THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL. COQUILLE, ORBGON. FRIDAY. JULY 14. 1933. PAGB FIVE Hay Fever Reserve District No. 12 Additional News from Capital Charter No. 6849 Report of Condition of the (Oregon State Board of Health) Seven members of the last legisla­ Il is istiniated that from three to ture are candidates for «eat» in the five per cent of the population suffers constitutional convention which will from hypersensitiveness to pollen or pass on the question of repeal of the of Coquille in the State of Oregon, at the close of business on June 30th, 1933. other substances. About half of 18£h amendment. Senator Staples of ■i ; RESOURCES them have hay fever. This indicate»- VÍultn-mah county and Representa­ $ 43,536.44 1. Loans and discounts .................................................... that at least 2,500,006 tri the United tive Clarke a( Douglas are lined up on 2. Overdrafts ....................................... .'........................ .If States suffer from this disease, two the dry able of the controversy, with 42,500.00 3. United States Government securities owned .... thousand of Whom live in Oregon. It Representatives Kelley of Jackson. 135,233.13 4. Other bonds, stocks, and securities owned.............. is worth while to consider the prob­ Snider of Lake, and Beckman, Dam- 6. Banking house, $36,000.00. Furniture and fixtures lem seriously from the standpoint of maach and Hall of Multnomah on the $1,800.00 ....... ................................... .. 37,800.00 discomfort also but there are other wet sidé of the argument. 19,681.68 8. Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank................. features of the disease which art- i 121,834.33 9. Cauh and due from banks........ .................................... more important. State Treasurer Holman is taking 10. Outside checks and other cadh items. ..................... .. 1,909-31 About thirty per cent of hay fever the initiative in a move which he hopes >1. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due patients if untreated, eventually de­ will result In some highly beneficial from U. S. Treasurer ....................................... • 625.00 velop asthma, which as a rule iaats reforms in Oregon’s state government. for a few weeks during the height of | He is asking 15 prominent Oregon W3.120.00 TOTAL the season but may be prolonged into citizens to undertake the job of mak- LIABILITIES October and November. A number of| | ing’a study of t>he present state or- 15. Circulating notes outstanding......................... '...... 12;fWO.0O these asthmatics eventually develop I ganization and to present its finding«, 18O;174.O8 16. Demand depoafta ........................................... perennial asthma and are mote or less together with recommendations for 127.769.82 17. Time deposits .......... ,.................................. , crippled for years. Many patients i consolidations and eliminations, to the 19. Due to banks, inc lading certified and cashiers' - also develop infection of the nasal next legislature. Holman in recent ' 10,740,19, checks outstanding . ............. . sinus which may iier.-dst off and on oublie- addresses has.been particular­ 28. Capital account: throughout life. Chronic bronchitis, ly critical of obsolescence, duplication Common «dock, 5o0 shares, par $109.00 |>er share $50,000.60 pleurisy, pneumonia and other chest . anJ sinecures in the present state Surplus ................ ............................................. 10,000.00 complications ftiay develop from r government. The correction of this Undivided profits—net ....................... .................... 11,936.41 71,936.41 chronic sinusitis,—each resulting ori­ situation, he believes, would result" in ginally from an apparently mild hay a material reduction of governmental $408,120.00 TOTAL, Including Capita) Account .. 4 fever. The average untreated hay costs with no lessening of the effleion- State of Oregon, County of Coos, ss: fever patient suffers from 40 to 70 ’ ey with which public functions are be­ I, E. D. Webb, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear days annually. This does not neces­ ing administered. He hopes to over­ that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. sarily cause absence from work but came any opposition which may arise E. D. Webb, Cashier. and marriages contract now and here­ it does decrease efficiency. to propos«! reorganization of depart­ • Correct—Attest: L. H. Hazard, 0. C. Sanford, H. A. Slack tofore existing between Plaintiff and There are three groups of pollen ments and institutions by interesting Directors. Defendant: that the Plaintiff be awarded the sole care, custody and producers which cause more than 90 a committee of sufficient prominence Subscribed and sworn to liefore me this Sth diy of July, 1933. and