rn COQUILLE TALLET SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAT, AUGUST 26. 1936. Coquille River CHINOOK SALMON FRESH DAILY Al^o a Fresh Supply of Dancer’s Extra Fine Honey Red Rock Cottage Cheese the Best made. Special on HORMEL’S PIGS FEET in quart jars, while present stock lasts PENNEY’S ruly a gala group of New Fall I Winter Coats HANDBAGS are on Parade NOW! »1^75 J. L. STEVENS your Ideal Mealing Placed | rv SOCIAL NOTES In compliment to Mrs. Roy Neal, who was observing a birthday anni versary on Monday of this week, Mrs. W. V. Glaisyer and Mrs. Willard Boa- serman invited a number of ladies to the home of the former, Where they not only surprised Mrs. Neal but also gave her a handkerchief shower. Mrs. Leonard Hagen, of Tacoma, Wash., sister of Mrs. Glaisyer, was given also a guest prize at the same time. Mrs. Boober and Mrs. Woodyard received prize gifts for high and low score in Bridge, which was the evening’s di version. Attending were Mesdames Roy Neal, James Brady, J. L. Aasen, A. B. Collier, H. W. Pierce, F. S. Emery, R. E. Boober, Geo. A. Ulett, Lafe Compton, F. C. McNelly, E. M. Key, Julius Ruble, C. K. Norcott, Geo. Chaney, E. A. Woodyard, J. E. Axtell, E. A. Walker, O. T. Gant, Geo. Johnson, Earl Nosier, Paul Van Scoy, and Leonard Hagen. Mrs. Joe Knight gave a birthday party Monday,. afternoon for her youngest daughter, Joan, who was celebrating her seventh birthday that day. During the afternoon the chil dren were entertained with games until time for the refreshments, which ¿were served at a long table, prettily decorated with favors for each guest. Mrs. Knight was assisted by her daughter, Hallie. Guests present were Betty Lou and Phyllis May Christen sen, Jessie Sherwood, Ruth English, Geraldine Cole, Patricia Brady, Patri cia Barnes, Josn Williams, Ardella Shelley, Anna Lee Mannelin, Wanda Lee Bell, Laura Emily Ruble, Ivanelle Jackman, Kay Leslie, Agnes Dunkle, Maxine Knight and Rheo Walker. There was an attendance of 25 or 30 garage operators and truck men at the “brake school,” conducted by representatives of the Multibestoa brake lining company at the Geo. F. Burr garage Wednesday evening. They were here from all parts of the county and the interest shown in the demonstrations and explanations in- dicat«! that the brake compay was rendering a real service in conduct ing these schools. Mm. Caroline Hamden, of Story City, Iowa, but formerly of Coquille, was honor guest at a luncheon party given by Mrs. H. E. Hess at her home this afternoon. Gueste included were members of the Justamere club of which Mrs. Hamden was a member before leaving Coquille. Those at tending beside Mrs. Hamden were Mewdame« J. A. Lamb, C. J. Fuhr man, Lyman Carrier, H. A. Young, Bert Folsom, J. L. Smith, Nels Os- mundeon, R. A. 'Wernich, F. L. Green- ough, Paul Van Seoy, W. 6. Sickela, and Mrs. E. E. Johnson, of Portland. Thursday the Needle Workers club members and their children enjoyed an all-day picnic at Gerlach grove on the Fishtrap road, with about thirty attending. Several ladies from the Norway district enjoyed the day with them. Thia evening a group of girl» are meeting at the home of Mis« Audrey Kendall on Spurgeon Hill. The guests are invited to come in costume. It Was Suicide at Reedsport Through fingerprints taken at Las Vegas, Nev., three years ago, the body found floating in the Umpqua at Reedsport early last week has been identified as that of Cart Johnson. The coroners jury found it to be a cate ef wield«. B. P. W. Meeting Monday The regular meeting of the Busi ness and Professional Wlomen’s Club was held Monday evening in the Co quille Hotel. A discussion of the lowering of dues for our local club was held and it was voted to leave dues for this year as they have been in the past, Mrs. Leona Bryant and Harriet Gould spoke on the conference of clubs of Northern California, which they attended July 29 and 30, at Cres cent City. They report there were many interesting speakers and that they gained much from attending the meeting. s / Geo. Ulett, Jr., and Fred Fuhrman spoke to the club on their trip to and from The Century of Progress Exposition. Fred illustrated their talks with pictures he had taken. The boys certainly are well versed on the subject and the members present thoroughly enjoyed their resume. Surprise Shower for Mrs. Close A miscellaneous surprise shower was given at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Gregg, in honor of Annie Peart, last Friday. Many useful and pretty gifts were given her. Refreshments were served in the late atfernoon to the following guests: Mesdames Millie Child, Jack Page, Madeline Bennett, Jackson, Jerry Peart, Grover Mc- Quigg, Ernest Battey, Leland Peart, Joe Peart, C. Dondono, Clarabel Mc Cool, Ira Chase, John McNair, Roy Tennant, Floyd Smith, Earl Schroe der, Mary Schroeder, Lloyd Gregg, E. W. Gregg, and the guest of honor who became the bride of Mr. C. tf. Close last Saturday. 