TUB COQUILLE VALUT SENTINEL, COQUILLE. OBEGON. FRIDAY, Nests From Lee Section PASSING MOMENTS Mrs. Rebecca Clinton and daugh­ ter, Mrs. Nellie Congor, of dloaeville, Calif., and Mrs. Jack Mast, of Co-. quills, visited with Mrs. George Clin­ ton one day last week. j “MOMENTS OF OPPORTUNITY” Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown were j Friday dinner guesta of Mr. and Mrs.' ARE CONSTANTLY IN THE PASSING Carl Anderson, of Bald Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson a substantial bank account drove to Independence this week, I where they will work in the hop fields. will enable you to take Mrs. Owen Willson and children, of McKinley, spent a couple of days instant advantage this week with the A. F. Willson fam­ of them ily. The Ladies club was entertained by Mrs. H. W. Mast last Thursday, the meeting being held under a large walnut tree in the yard. Later in the afternoon salad and wafers and punch were served to Meedames W. H. nave yours-at Brown, L. C. Mast, H. W. Harvey, James Hervey, Webb Mast, Emma Scranton, Saling, Wiley Sumerlin, Bud Ingram, Hugo Michael, A. F. Will- FIRST NATIONAL BANK son, Geo. Clinton, S. D. Clark, Mack of Coquille, Oregon Baker, W. V. Schroeder, Mrs. Ray Edwards, of Portland, Mrs. Clyde Mc­ Donald, of Seattle, Wn., and Misses AND PROFIT BY OUR CO-OPERATION Sadie 'Harmon, Francis Shepherd, Le< anna Schroeder, Norma Johnson, 4 I Maxint Ingram, Helen Mast and the of the highest quality ingredients by a new process hostess, Mrs. H. W. Mast. Friday night guests of the Lloyd and baked in a slow oven to insure you of a well-baked Leatherman family were Dr. T. D. loaf. When you buy Ideal Bakery bread from your Yames and Leonard Ranton. McKinley Note« grocer, you are doing your part to help employ Co­ Rev. and Mrs. Barnett, of Myrtle Mr. and Mrs. T. .Loshbaugh, of Point, were Sunday callers at the W. quille people and you would be surprised at the amount i Broadbent, visited in McKinley Mon­ H. Brown home. of materials used and labor required to produce and day. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Schroeder and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Walker and Leanna and Norma Johnson were distribute these breads and pastries each day and by LIIJEQVIST, SWANTON [family, who have been viaiting Mrs. callers in Roseburg one day last week. each family in Coquille using this bread naturally & SLACK Walker's mother, Mrs. Bess Chand­ They were accompanied to Winston means more help and materials and more money circu­ ler, returned to their home in San Bridge by Lawrence Coleman, who Attorneys and Counsellors Francisco last week. has employment in the fruit orchards. First National Bank Building lating over and over again in our town instead of be­ Mr. and Mrs. Bud Ingram have Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Laird and Coquille Oregon ing used just once and sent to some other town. moved to Eugene. daughter, Joanne Weekly, of Coquille, Mrs. May Clark and Mrs. Blanche were week-end guests of Mr. and All our products are guaranteed and if you find any­ C. W. NOYES Baker, of iLee, and the latter’a daugh- i Mrs. L. C. Mast, thing wrong with any of them just phone 49-L and we Attorney at Law ter, Mrs. Avola McDonald, of Seattle, I Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mast, of Co­ will cheerfully replace your purchase or refund your Wn., spent Monday afternoon with' Practice in U. S. D. Court and quille, were Sunday callers at the State Courts Mrs. R. H. Lawhome. 'Webb and Hardy Mast home. money. Thank you—Ideal Bakery. Rm. No. 3 Farmers & Merchants W. W. Rhule, the Lee-McKinley Sunday dinner guests at the W. H. Bank Bld K-, Coquille, Orfgen mail carrier, has rented Wallie Law­ Harmon home were Mr. and Mrs. Jack home’s house and will move about Roher, of Marshfield, Mr. and Mrs. Title Guarantee & Abstract Co. Sept. 1. Mr. Rhule will also drive Carl Anderson, of Bald Hill, Mrs. the McKinley school bua to Coquille Jas. Clinton, Marie and-' Ralph, of Abstracts of Title, Notary Pub- M. Siglin, T. S. Rodabaugh, Mary fendaata. