The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 18, 1933, Page 7, Image 7

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PÁOB sbvkn
. . ------------------- 1*
Brewster Valley
panied by Mrs. Myrtle Noah and Miss
Wanda Houdyshetl, of Coquille, left
Tuesday morning on a week's vaca­
tion. They will neo Crater Lake and
the Oregon caves while on their trip.
Mr«. Q>car Durell was delighted
over the arrival of her brother and
his family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robin­
son and children, Berdine and Alvin,
of Covina, Calif. They arived Satur­
day and visited until Monday.
J. D. Laird made a business trip
to Coquille Tuesday.
curad employment there.
Th« Pioneer Methodist Church
Frank Culver and little son, Tom­
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bridge and son
Philip D. Hartman, pastor.
my, were Myrtle Point visitors Tues­
and Mrs. Dingman, of North Bend, at­
Morning worship at 11 o'clock with
tended a picnic dinner at McKinley
J. A. Barnett, of Arago, conducted sermon on, “Your Corner.”
the church services Sunday forenoon,
Evening service at 8 o’clock with a
A family reunion of the Wilson
which was followed by a picnic dinner. message on, “Reasoning with God.”
family met Sunday at the top of the
mesaage on, "Some of God’s I Wills."
Place: City Hall.
club was brought up by Mrs. Beyers mountain, with relatives from Rose­
Sunday School at 10 a. m., Lyman
Time: 8:00 p. m.
and a general discussion followed. Let burg alno present. Those to go from
Carrier, superintendent.
When: Fjgst and Third Tueadaya.
us hope it will bear fruit! The presi­ here were: Mr. and Mr*. W. A. Nick-
Both departments of the Young
President—Geo. W. Itonlor, Sr.
dent called upon each member to tell ason and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
Peoples’ Division conduct their de­
Trees__ Mrs. John A. Martin
what interested and helped them most Wilson, Mr. and Mra. Elmer Wilson
votional» at 7 p. m.
Cor. Sec.—Mrs. Nellie E. Whereat in the club work. “Programs,” in the and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
way of papers and talks on garden Laird and family.
Choir rehearsal Saturday evening,
Bridge Happenings
We were much delighted Tuesday subjects was the answer given by the
The regular meeting of the Ladies
F. G. Leslie, director.
• br McClurs^Nj^psji.r SrsSlOSt».
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Murphy return­
night to be able to see what kind of most. Learning of new flowers and Myrtle Leaf Club was held Thursday
A cordial welcome awaits you at all
a president Alton Grimes would make. other people’s experiences came next. afternoon on the lawn at the W. A. ed home Friday evening from a vaca­
’T'llE Streeters had been “out" a of our services. If you do not wor­
That he came up to our expectations Let us have more of what the mem­ Nrckason home.
Roll call was
* month, and by that 1 don’t mean ship elsewhere come with us. Start
goes without saying. Mr. Taylor, our bers want; we have a program com­ swerod by everyone telling about the included a visit to the Century of out of jail, but on the road, tn the great
the week right by attending church.
president, waa unable to attend, so Mr. mittee for that purpose, but they can­ first time »he met her husband, A Progress sExipo*ition in Chicago.
out-of-door* hitting the trail, or what
Grimes, as first vice president, fell not do it all and it Will be necessary short business meeting was held, af-
you will In camp lingo.'
Foursquare Gospel Church
■ heir to the job. We also had aome for every one called upon to do her ter which the afternoon was spent in pleasure of a vieit Thursday from her
To look at them, you would know
Rev. and Mrs. T. R. Jackman,
visitors and took in one new membej, part and the meetings will then be picking wool.
