nm > coquille valut sentinel , coquille , omgon . feidat . july m . imi e Smith-Hughes State The Pioneer .Methodist Church Conference at Coos River Philip D. Hartman, pastor. Subject for morning service, con ducted, by Rev. W. S. Smith, Christ's Astoria; W. A. Schoenfeld, Dean of Tender Farewell.’’ Evening service, 8 Agriculture, Oregon State College. P- «4 subject, “God’s Love for Sin- Corvallis; Ray W. Gill, Master of|ners.” Sunday School at 10 a. m., Lyman State Grange, Portland; Lee A. Mey er, Principal of Coos River High Carrier, superintendent. Both departments of the Young School, Marshfield, and George H. Jenkins, Coos County Agricultural Peoples’ Division conduat their de votional« at 7 p. m. Agent, Coquille. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening Besides the general conference pro Choir rehearsal Saturday evening, gram, arrangements have been made for tours, picnics and various other F. G. Leslie, director. A cordial welcome awaits you at all types of entertainment. Wednesday evening the conference group will b» >t our services. If you do not wor- entertained by a boat trip up Coo- ;hip elsewhere come with us. River where a picnic lunch Will be Foursquare Gospel Church served by the Marshfield Chamber of Commerce. On Friday a tour will be Rev. and Mrs. T. R. Jgckman, made of the-county where the inatruc- co-pastora i toru will have an opportunity to ob-l 259 E. 2nd St Phone 159-J , serve boys' agricultural projects, and I ^Sunday visit evening school farmer*. This I 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, Mra. tour will be under the direction of W.l ■Jewell, §upt. M. Cunning, Coquille; Arthur Sawyer I 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. Ser- Myrtle Point; and Jens F. Svinth I non: “Why the Objections?” | Bandon', local Smith-Hughes inatruc-1 ■ 7:00 p. m. Crusaders. 9 tors. S >me time will be given to visit I 8:00 p. m. . Evangelistic service. ing the high schools at Bandon, Co-1 Sermon: “The Great Judgment” , • quiile and Myrtle Point where Smith- Tuesday Hdghes agricultural departments are! 8:00 P- m. Prayer meetinv. 1'K-ated. On this day a picnic lunch I Thursday will be served at Norway Grove at I 8:00 P- m. Orchestra practice. noon where the Myrtle Point and Co Friday quille Chambers of Commerce will I 8:00 P- m. Stereopticon Bible Pic- provide ice cream for the delegation. lures on “The Exodus of Israel.1 In the evening the visitors will go to I Saturday the Bandon beach where a lunch will 1:30 p. m. Radio, Cathedral of the be served and the Bandon Chamber of Air program. Commerce will provide special enter 230 p. m. Children’« Church, Mra. tainment. Jenzer, Supt. Over 100 visitors, including their families, will arrive Saturday and I Seventh Day Adventist Church Sunday. The visitors will camp ini Pastor, H. A. Niergarth. tents on the high school grounds and I the meals will be served in the school I Sabbath School (Saturday) 9:45 cafeteria under the supervision of two I a. m. Preaching service 11:09 a. m. girls from Oregon State College. The The theme for the coming Sabath instructors attending the conference “How shall we escape, if we are from all parts of the state. The **** one traveling the farthest distance is I ielflect >’O great Salvation? by the Edward Axtell from Enterprise in | >a’*tor- Wallowa county, who will travel over Church of Christ 1300 miles in attending the confer ence. Turner B. MacDonald, Pastor This is the eecond time a conference Sunday, 10:00 a. m. Bible School. of this kind has been held in Coos I Departments for all ages. Ned C. county. Six years ago when there | ,<ell«y, superintendent, were only two Smith-Hughes agricul 11:00 a. m. Communion and morn- tural departments in the county, it1 ng worship. Sermon by the pastor, was held at Myrtle Point. Less than 7:00 p. m. C. E. groups meet for half the group who attended at that I levotionals. time will be at Coos River. Last yeai I Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Bible the conference was held at Wallowa I ;tudy. Willett Jwsee, leader, in the far eastern part of the state. I You are cordially invited to all of At the Tuesday evening session eev |.he«e services, eral of the newspaper editors of the county will be initiated into the order Baptist Church of “Yellow Dog«,” the fun organiza Sunday School at 10 o’clock, with tion of the Smith-Hughes instructor« elaeees for everyone. Visitona always of the state. islative act authorising the utilities adults who took advantage of even welcome. News From Lee Section commissioner to assess all utilities ing classes conducted by vocational Prayer meeting 7:30 Thursday Mrs. Roy Abbott, Phyllis Leman- to finance the department’s investiga instructors. 