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bridges and Miss this winter. plete abstract plant in Coos Co. Gravel Ford, Mr. and Mrs. W, H. E. Rodabaugh, the unknown heirs IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Edwina Groves made a shopping trip Mrs. Bea Lawhorne visited h*r Brown and Melvin Michael. lie, ins. Bonds. The only com- of T. S. Rodabaugh or of Mary E. OF OREGON. brother, Mack Baker, and family st Rods ba ugh, his wife; the following Each of you is hereby summoned Mr. and Mrs. Bud Ingram went to to Coquille Tuesday. J. E. AXTELL, Sec. heirs of Titus B. Willard, namely; and required to appear and answer Perley Crowley and daughter, Lee Tuesday evening. | Eugene the first of the week to visit Coquille, Ore. Phone 36M Hannah M. Nichols and Melville the Amended Complaint of the above i The ladies of the Home Economics ’ wit’h their BOni Norman. They expect Eloise, made a trip to Curry county Nichols, her hueband, Eunice Har- named Plaintiff filed «gainst you in Monday. Mias Crowley visited her | are sponsoring an entertainment, 1 to go to Junction City to work in the ned Turpin and------- Turpin, her the above entitled Court and cause DR. J? J. LESLIE aunt, Mrs. Volck at Langlois and Mr. candy sale and dance Saturday night,’ hop - - - - husband, the unknown heirs of on August 2, 1983, within four weeks fields. DENTIST Dr. Rufus Willard, Emma Weaver from August 26, 1933, which is the ' Sept. 2. Mrs. Sparlin and Miss Ruth Spar- Crowley went on to Sixes on a busi­ Hours 9-12 m., 1 to 5 p. m. Chaney and — — Chaney, her date of the first publication of this Wedding bells rang for McKinley Tin, of Bandon, were Friday callers of ness trip. husband, Maria Wright and Wil­ Summons, and if you fail so to ap­ Evening by appointment Mrs. Ivan Laird and Mrs. Polly Saturday »when Kenneth Hansen, old­ the Lloyd Leatherman family. Miss liam Wright, her hueband, Matilda pear and answer said Amended Com­ Over Hudson Drug Stars Nickason gave a dinner Sunday in est son of Postmaster and Mrs. H. L. Sparlin will teach the Fairview school Willard, Ray Willard and Ernest plaint, on or before the test day of honor of their parents’ fortieth wed­ Willard, heirs of Agnes Willard the time prescribed in ths order for Hansen, and Loma Harris, daughter this coming term. Crick; The following heirs of Orson publication hereof, namely September Those present of Mrs. Minnie Harris, of Marshfield, Mrs. Ray Edwards, of Portalnd, ding anniversary. R. Willard 8id,—Elmer Witterd, 22, 1933, for want thereof the Plain­ DR. J. F. YOUNG were married. Best wwhes Kennie spent a few days last week with her were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laird, Muri Louwe Mansell and A. M. Mansell, tiff will apply tn the Court for the Chiropractor and Lila Mae, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. and Lorna. psrents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Mast her husband, Beulah De Laney and relief demanded in its said Com­ Nickason, Mrs. Carrie Nickason, Fern 345 So. Hall ■ William DeLaney, her husband, plaint, of which the following ia a She returned the .last of the week to Charlie Willard, Alta Flanagan and succinct statement, viz.: Next Door south of City Hall resume her duties in the physical and Betty Jean Nickason and the hon­ New« Notes From Power« Edwin Flanagan, her husband, That each of you, said Defendants, The new phone 102-M education department of the Y. W. ored ones, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilson. V«ndo Willard, Orva Topping and be ordered to produce all claims which Mrs. Raymond Rookard and baby Friday night a drunken party ended C. A. in that city. — — Topping, her husband, Dora any of you have or make upon the in black eyes, broken furniture and Selander and Ellis Selander, her whole or «ny part of the real proper­ Mrs. Byron Hervey visited with her daughter, Florence Alma, visited Mon­ JAS. W. WHEELER husband; Aurora B. Willard, the ty involved in this suit, that this an unknown party fired several shots sister, Mrs. Geo. Reed, in Roseburg day and Tuesday at the Elmer Wil­ Physician A Surgeon following heirs of Frank E. Wil­ Court determine said claims to be in­ son home. into the pool room, owned by Guy last week. lard; Teresa Pointer and Ralph valid and of no effect and perpetu­ The regular meeting of the McKin­ Ellingson