THE COQUILLE VALLET SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 21. 1PM. PAGE BIX MINOR MENTION Telling About People and Events in the City and County eight-year old grand daughter, Bar­ bara Barrow. She was also aecorn- panied from Gladstone, near Portland, by Mrs. Inez Chase who had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Maurice Harvey, and her mother, Mrs. Wm. Rich, for ten day«. Buy your music and book end sta­ tionery needs at Norton’«. Mrs. J. E. Norton is enjoying a Buy your music and book and eta- visit from her mother, Mr«. Alice tionery needs at Norton's. Stark, and her brother, A. H. Stark, The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. who with his wife and two sons ar­ James McGuffin on Spurgeon Hill next rived here Wednesday from their Friday, July 28, at 2 p. m., for regular home in Meridian, near Boise, Idaho. meeting and tea. They will spend several days of their Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and week’s visit here at the Norton cot­ milk, the only milk and cream made tage on Bandon beach. safe by pasteurisation. Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. Nettleship and Miss Evelyn Nelson, who is a nurse in the hospital at Medford, came over last Sunday for a week’s visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nelson. Miss Cora Mackey is enjoying a visit from her niece, Mis? Doris Mc- . Allister, of Tacoma, who came down last week to spend the summer with her aunt. son, Jack, came in last Saturday from Yakima, Wash., to «pend a week vis­ iting relatives, and are making their headquarters at the H. S. Norton home. Mrs. Nettleship was’ Erma Price, sister of Mrs. Norton, before her marriage nine years ago. They came down the Coast highway and were so pleased with it that they ex­ pect to return heme the same way. Mrs. Emma J. MoNelly, accompan­ Insure your car with Ned C< Kelley ied by Miss Emily Little, arrived a reliable Oregon stock company. in ^Tuesday from Hillsboro for a . two weeks’ visit with Mrs. McNelly’s eon, Farrs Return from Outing Fred, and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Farr and Edythe V. R. Wilson, "Optometrist.” Errors in refraction' corrected, without the and Leonard, who returned last week use of drugs. "For glasses" see Wil­ from their two weeks’ vacation trip, son first and save money. 7tf enjoyed a moat wonderful outing, even though Mr. Farr and Leonard did have Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lawrence and to stay out in the broiling sun, with Mrs. K. P. Lawrence and children left the thermometer over 100 degrees and Wednesday for Portland to visit a alongside pallisade rock« up in Wash­ couple of days with Perry Lawrence ington, while they assisted his uncle who is in the Veterans’ Hospital there. in digging a smill truck out of the Mre. Fred Siegrist, • nee Edna Gil­ sand. The car had been driven in key, and small son, Jack, returned to about 200 feet before it stopped and her home in La Grande Tuesday, after to get out they cut up a four-foot box a visit with her mother, Mrs. Cora into strips, placed them under the Gilkey, who has been quite ill recently. wheels, drove four feet and then did Ned C. Kelley will insure your it all over again. It required five hours to get back to the highway. trucks and write your bonds. At Seneca in ¿astern Oregon they E. D. Webb and family and Anne visited the L. J. Locker family. Mrs. Van Scoy left Tuesday morning for Locher was formerly Mias Minnie Lake Siltcoos to spend a few days Kalbus, home demonstration agent in camping and fishing. He is enjoying Cooe county when Mr. Farr yas a two weeks vacation from his duties county agent. Their home was for­ in the bank. merly in'Bume but Mr. Locher is now See Mansell Drayage & Delivery in charge of the office of a Pine lum­ They Co. for Alpine coal. Order« filled ber mill company at Seneca. promptly. < tf have three children and Mr. Farr re­ Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lawrence ar­ ports that Mrs. Locher finds the prac­ rived here Sunday from Oakland to tical duties of managing a house and spend a two weeks’ vacation visiting children somewhat different from the at the K. P. Lawrence home. They theoretical viewpoint she had in Cod's left Oakland Saturday noon and ar­ county ten or twelve year« ago. _ __ rived the next evening. - ■ ' The usual Saturday afternoon matinee for children will not be given at the Liberty Theatre tomorrow, July 22, because of the House of David ball game. But the matinee will be resumed July 29. G. Russell Morgan is expected here tomorrow to accompany Mr«. Morgan to their home in Hillsboro. She had been here for the past week visiting her son, Earl Hamilton, and wife and other old friends in Coquille. Old Beaver Hill Vein Coal, »4.50 per ton for lump delivered in Coquill*. Leave orders at Roosevelt Service Station, phone 114. C. Jack Shumate. 