Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1933)
THE COQUILLB TALLET SENTINEL. COQUILLE, ORBGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST ». !•». PAGE TWO The New Dillard Canteloupes GOODYEAR PATHFINDER A 5c Fine Now—Good Size ''C Dillard Tomatoes 60c BUY A BOX Fancy Comb Honey 17c Local—Very Nice 3 • a- d Kellogg Shredded Wheat Biscuit TRUPAK CATSUP Fancy, per bottle —AND your dollar buys MORE right now than it may ever buy , again. You can see that as well as we can* As raw materials—cotton and rubber—go skyrocketing, tires are bound to go higher, too. The best advice is — “Don’t wait.” We offered that advice months ago, when Goodyear prices were scrap ing bottom. Many people who took it have thanked us; others say they will never get caught again. So we repeat! BUY NOW—be cause Goodyears are STILL priced very low and they can’t stay at these levels very long. Today the best buy for the least money is the new Goodyear Path finder. For years “the quality tire within the reach of all,” the Path finder is now stepped up in mile age, safety and good looks. It has FULL CENTER TRACTION—20% thicker non-skid tread—stouter body of Supertwist Cord, the cord that gives under road shocks, doesn’t heat up, prevents blow outs, stands hard knocks, runs out a full long life of trouble-free miles. Be sure your new tubes are qual ity Goodyears, too. - 2 for 15c - ■ 25c 4 PALM OLIVE SOAP 3 Bars - - - 23c 2 Giant Crystal White—Free Just a few deals left 4.50-20....... $5-55 6-00 4.50-21....... 6-30 4.75-19....... g.70 4.75-20 7.00 5.00-19....... 7.20 5.00-20 7.45 30x3 H........ 5.15 Other Site» Priced in Proportion i ib - * * 35c - Glass Jas with regular Mason Top An Economical Package For Your Floors Lifetime Guarantee 4.40-21__ SHAW COFFEE Waxglo— Paste ’/j lb - - - - Waxglo—Paste 1 tb Waxglo—Liquid, Pint - - - Waxglo—Liquid, Quart .... When we sell you Waxglo, we loan you a Standard Waxglo-ette Applicator LAXOLO 40c 62c 52c 87c r Busy Comer Grocery Delivery ALL FULL OVERSIZE Let Us Show You the Goodyear Air Wheels Live News From Arago Mr. and Mr*. C. R. Webb, of Co quille, moved into the Arago diatrict Saturday, having leased the Stauff Mrs. ranch for a number of years. Dan Miller and sons. Ire, Ike and Leroy, who have been operating the place since Mr. Miller’s death last spring, are moving to the Mann ranch on the North Fork. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burtis enter tained as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs F. A. Haines, of Marshfield. Mrs. Naomi Robison visited friends in Myrtle Point over the week-end and attended the district meeting of the Brethren church. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Collier enter tained as guests Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beals, of North Bend. Merlin and Bertha Clinton, of Co quille, are visiting this week at the home of their brother, Leslie Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Summerlin of Lee, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. Mrs. Summerlin is their daughter. Andrew Patrick and sons, Pa rm and Cecil, left Tuesday morning for the hop fields in the Willamette val ley. Mr. and Mrs. John Holst and Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen, of Ferndale, , California, were visitors in Arago and vicinity Monday morning. Mr. •nd Mrs. Holst were dairying in the Arago district 26 years ago. The many improvements here since that time were of great interest to them. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fleming and ! son, Donald, and Ray Fleming were dinner guests Wednesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Everett I.afferty, of Myrtle Point, Naomi Miller spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Clifford Summerlin, of Lee. She returned home Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. James Stauff, of San ta Monica, California, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schroeder returned to Arago Saturday evening after a two weeks* trip through Oregon and Washington. They enjoyed a very pleasant trip, although encountering some very hot weather. Mr. and Mra. Stauff continued their journey on god /Y ear Coquille Service Station home Tuesday. The Arago brickyard has another kiln burning and will start making tile next week. Mrs. Naomi Robison is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Robison of Norway. Ray Fleming, brother of Gordon Fleming, of Arago, arrived Wednes day from the Hawaiian Islands, where he has been stationed the past three years in the American army. He is re-enlisted and is off on a four-month furlough. They intend going back to Virginia in October to visit their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Starr left Sat urday for