raí coqunxi yallry unrnrau « coquille , ormon . friday , august ss . i » m . MU". School Announcements Three Fine Shows at —Will Open September 5 Liberty Beginning Tonight (Continuad from first page) * Starting thia Friday night the week’s program at the Liberty Thea­ t era st of economy and if the enroll­ tre is an usually attractive one. For ment does not increase, organisation tonight and Saturday the main pic­ will be perfected to care for the sec­ ture, “Parole Girl,” features Mae tions of grades affected. Clark and Ralph Bellamy. High School registration is as fol­ The production concerns • young lows: girl innocently drawn into the con­ Wednesday, August thirtieth, is to fidence game by a slick racketeer, who be known as Inquiry Day for students through aiding her father at some and parents. Hours: 9 to 4 p. m. in time, holds her under obligation. Hale the High School Library. Principal Hamilton is “Tony," a suave gang­ Hartley will be in charge. ster. Marie Prevost portrays Registration is to take place Thurs­ “Jeanie," a hard-boiled but lovable í day, August SI, and Friday, Septem­ character, who throws bricks at wom­ ber 1, in the Library of the High en rivals for her man. There are sev­ I » School. Hours: 9:30 to 4 p. m. eral outstanding comedy scenes. We urge that all parents and stu­ The' Saturday night preview, at dents take advantage of these days 10:46, features Lionel Barrymore in I that are set . wide and clear up all "Looking Forward." The star is sup­ questions as to courses, unite, and ported by such well known players as credits. Lewis Stone, Bemita Hume and Phil­ I General faculty meeting will .bel lips Holmes. I .1 The picture tells a story of the held Saturday, September 2, at 2 p. m. in the High School study hall. Sec­ modern business world and the effects « tional faculty meetings will be held of the depression on a great depart­ I in the different buildings with the ment store. Its title, ‘"Looking For­ principals on Monday, September 4, ward,” was selected by special per­ I mission of President Franklin Roose­ as follows: d • High School—0:30 in the High velt. The symbolic phrase was used by the President as the title of hi* re­ School Library. Washington—10:30 in the Princi- cently published and widely acclaimed book. pal’s room. And then on Sunday night comes Lincoln—2 KM) p, m, in the Library one of the outstanding pictures of at Lincoln. School opens and all student« are re­ 1933, "Hell Below.” Thousands of quested to be present for all day on men and women appear in the cast. Tuesday, September 5. Primary stu­ The picture was filmed at Pearl Har­ dents entering the first grade will be bor, Hawaii. Uncle Sam’s navy may be describ­ kept only at the discretion of the in­ ed as the unpublicixed star of "Hell structors. We have been asked many times Below," for without the active co­ during the summer regarding our at­ operation of the naval department, titude toward post graduate students. filming of this ambitious sea picture We realise and appreciate the condi­ could scarcely have been undertaken tions facing many high school grad­ at all. The picture was adapted from uate« and, as far as 'possible, the ad­ ministration is willing to cope with Commander Edward EHsberg’s story, and meet this situation. Graduates “Pigboata,”, and its all-star cast in­ from the Coquille High School, unde- cludes Robert Montgomery, Waiter People have come to expect Chevrolet to economy . . . Cushion-Balanced to blot out the age of twenty-one, are welcome to Huston, Madge Evans, Jimmy Du­ lead the world in automobile sales. But this . vibration . . . full of snap and vigor —altogether enroH for work if they do so with the rante. Eugene Pallette and Robert year Chevrolet has done even more than that. idea of completing their course and Young, under the direction of Jack the most efficient engine in the low-price field. maiding the very beat of their oppor­ ConWay. For fifteen days the actor* According to the latest available figures, Chev­ in “ Hell Below," coached by regular Then there’s Syncro-Mesh with Silent Second, tunities. If there is a sufficient num­ rolet alone has sold almost as many cars this year ber of post graduate students who en­ navy men, manned torpedo tubes, the Starterator, Simplified Free Wheeling, the • as all the rest of the low-price field combined! rol! we hope to organise a separate worked control* and literally lived un­ Octane Selector, long, parallel-mounted springs— class for them and perhaps get in der the water at the submarine base When a car looms above its field like that, there more advancements than we have space to touch -with the Extension Division of at Pearl (Harbor. That’s how the big­ can’t be any argument about it. It mutt be describe. And Chevrolet prices are as low as $445. gest thrill ever staged by submarines one of our state institutions and offer an all-round better buy. And that’s exactly Don’t guess—buy from the leader. Get a car that an extension course for credit Of lor a talking picture was made. Cameras from portholes of sub­ what Chevrolet offers you. Fisher bodies, with has been proved sound and dependable by more course, in registering post graduate students it is to be understood that if merged submarine photographed ac­ the new ventilation system and the strongest owners than any other automobile you can buy. classes are crowded, they cannot be tion—thanks to special underwater and quietest body construction of the day — CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., DETROIT, MICH. admitted as we must avoid over-load­ lights and lenses, and the fact that •olid steel over a sturdy hardwood frame.