7tf Spanish War Vets to Picnic The Spanish War Veteran« camp at Marshfield is going to hold its annual picnic on Sunday, August 13, at South Bay. It will be a basket picnic, the camp to furnish hot coffee and cream, and all the Spanish War Veterans and their families in this community are cordially invited to attend. The ‘picnic committee has declared this day to be open season on the National Economy League, and the National Chamber of Commerce and all veter­ ans who attend will be assured of an opportunity to talk pensions till they bust. Delegates will be back from the State Encampment at Salem, and will be there in person to tell all that took place.—Wesley P. Bruer, Camp Adjutant. When Dr. W. V. Glaisyer and fam­ ily returned last Friday evening from their trip to Tacoma they were ac­ companied home by Miss Wahnita Mills, of Eugene, a sorority sister of Testing for Bridge Foundations Marshall Dresser, from the State Betty at St. Helen's Hall. She is Highway commission’s office is here spending the week here. to make tests for the foundation for Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cunning re­ the new bridge between North Bend turned last Sunday from a week's trip and Glasgow, says the Coos Bay Har­ to Portland. They were accompanied bor. The tests will be made by means home by Mrs. Virgil Hamilton, a of a pile driver equipped with a pow­ friend who is spending a week here erful water pump, a series of iron while Mr. Hamilton is calling on cus­ pipes, nozzle and hose. Instead of tomers in Washington cities. driving the piling a hole will be made Marilyn Compton, who went over with the pipe and waterpump, after to the Golden Falls camp of the Camp which the piling will be sent to bed­ Fire Girls on Wednesday, was brought rock. Tests will be made for each pier if home the same day, suffering from a fracture of the small bone in her left possible, of if the formation is found arm, just above the wrist. She re­ to be fairly level then for only a part ceived it when she fell from a «wing. of the piers. Mr. Dresser says that bedrock is the ideal foundation but Wednesday morning Mrs. Lafe that certain clay formations are also Compton drove over to Golden Falls recognized as substantial and equal to above Allegany taking the four girls the bedrock. from Coquille who are attending the Campfire Girls camp there. Those B. P. W. Picnic in Grove going from Coquille were Doris and Still another picnic of the past week Marilyn Compton, Georgianna John­ was that of the Business & Profes­ son and Dorothy Glaisyer. sional Women in the Myrtle Grove Ray Schott, formerly with the Coos park Monday evening. About 20 of county highway department but who the local members attended and after has been with the state tax commis­ a very enjoyable meal Mrs. Bertha J. sion and living at Salem for the past Smith gave a brief report of the bi­ three years, was shaking hands with ennial national convention which has old friends here Wednesday. He and just been held in Chicago. Mrs. Schott were returning from a The next meeting of the club will vacation trip into California. be a business session, on Aug, 7. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Gano and two sons arrived here Monday for a week’s visit with his brother, C. W. Gano, and family. The viator»’ home is in Bellingham, Wash. Part of their time in this section will be spent by the two families in making the loop trip to Crescent City, the caves and Grants Pass. METSKER’S COUNTY ATLASES Metsker’s County maps and town­ ship ownership maps are for sale at The Title Co. and County Assessor*« office, .Coquille, Ore., and the Cham­ ber of Commerce at Marshfield, Ore., the best maps made in Oregon. “Met- sker the Map Man” 215 Commerce Bldg. Portland, Ore. Mrs. Jennie Price returned Tuesday evening from a month’s visit with her See Mansell Drayage A Delivery two daughters in Montesano, Wash. Co. for Alpine coal. Orders filled She was accompanied home by her promptly. tf I I , I ls a Caravan Advisable? SOCIAL NOTES A very pleasant and profitable af­ ternoon was spent at the home of Mrs. E. M. Wilson on South Maple street yesterday when the missionary society of the Pioneer church gave a silver tea and missionary program which opened with group singing. Mrs. Alex Peterson and Mrs. F. G. Leslie conducted the devotional exercises, Mrs. Esta Ellis had charge of the lesson. “The pHte of women in the church.” 'A number of questions and answers brought forth a lively dia­ cussion. The ladies were then highly entertained with echoes ’from the con­ ference brought back by MesdameS James Richmond, Lyman Carrier and Ernest Purvance, who had just re­ turned from attending the Northwest Conference of the Methodist Church South, at Troy, Idaho. It is with much gratification locally that Rev. and Mrs. P. D. Hartman are returned to the Coquille Church for another year. Following this a real musical treat was afforded the company. Miss Elois Wilson favored the ladies with a vocal solo, accompanied by Mzrgaret Purvance. Miss Helen Dunton played a very beautiful piaifo solo and Mar­ garet Purvance sang a group of songs, accompanied by Miss Dunton. Dainty refreshment« were served by the hostesses: Mesdames Henry Ellis, L. W. Oddy and B. A. Davis to the following members and friends: Mes­ dames Lee Peterson, Clyde Minard, 8. A. Ball, Birdie Skeels, M. W. Way, George Wilkins, Wm. Davis, Alex Pe­ terson, B. C. Minard, James Rich­ mond, F. G. Leslie, Lyman