4>y Mr. Harold Hartley as groomsman I night, owsky, Bonnie and Dorothy Arnold and Mr. Frank Gibbon and Harold I B. Y. tions is seen in rumors reaching the P. U. services every Sunday capital. Members of the State Emer ‘In spite of the near-breakdown of spent a couple of day« test week with Wade as ushers^ Little Ottis Carmon | ivening at 7 o’clock. gency Board meeting here this week the property tax Oregon voters are Mrs. H. W. Hervey. was page for Mr. Tonole. Hugh Mallore, of Shedd, visited to approve the request of Commis in no mood to stand for any tax re As the groom approached the altai Methodist Episcopal Church » sioner Thomas for authority to levy forms. That, at least is the conclu with the Lloyd Leatherman family he was the cynosure of all eyes, Evening Preaching 8:00 p. m. an extra assessment to raise a fund sion reached by members of the State one day laat week. Mra. Della Leath blushing prettily as he replied to the Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. erman accompanied him home after Governor Meier’s shaft of criticism, of >27,000 questioned the validity of Tax commission based upon the de spending several weeks with her son. questiom of the clergyman in tones m. low yet firm. The groom was charm aimed at State Treasurer Molman and the act. Thomas, himself, has ex cisive defeat suffered by the sales Preaching at Bandon 11 a. m. Mrs. Lloyd Mast and Wallie, Mrs. based on recent investments made by pressed doubt as to the ability of tax and the equally decisive although Effie Adams, Mary Janice, Nancy ingly clad in a three-piece «uit con Scriptural, Spiritual Preaching. Ev the State Bond commission of which the act to stand up under a court at not nearly so overwhelming defeat Lee and Hal, and Mrs. H. W. Maat sisting of coat, pants and vest. The eryone welcome. both officiate are members, apparent tack and has said that he would wel suffered by the amended income tax spent a very enjoyable week-end at cost, of dark material, was draped at G. A. Gray, Pastor. the shoulders and tastefully gather ly fleWJWide of its mark and landed come a suit to tert its validity. Un last November. Both measures were Bandon. 107 E. 2nd St., Coquille, Ore. ed under the arms. A pretty sigh instead on the proverbial innocent by der the provisions of the act in ques actively supported by members of the' Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Willson and guests stander. In this instance the victim tion all utilities in the state contrib- Tax Commission as offering some Evelyn attended a birthday party in was current among the St. James Church of the governor’« stray shVt was Ore- I toward the cost of investigations slight relief to the overburdened ¡that the coat was the same one worn honor of Mrs. John Stone last Thurs (Episcopal) gon City, the high standing of whose instituted by the commissioner. The property owner who under the pres oy the groom’s father and grand day night at the home of Cince Fin Church school every Sunday at 10 father on their weddings days. Mr. bonds has, inadvertently, been called fund which the current assessment ent system is bearing practically the lay at Johnson Mill. t. m. Perry Roper, superintendent. will raise will be used in financing entire cost of government. Tonole would neither affirm nor deny into question in the controversy be Mr. and Mra. Carl Anderson and investigations of the Pacific Tele the truth of this sentimental touch. tween the two state officials. family moved to the Henry Miller With the election out of the way The groom’s vest was made sleeve First Church of Christ, Scientist Instead of suffering in silence, phone and Telegraph company, the care for less and met il front. Conepicuoui- farm Tuesday. They will Coquille, Oregon Northwestern Electric company, the interest now centers in the forthcom however, Oregon City, through her ( that place this summer. 