* A Hawaiian waters are so remarkably AU prio — t. o. b. Flint, Mioh. Spooial tqulfmttit aajtra. Lear ing our teaching force and going be­ valve-in-head six engine, unapproached for dalirarad prmaa and aaay O. ft. A. C. forms. yond the state limit in number. But clear. In the picture one sees a big *Stool alone i> not enowgh. as long as there is room and no inter­ submerged submarine heading right ference with the regular program, for the camera—see* it blow off, dive, 4 r post graduate students are welcome. pump out the tank* and rise again. One sees depth bombs being hurled The State Textbook Commission of Oregon has selected a number of new by “Y-Guns" as they lay a pattern texte for the High Schools of Oregon. under water. One sees them explode, Students should be sure, before buy­ making great globules as the water A OINIRAl MOÎOII VALUI ing second-hand texts, that they have is displaced, and the submarine rushes through them, in a desperate race to not become obsolete. If parente and patrons have any escape their terriffic concussion. Coquille, Ore. Anti-aircraft guns, operating questions at any time please feel are free to call the office and information •gainst diving attack planes will be gladly given. We urge and shown in another thrilling scene. invite parente and .patron* to visit our Then a bomber appears on the hori- schools and get acquainted with what son. The submarine dives, and the camera follows the dive down below is actually being done. her of openings for inexperienced Army Wants Band Men 9incerly, Chester L. Ward, Superin­ the surface. Major Paul Hathaway, U. S. Army men in the 7th Infantry, Vancouver And then for Pal Night, Wednesday tendent. Barracks, Washington. These open­ and Thursday next week, comes Geo. Recruiting Officer, 323 New Post Of­ ings are available now and will con­ fice Building, Broadway and Glisan Arliss, whom many picture fans pre­ U. S. Civil Service Exams tinue to be during the month of Sep­ fer to any other male actor on the Streets, Portland, Oregon, announces tember. . The United States Civil Service that he has received authority to en ­ screen today. Commission announce* the following Beloved by the theatre-goers the list a number of experienced bands­ open competitive examinations: Wild Horses at State Fair world over, he haa found the perfect men for service in Army bands at General Foreman (Mountain Road Wild horses that would rather buck role in hia latest picture, "The Work­ Presidio of San Franicsco, California, A Trail Construction), >2300 to >2600 A New this Mr tarledM froa geaaral adml ing Man.” It is a highly spiced com- Fort Winfield Scott, California, Fort than eat, and educated horses, world’s (aoually **e> to the SomMaoS Night Shew at the graadetanS—he* every­ a year. edy drama of American business and Worden, Washington, and Fort Lew­ ehanopion high jumpers, will feature body paye—ao paem priâtes. Atteed dally, help break atteadaaee reeerge. Foreman (Mountain Road A Trail youthful folly in which the star ap­ is, Washington. The instruments for at the State Fair at Salem, starting Construction), >1020 to >2000 a year. pears as a short-tempered, soft heart­ which players are wanted include the Labor Day. And what's best about Agriculture, ■erttewltera, Uveeteeh, t-H Clahe, taSaetry. Applications will be rated aa re­ ed champion of *fi>ig business” who following: B flat corneta or trumpets, H all, the two-hour show, taking ceived until further notice and must steals time from his own affairs to flutes, clarinets, piccolo, tenor and place in front of the grandstand, is Rating, be filed with the Manager, Eleventh Me—reserved eeata and besee Me and Me extra. straighten out the lives of the or­ alto saxophone, double B flat bass, free. The only charge is for boxes U. S. Civil Service District at Seattle, Men without and reserved seate. In addition to phaned children of his former strong­ trombone and banjo. Washington. previous military service may be ac­ free grandstand seats, standing room est competitor. These examinations are for the pur­ As “Reeves," grumpy bachelor head cepted to All these vacancies, the is available for nearly 10,000. pose of Alling vacancies in the posi­ of a great manufacturing concern, major stated. In addition to the ex­ tions and at the salaries specified, in who goes fishing for a vacation only perienced men desired, Major Hath­ Old Papers, good-sixed package at the state* of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, to And that the expedition leads him away said that there are still a num­ The Sentinel for 6 cents. 