Delightful refre4i- uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert j they had been out for some time. A
something which also encouraged us whht you all want.
menta of fruit salad, cookies and Stemmier, of L oh Angeles, who are thick coating of dust bld tbe newness
259 E. 2nd St Phone 169-J
Mrs. Gage told of a tried and true punch were served by the two host­ spending some time in Coos bounty. | of duffle hags, suitcases, stove, uu>-
The revival meeting will continue
James Morrison, who i* employed brelln tent, telescope cots, and col­
Best single specimen of dahlia in remedy for aphis; get a pint of Stock­ esses, Mrs. Polly and Mrs. Carrie
lapsible table, al) stowed on running over this Sunday. Rev. Mr. Benham
any kind of container was the con­ holm Tar, put in five gallons of water Nickason, to the folowing member*: at the Mike Morrison camp at Row­
boards, fenders, bumper» and either
will be speaking l«>th morning and
test flower Tuesday night and the cup and let stand a short time. Spray with Mesdames Belle and Daisy Laird,. ,. land creek, spent the week-end here side of the hood.
evening Sunday.
wa* carried off by Mrs. Kern with a this solution. She said it was death to Flossie Wilson, Tom Lawhorne, Effie ■ with hia family.
The tatter arrangement waa very
Sunday morning worship at eleven.
The Myrtle Union Christian En- awkward for Mr. Streeter when put­
very fine entry of a creamy white in- aphis but did not injure the plants. Be Wilson, Stella Crowley, Hilda Dur­
mense blossom of the informal decora­ sure to get ‘Stockholm Tar. Another ell, Ted Abbott and Misses Florence i deavor convention was held in the ting In oil but, as hla wife said, it was Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Children's
grove at Hooton’s Haven the past one of these small Inconveniences Church Saturday afternoon* at 2:30
tive type. Unfortunately Mrs. Kern useful idea she gave us was of inter­ Mead and Eloise Crowley.
could not give me the name of it. She est to the men gardeners: to make
Mr. and Mr*. Tom Lawhorne were . weekend. The attendance was not as which one should not mind. She J. m. Radio. “Cathedral of. the Air”
>rograms Tuesday«, Thursdays and
also had entries in other colon and cabbage head and head up firmly, Marshfield callers from Friday until large as had been planned for, but didn't.
there were delegations from Myrtle
Mrs. Streeter had been the Instigator Saturday afternoons from 1:30 till
types, as did Mrs. Ella Schroeder, sprinkle about a tafoleapoonful of salt Tuesday.
Mrs. Z. C. Strang and Mrs. J. P. Bey­ in the center of each iplant. She said
Miss Genevieve Crowley spent a , Point, Arago, Coquille, Marshfield of the trip. She had had difficulty In 2:00.
ers. Other entries, not of dahlias, this would also keep the green cab­ few days of this week visiting at the i and North Bend, and the sessions persuading her husband to go. As for
were very interesting and profitable. Darienne. their daughter. It required Seventh Day Adventist Church
were asters by Ruth Pettengili, a bas­ bage worm« away. Try this, ( am homes of relatives at Port Orford.
all of their combined parental au­
ket of snapdragons by Alton Grimes, going to.
Mrs. Elwin Alford, accompanied by This was the first out-door conven­
Pastor, H. A. Niergarth.
thority to get her to necomtainy them.
. %, montbretias and baby breath by Mrs.
It was decided that the next contest Mrs. Annie Oiberman, of Dora, spent
Sabbath School (Saturday) 9:45
And It was because of her that they
W. W. Gage, who attended the club flower for our meeting, on September this week in Coquille where Mr*. Al­ local society greatly appreciates the were there.
a. m.
co-operation of the community in en­
meeting for the first time.
5th, is to be mixed bouquet of an­ ford is receiving medical treatment.
Preaching service 11:00 a. m.
“We must get I tarry away from that
Mrs. Louis Laird was quite ill this tertaining delegate* and helping in plumber’» boy." Mrs. Streeter had In­
The baby breath in her bouquet, nuals in any kind of container. Don’t
The theme for coming Sabbath will
Mm. Gage told us, had a history. Sev­ forget.
past week with asthma. Mrs. Shep­ other ways to make the convention sisted. “I suggest that we take the be, “it is High Time to Awake,” by
car and go touring."
