<■ PAGI FOUS THB COQUILLE TA LL B T 8ENTINSL. COQUILLE, OREGON, MUDA Y, J VL Y 11, !•$*. The Sentinel a SOOD SAFW IS « MM0 TABLOIDS By W. 8. Sickels TOWS hibition question, as this writer sees it, is to take it, in its present form, out of the constitution of the United States. In the meantime it remains the privilege of each state to exercise its sovereign right« in the matter. National prohibition has failed and so long as the 18th amendment remains in the national constitution no other plan to curb liquor can be put into effect. To keep the question thus closed to ether and better methods of handling it seems unwise and not in the interest of reform. ------------------------------------------------ H. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES Publishers The Oregonian had a busy day last V. H. A. YOUNG. Editor week. It had- several brands of beer analyzed, to see if the law aa to alco­ holic content was being complied with. Subscription Rate« One Year ..................... $2.00 Also it put reporters on npecial as­ Six Months ...................... 100 signments to show the police where Three Months.......... •..........••••• -?0 there was gambling in Portland. The No subscription Uken unless paid for in advance. This rule is lmpera- beer was found okay, but the arrest of a few petty gamblers followed. On the same day these exploits were be­ ing featured, the leading story of the day was about the wild stock market orgy which took place the previous day in New York. Every great news­ paper in the country aids and abets, countenances, encourage«, upholds, supports and sustains the greatest Advertising Rates foil n i Display advertising. 25 cents per gambling house on earth, merely by inch: less than 5 inches, 30 cents per printing the news of its manipulated Approximately $5,000 will be spent inch. No advertisement inserted foi daily doings. 8tock market report« less than 50 cents. Readings notices in improving the Oregon Coast high­ 10 cents per line. No reading notice, as printed by the metropolitan press or advertisement of any kind, insert­ costa each newspaper hundreds of way within the city of Coquille, says a special to the Sentinel from Salem, if ed for less than 25 cents. dollars daily, yet this advertising tentative plans for the allocation of space is freely donated to an enter­ Entered at the Coquille Postoffice a« prise that for fraud and cheating the federal fund made available for 1 out of Ivory 3 Second Class Mail Matter. this state are approved by the highway make Al Capone look like a Sunday commission. These tentative plans Electric Refrigerators school superintendent by comparison. Office Corner W. First and Willard 8t. drawn up by R. H. Baldock also in ­ Withdrawal of newspaper support in Homes Today would put the New York Stock Ex­ clude $50,000 for grading and surfac­ Douglas county is today voting on change and the whole horde of Wall ing of the'KCoa«t highway within the is a G-E Monitor Top the county unit plan for conducting ■Street crooks ¿ut of business within city of North Bend and $10,000 for • tbe same kind of work' within the city schools. It has proved economical in a week. every Oregon county that has adopted of Marshfield. There’s a G-E model, The regulations governing the use it and in Utah, where the law is in size and price for every It is reported that ninety-three home and purse, in­ universal operation, the cost per pupil Oregon young men await taking the of the federal road fund requires that ■ itaieùii. cluding the Standard is $76.92. while in the other western examination to be admitted to the 25 per cent of the total be allocated Monitor Top model«, states which do not have this eystem practice of law. What for? to work within the limits of incorpo­ and the new G-E ONE outstanding feature in ERE’S the refrigerator sen­ the cost is much higher. In Califor­ rated cities and towns. Junior .. today’s out­ refrigeration. No other mecha­ nia it is $J30.97 per pupil, in Wash­ sation of the year ... the Have you ever paid a visit to “the standing value among ington $102.64, Oregon $100.08, Colo­ old home town," after an absence, While Oregon this week will elect nism has matched its record for new 10* General Electric! conventional flat-top rado $122.31, Arizona $115.53, Mon- we’ll say, of about ten year«? Ac­ 16 delegates to a constitutional con­ refrigerators. dependable, trouble-free service. Before you invest a penny ip Una $113.50, Idaho $97.57. -Why cording to experiences that have been vention to meet some time in August It alone among leading »sakes, is refrigeration, inspect this great shouldn’t £oos county put it to d vote related to me, here is about what hap­ to cast the vote of thie state on the now guaranteed 4 Yean against new super-value. at one of next year’s elections? pens: The visitor arrives and puts question of repeal of the eighteenth mechanicalfailure. amendment to the federal constitution The new 10* G-E freezes more up at the leading