a few days’ vacation. They will visit friends in Portland. Brewster Valley Mias Christina Christensen accom panied Mr. and Mra. Jesse Wagner, of Marahsfield, on a pleasant trip to Portland. They left Friday and re turned Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laird left Mon day on a pleasure trip. They will visit a short time in Roseburg at th* home of Mr. Laird’s brother, Binger Laird. From there they will go to Portland. Brant Taylor made a business call in Coquille Tuesday. He was accom panied by Mrs. P. A. Alford, who ts receiving medical treatment there. Verle Alford and a couple of boy friends from Creswell spent the week end visiting with relatives. Mrs. Lester Mayes had the miafor- tune to run a pitchfork into her foot and has had to be on crutches the past few days. Claud Hicks is visiting at the home of relatives in Roseburg for a few days this week. Duane Shoemaker left Sunday for Bryant’s Logging Camp near Powers, where he will be employed. tarl Groves, who is employed at the Wm. Weekley camp at Rock Creek spent the week-end at his home here. Leslie Groat made a business trip to Marshfield and North Bend Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. George Laird and two boys, of Bandon, were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Laird. Mr. and Mrs. Brant Taylor and Mrs. Marion Jones were Sunday callers in Broadbent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pope. Misa Hazel Taylor spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Laird, of Pleasant Hill. Mrs. Kenneth Taylor, who has been visiting the past ten days with relatives in Marshfield returned Sun day with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, of MarsMeld. Mr. and Mrs. Smith returned Sunday evening. Graydon Smith, of Marshfield, spent from Tuesday until Sunday at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lawhome. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, of Marshfield, visited Sunday at the Jake Bohlander home. Mrs. Elmer Wilson and daughter, Virginia, visited from Friday until Sunday at the W. A. Lett home at Bridge. George Groat, Pete Alford, Arnold and Jack Groves, Clarence Shoemak er, Bill Kimball, Ted Abbott, Win Nickason and Minor Mead spent Tuesday fighting fire on the E. A. Wil son place. Marriage Licenses Aug. 18—Fted Unger and Margie b isher, both of Marshfield. They were married at the Samuel Wright home at the Bay by Rev. G. V. Fallis, on Sunday. Aug. 19—Charles Edward Close and Annie Peart, both of Coquille. They were married Saturday by Turner B. MacDonald at Friendly Woods near Arago. Aug. 19—Kenneth Blake and Verna Backlund, both of Bandon. They were married at the Chas. Oerding home here Saturday by Rev. W. S. Smith. , Aug. 19—Spurgeon Van Zee and Ines A. Herron, both of Bandon. Aug. 21—Robert McMillion and Gladys 1. Waterman, both of Ban croft. They were married Monday by Rsv. C. p. Price at his home. MYRTLE POINT ITEMS Albert La Branche passed away at the home of his sister, Mrs. M. J. Morrison, Sunday morning. Short funeral services were held at the Schroeder Chapel Monday afternoon and then the body was taken to Sa lem for interment. His parents are buried there. . Miss Virginia Cole was able to leave the Mast Hospital Sunday and return to her home in West Myrtle Point. Mrs. Lawrence Mullen was able to leave the Keizer Hospital in North Bend Saturday and return to her home. Mrs. Mullen underwent an operation for removal of a goitre. Little Tommy Grove was able to leave the Mast hospital Sunday and return to his home in • Powers. W. M. Axe, of Bridge, was a Myr tle Point business visitor Monday. M t . and Mrs. J. Gilbert left Mon day for their home in Los Angeles, having spent the past ten days here attending the summer session of the Brethren assembly. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McRay and daughter, Harriet, left the first of the week on a vacation trip through southern Oregon, northern California and theh on to Portland, where they will visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fleming and Ray Fleming of the Hawaiian Islands were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lafferty Wednesday evening. Two fires occurred here this week. A barn and 12 tons of hay owned by J. H. Bair were destroyed Sunday night on the North Fork and at two o’clock Sunday afternoon fire broke out at the Saunders mill. A large pile of lumber was destroyed. Rev. Leander Smith and two daugh ters, Virginia and Esther and Mrs. Hira Smith, of Albany, are visiting in Myrtle Point this week and attending the summer assembly of the Brethren Church. Mr. McHenry had the misfortune to get hia hand against an electric saw at the La Fl emm e blacksmith shop Saturday, His little finger was completely