Mrs. Beyers told of the delightful herd was sent for to come and help the success that it was.
eral years ago, before Mr. Gage
the pastor.
Grant Doney has gone to Crescent
“Stopping at hotels, of course?”
passed on, Judge Stanley and his wife outdoor meeting at Friendly Woods rare for her.
“Nothing of the kind. It Isn’t being
Leroy Starr, of Myrtle Point, has City, where he ha* employment at
invited Mr. and Mrs. Gage to make Tuesday evening of last week when
St. James Church
done as It used to l>e. We will put up
the loop trip via Crescent City with our club members were guests of the been staying at the home of Mr. and Zeff Christian’s logging camp.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reed and son, at those jovely state parka and mu­
A fine Orin Kirk the pa*t week helping hay.
them. Before leaving Crescent City Myrtle Point garden club.
Church school every Sunday at 10
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hicks, who have Gerald, and Miss Elsie Reed, of
they were presented with bouquets of program and lota of good eata were
Dunbars were out nil last summer and a. m. Perry Roper, superintendent.'
charge of the Copco station here, Reedsport, visited Sunday at the W.
flowers and from bars Mrs. Gage the main features.
they said they just rode all day long,
Tfo very fine articles have come to have moved into their new house.
made slips of the baby breath. It
looking forward to the camp at night,
Baptist Church
Miss Christina Christensen is stay­ until Tuesday evening, leaving then some of which had electric light* care­
grew readily and Mrs. Gage prizea it my notice this last week; one, “Try
Growing Delphiniums from Seed” by ing at the home of her grandparents
very highly.
Sunday School at 10 o’clock, with
taker* showers. and everything I”
bly of the Brethem Church, which i*
I have in my yard some old fash­ E. D. Crowl, is in the "Sunset" maga­ during the absence of Mrs. Alford.
So here they were on this warm ebseses for everyone. Visitors always
Mieses Julia and Rachel Rodgers, being held thi* week at Bandon. Con­ August day doing a mean forty-five welcome.
ioned tiger lilies which came from the zine for August, 1933, and the other
Profit and if Myrtle Point, are visiting at the stance Knight is also attending the and hoping to reach a capip the man
Gege homestead on Coos river. When is "Grow Pansies for
Prayer meeting 7:30
tn the chain store where they had night
G. Ellis, of home of Mn and Mrs. Orin Kirk.
Mr. Gage was first elected sheriff of
Miss Lilah Luttrell vieited last bought some groceries had told them
Mr. and Mrs. Ehner Wilson made
Coes county and moved to Coquille, Canby, Oregon. This article discusa-
B. Y. P. U. services every Sunday
he brought with ham numerous plants es the practical points in detail and is a visit to Camas Valley Friday eve­ week st the home of her aunt, Mrs about “Somebody's camp grounds or evening at 7 o’clock.
other, it says on a sign. Don't know
Etnory Eggers at Broadbent.
and bulbs from the old hime. Among to be found in the “Flower Grower” ning.
Mrs. Sarah William*, of Myrtle about the shower bath* but It's right
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Wilson made
them were these tiger lilies, some of for August, 1938. Another article in
on tbe highway and you can't possibly
Church of Christ
which he afterward* gave my hus- the same magazine that is a fine com­ a business trip to Camas Valley and Point, her daughter, Miss Lottie, and miss It”
* Turner B. MacDonald, Pastor
band. 1 have taken those same lilies panion to the one in the “Sunset” is Winston, leaving here Monday and re­
However, darkness, unleavened by
Portland, were Tuesday
Sunday, 10:00 a. m. Bible School.
with me wherever J have gone and called, “Selection of Delphinium Seed­ turning Tuesday.
moon or star* for the night was
Ned C.