influence to force through its control’of Roberta Lenore Enders, the per cent of the cases in the northwest­ (Seal) Joseph E. Axtell, Notary Public. minor child of the Plaintiff and De­ ern states. The first are trees which recommendation in spite of opposi­ fendant, and for such other and fur­ tion of lioards, commissions and indi- C. W. NOYES I ther relief as to the Court may seem pollinate from early March until the Attorney at Law end of April. They account for ten per | vidual officials upon whose toes the At Christian Science Churches 'just and equitable. To Z. N. Wilson; Jane I>oe Wilson, I wife of Z. N. Wilson; tlso all other The grounds upon which said relief cent of the cases. The second group proposed reforms might tread. Practice in U. 8. D. Court and is based in said Complaint is deser­ is the various grasses and a few “Sacrament” was the subject of the ■ persons or parties unknown claiming State Courts tion. Ix>sson-Sermon in all Churches of any right, title, estate, lien or inter­ The $15,000 appropriated by the weeife, for example plaintain and This Summons is served upon you Rm. No. 3 Farmers & Merchants est in the real estate described in the Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, July 9. complaint herein, defendants. last legislature as the statels share in by publication thereof in the Coquille sheep sorrel which pollinate from mid! Bank Bldg., Coquille, Oregon The Golden Text was, "The cup of Valley Sentinel, pursuant to order of April until mid July. Up to forty the cost of the forthcoming special IN THE NAME OF T11E STATE the Hon. J. T. Brand, Judge of the election was only a drop in the bucket. Jessing which we bless, is it not the OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ per cent of patients are affected by Title Guarantee & Abstract Co. above entitled Court, made, dated and quired to appear and answer plain­ The third group includes The heavy end of the burden will fall communion of the blor«d of Christ? tiff’s complaint against you now on entered on the 12th day of June, 1933, these. Abstracts of Title, Nothry Pub- The bread which we break, is it not | on the counties which must foot the and which order requires that the plants which pollinate during the au­ 1 file ' tn the above, entitled court and plete abstract plant in/(Mee Ce. date of the first publication of Mid tumn months. In cities an effective­ I bill for clerk hire, rental of polling the communion of the body of cause on or before the last day of the lie, Ina. Bonds. The only com- Summons shall be on the 16th day of time prescribed in the order. íor pub­ places and printing of the ballots. Christ?” (I Cor. 10:16). June, 1933, and die date of the last way to «leal with weeds that cause J. E. AXTELL, Sec. Among the citations which com­ lication of summons, to-wit on or be­ Dave O’Hara, elections clerk in the hay fever is to orangize a campaign publication thereof being Friday the fore the l'lth day of August, 1933, Coquille, Ore. Phono 36M 14th day of July, 1933. for their destruction. Fortunately state department, estimates that the prised the Lesson-Sermon wan the said day being the exaration of four J. ARTHUR BERG, following from the Bible: “ For as cost of the July election will approx ­ weeks from the date of the fleet pub­ the ragweed does not flourish in Ore­ Attorney for Plaintiff, DR. J. J. LESLIE imate $75,000 of which at least $60.- often as ye eat this bread, and drink lication of thia summons, the time Residence and P. O. Address, Co­ gon. prescribed for publication being orc? DENTIST quille, Oregon. 22t5 To discover which pollen the pa­ 600 will fall on the counties. But ;n this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death a week for four consecutive weeks, Hours 9-12 m., 1 to 5 p. as. tient is sensitive to, saline extracts the end it all comes out of the same till he come” (I Cor.. 11:26). and if you fail so to appear and an­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE The Lesson-Sermon also included swer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs Evening by appointment are made of the various common wind pocket, that of the taxpayer who STATE OF OREGON, IN AND following correlative passage wifi apply to the court for the relief Over Hudson Drug Store borne pollens and the patient's skin foots the bill for both the county and the FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS from the Christian Science textbook, demanded in said complaint, a In the matter of the estate of V. N. is tested with these. He is then given state expense. of which is as follows: For Barker, Deceased. “Science and Health with Key to the statement subcutaneous injections of the extract a decree setting aside a tax title Notice of Final Account I In spite of heavy pruning of dead- Scriptures,” by Mary Baker E«My: “If claimed by the defendants Gilmore in DR. J. F. YOUNG I ■ NOTICE _____ ____ IS _____________________ HEREBY GIVEN, in gradually increasing doses. The Chiropractor I that the undersigned has filed in the injections should begin six to ten 'wood from the registration liata^o!