severed. Alfred Newton, B. Browers and Art Long, employed in the CJCJC. camp at Salem, spent the week-end in Myrtle Point. Mrs. Joe Laird returned to her home after spending several days - — '<r with her daughter in Coquille. Marguerite Laird haa accepted a position in the state library at Salem and left for the capital Wednesday morning, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Laird, taking her out Misses Gylene FiWpatriok and Mary Johnson were Marshfield vis itors Monday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Barr returned to his home in Portland after spending several days here attending the summer as sembly of the Brethren Church. Ted (Roberts and Buster Rackleff, of Baldwin Park, California, are visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frederking left for their home in Nashville, Illi nois, after a two Weeks’ visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Walter Huff. Whiter fluff left the last of the week for Empire, where he has em ployment in a camp. Mrs. Rachel Grieg, of Oakland, California, arrived last week for a several weeks’ visit at the home of her brother, Ed Hoffman. Mr. and Warren Deyoe and two daughters, Helen and Josephine, and their house guest, Mrs. Daniel Sny der, of Klamath Falls, picnicked on the Bandon beach Sunday. Mrs. J. Hayes, of Powers, spent several days in Myrtle Point this week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Mullen. J. W. Mitchell returned to his home in North Bend after spending the week-end at the home of his sister, Mrs. Jim Myers. Mrs. A. B. Bennett and son, Melvin, and Mrs. J. V. Leep motored to Rose burg Wednesday to meet Mr. Ben nett, who is returning from Medford, where he had been for some time building a bouse for Dr. Gillis. Mrs. J. H. MdClokkey was a Myr tle Point visitor Monday afternoon. Henry Bryant, of Bridge, was a Myrtle Point business visitor Thurs day. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Carol Tichenor and son, Earl, passed through town Mon day en route to their home in Port land. They have been spending some time at their cottage at Port Orford. Miss Katie Guerin returned to Mor rison’s camp after spending the week end at her home. Misses Melba Myers and Dorothy Miller returned home Wednesday eve ning from a trip to Newport, where they spent a week on a vacation trip. Riverton News A general cleanup day is planned for this coming Monday in order to prepare the school grounds for the coming school term. Some of the high school boys were planning to do it alone but we are asking all of the men of the community to lay off their own work long enough Monday to come and help. The wives are also asked to send something along for re freshments. Those in charge of the work are: Bob Smith, Ben Watson, Howard Hull, Robert Scorby, Ansel Hayward, Ellis Holbrook and Fred erick Beck. Mr. and Mra. Melvin Kathan and two children, of Coquille, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith and family Tuesday evening. Mr. Kathan has accepted a position as grade principal of a two-room school at Euchre creek this fall Mr. Kathan taught the seventh and eighth grades in Riverton in 1930-81 -82. Adrin Worth, of Coaledo, was a Riverton visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rickman, of Myr tle Point, were visiting her father, Mr, Bumgartner, Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bradley, of Eugene, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beck Tuesday evening. Mr. Bradley is the Southern Oregon agent for the Southern Cotton Oil company. Miss Helen Nulf is spending this week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Haga and family, who have a ranch near Bandon. Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Hayward are moving from Riverton to Bandon this week. Mr. Hayward will run one of the school busses and is also the seventh and eighth grade teacher here. Mr. and Mrs. F. Beck are entertain ing his brother and mother, Walter Beck and Mrs. G. Beck, of Dallas, Ore., this week. They plan to take a short trip into the redwoods during their stay here. Probate Coart Items Aug. 19—.First Wisconsin National Bank of Milwaukee vs. A. E. Brad ford, W. J. Conrad, W. L. Fomythe , •nd Umpqua Timber Co. New Cases in Circuit Court Aug. 22—Rosie Clark vs. Haight ( S. C. and C. W. Endicott were on Clark. Suit for divorce. Tuesday named as administrator« of the estate of their lata father, B. B. Calling eards 100 for 01.00. Endicott, who died at Myrtle Point, July 11. C. E. Huling, W. E. Lundy Chadwick Lodge Ns.M and Johp Arnold were appointed ap p raisers of th* estate which la ea- A. F. * A. M. timated to consist of $8000 in real Stated Communication property and 1260 in personal. Tuesday, Sept. 12 Canlag eards 100 for |1.00. J