John Kirk, accompanied by his sis­
right now they are making a bright lings” by WlatUn Samuel, England.
cloudy, had descended before the Jepartmenta for all ages.
The Christian Endeavor meeting Streeters reached their destination; ielley, superintendent.
spot in the. garden.
We hope Mra. This magazine is taken by a number ter, Mrs. Jimmy Barton of Powers,
11:00 a. m. Communion and morn-
Gage will be able to meet with us of flower lovers here and single copies made a business trip to Coquille Tues- Sunday evening will be in charge of sure enough, there was the sign, on
2—— ------------------ - Mrs. James Morrison. . A business which, aided by the spotlight. they ing worship. Sermon by the pastor.
may be obtained at Fuhrman’s Phar­ Jag._________ _
7:00 p. m. C. E. groups meet for
Mrs. Orin Kirk has been ill at her l meeting will be held after the ser- could at least make out the welcome
Another visitor we were glad to see macy. It costa 20c a cupy, but F
tisn« the a?nual e1«*- words “camp ground*"
was Mrs. Florence Bedey, another worth it, Many who take other gar­ home all the past week but is bett»1 *><*• at
| tion of officer* will take place.
In the background, a dark bulk, as
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.
lover of flowers, who also attended den magazines consider it the best of at present time.
Mrs. Clarence Davis and children of a tent, loomed up. and a general trod- Study. Willett Jessee, leader.
our club for the first time.
Come them all. Don’t forget our next
Sunday Mrs. Mae Harvey and Mrs»
den-down appearance of ths level
You are cordially invited to all of
again, Mra. Seeley, we are glad to meeting night, September Sth, at 8 Dorothy Mayes gave a picnic dinner returned Thursday- to Wolf Creek, ground seemed to Indicate that other
where Mr. Davis ia working, after
these services.
p. m. at the city hall.
have you.
n honor of Mias Christina Christen­
campers had preceded them.
spending a few day* at their home
Miaa Janie KerbraChe was taken in
sen’s birthday. Those present were:
Within an hour, mother, father and
here. Mrs. Lets Baker, of Myrtle
as • member; being much interested
Surprise for J. M. DeLont?
Mrs. Mae Harvey, Clarence and Duane
daughter were wrapped tn slumber. First Church of Christ, Scientist
in gardening, we know ahe will be a
Parry's sleep, to be sure, was inter­
Sons of Veterans and Auxiliary Shoemaker, Mrs. Gene Smith,
Coquille, Oregon
valuable member.
Miss Ferbrache members, to the number of 18, were ind Mrs. Lester Mayes and two chil- place, since Mrs. Davis first went to woven with pleasant drrame.of Char­
Sunday School at 9:80 a. m.
was the lucky winner of the growing >ver here from the Bay Wednesday Iren, W. M. Dancer, Mr. and Mrs.
Sunday Service at 11 •. m.
Henry Bryant received a painful 'seemed to make her heart grow
young plant of dwarf lavender which evening to hold a party for J. M. De- Tack Mayes, Mrs. Mazey Crumley
Subject for next Sunday, “Mind."
Mrs. Beyers gave away.
Long, Civil war veteran, and Mrs »nd children, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Al­
Wedneaday evening meeting at 8
The sun had been up some time,
Mrs. Schroeder had scene lovely pe­ DeLong, at their home in the north ford, Elwin Alford, Mr. and Mrs. Al­ camp and was taken to the Mast hos­
when Mr* 8treeter awoke with a /clock.
tunia blossoms which she took from part of town. H. A. Harris acted as bert Christensen and the guest of pital for treatment.
Free public Reading Room open to
Miaa Helen MdClay, state presi­ start Then she nudged her husband.
plants raised from seed. Mrs. Schroe­ spokesman for the group, which was honor, Miss Christina. After dinner
“Listen, Ed, am I dreaming or do I Church Building every Tuesday and
der i.s • great lover of flowers and a accompanied by Mr. Stover, the single a swimming party was enjoyed by all dent of Christian Endeavor, left Mon­ bear an awful lot of people outside?"
