THB COQÜILLR TALUTT BKNTINRL. COQÜILLR. OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST it, IMI. PAGE TWO Maybe never again such * VALUES! PUCHES _ —--------------~ PEACHES i—, _ A Beautiful Elbertas Coming Now and Price Reasonable We Appreciate Your Orders and Guarantee Satisfaction. OME DAY you’ll look back to S the summer of 1933 and say: “Imagine! A Goodyear Tire for only 15.00!” Yet even these remarkable low prices mean nothing unless the tire is built right. Along with these extraordinary prices for the new Pathfinder you get the highest quality In the moderate price field Goodyear has ever attained. This new Pathfinder is a bigger value than the-old Pathfinder. It has the bigger safety margin of FULL CENTER TRACTION- big- > ger mileage from the 20 PER f CENT THICKER TREAD—stouter body of heat-resisting Supertwist Cord—and other improvements that make it a still better buy than the 17,000,000 Pathfinders that went before. Look at the All-Weather values, also! This great thoroughbred— the finest tire that money can buy —waves an alluring price tag. Whichever you want—new Path­ finder or All-Weather—remember this: More people are saving mon­ ey with Goodyears than with any other kind. I ALL-WEATHER Supertwist Cord Tiree 4.40-21 4.50-20 4.75-19 4.75-20 •7-20 7-60 8-40 ß.65 - 5.00-17 8-55 5.00-19 ’9.00 9.30 5.00-20 For Your Floors • I , . Oronite ' ' . ■ ' " * * The New Self Polishing Wax Pint Can OOC No Rubbing. No Buffing. Easy Let us send you a can today Other Siaet Prieetl in Proportion ALL FULL OVERSIZE Pickling Cucumbers goob #Y ear PATHFINDER Supertwist Cord Tires 4.40-21__ - $5-55 4.50-21 fi.oo V 6-30 4.75-19 6-70 4.75-20 7.00 5.00-19 7.20 30x31/4 5-15 4.50-20 ' Other Siaet PrieeJ in Proportion are ready now. Leave your orders and get them fresh from the field. We have them picked for you. It’s time Now. They are at their best. How Many? Busy Corner Grocery Delivery ALL FULL OVERSIZE GOOD EAR Powne, Harold Endicott, Gail Thomp­ son, Delbert and Robert Steele, Jay Schriefer, Cecil Barker and Hugh i McLean. add, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hampton, Mrs. Riverton News L, R. Hampton, Mrs. Albert Lillie and Macy Anderson, of Coquille, jour- four children, Mrs. Naomi Robison,, ' neyed to Riverton Tuesday on his mo­ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gulstrom and torcycle and aided his aunt, Mrs. Met- sons, Mr. and Mrs. David Root and tie Peterson, to finish digging pota­ Live News From Arago son, John Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Walter toes. Mr*. Albert Lillie and children, Farrier, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Schroe­ Miss Perna Knight, who for several der, and son, Price, Mr. and Mrs. J. Laura Bernice, Glenda Jean, Gerald weeks has been at work in Powers, is and Clyde, Mr*. Naomi Robison and D. Carl and sow, Kenneth, Wallace home this week but plans to return Mrs. Albert Gubtrom and sons, Jun­ and Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. O.*'X. to the home of her sister, Mrs. Lorn « ior and Darwin Berl, are camping at Aasen, Mrs. 8. C. McAllister and chil­ Willard, next week. dren, Shelby and Mary Jean, Mr. and Bandon this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hary Stumbo, of Wolf Ix*vaun and Stephen Aasen are Mrs. Robt. Munford and daughter, Creek, who are the owners of the -Y lueatha. Silver Fox ranch, were guests of the and relatives here this week. Mr. and Mm. Ren Brown and chil­ •pending this week at Bandon assist­ MYRTLE POINT ITEMS Mies Lavaun Aasen was a week-end P. O. Lund, L. A. Pearce and Ellis dren, of Santa Ana, Calif, sepnt the ing with the Junior Endeavor conven­ guest of Mias lonella Curtis, of Hartwell fur farm Sunday evening. James Powers returned Friday Dement returned home from a busi- week end at the J. H. Myers home. tion. Mrs. Harald Simmons, of Coquille, M n . Emma Wiilson, of Myrtle Bridge, while attending the Christian has been visiting her sbter, Mrs. evening from a two months' trip in ness trip to Gresham. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooley and two Endeavor convention. the EasL He visited relatives in Miss Emma Schneider was a Pow- children returned to their home in Point, came down Sunday to spend a Mr. and Mrs. Orvuc Mliller and Mabel Molthu, several days this week. few days with Mr. and Mr*. J. B. Virginia, also took in the World’s Fair ers visitor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Roberts, of Los Salem after spending several day« Gladys Miller are visiting Mr. and at Chicago and vbited« many other Angeles, California, and two children Glenn Wagner returned to work visiting at the R. B. Dement home. Moomaw, Jr. Mrs. Wallace Miller, of Portland, this Mrs. Leon Pauli received word from places of interest. ♦ who accompanied them have been the Monday at the Henry Bryant camp Miss Rachel Phillips went to Port­ Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Sumerlin and after being absent a few days on ac­ land Thursday, where she will spend her daughter, Winnie, last week that week. Thel left Saturday night and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nulf for expect to be back Friday. she had graduated from the North­ Mr«. W. E. Lewellen returned home count of an injured foot. the past week. ; several weeks visiting friend«. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Pauli had the Tuesday evening from Portland, Mrs. Flora Haan and son, Aubrey, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kring return­ Mrs. David Snyder, of Rlamath western School of Commerce of Port­ misfortune to have their car and where they went to attend the fun­ ed Sunday evening from Portland, Falls arrived the last of the week for land and had secured a position as in­ who have been spending the summer garage destroyed by fire Friday eve ­ eral of their brother, Rev. R. Sumer­ where they visited “Old Ironside«.” a two weeks’ visit with her friend, structor in the school. in Ashland and Tillamook, returned Mr. and Mrs. James Stauff, of San­ ning. The car had not been run­ Wednesday afternoon. They moved lin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder en­ Mbs Helen Deyoe. ning satisfactorily and they had been Ralph Kring was brought to the tertained at dinner Friday evening Mrs. Wateon was able to have the ta Monica, Calif., left Saturday morn­ from the house they occupied last Mast hospital Tuesday, where . an for Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Russell and Mast hospital Wednesday afternoon ing for Hoquiam, Wash, for a abort working on it that day. It b thought winter to the house formerly occupied that a short in the wiring started the emergency operation was performed daughter, Mildred, and Mbs Eleanore and return to her home at Bald Hill. visit with Mrs. Stauff’s sister, Mrs. by Mr. and Mrs. William Griffin. Mr. fire. for appendicitis. Win tie, of Ft. Myers, Florida. Mbses Ernestine and Carolyn Pope. They will also vbit friends at Haan b the science and mimic in­ Miss Rose Lillie, of North Bend, and Fredricka Brown left the last of Mr. and Mrs. Gallatin, of Ashland, Schneider returned to their home at Spokane and return homo by the structor in the Riverton high school. the week for Azalia, Oregon, where are guests this week of their daugh­ IUahe the first of the week after a Columbia river highway. Mr. and Mm. M. E. Lillie, of Bandon were Miss Agnes Hull returned home week-end visitors in Arago and vi- she will visit until school starts in ter, Mns. Arthur Sawyer. Mr*. Schroeder accompanied them. vbit with friends here. cinity. They returned home Monday. Sunday from a week’s visit with her September. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Barker enter­ L. Thompson left Thursday morn­ They expect to return to Arago Sat­ Melden Cart spent the week end grandmother at Bay Park in Marsh­ Mrs. Lawrence Muilen entered the tained at their summer home. The ing for Eugene, where he will make urday. field. here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Keizer hospital in North Bend Sun­ Goofus Nest, for Mr. and Mre. E. his home. Mrs. Thompson is night Leo Cox and son, Berl, of Bandon, Don’t forget the North Bend picnic day evening and on Monday submit­ Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sum­ nurse at the Mast hospital and will were overnight guests at the 8. C. J. D. Carl. He is clerking in Dun- to be given Sunday in Joe Donaldson's ham'a store at Reacteport. ted to an operation for removal of mers and two children, Mr. and Mrs. go later. McAllister home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Root and fam­ orchard. Everyone in the valley is a goitre by Dr. Peacock. She to re­ L. P. Linn and three childreh, Mrs*. Tyrell Woodward, Tony Able and Mrs. Murry, of Powers, entered the ily, of Myrtle Point, and Mrs. Roy invited in order to become better ac­ ported getting along satisfactorily. Douglas and daughter, of Junction Mast hospital Wednesday evening and George Gillespie made a trip to the quainted with one another. Bring Henry Bryant, of Bridge, entered City, Mrs. Mary Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. submitted to an emergency operation Willamette Valley Saturday and pur­ Stevens, of Corvsllb, vbited friends your lunch and everything to- eat it in Arago Sunday afternoon. the Mast hospital Monday to receive M. Evans and three children, Mr. and for appendicitis. chased some fine work horses. They W. A. Colver, of Catching Inlet, was with, your bathing suit, all musical treatments for injuries received while Mrs. Arthur Sawyer and Mr. and J. W. Mitchell, of North Bend, is will have them trucked in later. a week-end guest of Mr. and Mre. instruments and all the laughs and working in the woods. Mrs. May Rammey and daughter, Mrs. Gallatin, of Ashland. spending thb week at the home of hb good cheer you can find. Henry Collier. Miss Helene Hughes is spending Mary Edwards, Mrs. James Baxter Ernestine Luthey was brought to sbter, Mrs. Jim Myers. Howard Hull, who for the past few The annual Robison reunion was this week at the Keizer hospital, car­ the Mast hospital Tuesday evening and son, Fred, of San Bernardino, weeks Jia* been working at Port Or- Miss Harriet Bones returned to her held in the Schroeder grove Sunday. ing for Mrs. Lawrence Mullen. and emergency operation performed home at Gaylord Tuesday after a Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weeks and ford, returned home this week and About 75 China pheasants were re­ for appendicitis. •on. Bobbie, and Mrs. George Smith, About fifty relativea and their friend« reported that his work there was fin- several months’ stay at the Dr. Mast ceived here the last of last week from of Coquille, Miss Mary Beasant, of attended. Merle Kenyon returned to his work Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stauff and chil­ I shed. the state game farm at Salem and at Sisters in eastern Oregon after home. Bryn Mawr, Calif, were dinner guests Mr. and Mre. Mrs. Clarence Dewey and J. N. Gearhardt and daughter, Ag­ Thursday of Mr. and Mn. George dren, of Greneda, aClif., returned they were released in the vicinity of spending the week-end at his home. family of Lanvpa Creek were visiting nes, of Dora, were in town Wednes ­ Myrtle Point. home Monday after a week’s visit amp ton. "f" Hampton. Max and Harold Mullen returned with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Holbrook and’fam­ day. Mbs Jean Guerin returned The officers and teachers of the him. Glenda Stewart, of North Bend, to-Jyf* » with friends and relatives. , — A. Myers and son, Harvey, are ily Tuesday. aitino? her Í h