hotel. He gets up Movies Need A Broom early in the morning and goes forth, the work of the convention will be ice faster, consumes less current, Come in .. let us show you the A recent survey of the movies over anticipating the joy and pleasure of largely a formality. operates so quietly you can marvelous new 10* G-E with its Oregon ’ « position with respect to a period of four year« shows some meeting former friends the boon com­ scarcely hear it. New all-steel ten star features! See the com­ drastic action must be taken to correct panions of his young day«. He sees the prohibition amendment will actu­ cabinets are gleaming porcelain plete G-E line! the bad influence they have on the Charley coming along the street. He ally be determined by the vote on the inside and out ... beautifully youth of the nation? This investiga­ and Charley had a lot of good times first question of the special election­ tion was made by the Motion Picture together in the old days. “Well, if ballot labelled “an amendment to the modern in appearance. Even • * Research Council, under the chair­ it isn’t old Fred,” says Charley, and constitution of the United States of the famous Monitor Top is Savings on food costs alone will manship of the late Dr. John Grier the hand eJaap is mutually enthusias­ America.” l5ie purpose of this meas­ newly designed, with glistening more than meet the easy monthly Htrben, president of Princeton uni- tic. "When did you get in, Fred? ure,- as interpreted by Attorney Gen­ smooth steel walls. payments. Why delay, when eral Van Winkle, is to instruct the varsity. Well, weH. Let’s see, where do you The group of eminent scientists live now? O, yes, I remember now. delegates to the constitutional con­ The G-E Monitor Top is the waiting is actually wasting! working on this problem concluded I’m glad you’re going to be in town vention as to how they are to vote. that the movies “exert a profound in­ several day«. We’ll certainly have to Delegates to the convention, regard­ fluence on the habits and behaviour of get together and talk over old times. less of their personal convictions, will children,” and that the contents of Wish I could knock off from work be bound to observe these instructions. MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY A vote for the proposed amendment < prenent day movies are of such a right now, but that’s impossible, as character as to cause alarm. It seems we are very busy this week. (¡Pulls will be a vote in favor of repeal of that youngsters remember for a long out watch.) I'll try and drop around the eighteenth amendment. A vote time what they see and hear, and thus to the hotel and see you this evening. against the proposed amendment, on l the movies become a means of educa­ Anyway, I’M see you again before you the other hand, will be a vote to re­ tion and a very strong one at that. go away. How’s the wife ? That’s tain the eighteenth amendment In spite of court action which ha* responsibility but a state responsi­ Another Smith-Hughes School beards and teacher« can con­ good. Well, so long.” And he does- Must Get New Licenses trol what they want the young to n’t see Charley again, So it goes, all eliminated the Grange Power bill bility.” Boy’s Good Record Formal notice to etate police and learn in »he school room, but what down the line of old friends. Ten from the special election ballot the city enforcement authorities concern­ they absorb in the moving picture yearn makes a lot of difference. Char­ voters will still have nine issues to George Wilson is another Smith- Registration of voters in Cooe theater is a different matter. The ley’s world and Fred’s world have decide upon in addition to the election county has fallen off 14 per cent since Hughes agricultural student, who i« ing the failure of some 4,000 chauf­ movies might illustrate very strongly undergone a change. The visitor , to of bhe delegates from their respective the general election last November. making good and through his project feurs to obtain their new badges, will be made this week, according to word the lessons learned at home, church the old home town stays two days in­ counties. Reports filed with the state depart­ work is rapidly building up a herd of just received from Hal E. Hose, Secre­ and school. If they did, there would stead of two weeks, and that’s that. ment here show a total of 12,538 purebred Jersey cattle that will be tary of State. Of the* 13,028 regis­ Careless as well as reckless motor­ voters of all political affiliation« v.ho second to none in the state. be no reason to complain, but here I have never made a visit to the old are some .figures to show that quite home town since I left it. If I ever ists are to be taken to taajc for their are eligible to participate in the spec­ George’s interest in agriculture be­ tered chauffeurs in Oregon on June the opposite is true. do, and find things as depicted above, failures to observe the requirements ial election this week, compared to