Carrier, R. B. Rogers, Lee Neeley, R. T. Slat­ er, D. D. Dale, C. D. Winder, A. T. Fox, Misses Elois Wilson, Bonnie Gage, Margaret Purvance, Miss Helen Dunton, of Portland, and the hostess, “Mrs. Wilson. * Ed Miller, manager of the Coast Highway Association, met with the County Chamber of Commerce Monday evening at Myrtle Point, and asked the opinion of those present whether a motor caravan to Victoria, B. C-, some time in September would be desirable. He did not wish to start planning such a motorcade unles« the people along the route approved. The Vic­ toria Publicity Bureau has asked that a motor caravan come up from Cali­ fornia, Oregon and Washington this year, but those who expressed them­ selves Monday evening thought the plan should wait a year. County Agent Jenkins reported on t)ie last meeting of the Coos A Curry County Fair board which set Sept. 13-14-15-16 as fair date«. He also said that plans were formulating for a better four days’ race meet than has been'held for some time past. Henry G. Kern and Judge»Thomp­ son reported on the last meeting of the state highway commission which they attended, along the lines already reported , in the county press. Cliff Day, secretary of the county chamber, reported the request of the Conoco Travel 'Bureau at Denver, Colo,, for several hundred copies of the Coos county recreational booklet. The present supply in the county is less than 500, and the county chamber has no funds to provide more. It was suggested that he send 250 copies. The Conoco Bureau is one of the best mediums for distributing Coos publicity in the middle west that has yet been found, and it has been fre­ quently demonstrated that that bu­ reau gets the pamphlets into the hands of those who later come this way. Those present for the meeting were the president and secretary, H. G. Kern, Cliff Day, and Wm. Vaughan, of North Bend; Ed Kreiger and C. T. Nunn, of Marshfield; R. L. Stewart, Geo. Jenkins, D. F. Thompson and H. A. Young, of Coquille; Jno. D. Carl, Geo. E. Hampton and J. L. Burti«, of Arago; J. D. Clinton, of Myrtle Point; Ed Liddle and E. O. Sempert, of Powers. m/TLCrUA. in this BEAUTY TREATMENT Blonde, brunette or red head, you’ll find among Cara Nome’s 49 famous 'formulas the very ones that will give you NEW BEAUTY! And you can be sure that you have the finest up-to-date formulas known to cosmetic science. Ask to see Cara Nome at the Rexali Drug Store. CARA NOME beauty needs I I Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc. Tfts Tbstatt AM« DRUGGISTS > STATIONERS work will not be hired, nor will sup­ plies be purchased locally, except as needed to augment the ration« fur­ nished by the Army. The pack train on each ranger dis­ trict has been increased until each ranger now has a string of five work­ able animals, and so far as possible this string will be expected to take care of the needs of the district. Trucks used in the camps are avail­ able for hauling men and supplies to fires, and during periods of extreme haxard the men will be kept in camp for expected fire duty. Mrs. G. Russell Morgan, of Hills­ boro, who is here visiting with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton, was the inspiration for a little evening bridge party given by Mrs. T. B. Currie at her home in the Nosier apartments on Wednesday of this week. The guests arranged a handkerchief shower for Mrs. Mor­ Fire Training in gan that evening, which grealty pleas­ Conservation Camps Old Papera, good-aized package at ed and surprised her. Attending be­ The Sentinel for 5 cents. sides the honored guests were Mes- Recently the Rangers on the Siski­ dames A. O. Walker, Fred McNelly, you National Forest have completed Warranty ana oargain A Sale E. L. Kay, Tracy Leach, A. B. Collier, a thorough training and organization H. W. Pierce and hostess, Mrs. Currie. of fire craws in each of the E. C. W. Deeds for sale at The Sentinel office. camps on the Forest This training Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and milk, the only milk and cream made safe by pasteurization. Calling cards 100 for »1.00. NOTCE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been duly appointed administratrix of the estate of J. W. 'Laird, deceased, and all persons hav­ ing claims against said eetate are ■hereby notified, that they are required to present same duly verified, with proper voucher therefor, to the under­ signed, at the office of H. A. Slack, in Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated thia 29th day of June, 1933. Mabie Laird, Administratrix of the Estate of J. W. Laird, deceased. H. A. Slack, attorney for Adminis­ tratrix. 