Bldg. Coquille Walker and Sandy Howell. One shot Dr. and Mrs. Franklin Birch and Pointer, her husband, Robah Robi­ ally restrain you from asserting Leave calls at went through the wall into the apart­ son and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Broom, of ley Grange met Saturday evening at son and Rock Robison Jr., her hus­ them thereafter; that all such claims Hudson's Drug Store or at Co­ ment of Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers, Marshfield, were Sunday afternoon the gymnasium building here. band, Norma Livengood and Ralph be quieted and that Plaintiff, Coos Livengood, her husband, Loren Buying and Selling Company, a cor­ The Ladies’ Myrtle (Leaf Club met who room back of the Busy Corner callers of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Mast. quille Hotel Willard, Irvin Willard, and William poration, be declared to be the owner Thursday afternoon at the home of restaurant The officers have been Mrs. Clyde McDonald, of Seattle, Willard; Calvin J. Norris Jr.. Wil­ in fee and of right in the possession Mrs. Ted Abbott Each member an ­ investigating but so far there are no' Wn., ia visiting with her parents, Mrs. lard Norris, and Frank S. Norris; of all of the real property described developments. the following heirs of Thos. R. Wil­ in the Complaint of Plaintiff on file DR. J. R. BUNCH and Mrs. Mack Baker, this week. Mrs. swered roll call by telling a humorous lard, brother of Titus B. Willard— herein, and that Plaintiff have such The new Major has called in the McDonald ia manager of two Van story. Ths time was spent in picking DENTIST Titus M. Willard, Bello Copley, other relief as to the Court may Dainty refresh­ telephone crow of 3-C boys, saying Camp’s stores in Seattle. Her sister, and carding wool. Eliza Lewis, Guy Drew and Sylvia seem equitable, said reel property be- X-RAY Service they were too far from a doctor. They Miss June Baker, returned home with ments were served to the fol louring: his wile, wife, Roy Drew, Maud Mg described as follows: Drew, Ms Laird Bldg., First Street were about Iff miles from town. It her after spending several weeks in Mesdames Stella Crowley, Tom Law- Been and A. S. Bean her hutfcand;: Beginning at the northeast corner Telephone 82-L CoquiUe, Ore home, Elmer Wilson, W. A. Nicka- is a good thing his command did not , the city. Ed C>H«8Pte. Edgsr Phillsps Haves, of that building, generally known as Mary Weekley, and Vance Weekley,' th. Woodmen Building, in the City start sooner or there would be no son, C. M. Wilson, Stalls Laird and her husband, Dora Morns end Wil- of Coquille, in Coos County, Oregon, Brewster Valley town of Powers, for we are 22 miles 1 Mias Eloise Crowley. lard Morris her husand; Cynthia which point is (North 11 degrees 30 from the nearest doctor at Myrtle Mrs. Camilla Smith left Wednesday Mm. Zilphia Krewson accompanied Gillespie Conrad and Merrill minutes East 7090 fast from the GRANT CORBY Point; but the people here are only Mrs. Toni Lawhome on a business morning for Junction City, where she Conrad? hu,b?Pd’ Chaster north lins of First Street and 60.30 Attorney at Law taxpayers, they don’t belong to the trip to Myrtle Point. will have employment. Gillespie, Claud G. Hayes, Eddie t—t South 79 Degree« East from the Richmond-Barker Bldg, Gilleapie, and Louis Frances Hayes: East line of Taylor Street in said army. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Barton, of Pow­ Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laird returned a lanoer, vne _ __ ________ one 157 CoquiUe, Ora. A. . r Flander, the surviving wire wife or of city, eit- ___ «id ___ north line of __ First Strart Large crowds attend the Saturday Wednesday from a few days’ visit in ers, came to visit at the home of Mrs. A- Ze.