gan early in life. While still in the 30, only 8,133 have applied for li­ There were three types of themes I shall be greatly disappointed. How­ to observe the law in the drive to 14,538 on the registration lists prior grade schools he joined the 4-H calf censes for the current period as com­ «hown in the movies of the year 1930, ever, we are all «o occupied with our make Oregon highway« more safe to the general election last fall. Reg­ club. As a prize for excellent work pared with 7,313 issued at this same and the number of time« they appear­ immediate problems that old friend­ launched this week by Governor istrations for the state as a whole in his clJb, he was given a purebred time a year ago, he said. To avoid action from enforcement ed is shown in these percentages: ships die of neglect—the letter you in­ Meier. Those who fail to observe the show a slump of 10.6 per cent com­ Jersey calf. With this calf as a start Love, 29.6 per cent; Crime, 27.4 per tended to write, but did not, being the basic rule regarding reasonable and pared with the previous list. Only he has, on entering Smith-Hughes officials, all persons driving motor cent; and Sex, 15 per cent. Add Love chief factor in bringing about many prudent speed, who disregard traffic seven of the 36 counties report a gain work, inçreased hi« herd until he now vehicles for compensation should at­ tend to the renewing of chauffeur’s and Sex together, because they're unhappy situations. This matter of signs anhe county unit system of fat in 306 days. definite information as to what they the state-wide campaign to be con­ school administration. While Oregon needs correction. One 2-year old purebred and three chauffeurs will be required to submit to a test. Then take Crime. Out of 116 pic­ may expect from the Home Loan Act, ducted by the state police in coopera­ has had an optional county unit law yearling heafers. A similar drive against delinquent George does all the work on his pro­ tures taken at random some 18 differ­ and who have become almost discour­ tion with city and county officers. since 1921 interest in the new system private operators will be instituted by ent varieties of murder were shown aged through the delay and uncer­ The time for warnings has passed, of school administration has been re­ ject ss weH as helping on the farm by on the screen. Most parents are not tainty, may wield the balance of the governor declared. It is the duty vived lately by the financial diffi­ milking his share of the cows and do­ police after September 1st, at which rearing their children to commit thrill power in the next election. If some of every motorist to know the law culties confronting many of the small­ ing other farm work. He also makes time all operators’ cards issued before murders, nor even to write thriller example of relief isn’t forthcoming and to obey it with the interest of er school districts because of the near regular butterfat tests for his father’s July 1, 1931, will become void. herd. novels, and yet they are getting all soon, patient mortgage holders will safety for all concerned. breakdown of the property tax. Re­ He He has has sold sold two two of of his his bull bull cakes, calves, 1 A»k toT Cow 0411 Dairy cre«m and this training in the subject without cease to be patient. They, too, are ports received by the etate depart­ Kingfish, sired by Coquille County mi,k- the onl* n,ilk and cream anyone forcing it on them. The sci­ in the dark and do not know what to Secretary of State Hoss, undergo­ ment of public instruction indicate pasteurization. entists found that this constant view­ expect. ing treatment in a hoiqjital at The that several other counties may be Gentleman, going to Grants Pass and . a,^e Coquille Maroi Lad ’ s Chief being ’ ing« of shootings, «tabbings and what Dalles did not return to Salem thie called upon to vote on the question Calling carda 100 for $1.00. not leads them, through the influence The announcement of Jack Demp­ week for a meeting of bhe board of at the general election in November, bought locally. It is George’s ambition to develop I it has on conduct, to “delinquency sey’s latest marriage appeared in the control. Yielding to the counsel of 1934. high producing purebred cattle. Such and crime.” sports section of my favorite news­ his friends he reversed his previously animals always have a ready sale for The committee that made this in­ paper, which generally places the announced intention of sitting in on Reckless motorists «nd careless pe­ vestigation expects to recomment and news where it properly belongs. the board meeting in person and sent destrians continue to contribute their foundation stock. George has in addition 26 head of try to influence the movie crop from telegraphic instructions covering his quota to the list of dead and injured. now on, but it will take more than a The police have found “unauthen- view on disputed questions instead. Fatalities attributable to motor ac­ purebred Hampshire