Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1933)
■e PAGB BIX Sport Briefs ticing up for the time when he will come face to face with the lordly buck (By Mark Seeley) which he seeks. I am not aayuig that By I-*na Leneve Coach Hartley’s face, once marked My prediction concerning the past all tenderfeet war upon birds and with an “at a loss” appearance, hue squirrels but I believe that the maj _______ to a countenance marked spring was good, to say the changed That is, it was good for a good laugh. ority of them are so inclined and 1 with grim determination aa he face« With everything pointing to an early make this statement from past assxi- the oncoming football season. The spring, arrival of different birds, ation with them. I have seen the nov “at a lora” mask was caused by the grouse hooting, flowers blooming, etc., ice pull such stunta—stunts that sick situation that he faced during the I made the prediction that spring was en an old timer, who enjoys the com first week of practice when the big here. The weather gods must have pany of the squirrels and birds about huskies of Coquille High turned out been laughing up their sleeves, for as camp. But the chances are ten to one to be a more or leas shrunken lot with you all know, they gleefully poured that this is the way that the old timer exceptions, of course, arising here gobs and gobs of water down upon us Himself took to the woods, with the ¡and there. And added to the fact r for what seemed eons. So now 1 am desire to kill burning strongly within that the individuals were not big, the not going to be so foolish as to pre him and shooting every living bird turnout was very slim, it not being dict an early fall, but I am going to and small animal with which he came until the middle part of this week point out a few things that seem to in contact. I think that most all of us that the local mentor viewed two point to the fact that in the'disguise are alike when it comes to this. Es full teams on the field. However, the grim look came over of fall, that Old Man Winter is in the pecially ------ in the old . days when conser- act of invading our land. This copy is nation was not taught the way it ] Mr. Hartley’s features when he noted being written Sept. 5 for the Sept. 22 today, when there were no splendid that he oan at least boast of a few issue of the Sentinel and it is hard to organizations as the Boy Scouts and things for the 1938 Red Devils. True, state just what the weather will be the Auduben Societies who constantly there will likely be weak epota dot when this rolls off the press. There fight for the preservation of our birds ting the lineups, but with the reliable may be snow upon the ground, the and small animals. In the old days Plaep at center and Pook and {¡lane bottom laneta may be flooded with txiys were taught to shoot at an early cypher at the tackle posts, the line water, the river bank full, or—the sun age and their tagets consisted of every is considered to be centered and may be shining. Be that as it may, oird of the forest, but today it is dlf- flanked with strength enough to com thifigs which look like an early fall ferent. Many old hunlers, I am sure, pete in these respects with any op at the present tipi® are: The geese lookback with regret upon their early position. Then at one end Morris, flying south, an occurrence that old shooting days, when like bloodthirsty another letterman, should come forth timers cannot recall in the past at thb ittle savages they sallied forth and with a good year, after two years time of year; huckleberries are ripe, exterminated all the wild life they of seasoning as a reserve. Added to blue and black ones; maple trees are eould account for. But the young this quartet of experienced men is.a taking on their golden hue and leaver Americans of today are getting a trio who have been fast fighting their are falling from many trees. Every break. They are taught right from way to the fore. They are Matney, thing points to an early fall—then wrong and each year, 1 believe, sees end, Swain, tackle, and Barton, guard, is no mistaking that fact, but never- leas bloodshed amongst our smaller and each is more than* determined to mske the initial lineup and stay in theless the writer isn’t making any game and birds. more predictions concerning th« But nothing on earth, it seems, can it. Hartley, in considering this line, I weather. prevent the novice from becoming ex- Not long ago I was over on the head cited and shooting a fellow hunter by ' realizes that its quality is, as yet. 1 OUT-OF-DOORS STUFF OR REN 165 TELEPHONES which have been taken out of service in Coquille during the past three years IDe are now doinq iu M any qood merchant does when he "finds himself overstocked with goods* WE ARE MAKING A SACRIFICE NO CHARGE FOR INSTALLING TELEPHONES I fintj employee cf the telephone company tuiil be gieci to take your order or qive you. further in-Tormaixn. WEST COAST TELEPHONE COMPANY “The Friendly Company” of South Slough. That timbered count- mistaking him for a deer and from 1 quite unknown but that it has many ' camping on designated camp grounds ' ry holds some interesting headlights shooting down old does and fawns, ■ potentialities. Plaep, without a doubt, < Mrs E A Woodyard Bac. Mus. ROVER Accredited Teacher pf Voice and of history. Somewhere between the Each