8unday School at 9:80 a. m. ___ ___ __ California-Oregon Power company ing constitutional convention to be on the front of the vest was the city attorney and city manager, has Callers at the Walter Schroeder Sunday Service at 11 -. m. groom's favorite piece of jewelry, an expresed her resentment of the gov- j an^ ^he Mountain States Power com- called by Governor Meier sometime in home last week included Mesdames Subject for next Sunday. “Love.’ August at which Oregon wHl formally Eagle pin, and from the upper lef. ernor’s attitude in no uncertain terms P*”?- J. R. Bunch, of Coquille, Paul Bunch, Wednesday evening meeting at I .rittfy repeal of the eighteenth pocket was suspended a large Inger and demanded an apology. Not only Frank Bunch, Clifford Crosby, Severt ________________ Oregon school districts are asking amendment to the federal constitution soil watch, the bride’s gift to the I’tioek. that but they have filed affidavits to Iverson, Mae Bright, Edith Bothwell, Free public Reading Room open in show “that* the "governor himself gave ' in accordance to instructions given by groom, which gave just the needed Ole Iverson, of Gravel Ford, Miss his approval to the investment fori proximately ” " >5,000.000, according to the voters at the polls last Friday. Lois McCue, of Bandon, and Miss touch of brilliance to the costume in Church Building every Tuesday and Friday afternoons except holidays C. A. Howard, state superintendent The convention must be held within perfect taste and harmony, which he now criticizes Holman. Laia Gant ’-nm two to five o’clock. The groom's pants were of dark The State Bond commission in of public instruction. The money, if 30 days after the election or on or be Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adama, of worsted and were suspended from th» I The public is cordially invited to at- received, wHl be used in new con fore August 20. Since it will take cidentally, is composed of the gover Myrtle Point, were dinner guests of nor, state treasurer and a member of struction and in repairs to school from 10 days to two weeks to can the Lloyd Mast family Wednesday. waist, falling in the new straight line <«d o“r services and to visit the nearly to the floor. The severe sim I "-««ding Room, vass the votes and issue the certifi the State Industrial Accident com property. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Abel, of plicity of the garment was relieved by I ------------------------ cates to the delegates it cannot be mission. This commission is en Marshfield, and Mr. and Mra. Joe High price of gasoline is being re held until after August 1. Predic the right leg, which was caught up At Christian Science Churches trusted with the investment of sur Abel, of Wendling, were Sunday “Truth” was the subject of the plus fund« of all state boards and flected in a material lessening of mo tions here are that the session will guests of Mr. and Mra. W. H. Purdy. about four inches by a black garter. tor vehicle traffic which is costing be called for about the middle of the revealing just an intriguinT glimpse >sson-Senmon in all Churches of commissions, particularly funds of Mr. and Mra. Tommy Weekly, Mrs. Oregon thousands of dollar« by way month. the accident commission. Cleo Weekly and Mrs. Charles Ben of black holeproof above boota of gen- Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, July 23. The Golden Text was, “The Lord is For several years it has been the of reduced gasoline taxes. Figures nett of Myrtle Point called at the W. uine leather, laced with strings of th< The >150,000 fund set aside by the same color. The effect was very chic. rood; his mercy is everlasting; and policy of the commission to leave pre compiled by R. H. Baldock, state H. Hervey home Sunday. The groom’s neck waa encircled by his truth endureth to all generations” liminary details in these investments highway engineer, show that the loss last legislature for use of the emer Mr. and Mra. Henry Brown were to Fred Paulus, deputy state treas in gasoline tax revenues to this state gency board may prove to be entirely Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. a white collar, characterised by a I (Ps. 100:5). Around the Among the citation« which com- urer, generally recognized as one of is approximately >140,000 a month, inadequate. At