ............. 200X10 ’ I 6,458.00 are in the lot. Don’t forget to plant able perennials and seem to be free tendents report that the very first V co-pastors a lot of mixed clarkia as welt as some from bugs and disease. The fasf- warrant* issued in at least 96 districts 259 E. 2nd St. Phone 169-J plain colors; a bouquet of mixed spreading qualities of the sunflower MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: Sunday 'clarkia is hard to beat. Poppies of are ft worst feature but it can be kept this fall will be unsadable. At the Light, Power A Phones ............ 9 3,000.00 time they made their annual reports 9:45 Bible School. Mrs. Jewel, oupt. in control if you try. It is a wonder- the various types, calliopsis, the cen- ( ._ ---------- - , — ----- _ --------- Stationery, Printing A Legal Notices 250.00 June, 221 districts in twenty-two 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. taureas, cyanus imperialis, and ful and tvniuuiru combined with 1 v/ailUB and auu impvi i «41 b , nnu a*** cut vut, flower Iiuwci »Iiu wiiui the vuv . last - Fuel A Supplies ........... .................... ■600.00 3,860.00 6:80 Crusader meeting. baby breath respond beautifully to .blue or purple Michaelmas daisies counties were a year or more behind •»_ii i-._i.i-__ i _ _i_ . i a . — -i i_ _ • a . i i- i j rm _ i j j , in vm ayi t < h« i r wumm t.R. 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship. The goldenrod in th« the tim W»«* o< t »»ir warrants, fall planting. I have also planted is a joy to behold. CONSTRUCTION: Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting. canadensis also is a fine perennial to , With approximately $5,000,000 in scabiosa with aiiccess. Engineering , « 600.00 500.00 9 Thursday, 7:30 p. m., Orchestra Now is the time to trim up your have alone or in combination with school warrants afloat in addition to privet hedges and also your English blues and purples. Unlike our com- city «"d county warrants, it is becom- practice. MAINTENANCE A REPAIRS: Friday, 7:80 p. m. Bible Study. laurel. Make cuttings of tfiese, as mon goldenrod, the sprays of bloom *n8 increasingly difficult to find pur- Streets, Bridge etc. 3 3,000.00 Saturday, 2:80 p. m., Children's are large and loose, spreading grace-. chasers. Any district that is a year well a* roses, various shrubs, the City Hall ............ 900.00 tor more behind in the payment of its church. Mrs. Denser, Supt heathers and lavender. How many fully. Fire ¡Department 1,000.00 H< 9 4,200.00 This is slso the month to make a warrants is in imminent danger of of you have a regular “cutting” bed? Such a bed is a joy forever and if new lawn and to build up your old 1 having to close its school. ^Fe.w tesch- First Church of Christ, Scientist INDEBTEDNESS: you haven’t one, you-are missing a one. These suggestions are only a ere still have sufficient ready money to Coquille. Oregon Payment of Funded Bonds—Series of <1927 .9 1,000.00 lot few of th* many things you can do live through the year without cash Sunday School at 9:80 a. as. Interact on Funded Bonds—Series of 1027 . 1,200.00 Now is the time to make your ger between showers and if you will look ing their warrants. One hundred six Sunday Service at II ». m. Payment of Henry Street Bridge Bonds .. . <1,000.00 around you I am sure you will find ty-two districts including several of anium cuttings for winter bloom. Subject for next Sunday:“ Unreal Interest on Henry Street Bridge Bonds .. 350.00 the larger ones have contracted for Pansy seed shown now and trana- lots more to do. ity.” Payment of Beach Street Bridge Bonds ... 1,000.00 only four to six months of school. Wednesday avsning meeting at 8 Interest on Beach Street Bridge Bonds ... 315.00 Four thousand dollar« for Boys and Large districts as well as small need /dock. . 1,800,00 Interest on General Fund Warrants ........ 9 6,665.00 International Livestock help and need it badly. A million Free public Reading Room open is Exposition at Portland Girls 4-H-club work; $2750 for Inter dollars from state sources to be used collegiate Boys and Girls — Smith- Church Building «very Tuesday and MISCELLANEOUS: this year for emergency school relief Premiums probably larger than any Hughes Vocation Education Contests Friday afternoons except holidays Elections ................................... >% 76.00 ■9 would prevent a complete collapse of as usual. given in the Pacific coast country will from two jfi five o’clock. 900.00 City Library .............................. Prize awards for the Land Prod those districts that are in extreme be awarded winners at the 23rd An The public is cordially invited to at 800.00 Workmen’s Compensation .. difficulty. It would take four or flve nual Pacific International Livestock ucts Show will be the same as in tend our services and to visit the Purchase of Property for Special Assessment.. 1,500.00 times that amount to assure a full Exposition held in Portland, Oregon, former years and Manager C. D. Reading Room. 600.00 Other Items ............................................................... school term in every school district. October 21st to 28th, according to an Minton announces fine interest being 300.00 8,576.00 City Partes ................................................................ 