Tn OOQUILLl YALL1Y 8BNTINBL, COQUILLB. OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER », 1»M- MYRTLE POINT ITEMS Italian Prunes L. A. Chizem was able to leave the Mast Hospital the last of the week and return to his home. Ray Dement and T. D. Guerin left Friday evening for Portland with a carload of cattle. Leave your order now for either Bushel Boxes or any Elder and Mrs. J. K. Fish and amount you wish. Deliveries will be made the first of next daughter, Velma, of Coquille, were week. Very reasonable now. Myrtle Point visitors Saturday. V. Johnson and daughter, Faye, went to Empire Saturday on a busi ness trip. Miss Dorothy Hooton returned to her home at Bridge Saturday after noon after a few days’ stay in Myrtle Point. We still have a few boxes of Mrs. Catherine Strong, aged 89 years, passed away at her home Fri- ---- day morning after a lingering ill ness. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Presbyter ian church, Rev. E. V. Ostrander of ficiating and interment was in the Norway cemetery. Dr. W. H. Howland moved recently ’ If you want any get them NOW. from Gold Beach and has an office The season is just about closed. in the Bond apartment. Mr. and Mra. Walter Bunch left Friday for their home in College Place, 'Wash., after a week’s visit at the home of Mr. Bunch's sister, Mrs. GRAVENSTEIN APPLES - L. L. Sumerlin. • FRESH CANDIES 4.49- 21 4.75-1» The E. Nelson family moved last New Stocks - - Fancy Chocolates 4A9-20 <-75-20 week into the E. C. Roberts house on Not very plentiful this year, but we GOODYEAR Party Mixes - * Bulk and Package. Sixth street. ALL-WEATHER Special Saturday have a few nice boxes 4.50- 21 30x3ft 5*^ Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Kenyon and 1 lb box Chocolates only three children left Saturday for Red mond, Oregon, where they will make Let us send you a box. their home for the next two years, Mr. Kenyon having an interest in the timber near there. Miss Priscilla'De- yoe, sister of Mrs. Kenyon, accom panied them for a visit. Mrs. Cora Schroeder and son. Mil ton, and Lila Neteon arrived home the last of the week from Independence, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Dennison, who have resided on the P. W. Laird Phone 133 ranch on the Roseburg road, moved Saturday to Eugene, where they will George Allen Halter, Marvin Peter make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Live News From Arago son, John and Rose Marie Collier, Mrs. Ixtbdell, of Leneve, rented the Laird La Lois Schroeder wan u gueat of Adrian Halter, Mrs. Ed Hands, Mrs. farm and moved there the first of the; Pair* Vern Knife, of Coquille, Sunday. week. Price Schroeder is nursing a badly E. A. Wimer, Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mullen and 1 bruised nose, as the result of falling Clarence Peterson. They will be higher. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward and Mrs. George Mullen left the last of from the top of his dairy barn one Mrs. Stanley Halter made a. business the week for Redmond, Oregon, where j day last week. While replacing some they will spend several days visiting shingles he hade a misstep and fell to trip to Waldport Wednesday. at the Claude Mullen home. Roy Hodsen, of Norway, is helping the ground. He saya he is lucky to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kuni and with the chores at the J. D. Carl have received only a few bruises. daughter, Carolyn, left Thursday for Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl went to ranch during Kenneth's absence. Arago School News a two weeks’ vacation trip to Port Bridge Tuesday evening and spent Monday marked the beginning of land and Albany. They will visit Mr. the evening wibh Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lett and Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Carl, of the third week of school at Arago, Kuni’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Long Beach, Calif., who were spend with 31 enrolled in high school and 47 Kuni, in Albany. Howard Helmbolt, m the grades. Due to a large gradu of North Bend, will substitute for Mr. ing the night with the Lett family. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Collier and son, ating class last year, a small begin Kuni during his absence. L. Ran ton returned to his home in Harry, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Col ners* olass this year and "also to the Bellingham, Wash., after a visit at fact that several families have moved lier below Coquille Monday. Mrs. J. S. Root and son, Leland, of away, the enrollment in high school the home of his brother, Rev. E. G. who are doing passing work in regu- J. S. Lyon«, accredited Culbertson Riverton News Ranton. Glenada, Calif., returned home Mon is six short of last year, while the lar subjects will be allowed this teacher, of Marshfield. figure in the grades is diminished by Mrs. E. V. Ostrander . returned Grantie Hartwell, thirteen-year old day, after a week-end visit here with privilege. friends and relatives. Mrs. Naomi 19. However, a few more pupils are home the first of the week from Bur boy, was the horo in the Riverton There will be no initiation of expected to enroll. lingame, Calif. Mr. Ostrander met grade school this week. Last Sunday, freshman at night this year, because Robison returned with them for a few FORECLOSURE SALE There are several new faces among her in Roseburg. in company with his father, C. M. of the difficulty tn transportation. In weeks* visit. Austin Dodge returned to his home Hartwell, Lyle and Ezra Smith and Mrs. L. A. Myers entertained a the students. Benita Floyd, Violet NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, stead the students agreed to carry That under and by virtue of an Exe group of friends Wednesday after Homan and Virgil Randeau are new in Grants Pass after a few days’ visit Alton Kay, of Leneve, he succeeded in out the events during the week. pupils in the primary room. Benita is at the home of his parents, Mr. and cution issued out of the Circuit Court bagging a nice forked horn buck. Al noon at a linen shower for her daugh Monroe Spurgeon ana Claude Gil of the State of Oregon for the County though the deer was running when ter, Mrs. Floyd Jackson, of Portland, a beginner as are Violet and Virgil, Mrs. E. A. Dodge. Geraldine McCulloch is spending firat seen, Grantie got him with his lespie have been obliged to drop of Coos on the 25th day of September, who is a bride of a few weeks and who are from Remote. Frank Hamon, upon a judgment recovered in from Remote also, is s member of the this week at the home of her sister, first shot. This was the boy’s first their school work because of poor the Justice who has many friends in this vicinity. ’s Court for Justice of the health. fourth grade and Esther Barnett, for Mra. Farmer, of Tenmile, Oregon. Peace and Constable District No. 3, Mrs. Jackson was a member of the ’31 deer. Mrs. Mettie Peterson returned Fri merly of Coquille, is in the eighth Mrs.. Mary Adams returned to h$r County of Coos, State of Oregon, in graduating class of Arago high school Fred Shelton was home this week home after a ieveral weeks* stay at end from the OCC camp at Powers. day from her week’s trip to Portland a certain cause wherein E. L. Vinton and is a graduate of the Northwestern gTade. and other valley points. She accom is plaintiff, and Bandon Beach Realty Keith Kribbs, who attended his the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. School of Commerce of Portland. The high school will again have panied Mra. Thos. Anderson and son, Company, a corporation is Defendant, freshman year in high school here Lewis, of Arcata, Calif. Those present were Mrs. Ralph Myers, available a state traveling library Macy, of Coquille. and commanding me to satisfy the but who was at Santa Monica, Calif., Mrs. Barton Stemmier returned to sum of 318.40 with interest at 6 per Mra. Adrian Halter and son, George for school and community use. The I. J. Watson ’ s mother is visiting cent from August 8, 1933, and costs Allen, Verna Halter, Mrs. C. A. Kelt- last year, is back as a Junior. Merle her home in (Roseburg after a week’s firat one will arrive in a few days. here from California. Many old and disbursements 32.50, together ner, Mrs. Gordon Fleming and son, Randleman, who was a freshman last visit at the W. E. Lundy home. William McFarlane will be in charge The Ladies’ Aid of the Presbyter of these books during school hours. friends are happy to greet her once with accruing costs, I WTLL ON SAT Donald, Mrs. Gus Schroeder, Mrs. year at Myrtle Point, and Charles URDAY, THE 28th DAY OF OCTO more. Lawrence Barklow. Mrs. Wayne Webb, who was a freshman at River ian Church met Wednesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ward, Mr. and BER, 19(38, at the hour of 10 o’clock ton, are new members of the sopho at the church parlors. After the Woodward, Frieda Schroeder, Mrs. Mrs. Don Gillespie, of Coquille; and in the forenoon of