Friday afternoons except holidays
day forenoon for her home in Ore­
regular attendant at the meetings, remaining old veteran on the Bay, the young folks.
Ed turned over drdwslly, roused up, from two to five o’clock.
which she says are of great valtfe to and Mra. Cathcart, widow of that
Elwin Alford and Mrs. Albert
The public la cordially invited to at­
tion here. She was a guest at the A. and peeked through the teat flap.
. her in learning cultural directions, of formerly well-known veteran,
Del Christensen left Wlednesday for Co­ O. Hooton home during her stay in Then he sat op suddenly. “There are tend our service* and to visit the
now varieties and also of other peo­ Cathcart. A most enjoyable evening quille to get Mrs. Alford, who had
I at least two hundred." he said, “sitting Leading Room.
ple’s experiences.
around and acting aa if they were
was spent________
Stanley Lake left for Creecent City, waiting."
How to create more interest in our
Miss Genevieve Crowley, aecom-
Calling cards 100 for 81.00.
Methodiat Episcopal Church
Calif., Monday evening, having se-
“Walting?” cried Mr* Streeter, In a
loud whisper, “waiting for what?”
Evening Preaching 8:00 p. m.
“Well,” groaned Mr. Streeter, “ttaf
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:80 p.
look he If they were waiting for 'fit
to get up I”
Preaching at Bandon 11 a. tn.
“And that canvas thing in back ws
Scriptural, Spiritual Preaching. Ev­
thought was a tent," broke tn Derry, eryone welcome.
who had been doing some peeking on
G. A. Gray, Pastor.
play of criminal detection; the
ICAGO. Aug. 00.—Oh-
her own account, “looks like a statue
pictures of naval maneuvers and aee how the bureau of atandarda Smithsonian institution, the Hawai­
107 E. 2nd St., Coquille, Or«.
t-h, say can you see . . . sailors’ life, displays of various testa everything from ateel rails to
ian Islands, the national parks
Those storied Arab* who folded
The United States gov­ means of ship propulsion, torpe­ alrplanca. He may learn how the service and the United State« ma­
their tents and silently stole away had of camping. She says no more camp­
ernment has done a bang-up does, shells and ■ other fighting bureau of fisheries stocks lakes and rine corps.
nothing on the Streeters that morning, ing for her. Rut lets you and I ge
In th« spacious Hall of States
job of presenting its activities equipment On a large motivated streams, and how the lighthouse
in utter stillness and with never a camping on our wedding trip. It’a all
the visitor may wander through the
so that Chicago World’s Fair
glance at one another, they crept into right If you go with the right party
he may learn many things that th«
Cross-Country In a Step.
north woods of Wisconsin’s great
—A Century of Progress—vis­ navy accomplishes throughout the
their clothe* packed up their equip­ aad camp before dark so you know
There are here Intriguing exhibits resort regions, the tropical verdure
ment and climbed into their car.
where you’re at Love and kleaea.
itors can see and understand globe.
of the poet office department, ex­ of Puerto Rico, and a mountain
Just as Ed put his foot on ths start­
In the treasury department ex- posing daring mail frauds; the bu­ bog garden of New Tork’a Adiron­
er. a portly woman rushed over to
la th« graceful Foderai Building, hlblt he may watch a mllllon-dollar reau of Investigation with Ita die- dack«, all within a few steps. Across
them and shook Mr* Streeter’s hand
whose 100-foot Blender white pylons,
a court be may find himself tn aa’e Carga
violently. "We do hope we didn’t dis­
Alaskan trapp«r's cabin, along a
symbolic of the three departments
The Lusitania, soak i>< a Cerinau
winding Missouri stream, or In a
—legislative, executive and judicial,
wibtrarine. carried 5,’««1 vases of a:.-:
made up of his descendants and we’ve
California giant redwood grove.
munition, consisting entirely <>t cart
are mirrored In the blu« waters of
come to dedicate this statue on the I
ridges for small arms.