9 “ A substantial portion of school nouncement made by President T. B. displayed. Seventh Day Adventist Church The Oregon Poultry and Pet Stock costs should be taken over by the 500.00 Wilcox, and General Manager O. M. 9 «00.00 EMERGENCY: 9 Pastor, H. A. Nier garth. state, not temporarily but permanent division showing as uaual in Wilcox Plummer. The premium list is now Sabbath School (Saturday) 9:46 Hall and it is indicated that there will ly. We are face to face With a situa being distributed and extra copies Water Fand tion that calls for a reorganization of a. m. may be held from Mr. Plummer, 211 be a larger display in this show than PERSONAL SERVICES: Preaching service 11:00 a. m. school support in line not only with for a number of years. American Bank Building, Portland, 9 1380.00 Water Superintendent logical discussions but also with ef The Pacific International Kennel Oregon. 810.00 City Recorder ............. fective practice in other states. For Baptist Church Cash prize« are divided about as Club will again stage one of their , 160.00 City Treasurer -......... splendid showings of doge in the var example, beginning with January 1, Sunday School at 10 o’clock, with follows: $5600 in the Beef Cattle divi , 700.00 9 3,060.00 Other Services . ........ 1934, the state of Indiana will assume classes for everyone. Visitors always sion; $¡5250 in the Dairy Cattle divi ious breads; this feature is growing 3600 of the cost of each olassroom welcome. — * - w- - ..................... .. sion; 33200 in the Sheep division; $2,- in its interest and present indica CONSTRUCTION * REPAIRS tions are that more dogs will be unit. For the current school year the Prayer meeting 7:80 Thursday 000 in the Hog division; $3600 in the .6 616.00 Labor ................................... benched this year than ever before at state of Maryland has provided a night. Heavy Horse division; $3000 in all 460.00 Pipe A Supplies ................. .. .i. million and a half dollars in addition the Expoaition. B. Y. P. U. services every Sunday 100.00 Miscellaneous ..................... 0 • • • 9 1,065.00 classes of fat cattle, sheep and hogs. to its already large state school fund. evening at 7 o’clock. A splendid prize list for the combin- Missouri ha* just taken its initial New Cases in Circuit Court stion ¡Horne Show-Rodeo show is of a MISCELLANEOUS: step in providing state support "'of fered; some of the most famous tan Church of Christ Sept. 22—Ann Majors vs. E. C. schools by raising $3,000,000. In the .9 50UM1 Workmen’s Compensation .. 800.00 bark performers of the country will Thurwachter. 250.00 9 i Other Expense .......................... Turner B. MacDonald, Pastor state of New York $51,000,000 of be seen in the Horse Show division Sept. 26—¡Daisy Inez Vineyard vs. school costs for the current year will Sundsy, 10:00 a. m. Bible School. ♦ and the famous McCarty-Elliott Ro Warren John Vineyard. Suit for di INDEBTEDNESS: Ned C. come from state sources. In North Departments for all ages. deo organization now showing at the vorce. .9 3,500.00 Payment of Water Fund Bonds........... Carolina a minimum term of eight Kelley, superintendent. Century of Progress World’s Fair in . 6,810.00 Interest on Water Fund Bonds ........... 11:00 a. m. Communion and morn months throughout the state will be Chicago will handle the sterling Ro Justice Court blanks for sale at this 266.00 9 10X176.00 Interest on Water Fund Warrants .. paid for from state funds and local ing worship. Sermon by the paetor. iffice. deo events. 7:00 p. m. C. E. groups meet for school districts may continue the term I 40.348.M Grand Total Expenditures beyond that period. The legislature devotionale. Wednesday, 7:80 p. m. Bible RECEIPTS: of the state of Washington in it* re 8 400.00 Licensee .... ............................... ■ cent session provided for a state fund Study. Willett Jessee, leader. 150.00 You are cordially invited to all of Fines ........................................... of $10,000,000 annually for the schools 900.00 Road Tax ..................... ............... of the state beginning with the school these services. 100.00 Miscellaneous .... ;.................. year 1933-1984. A number of other 14,500.00 9 16,050.00 Water Department ......... Methodist Episcopal Church states have taken steps similar to art“ldc“’*“ <l««‘ “» / > Port*?nd to Get Rodeo’s Top Hands I 24.1M.M Caos County, Oregon September let, 1983 General Fund Warrants OutotaiWItng ............... ....................... ..........9 36,250.65 ........... 24.000.00 Water Fund ¡Warranto Outstanding .......................................... . ........... .......... ........... fjtrfcej D ......... ......................... . SerUg E - - -............................. .............. .......... ........... OtriM F .................................... Special Improvement Bonds ....................................................... . ........... 3,428.71 18,500.00 80,000X10 20,000.00 60,000.00 96,668.67 9390,127.32 Total Indebtedness State of Oregon County of Coos . S3 I F G. Leslie, do hereby certify that the above estimate of expenditures for the calendar year 1934 have been compiled from the records in my charge and are true and correct copies thereof. (Seal) September 27th, 1983 At Christian Science Churches “Reality" was the subject of the I^sson-Sermon in aM Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Sept. 94. The Golden Text waa, “Behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remem bered, nor come into mind” (lea. 65: F. G. Leslie, City Recorder --------- I------ -----------------------------------— “To grasp the reality and order of be ing in its Science, you must begin by reckoning God as the divine Princi ple of all that really it . . . There is but one primal cause. Therefore there