season sees several human lives i will bear the brunt, but not without i set aside and improved for that pur pose must have a permit to build a Piano announces the opening of head of the slough and old Randolph lost in our state, not to mention other much aid. Pook did not play last sea- Along the lines of the most ap her studio Sept. 5th. there lies $40,000 in gold. Years ago, states of the union and each season 1 eon due to inedibility, but in 1931 he camp fire. This is construed as not to proved modern methode. include safe camp stoves which are shortly after the battle of Battle Rock hundreds of does and fawns are slain, was a regular. Beginners to advanced students 105 W. 2nd St. Phone 30-L 550 N. Henry St. Phone 230-L a party of whites pursued by the In- rhe novice, upon -sighting a deer, The backfield, as it is lined up st cooled off, folded up and taken along when the camper leaves. ( dians and carrying the gold, crossed usually begins firing. If ‘he kills a present, will be composed of midgets, No. 3. A party entering a National the Coquille river on a raft near Ran- 'buck, O K, but if a doe or fawn—not Newton and Davis being at the half Forest for the purpose of camping dolph and struck into the woods to so good. Nine times out of ten the back notches, Bailey at quarter, and elude the Indians. But they were latter are left to rot in the woods be- Hatcher at fullback. Newton and the I over night who is traveling other than pressed closely and finally abandoned cause the slayer fears he may be ap- latter are lettermen, while Davis has on foot must have an axe, shovel, and the gold. It was hidden and the party prehended by a warden if thetneat is had previous experience at North bucket of suitable size to put out a continued on up the coast. Years lat- taken care of. That is one reason why Bend, but he is not an award winner. fire. The axe must weigh at least 2*4 er one of the survivors returned and I advocate an open season on does for Without a doubt this backfield will pounds, with a 26-inch handle, the sought to locate the gold but th« a few years, allowing each hunter a be a tricky one, but because it is com shovel must have a 36-inch handle, country had grown up and it was buck and a doe as a bag limit. It would posed of such light men it will re and the bucket must have a capacity never found. It appears to me that save tons of meat that is left to lie quire lots of line puah. Hartley knows of at least one gallon. This closure is still in effect and this better-than anybody and to this prospectors who hie themselves about and rot in the woods each season, By Dr. ERNEST H. LINES through the hills year after year in The reason that men are mistaken end he is modeling suitable offensive will be until the first of October, Don’t think, however, that unless continued by the Governor’s pursuit of the elusive nugget might and shot by young hunters for deer is movjs. take a whirl at the $40,000 along the the fact that the novice goes into the these boys are shy about heavy line proclamation. EXERCISE AND REST old Randolph trail. It’s there some woods with “deer on the brain.” The smacking. place between South Slough and Ran- first glimpse of moving brush, or of a The Coquille team will suffer from Supt. Ward on First ACATION time is a period when many people whose daily work does object is taken for a deer and | lack of reserves but the first team is dolph and when it comes to prospect- moving i Three Weeks of School not involve physical effort try to catch up on exercise. Some of them ( ing, it appears to me as good, a pros- 1 fired on. That is why the killings are expected to be whipped into four go about it in such a way that they do themselves more harm than good. pect as any. | practically all laid at the door of the , quarter condition. ("Continued from first page) Don’t imagine, Choose some exercise that will keep you out in the open air and sunshine^ • • aa __ a Now if any of you treasure seekers tenderfoot. He simply doesn’t use his , though, that Hartley will be a bit Got . tennis, swimming, baseball a*»d r public the exact type and number of locate this gold, remember I have a head—he loses it instead. During the 1 backward about making changes if sn hiking are beneficial in moderation. Isrly during the summer time. By couple of nuggetaxoming for tipping past three weeks I have talked with individual shows any signs of let prizes won. "A Don’t try to play thirty-six holes of getting plenty of sleep and breathing you off to it Now just a word concerning the several dozen young fellows who in down. At least he is going ahead as golf or go on a ten-mile hike the first pure air you lessen the possibilities Jack Conlogue gave me some inter tend going into the woods this reason. fast as possible with the first en new members of the faculty: Miss of exhaustion during excessively hot few days of your vacation. esting dope on the whole country over Each one eagerly informed me that he gagement of the season, Marshfield Florence Hill is a graduate of the weather. If unaccustomed to strenuous exer Go to a movie, read, or sit around there at the head of the slough. One was crasy to kill a deer, or words to on Golden Field on September 30, im University of Oregon and obtained cise, do not begin too vigorously. and chat in the evening before Exercise should leave one