said day at the frdnt door of the County Court House Jesse Clinton and Mrs. A. M. Chris more class. Alvin Fredenburg, who usual business meeting a potluck Evelyn Berry enjoyed a fishing trip "The Kibitzer” to Be at in the City of Coquille, Coos County. tensen, of Myrtle Point, and Mrs. L. attended at Powers and Coquille last dinner was enjoyed. to Bandon Friday. Mr. Ward caught year, and Fred Miller, who was not Bay Saturday, Sept. 30 Oregon, offer for sale and sell at Lowell Bothwell and Charles Cul a forty-two and one half pound Chin A. Myers. public auction, to the highest and best Mra. Edith Woodward went to Fair in school, are new in the freshman bertson made a business trip to Port ook and Mrs. Ward caught a fourteen bidder for cash in hand, all the right, (By Sam Gordon, the Kibitzer) class. land the first of the week. view Saturday to spend a few days title and interest of the said De pound Silverside. Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Pemberton, of From the tent house on the Congo fendant in and to the following de There are two new teachers on the with her daughters, Mrs. Geb. Gil George Heather, Jr., drove out to real property, located in Coos lespie and Miss Edith Woodward, who staff this year, 1 Alvin Allen, who Dallas, Oregon, visited friends in Portland the last week-end to see his to the penthouse in Chicago contract scribed taught at Bridge last year, succeeds Myrtle Point the last of the week. wife, who is in a hospital there. He bridge has grown in popularity until County, Oregon, to-wit: are teaching school there. AM *“ that part irt of the SW*4 SW14 of of the Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow G. W. Ayers as principal and Mrs. They were called home suddenly by was much rejoiced to find her greatly people are thinking more of bids than NEU of Section 29 Townshi Township 28 Range 14 West of the Willam- moved back to their home at Arago Emily Hickam, who has taught the the serious illness of Dr. Pemberton's improved in health. She has been they are of kids. It is getting so South r ette'Meri __ ierid ___ Ran lying North of the for the winter Wednesday. They have past two years at Bose Hill school, is sister, Mrs. Dick Buell. steadily gaining in weight and the that when you go to a party you are County Road less part taken for road. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Carver returned hospital attendants hold out much no longer asked if you have a batch been camping at Waldport this sum teaching the fourth, fifth and sixth The East half of the West .half of of brew ready. Your credentials are NEU of the NEU of Section 29 mer, while Mr. Barklow was employed grade room, which position was left home the first of the week from a hope for her recovery now. trip to Washington and on Tuesday vacant when Miss Gertrude Borgard with the state highway department. Mildred Lemon, of Coaledo, spent sufficient if you can take a hand in a Township 28 South Range 14 West of Willamette Meridian. bridge game. Kenneth Carl, who is a member of resigned to accept a position in the they moved to Powers, where Mr. the week-end with Bessie Cuasic. West U of 9EU of the NEU of A new industry may spring up. the Dairy club judging team of O. S. grade school at Myrtle Point. Due to Carver has employment. Miss Gertrude (Borgard, who is Section 29 Township 28 Range 14 Mrs. Katherine Arnold returned Men out of work will pick out a busy C., left Sunday morning for Cor irregularity in enrollment a shift has Myrtle West of Willamette Merdian less part teaching the fifth grade at vallis, where he joined the other been made in the lineup of grade home Tuesday from Salem, where she Point, spent the week-end at her spot and hang up a sign which reads: taken for road, less 2.55 acres sold “I will listen to your bridge problem in Vol. 11« page 40 three members of the team, Ed teachers. Miss Scott teaches the visited her daughter, Mrs. Reuben home on Lamps creek. Lots 7 and 8 in Block 14 Sunset Hartley. three lower grades, Mns. Hickam the for two bits.” Grimes, Harold Finnigan and George A Music Club has been organized City located in Coos County, Oregon. fourth, fifth and sixth, and Mrs. Ray Wallace Dement was a Coquille To play the game of contract, a Cook, and after registering at the Said sale being made subject to re in the high school. A short meeting business visitor Wednesday. college they are leaving immediately the seventh and eighth. was held Monday afternoon for those player must