24t5 was made a real job, and the Ranger, r County Employees Picnic Court house officials, employees, and their familiee, to the number of 67, enjoyed a very fine evening picnic at the Tedsen camp at Norway last Fri­ day and so pleasurable did it prove that it may become an annual affair. Beside the eats there were all sorts of game« played, races run, some went swimming, while others just en­ joyed the being out of doors. A wedding gift to Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Oaughell was presented for the group by Assessor J. P. Beyers. It consisted of a silver meat fork and a handsome set of crystal goblet«. with the help of the Camp Command­ er and Camp Superintendent, went in­ to a very thorough training of the men in the methods of fire prevention around camp and in the woods, fire chasing, fire loaction, organization of crews, and the making of records and report«. In other words, the Siskiyou Forest, instead of having a protective organization of around 60 men this year, will have an organization of be­ tween thirteen and fourteen hundred men. Because of the large numbers of men on the Forest in these camps, outside labor for fire suppression B L KZ BT\ -W- *W/ ■ U ■_ ■< I ■ » I « ■ I I ■ ■ / THEATRE COQUILLE ■ I ... ........................... FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JULY 21 - 22 - A FULL-LENGTH SCREAMIE SET TO MUSIC? GAY WITH ROMANCE “The Devil’s Brother” with STAN LAUREL . OLIVER HARDY A DENN18 KING You’ll roar at their antics, you'll thrill to Dennis King's love songs. IPECIAL ATTRACTION! FRIDAY—ONE NIGHT ONLY VACATIONS The Oregon Loggers and Stage and Radio Entertainers H ealth OREGON’S OWN BACKWOODS TROUBADORS By Dr. ERNEST H. LINES Hear them aing and play the old time tunes SEE “OLE” THROW THE AXE—HEAR “RIGGER SLIM” YODLE Listen to the Songs and Stories of the Lumber Csmp and Tall Timber as Only Real Loggers Can Render Them CHILDREN IN SUMMER MONTHS Note: The Oregon Loggers will sppesr on the stage at 9 o’clock. OR children, the summer months are playtine. Free from the tasks of the schoolroom, they look forward eagerly to ths games and pleasures of the vacation period. But intelligent and careful planning tor the holidays is aa essential for children as for adults. Since the routine of school health educators is suspended, full responsi­ bility for health falls on the shoulders where children may pick them up, of parents. The Institute of Makers of Explosive« The vacation period of the average reports that 500 children are killed or city child is usually spent with adult injured annually from playing with relatives at summer resorts, at blasting caps. Most of them acci­ organised camps, or in the year-round dents occur during the summer eity environment. It is the unfortu­ months. nate children who spend the last type A still greater number of children of vacation who require the closest are maimed by the explosion of su|>ervision. firecrackers. Lock-jaw and burns are They should be particularly warned a serious danger. Don’t let th« against over-exertion and heat pros- Fourth of July be a reminder that traiion, against eating foods handled your child has lost his life, or aa eve, by street vendors, and against the or some fingers from a flrecraaaar dangers of accident from automobiles. explosion. The most tragic aspect of the child’s In short, plan the child’s vacation vacation period is the increased so that it combines the greatest number of avoidable accidents to freedom from the nervous tension of children due to the failure of parents the formal classroom with the highest and children to carry on the safety regard for the rules of healthful living ea-.ipaign waged throughout the and the greatest care to avoid acct­ acl. >ol year. dents. Continue the child's regular Although swimming is excellent rest period. If possible, bring the exercise for children, particularly child clone to the lessons of the grant ■ ace it teaches them how to take care outdoors. Seo to it that, with aa of themselves in the water, care abundance of sunlight, air, rant and should be taken to avoid the pollution directed recreation, th« little dtissa of “the old swimming hole.” Children goes back to school with a sound who go to summer camps should'be mind and a sound body. examined in advance by the family X physician and a record should be sent Thit it tit weend tf« mtms tf 12 to the camp authorities so they may artidtt on Vacations and HtaUh. regulats the child’s activities in ac­ Tht third, on Camp Lift, w»B cordance with his physical condition. anatrar ths fuostiono.- 1. What No Advance in Price. F Explosions Many accidents to children occur from the explosion of dynamite caps left lying around vacant houses, MmoMT cottages and other placet t Children 10c Adults 25c PREVIEW SATURDAY NITE » r SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, JULY 23-24-25 The Birth of a NEW NATION! Hold yeur Breath! Something really unusual! Prepare for the moat exciting visit you've ever made to a motion picture theatre. “Gabriel Over The White House” with WALTER HUSTON KAREN MORLEY and Uttle DICKIE MOORE SEE two million men on the march—a President made Dictator— 1001 other thrills in the most amazing picture ever made! —Plus Paramount News and Comedy Admission 10c A 35c r WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, JULY 26-27 PAL NIGHT 2 ADULTS for 25c MADAME RACKETEER IS ON THE LOOSE.. .AGAIN WITH A HEY-NONNY NONNY & A HOT-CHA CHA FOR THE WISE GUYS FROM THE GAS WOIK8 A Howl from First Flash to Fadeout' first aid should ba administered for snake bites? ft. How should acampsitebeseieoted? ft. How should firearms ba carried? “A LADY’S PROFESSION” With Alton, Skipworth . Roland Young . Warre. Hym.r be