pleasantly of the largest spruce belt« in the that effect. If I had the means of find- pressed on his mind. Marshfield has ' her master’s degree from the same retiring. Relax for at least a quarter fatigued, not exhausted. Persons country ran through there at one time, ing out, I wouldn’t be afraid to wager had a turnout of 45 men but among institution in 1931. She has had hour before eating, and for at least who take little exercise during the but millions of feet were taken out that each and every one of those I these is only one regular from the twelve years’ experience in teaching, an hour after meals. Don’t go winter, especially adults over forty, during the war. However,! there is still have talked to, upon sighting a deer ,1932 team, Diehl, guard, who was of two years in Coos and Curry counties, swimming for at least two hours should be extremely careful to exer quite a stand of that tjimber there. start in shooting, not stopping to as all-county caliber. Coach Osborn, four of which were in North Bend. after eating, or you may have an cise only moderately. We measured one tree that Was 30 certain whether or not it is a buck nevertheless, always has a huge abun She is mathematics instructor in the attack of muscle cramps or indiges Don ’ t force yourself to the golf feet in circumfepiice. " Mr? Conlogue at which they are firing. All they dance of, fine-looking athletes on Junior High School and is organizing tion and drown. course or to the tennis court when informed me that he had logged 335,- want is to kill a deer. They are out hand, and year in and year out the a Junior Girls League. Plenty of rest and relaxation is you are already physically tired. essential to getting the most out of 000,000 feet of spruce out of that diet to do so and the chances are that the Pirate teams usually are contenders. Joseph Sayre is a graduate of East Many of the sudden deaths of middle- your vacation. Banish business rict. During the war a small army of buck they pot will be either a doe or ern Oregon Normal School in March, agid men apparently in good health, worries and get outdoors in the civil engineers entered that area. They a man, for the poor fellow that shakes during or immediately following a Everywhere in the United States 1933. He did his practice teaching in Erne df golf, show the danger of this, sunshine. Rebuild your mental and were government men and planned on a brush in any of their faces or crawls football is fest taking the front seat. the La Grande public schools. In physical resources for the next year’s ercise should be a recreation and building a railroad from Randolph in upon his hands snd knees through the And along with other players Coos athletics, he is a letter Man both in work. a pleasure, not a duty to be performed to the spruce belt to take put spruce | brush in their vicinity sure has my county boys are making marks for high school and normal school. He is irresi>ectivs of the condition of the for airplsne construction. The righa- sympathy in advance. themselves on Oregon teams of the instructor in history and athletic This is the wwntA o/ a series of 12 body at the time. Avoid strenuous way was cut and surveyed but the war But as the years drag on and these schools of higher learning. At Mon coach in the Junior High School. articles on Vacations and Health exercise during the heat of the day. I ended before the construction of the hunters each season take to the brush mouth Normal two ex-North Bend The eighth, on Swimming, will Theodore Luebke is a graduate from I answer the questions' railroad was started. Mr. Conlogue hey gradually overcome their case of athletes, Wilson Graham and Ken Oregon State College and a major in Sleep and Rest gave me an old survey stake that wa .lerves, excitement, buck ague and the Bowers, are listed by Coach Larry Commerce. He has also done gradu 1. If you are pushed Into deep "Early to bed and early to rise" is still standing that had been put there lust to kill, and look back with amuse Wolfe as two of his beat bets, Gra ate work at the University of Wash water and can't swim, what a good rule to follow' the year rouge*, should you dot a. Do good by the surveyors in 1917. ment and perhaps with revulsion upon ham as a halfback and Bowers at ington in Business Administration. and specially on your vacation, twiratners often drown T >. What It is seldom that you hear of an i the trail of blood they have left be- guard. Marshfield High also boasts His experience consists of three years t least eight, and preferably Oc are cramps and how oan they be old hunter shooting a fellow hunter ' hind them. They are now seasoned two. Jack Jbhannesen, center, and in the Rainier Union High School and ” irs sleep every night. ai freventedT by mistaking him for a deer. It is hunters, enddired with a deep love for John Corcoran, fullback, on the Col three years in the Roseburg Senior rooms 1,.. ... ___ in which you slee t 1 always the novice that does so. This | the woods and all it contains. They umbia University eleven in Portland, High School. ic^msai. ism . m . r. L l."c»3 should bo weil ventilated, particu- is very easily explained. The old hunt- , are no longer slayers and the hunting Corcoran is playing his third season er after years of experience in the and slaying of their annual bucks is at Columbia, while the two North Aa