4-H ClubH to Try Out 4-H Clubs having demomtration teams desiring to try out for the State Fair will meet in the office of the county superintendent at 9:30 a. m. on the morning of Aug. 31st. This has been made necessary since the State Fair precedes the County Fair this year. No 4-H 'Home Economic exhibits will be sent to the State Fair through the county superintendent, but thoae clubs desiring to send their exhibits direct may obtain rules, entry sheets and correct address from office of county superintendent Since the State Fair convenes flrst thia proced ure was decided upon. Clinton Family Reunion A reunion of the Clinton family, the flrst time they had all been together in 28 yeans, was held at the Theodore Clinton home at Johnson Mill last Sunday, and was preceded by a dinner party at the John Belloni home in Myrtle Point the evening before. Those present were: Jas. D. Clinton, Mrs. A. J. NusseM of San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nicholson and children, Jim Clinton and Geraldine Cole of San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. John Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. John Bel loni and Dolores, Bob, Phyllis and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Knight and Marjory, Hallie, Maxine and Joanne, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Clinton, Jack and Gretchen, and Alvin Shaver. 4 Injured, Car Drops 60 Feet In gleaming black, navy, and brown styles —envelope and pouch ! Whatever your whim you’ll find it here, in just the shape and gir you want! Calf, grained and imitation leath Many with 7'ppcrs! First new-season coats are most thrilling! And Penney's is ready with the newest fabrics, col and So Low Priced ! ors, furs and styles—so why wait? Dane« Sets and Chemises There’s a new air achieved by a “different” sleeve manipulation—col- , jars are huge and flatter _ Exquisitely dainty—witl ing, sleeves are generally WK rich lace trimmings! Yoi can’t resist them—at thii low price I slim below the elbow Come—choose today I U/>and-Coming ! Outstanding as Always! BATON CREPE PENNEY’S NEW FROCKS Tweed Slacks Don’t wait t They sell fast! For street, for business, for afternoon wear—these rayons are as smart as we’ve seen for a long time at the price! Prints or plains, with contrasting necklines, and trim! Women’s and Misses' sizes! «Z-49 We have an entirely new selection of hand- picked patterns for your inspection. Splendidly tailored! Guaranteed as to fit! With the kind of durability that will win your praise! SEE THEM! 9 SIAN YOUR NRA PLED4SE TODAY AT PENNEY'S h's every American's duty and privilege to join the army of those pledged lo support and patronise em ployers and workers who are members of the N.R.A. We have official pledge card, and emblem« wailing for you. Take your place in the ranks of those who are lighting the good fight DO YOUR PARTI Mitt wewr «ign Fear Pledge Card Bright, new .Summer s When You Need Extra BIG BATH Misses* Anklets Newer colori. diffrrm combi nation« and pat tern« — rayon plaited or mer cerized. Towels Thick doublt trrry onci that dry you off in a »ec ! Buy uowl ffäSSi Lots to pick from! 49e 10c 19c J. C. Penney Co. 332 First Street, Coquille, Oregon Want Ads EXPERIENCED MILKER wanted. Write J. E. N., care Sentinel. It USED CARS NEW DRIVER’S LICENSES — See FRESH MILK COW to exchange for Electric Whiffling Machine. In Jim Erwin, office Front and Taylor Ten *27 A "28 Cher. Truck» with quire at New Deal Market in Dun Sts. He has application blanks, al Dump Body — good rubber — A-l ham ’ s. , it so he is a Notary Public. shape. $65 to $96 each. «1 Ford 167 in. W. B. Truck. Dual«, MASONRY WORK—I am again lo LOST—White Persian Kitten, four Stake Body. months old, last Friday evening. Re cated in Ooquilie and prepared to 29 Ford Coupe ward for return to Virginia Swin- take oare of any kind of masonry 29 Durant Coach dahl, 341 South Elliott. It* job. Geo. T. Cook. P. 0. Box «2 25 Dodge Pickup 32t2* 29 International Delivery. FOR SALE—Choice acre and two- 26 Ford Truck—Stake Body. FOR SALE—Green Beans for can- thirds on Rink. Inquire Ray Ben- »1 Chev. 167 in. Track ning—-not a string in a earload. thin. 81t2* Anthony Steel Dump Bed Phone 601R. C. V. Smith. !• The four young women who were FOR SALE—10-inch Paypeck En injured when their car skidded on the silage Cutter, and power. In good wet pavement of the bridge to East condition. Very reasonable. See side last Saturday night, crashed Perley Crowley, 9itkum, Ore. 82t2* through the railing of the approach and dropped sixty feet to the mudflat* COWS FOR SALE CHEAP—12 milk FOR SALE—Coos cowiy warrant» of Coos Bay, are all improving. The cows to be sold at price almost as FOR SALE—My Herd of seven Dairy and other municipal warrant» by girla are Mrs. Mary Witty Bauer, of low as Beef. Ranch is over-stocked Cows or «rill trade for beef cattle. political eubdiviaiona of the county, Milwaukie. Missea Hilda Alto, Impi and owner in short on feed. Inter Herd is tested and free from abor at a reasonable discount. See Geo. Tapio and Catherine Witty, all of ested parties see JIM ERWIN, of- tion and T. B. Marc Shelley at McClellan at the Southwestern Mo SOUTHWESTERN MOTOR CO. E m WM«. Ca««IDe. Oregon ' H mm M-J ftoe at Front and Taylor Eta. It Economy Market tor Co.