sheep, which he committee investigation and recom­ tic” the fantastic kidnaping story In his vote on contract for « boiler cidents so far this year total 104. purchased with the premium money he won at the Coos and Curry coun- Rheumatism Gone Too mendation to clean up the movie« and . put . out __ ______ ___, _ by Rev. R. E. and two pumps for the state prison (what _ for?) make some of them fit for our boys Close, superintendent of the ! ____ Anti- as well as for the purchase of five f.gures. At the ».me time 1,730 per- hjg father> hj„ £ |n Here is a woman who was rapidly and girls to see. Very few pictures Something League of Oregon. How- automobiles for the state police Hoss sons were mjured more or les. .er- paympnt thelr „ putting on weight and who wns trou­ theae days are educational. Even when ever, his wife is reported as believing supported the position taken by Gov­ lously. June fstalities alone totalled. the increaw and 0Tle.ha1f wooI bled with rheumatism too. Read her storie« are selected which have some his.story implicitly—which is some- ernor Meier. In the case of the boiler 14, three of whom were pedeatrians letter: DilSftihili t iasa alnnrv x-L. 1 tkin™ I. ___ »_ « ____ clip. possibilities along those lines they are thing in the man’« favor. “I started taking Kruschen Salts and pumps Hoss was guided largely and one a bicycliet. He is one of the outstanding Smith- because of the good it bad done for so stuffed with sex and crime that the by the advice of the professional engi­ a friend of mine who had be«n Hughe« students of the county, Last original wouldn’t know the finished The Pacific highway will probably neer who had been employed by the crippled with rheumatism. At the end Washington state officials complain year at the county fair he won more picture. of the second bottle I was weighed continue to be Oregon’s “Main board because of his expert know­ of a big slump in automobile regis­ ribbons and individual honors than and find I am now only 148 pounds The motion picture csfrrs have Street.” There is greater population ledge of such matters. In passing up trations, Oregon registration of- any other boy in the county, His (original weight 163 lbs.), at which promised time and time again to wash and more business over that way. But the low bid on bhe automobiles Hose ficials see in this development a con- I am so pleased. But I have also felt their linen and jgive the,-mdvie going the Coast highway is destined to be­ followed a well established precedent firmation of their suspicions that herd of purebred Jersey cattle was an my rheumatism much less, which has outstanding exhibit and attracted pirtdic a fair break, but instead they came Oregon's popular boulevard. A and followed the recommendations of hundreds of Oregon motorists, ee- been so troublesome in my knees. I have continued practically along the present deterrent to that popularity the department for which the cars pecially those living in counties bor­ much attention. With it he won the must say 1 think Kruschen « splendid large silver cup donated by Swift A weight reducer.” (Miss) E. L. P. same old lines. These times of stress, is the discriminatory prices of gaso­ were being purchased. Overweight and rheumatic poison­ dering the Columbia river, registered Co. for the best herd shown. in which people fortunately are get­ line. Will a certain coterie of gen­ ing often go together. The six salts in Washington last year because of a George is a leader in his chosen in Kruschen assist the internal or­ ting back to the sane and practical tlemen please rise and satisfactorily County school superintendents lower license fee in the northern work, having held an office in the lo­ gans -“to perform their functions things of life, afford an ideal time for explain why gas sells for less at Rose­ meeting here in their annual confer­ state. The reduction of the fee in cal organisation of Future Farmers of properly—little by little that ugly the public to force the producers to burg than in Coquille, after being ence this week went on "record as fa­ fat goes; slowly, ye«—but surely. Oregon now has removed this incent­ give us more wholesome, educational hauled through here on its way from voring a more substantial support of ive for bargain hunting and Oregon America. He is also a' member of the You feel wonderfully healthy, youth­ Coquille Grange and is eligMe for ful and energetic—more so than ever and entertaining films—Pathfinder. Marshfield? education by the state. Resolutions motorists are buying Oregon plates to the State Farmer degree. Thta de-, before in your life! adopted by the superintendents de­ the detriment of Waehington’s pock­ gree la only conferred on ten boys Kruschen Salta is obtainable at Calling carda 100 for $1.00. all drug stores a jar lasts four The important thing about the pro- clare that “education it not a Wai etbook. within the state every year. week« «nd costs not more than 86c. H Tells How She Lost 15 Lbs. of Fat • 7