^'e M,***ir’ I being E40 fort southerly from the b® in r 1-40 feet Residence Phone 24-M night dances here at the present time. Portland. Barton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs Orin Zrttie M. Hawkins, Emily A. Her- southeast * corner of said ' building; All of Coos county was represented sey, Standard Oil Company of Cali­ running thence from said northeast The Bryant logging camp has fin­ Kirk, this week. fornia, « corporation; Myrtle Camp corner North 79 degrees West 60.30 here Saturday night. ished the logging contraet here in the J. ARTHUR BERG No. 197 Woodmen of the World, feet to the east line of Taylor Street; Inspecting Irrigation Today There will be a 3-C camp located in valley and have moved to their new Attorney at Law as existing prior to its incorpora­ thence running South 11 degrees All persona interested in irrigation the town of Powers this winter. De­ job near Powers. tion in the year 1903, Myrtle Camp West 70.70 feet along the east line Rooms 14 1 tails have not been worked out as yet No. 197, Woodmen of the World, a of Taylor Street to a point 1.20 feet Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Niergarth, have been invited to attend an irri­ Farmers A Merchants Bank Bldg corporation, as existing since about southerly from the southwest comer There are also chances that a camp Elder and Mrs. Fish, of Coquille, Mr. gation field meting which is held at Phone «7 April 2, 1903, Myrtle Camp No. of said building; thence running east­ CoquiUe. Oregon will be located on the Sixes, at Fred and Mm. Copeland and children, of the, Clarence Schroeder farm at Arago 1W7, Woodmen of the World, as ex­ erly, South 79 degrees East, 60.90 Powers old camp. Marshfield. Mr. and Mm. Buell, of at 1:30 today. isting on, prior, and subsequent to fact along north line of First Street This meeting was arranged through School will start in Powers Septem­ Dora, were Saturday callers at the August *26, 1931, and Woodmen of to a point which io 1.40 feet souther­ DR. W. V. GLAISYER ber 4. There will be a large enroll­ home of Mr, and Mrs. Perley Crowley. the county agent’s office and is being the World, a corporation of Colo­ ly from the southeast comer of said rado, and the City of Coquille, a building; thence running North 11 VETERINARIAN ment with probably crowded condi­ Miss Wanda Houdyshell, Miss participated in by officials of the Municipal Corporation; and all the degrees 30 minutes East 70.90 feet tions for so many families have moved Marie Whobrey, Ralph Cochran, Ed Mountain States Power company and Coanty Herd A Meat Impactor unknown or unnamed heins of any along the east line of said building in here lately. There will be several Wagner, of Coquille, and Harold Dick, A. S. King, extension specialist in Coquillo, óra. of the persona above named herein, to the place of beginning. Which new teachers. One, Elizabeth Thomas, of Camas, spent Sunday at the Crow­ eoils from the state college. and also all other persons having or tract of real property covers all of claiming an interest in the real the land occupied by the said Wood­ The results obtained so far from who will teach French and English, is ley home. property hersin-after described, men Building, 'together with the strip J. A. RICHMOND a graduate of the Powers High, and Elmer Wilson and Minor Mead irrigation which was started about Defendants: 4.60 feet wide northerly of the north­ three weeks ago on pasture land and Is a very popular girl with both the made a business trip to Camas Valley PHYSICIAN a«d SURGEON To the unknown heirs of Evan Cun­ west side of said building and also a .alfalfa will be studied at thio meet­ older and younger groups. Florence Sunday. Richmond-Barker Building ningham; the aurviving wife of Evan strip on the south side of said build­ Stewart, who taught the third grade, Miss Florence Mead spent Sunday ing; also, the mechanical setup includ­ Cunningham; the unknown heira of ing and being 1.20 feet wide at the Coquille, Ore. will not return and Eva Marie New­ evening at the home of her sister, ing motor, pump, piping and flumes. J. M. Siglin; T. S. Rodabaugh, Mary weat end and 1.40 feet wide at the Phones: Office 62M, Res. MR This installation on the Schroeder, E. Rodabaugh; the unknown heira of oast end. The West line of which ton, the commercial teacher, has found Mrs. Ray Bookard, of Myrtle Point. S. Rodabaugh or of Mary E. Rod­ property coincides with the East line at the last minute that she will not Mr. and Mrs. ETwin Alford and Al farm was made by the Mountain T. of Taylor Street and the East edge J. J. STANLEY return this year. Mildred Fisher, the Alford made a trip to Coquille Sun­ States Power company late this sum­ abaugh, his wife; the following heirs of the cement sidewalk; and the of Titus B. Willard, namely; Hannah first grade teacher, is not returning day to get Mrs. Al Alford, who has mer to provide an opportunity for M. Nichols and Msllville Nichols, her South line of which property co­ LAWYER either. been receiving medical treatment those interested in Irrigation to see husband: Eunice Hamed Turpin ahd incide« with the North line of First Office tn First National Bank Mrs. Elmer A. Maiden, (Agnes Wil­ there. a plant in operation and the results — — Turpin, her husband; the un­ Street: and the East line of which known heirs of Dr. Rufus Willard; property is the same as the Eaet line son), is now with her hudband, sta­ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Christensen ______ obtained from the use of water. Building, Coquille, Oregon Emma Weaver Chaney and — — of the property conveyed to plaintiff tioned in New York. They went from and Grant Harry attended the Fel- Chaney, her husband; Maria Weight by deed of Emily A. Hersey recorded IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE San Francisco to New York by the lowship meeting at the Assembly and William Wright, her husband; at Page 680 of Book 117 of the rec­ STATE OF OREGON IN AND Ike following heirs of Orson R. Wil­ ords of deeds of Coos County, Oregon. NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL Panama canal and had a lovely trip. Church of Myrtle Point Monday. FOR THE COUNTY OF This Summons is served upon said lard 3rd,— Elmer Willard, Louise Every day old familiar faces ap­ ACCOUNT COOS Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nickason and Mansell and A. M. Mansell, her hus­ Defendants by publication thereof in Notice is hereby given that the un­ pear in the street of Powers; for they family and Mrs. C. M. Wileon and band, Beulah De Laney and William the CoquiUe Valley Sentinel, a week­ Case No. >747 dersigned, administrator of the es­ all come back, if only for a visit. DeLaney, her hueband, Alta Flana­ ly newspaper, for the period of four Mrs. Elmer Wilson made a business Suit in Equity to Quiet Title tate of Frank Witteman, deceased, ft rained in the nearby mountains trip Tuesday to Coquillo. Summons for Publication gan and Edwin Flanagan, her hus­ weeks successively, by virtue of an has filed in the County Court of the Buying and Selling Company, band, Vando Willard, Orva Top- order of publication made by Hon. D. Carl Groves arrived home Saturday Coos State of Oregon for Coos County, hie Monday night but only a light fog F. Thompson, County Judge of Coos a Corporation, Plaintiff/ ping and — — ’ final account as such administrator fell in Powers. from the Weekley camp. He had the County, Oregon, dated August 22; vs. husband; Calvin J. _____ and eaid Court has appointed Monday, The Medford grocery of Coquille misfortune to receive three broken Titls Guarantee and Abstract Com­ Willard Norris, and Frank S. Nor­ 1933. the 18th day of September, 1MB. as has opened a branch store in Pow­ The date of the first publication of pany, • Corporation of Oregon, ria; unknown and aH the ribs and will be unable to resume the day for the hearing of objections Henry Sengstacken Company, a or unnamed heirs of any of this Summons of August 25, 1933. to the said final account and the set- ers in the Coos Bay Market store work for some time. 6. D. Pulford, Corporation of Oregon, the un­ the persons above named herein, and room, which has been built over since M wlltTOalv Mies Genevieve Crowley left Mon­ known heir« of Evin Cunningham, also all other persons having or Attorney for Plaintiff. Fred Powers bought the building day for Bandon to prepare for the Residence and P. O. Address, Co­ the surviving wife of Evqn Cun­ claiming an interest in the real Administrator of the Estate of fro« the Ooea Bay Lumber Co. 32t5 school year there, ningham, ths unknown heirs of J. property hereinafter deecrlbod. De- quille, Oregon. Frank Wittasnan, Deceased. «1« Second Announcment Of Ideal Bakery’« New Slow Bailed BREAD Made in Six Different Wholesome Varieties Delicious Long Loaf Graham > French • Raisin Rye Cracked Wheat ! Professional Cards ’te. ft * f. -