can be no effect from any other cause, and there can be no reality in aurht which does not proceed from this great and only cause” (pp. 275, <07). V). Among the citations which com Mining Location notices for aale at prised the Lesson-Sermon iwa* the fol this office. lowing from the Bible: “I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor anything taken from it” (Ecel. 3:14). The Lesson-Sermon also included the following correlative passages Stated • Commuaiotion from the Christian Science textbook, Oct It at 7:30 p.m. Science and Health with Key to the Scripture»,” by Mary ¡Baker Eddy: Chadwick Lodge No. 68 A. F. A A. M. K Stars of the rodeo world, ace riders of the famous McCsrfy-Elllott outfit and a string of the world's wildest bucking hor eo have been signed for the combined Horae Show and ltodeo of Pacific Inter national Livestock Ex|NMltion. High stepping, galted horses of ths show ring will vie for popular interest with the plunging, twist ing outlaws of the range In the combined Horse Show and Rodeo featuring the entertainment pro gram of the 21 rd Pacific Interna tional Livestock Exposition In Portland October 21-21. Never in the long history of tbs Pacific Northwest's greatest an nual fair have prospects been so bright for a record smashing show, according to O. M. Plum mer, general manager of the ex position, who has received assur ances from scores of famous breeders that their prise animals will be entered. With classifications increased and large premium lists, no less than 19 complete shows will be staged under the mammoth lln acre exposition building roof. These will include the dairy cattle show, beef, swlhé, draft horses, sheep, goats, dogs, poultry and pet stock, dairy products, land pro ducts, 4-H Boys and Girls elub work, Smith-Hughes vocational tHtotag exhibits, wild Ufa, Dsh and game, wool and mohair, fat stock show and flower show. Emphasis will be given to the exhibits and work of the boys and girls clubs, as in years past, since this department has been proved to have particular interest and value for parents, as well as a strong educational appeal to Chil dren of all ages. For ths Horse Show and Rodeo a varied program of spectacular and thrilling events has been scheduled, with liber-.I cash prises hung up for the w.insrs. Rodeo events wll be open to the world and will Include bronc riding, bull dogging, calf roping, and steer riding. The arena will be In charge of veteran arena directors and last ysar*s policy of running off events in record time will be followed at both matinee and night perform ances. One fast moving-action picture with thrills and spills ga lore Is promised. All railroads have announced special low fares ta the expos 1- those I have just cited. “The sad plight of the schools in many part* of the state due to present economic conditions is proof not only of an emergency but also of the cul minating necessity of state participa tion in the support'vf education. Lo cal administrative units are unable to cope with existing forces. To meet preeent conditions it is apparent that there must be a shifting of tax em phasis from the property of the nar row locality to the broader source» that are open to the parent state. “For over a hundred year's America has been committed to a policy of un iversal education. We know that a democracy cannot survive without it. Of late there has been quibbling over some of the details of education but this i* merely incidental. We have not abandoned Che American policy of providing an educational opportunity for every child—and we shall not abandon it.” Knife Hospital Notes Sunday Evening Bible Claas, 6:16 to 7:16 p. m. Mm. Edith Ballinger, teach* Evening Preaching 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:80 p. Preaching st Bandon 11 a. m. Scriptural, Spiritual Preaching. Ev eryone welcome. G. A. Gray, Pastor. 107 E. 2nd St., Coquille, Ore. Church of God Sundsy School at 10 o’clock with classes for everyone. Morning service at 111 a. m. Evening preaching 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting 7:30 Thursday eve ning. Everybody welcome. ' Edward E. Watkins, Paetor. Bandon Revival Opens Sunday Evangelist Lillian Powell and Gladys Strobel, song leader and trom bonist, will open a series of revival meetings at the Bethel Mission in Bandon next Sunday night, October 1st, to be held every night except Monday nights, at 7:30 o’clock. Miss Powell started preaching while nine years of age and many will remember when she held revival metings at MarsMld in the large wooden taber nacle six yearn ago under the auspices of Rev. Oscar Lewis. Miss Powell preaches the Bible in the old-fashioned way and gives spec ial attention, in giving special meet ings for children, as conditions per mit Special music and aoul-tnapiring singing will be featured at all ser vices and everyone is welcome to all Mrs. Raleigh Spencer underwent en operation for tonsil removal last Sun day. Mrs. C. D. Winder and young son were able to leave the hospital Sunday and return to their apartments at the F. G. Leslie home. Mrs. Nora Martin, who was treated for minor injuries received in a motor accident Sunday, left for her home in Marshfield on Monday. Mrs. J. C. Johnson, on Monday, and R. M. Mullen, on Tuesday, underwent major operations. Mrs. Kate Sigler, who io spending the winter with her mother, Mrs. Jen nie Price, and sister, Mrs. H. S. Nor ton, submitted to a major operation yesterday morning, performed by Dr. service*.—Chas. W. Bates, Pastor. Jas. Richmond. Calling carda SO far »IX». 5