we come to the third week of _____ hunting game goes forth in search of a business proposition. And the men Bend boys raw service al Pacific Uni the new school year we are able to his buck with the idea of getting the that once trod the forest trails be versity two seasons ago. Johannesen, give comparative figures on the en meat to eat at once, can or jerk. It fore ■ then are now either too old to in .his debut season in collegiate rollment. is purely a business proposition with hunt, or they lie beneath the soil. But circles, is msking the grade as a September 20, 1932, showed the fol Standing with majestic gran him. That meat is going to come in the one time young timer is an old regular. lowing high schfiql enrollment: Post deur opposite the Twenty-third handy. The sight of a deer has long timer now—a veteran of the woods Graduates 9, Seniors 50, Juniors 48, street entrance in the geograph since ceased to cause the old timer’s and he casta the same baleful and sus Sophomores 64, and Freshmen 78. ical center of A Century of nerves to grow jumpy and his heart picious eye upon the novice who is Rains Are Permitting This made a total registration in high Progress—the Chicago World's to pound with excitement. He is cool now taking to the woods as the old the Lifting of Closures school of 249 as of one year ago. Wed Fair—the Havoline thermometer and collected, sizes his deer up care timer, who has now faded from the tower to one of the most popu nesday, September 20, 1983, finds the Gov. Meier has lifted the closure figures as follows: Post Graduate« 10, fully and places his bullet where it scene, once cast upon him—the pres lar rendevouz of the Fair. Lo will do the most damage. He know« ent old timer. And thus it goes, al on the Chetco and Winchuck water Seniors 47, Juniors 57, Sophomores cated on a grassy eminence over looking the lagoon, it is a logi that it is a buck when he fires. Few ways qn the heels of the old timers sheds and other lands outside but ad 69, and Freshmen 74, making a total cal meeting place for Fair visi killings of does can be laid at the door comes more old timers with tenderfeet jacent to the National Forest protec at present in our high school of 267. tors. In addition to these meet of the old deer hunter and when one is trodding in the latter’s footsteps— tive area which required a permit be Washington Building on a corres ings, scores of telephone calls killed you can bet on it that it was not taking toll from the forests, and thus fore entry into this closed area was ponding date of last year showed a are received at the tower daily mistaken for a buck, but was killed for it will no doubt continue down, to the allowed. This was done entirely for total of 199 and at present date we from persons seeking friends. hazardous areas. ! camp meat. No old hunter is going end of Time. have 191. Lincoln Building last year Another closure approved by the had a registration of 234 and this to become so excited or confused that he is mistaking does for bucks and no Governor’s proclamation requires that Letter from Dewey Walker year shows 226. old huhter m going to become so ex each person entering National Forest The total grade registration on In a letter to the Sentinel Wednes cited or confused that he is going to land in the state observe the three September 20th of last year was 433, % the total this year is 417. Total school murder his fellow hunter in cold blood day, C. D. Walker mentions having rilles which are: seen Coquille’s former school super be mistaking him for a deer. No. 1 “No Smoking While Travel enrollment last year at this time intendent, and the success Mr. Fergu ing.’’ This means that the traveler, if Now, on the other hand, let’« take showed 682. while this year we have son is making of the venture he he desires to smoke, should stop and the tenderfoot that goes hunting. He started a little more than a year ago: do so, and be sure snd put out his 674 enrolled. , is in the woods for the first time per Cheater L. Ward, Superintendent. match or burning tobacco before leav haps and in his breast there burns the I was in Port Orchard and made W. ing. This may be done in any place, fierce desire to lay low a mighty buck. Calling cards 100 for SIXX). He^Jias planned and dreamed of the V. Ferguson a visit while there. He so long as he is not moving along the It applies to time that he can display a set of ant has a well arranged grocery store and trhil while smoking. r lers to his friend« and proudly pro is sure knocking them over. He has one-way forest roads, even though claim to the world that he has killed a six men clerks besides himself. Has the smoker is driving in an automo- j bile. It does not apply on surfaced A. F. A A. M. buck. The lust to kill burns strongly opened a second store In Bremerton. within him and he has no compunction Calls his firm “Ferguson Foods.” two-way highways. Special Communication No. 2 requires that anyone camping about blasting little harmless chip Business is fair with me so far and Tuesday, Sept. 26, 8 p. m. See you within the boundaries of a National munks and song birds from their hope conditions pick up. Work in B. A. MISS INEZ Piano Instructor V acations and H ealth V Fair Weather ■J' Chadwick Lodge No. 68 perches with hie trusty rifle, in pmc- first part of the year. Forest or protective arsa and not »