learn the meaning of demption in the manner provided by law. The Hale and Peterson stock ranch In the first student body meeting on a trip to the World’s Fair at Chi who were interested in both vocal bide. Bids are merely a code lang Dated at.Coquille, Oregon, this 28th uage between partners. Through the cago, where they will judge dairy held Friday, offices made vacant by above Bridge was sold this week to and instrumental music. The club day of September, 1933. a man from Los Angeles J “ . California. code language of bids, partners teH students who are not in school, were products. They will also stop at Wat H. E. Hees, has not yet elected officers. Mrs. M. J. Morrison and Katie erloo, Iowa, for stock judging. The filled as follows: secretary, Mary George Heather, Sr., who has been each other what their hands contain 8715 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon trip is sponsored by the college and Helen Watkins; athletic and advertis Guerin went to Port Orford Thursday working at the W. T. Alpine coal so that the beat results may be ob Ed Grimes will drive his car on the ing manager, Wallace Carl. Mr. Allen on a fishing trip. mine, is laid off for a few days and tained for the partnership. Players Mrs. W. E. Fite, who has been ill was elected faculty adviser for the trip. « is working on his new house now. might take a lifetime trying to learn for several weeks at the Reuben the meaning of bids merely by play Leona Pauli is staying with Mrs. M. student council and Iris Barklow as Rouppe home, was able to be taken He expects to return to the mine ing. The easiest and the quickest freshman representative. B. Mix this week as Mra. Mix has again next week. to her home this week. been quite ill and is still confined to There will be a special school meet way is to have someone explain their on all kinds of meanings. her bed. ing at the school house Saturday af Marriage Licenses Camp Fire Girls Notes A player who lived in Coquille ternoon, Sept. 80th. The school board Mr. and Mrs. Henry Collier and Sept. 22—Harold Carver, of Myrtle Was neurta about bridge with each The Otokson Camp Fire group met ha decided to establish another bus children, Rose Marie and John, and Point, and Jacqueline Holloway, of at the home of Mrs. Gao. Bryant last on the North Bank road. To do this, ■raffle. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Beal, of North Bend, Coquille. Before cutting the roast Tuesday. Audrey Taylor was ap Local and Long Distance without increasing the amount of our left Monday morning on a hunting Sept. 23—Winfield Spencer Ross pointed as treasurer, succeeding Lor budget, it will be necessary to trans He would shuffle the toast trip near Grants Pass. and Bernice Alene Erickson, both of raine Sanders. Entertainment and re fer some funds already voted for And hand them to someone to duiMe. Abe Hicks and Roy Purser return Marshfield. Sam Gordon, the Kibitzer, special freshment committees were appointed other purposes, but not needed now, ed home Monday from the hop fields Sept. 28—Woodrow T. Matson and for the coming six months. The at to the transportation fund. It re writer for the Oregonian and noted Phones 101J—224L after a month's absence. Lilas B. Vitale, both of North Bend. tendance contest has just ended and quires the vote of the people to le bridge expert, will lecture on contract Mi«. G. A. Collier entertained at a They were married at the A. A. Mat- a dinner will be held Saturday, Oct. bridge, Culbertson system, at the galize this transfer. party Wednesday afternoon in honor son home on the Bay last Sunday by 7. Plans are being made for a Camp Since the high school boys are hav Elks Temple in Marshfield on Satur of her grand daughter, Glenda Stew Rev. T. M. White. Fire demonstration in a few weeks. Mansell Drayage & ing only two physical education pe day night. Mr. Gordun’« bridge talks art, who was five years old that day. Sept. 26—Myrl Thomas Nowlin, of riods a week this year, it has been are familiar to radio listeners over Dainty refreshments of jello and cake Langlois, and Emma Edna Smith, of Delivery Co. decided to open a work shop period KOW and KEX were served to the following gueeta. Bandon. for the other three days. Only boys His visit is being sponsored by Mrs. How Many? Fancy Elberta and J. H. Hale PEACHES $5’55 6-00 6'30 6*70 7’00 Coquille Service Station Canvas Gloves Special SATURDAY ONLY Best Quality Heavy Gloves 69 Busy Corner Grocery New low Price ÇOAL HAUUNG .-—A *