1 and Washington, and future vacancies into the most exciting business battle Grounds <* ...............................2 ' in positions requiring similar qaulifl- of his life—against his own Aim — Ins pnildeg, tSr. Ne planen prlntrS. Ne pen eat efcerka. BverykeSy cationa, at approximately the same Arliss displays all the qaulities that The banka of Cache county have W the reSn-e* rale -Kmplayeea, ( enceeeleaere, KxblMtere, Ceateetaata, Frtrn'ls, Pa: runs- «II alike rats* of pay. agreed to subscribe to an award fund, have made him recognised as the which will be preaented to five wlnnera Competitors will not be required to foremost actor of the screen today. aa follower flrat prise, >35.00; secflnd report for examination at any place, It is a story Ailed with humor and LABOR DAY—The Big Opening Day, Sept. 4-9 prlae, >25.00; third prlM, >20.00; fourth but will be rated on their experience amusing situations, replete with real prlae, >12 50; fifth price, >7 50. and fitness. drums, played by a cast of all-star Full information and application Bankers Evolve Plan for Stim­ Recognition for Good Farming calibre. blanks may be obtained from Alton ■ I £• J Th« Tima-Tasted Newt Weakly In addition to the cash prises, every ulating Important Aid to Bette Davis is featured in the l^atnrliiaer Right from Washington, D.*C. Grimes, secretary, Board of U. S. principal supporting role as the farmer customer enrolled, who scores Farm Success r«y sixty per cent or more, will be awsrded Civil Service Examiners, at Coquille, young reckless-living orphan. is now offered to you along with YOUR CHOSEN HOME PAPER a special certificate Issued by the or any first or second class post office. 'T’HE Cache count), Utah, bankers re Clearing House Association and the Ex ­ By a favorable arrangement we are able to send you that * cently added a stimulus to banker­ Knife Hospital Notes old reliable family weekly, The Pathfinder, in combination tension Service jointly In cooperation Fin« specie) feature« have been ar­ with this paper, at a price never before equaled. There Is Mrs. Lucille Waring, of this city. farmer cooperative work by launching with the Agricultural Committee of the nothing like The Pathfinder anywhere— ranged for the Legion Auxiliary a farm accounting contest. At a meeting Utah Bankers Association. underwent an operation foe appendi­ nothing equal to it at any price. Over a of the Clearing House Aseoclation the dance at Graham Hall, Saturday eve­ million people take it and swear by IL It The scoring will bo done on the fol­ citis last Saturday. project was put before the bankers, and takes ths place of periodicals costing several ning. The beet of music and a good lowing basis: Sammy, 8-year old son of Mr. and methods and plans formulated. times as much. News from all over ths lima. world, the inside of Waslpngton affairs— Mrs. Robert Kramer, was operated on Each bank la the county agreed to Farm and home account records ths truth about politics and business, (accurate and complete) ....50% by Dr. Richmond for hernia Wednes­ enroll a minimum of live farmers In Calling carda 100 for >1.00. Succees of year ’ s operations as stoi the farm accounting project. The day. brought out ta the summary ot Mrs. J. H. Jackson, of Bandon, sub­ names of the farmers when enrolled the year's business ...................... >>% mitted to a major operation on Wed­ will be sent to the Secretary of the Clearing House, and also to the Ex­ General appearance of farm and nesday. improvements and condition of tension Division of the Utah State livestock and poultry. (Judging Agricultural College. The bankers METS KER’S COUNTY ATLASES to be done during the summer agree to cooperate and keep la close months) .................................. ..25% lietaker’s County maps and town­ touch with each faimer they enroll so The contest will end December >1, ship ownership maps are for sale at as to insure the completion of a maxi­ The Title Co. and County Assessor’s mum number. The bank which sue 11)1. The judges will be the County office, Coquille, Ore., and the Cham­ coeds at the conclusion of the contest Agent, the County Key Banker, a rep­ resentative of the Clearing Hohse As­ ber of Commerce at Marshfield, Ore., la enrolling the largest number of sociation. and two representatives se­ farmers completing the project will be the beet maps made in Oregon. “Met- CHEVROLET by the widest margin in its history V \ ■ »>- % yCHEVROLET^ Southwestern Motor Co. Olds and Chevrolet Sales and Service ITS VASTLY MFFfRtl Deal— Thoroughbred Admission to FARM ACCOUNTING CONTEST LAUNCHED . * ----- =- I SAVE MONEY ! Have Your Tires Re-Groved SOUIDWESim MOTOR CO. sker the Map Man" *1« Commerce Bldg- PertlMd, O n . given a special recognition st thq as- sul meettag. J lected by the Extension Division of U mi Pathfinder and Í **•M0NUV I $2.50 ¿¡J Sentinel I 21 I