These wert
North Lagoon, are som« of the
anniversary of hla birthday. If yon
Ida tropics and the quaint beauty
I carried by permission of the llultej
moot Interesting and costly and
of a mission courtyard extend their
1 Mates itepnrtinent of Commerce and
boat-organised displays In the en­
But Mrs 8treeter declined her welh
hospitality as well
<oui<l not. to the report n;
tire Exposition,
meant Invitation kindly but firmly.
Free Entertainment.
the collector of the port of New York
Not until they were many miles away
Framing the Federal Building
Almost like a tour through the
be called explosive« under th« terms oi
against Its V-shaped background to
nation is a walking trip through
the xtatutrs She carried no troops
“Well, I would like to know whose de­
th« colorful States Building, with
| the State« Buildlag. Here the Da­
guna. loaded »hells or high explosive-
scendants they were, but 1 don’t sup­
gay banners heralding th« elaborate
kota “bad lands’*, a Michigan trout
The cargo <-omd«trd of copper articles
pose I ever shall, for never, In all my
shows maintained by the twenty-
stream with Its rocky waterfall,
brass and furs and was valued at *7.r<t>.
the corn fields of Iowa, the Missis­
one states—Including Alaska
sippi cotton belt and the unequaled
Puerto Bico—participating in
"Well, I can tell you. Mamma,” said
mines of Illinois are brought lute
Shakespeare’s Edecatioa
Derry bitterly. "It was Joshua Put­
view In understandable, education­
WUllam Shakespeare had all the ed
flee Money Printed.
nam. While she was talking to you, 1
al form.
looked over at that sign we half read uratlon necessary to write the plays
And if the sightseer is tired
Ia the two buildlugs together
last night and It said. “Joshua Putnam attributed to him. The Bard of Avon
grouped aa one unit, architect Ed
Ground* Where Joshua Put­ was well qua'lfled to do the work he
stop to rest In the Court of State«,
ward H. Rennet of Chicago, has
nam made his headquarters tn 1777.** did. Far from being an untutored rus
where every day leading bands,
created on« of th« architectural
We weren’t camped In what we think de. he probably waa aa competent a
choral societies and other musical
hlghspota of the Fair. Ea|>eclally
of as rump ground» We were sleep­ scholar as Bacon hlmaelf, Chaucer.
organizations provide free enter­
at night, when floodlights and In
ing In a public park, and if you nay Spenser er even Milton. lie bad the
tainment under blue middle-western
terestlng highlights make It a jewel
another word against Charley, I shall came training that they had, but he
skies, nnd tn the cool breeze off
rising from Northerly Island. Is the
tell everybody at home the whole made mere qf hla opportunities than
lake Michigan.
structure a gorgeous picture.
thing. I just guess it Isn't any more they did.—Exchange.
Nowhere In this great interne-«.
One of the most graceful sxamplse of the new idea in architecture
disKrseeful to marry a plumber’s son
Inside the government section the
tional exposition does the vial
that features the Chicago Wor'd’s Fair—A Century of Progress, the
than to hold up an unveiling celebra­
visitor may spend hours, even days,
realize more dearly the magnitude,
Federal Building brings to th« shoes of North Lagoon som« of th«
tion while you get your clothes on!"
the versatility and the phenomenal
of fascinating observation. He may
most intriguing exhibits in the Exposition. In th« foreground aa
progress that character!!« th« Unit­
Next day, Charley received a tele­
see In the navy exhibit th« last
Italian gondola givae further proof that it to a World’s Fair.
ed State« of America.
word la anti-aircraft guns, models,
gram. “Dearset Charley, we are eoas-
Tenting Tonight