the meeting of the Clinton. They attended church to delicate saw edge. the best posted authorities on munici attributable largely to the increased board here this week Senator Fred gether at Myrtle Point Sunday eve- collar waa loosely tied a cravat, so Lrised the Lesson-Sermon was the coot of gasoline which has prompted Kiddle, chairman, sounded a warning that it rode up under his left ear with following from the Bible: “Think not pal bonds in the entire state. ning. I that studied effect of carelessness that I am come to destroy the law, or One of the investments which the many motorists to store their cars against too great a dependence upon I which marks supreme artistry^ in] the prophets: I am not come to de the good offices of the board. Al governor criticises was the recent temporarily. The Bride Ignored dress. I »troy, but to fulfill” (Matt 5:17). ready, less than four months after purchase of >65.000 of Oregon City I Oregon was only one of five states Mr. Hartley's costume was essen | The Lesson-Sermon also included the the legislature has adjourned, >20,000 Sentinel puts it up to The bonds. Preliminary details leading to he following correlative passages this investment was made by Paulus to legalise horse racing and betting of the fund has been doled out to meet ladies: Is the following the correct tially like that of -the groom and, a I as usual and affidavits filed here by by the pari-mutuel system this year. emergencies with still other emer form for a newspaper account of a the two stood at the altar, a hush of I ’rom the Christian Science textbook, Chris Scheubei, city attorney, and City Other states taking the same action gency needs beginning to so show on wedding? The item was clipped from awed admiration enveloped the au-1 ‘Science and Health with Key to the Manl^'r'T^M WmW?^ the horison. During the last bien the Cottage Grove Sentinel which ran dience at the complete and wonderful Scriptores,” by Mary Baker Eddy: show that the deal wm approved by Delaware D*,ew’r* and Ohio. Ohto. Pari-mutuel Pan-mutue! bilb nium the board was not called on for it under the heading, “Bride Hardly harmony of their raiment. Groom ‘The law of Christ or Truth, mik<i the late Chas. T. Early, at that time ’"r* th* of a single appropriation. Which was Noticed at Wedding Ceremony?* and groomsman could not have been ill thing« possible to Spirit . . . The told apart had it not been for the lit-1 supposed laws which result in weari- the accident commission’s representa- Mi”°url- Tex- just an well since there was no emer tive on the bond commission, and by ”’ New York •"<« Wyoming. gency fund to draw on, Governor Thornton Corners, July 15.—(Spe tle patch of court plaster worn by Mr. ness and disease are not His laws, for Meier having vetoed this appropria cial.)—Mr. Harold Tonole, son of Mr. Tonole to cover a nick in his chin the legitimate and only possible ac- Governor Meier. Early died without signing the minute« covering this A great increase in interest in vo- tion along with others which did not and Mrs. Pete Tonole of Cottag» made by his safety razor. Neither tion of Truth Js the production of har- Grove, Oregon, became the bride Mr. Tonole nor Mr. Hartley wore a|mony . . . Truth casts out all evils particular transaction and Governor cational courses is reported by O. D. meet his approval. groom of Miss Verte Gibson at 8 hat at the ceremony. and materialistic methods with the Meier, for reasons of his own, has ao Adams, state director for vocational A« the bride led Mr. Tonole from actual spiritual law,—the law which If you want to subscribe for a Port o'clock July second. The ceremony education. This past year 8.412 far refused to sign the minutes. 8,412 per sons were enrolled in clauses in agri land daily the clubbing combination took pisce at the Laurelwood church the nuptials it was noted that she gives sight to the blind, hearing to Prospect of a suit by some Oregon culture, trades and industries, and we offer with the Sentinel win save at Gaston, Oregon, with an attendance wore the conventional veil and orange the deaf, voice to the dumb, feet to of over IM, Mr. Tono«« waa attended blona*«. the lame” (pp. IO, IN). Utility to teat the validity «f the hr h««* economics. Muy theee wm you moony. (Continued from flrat page) » PAGE SEVEN