- all who ever partook of the sacrament or to real property situated .n Coos County Court of Coos County, Ore­ weeks before the usual onset of sym- i lowing the last general election more had really commemorated the suffer­ County described as alL-that part of 345 So. Hall gon, his final account as Executor of trms so that by the time the pollen than 16,000 voters' pamphlets have ings of Jesus and drunk of his cup, the Northeast quarter of the South­ west quarter of section twenty-six Next Door south of City Hall the estate of, V. N. Barker, deceased, l been returned to the state depart­ they would have revolutionized the (26) in Township twenty-nine (29) The new phone 102-M and that the said Court has set Mon- is in the air the patient will have built _ of _ ___ _______ _ (■12) .... West of South Range twelve ' day, the 31st day of July, 1933, at up a relative immunity. If the treat­ ment because of inability of the post­ world. If all who seek his commem- ___ the hour of 10:00 o’clock A. M. at the ments are properly administered, the al department to deliver the mail. □ ration through material symbols will the Willamette Meridian lying norA^ County Court room in Coquille, Ore­ Most of the returned pamphlets take up the cross, heal the sick, cast 2f. the mixldle fork of. the Coquille JAS. W. WHEELER . ", , , . ’ River; that plaintiffs title to said real gon, as the timé and place for hearing results arv successfcfl “in relgtity A** were marked “moved,” but many of out evils, and preach Christ, or pg-op^piy be quieted against you and Physician 4fc Surgeon objections to such final account ana cent of the cases. Complicating asth­ I the settlement of said estate. ma and sinus infections are corres­ those Whose names appear on the Truth, to the poor, — the receptive eafh of you and the other defendants Ellingson Bldg. Coquille —they will bring in the mil-' named in this suit; that it be adjudged Jem Barker, pondingly diminished. The - protec­ registration lists have d*ed since the thought, Leave calls at 24t5 lennium” (p. 34). j that the plaintiffs are the owners in fee Executor. November election. tion offered the mucus membrane Hudson’« Drug Store nr at Co­ simple of said real property as ten­ from pollen irritation lessens the ants in entirety; that you be each ad­ quille Hotel NOTCE TO CREDITORS Mining location notice« for sale at Steadily increasing commodity judged and decreed to have no right, Notice is hereby given that the un­ danger of bacterial infection and prices are reflected in bids being sub­ this office. » title or interest in or to said real dersigned has been duly appointed greatly diminishes the number of win­ propertv or any part thereof; that administratrix of the estate of J. W ter colds. The only possible objection mitted for state supplies. Meat for plaintiffs recover costs and disburse­ DR. J. R. BUNCH Laird, deceased, Mnd all persona hav­ to the treatment is the occurrence of the state institutions will cost about SUMMONS ments and have general relief. ing claims against said estate are No. 10177 20 per cent more than bids submitted DENTIST Thri summons is published in the hereby notified, that they are required so-called constitutions)! xeaction fol­ aix months ago. Dry goods prices In the Circuit Court of the State of Coquille Valley Sentinel, a newspaper X-KAY Service to present same duly verified, with lowing about one. per cent of the in­ Oregon For Coos County proper voucher therefor, to the under­ jections. Such reaction can easly be show an advance of approximately ROSS DEY and FLORENCE DAY, published at Coquille, Coos County, Laird Bldg., Firat Street Oregon, by order of Hon. J. T. Brand signed, at the office'of H. A. Sluck, controlled by an injection of adrenal 25 per cent and flour prices on which Plaintiffs, Coquille, Ore judge of the. above entitled court Telephone 82-L in Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, bid* will be opened next month are made and dated June 29, 1933. The within six months from the date of *n choride. Unfortunately very few J. GARFIELD GTLMORE and RUTH this notice. patients are cured after a single sea­ expected to show an even greater in­ GILMORE, husband and wife: Z. N. date of the first .publication of this Dated thia 29th day of June, 1933. son’s treatment. Continuing the crease in cost. WILSON; JANE DOE WILSON, summons is July 14, 1933, and the Mabie Laird, GRANT CORBY wife of Z. N. Wilson; also all other date of the last publication is August treatment the year round seems to Administratrix of the Estate of J. persons or parties unknown claim­ 11, 1933. V. R. Wilson, “Optometrist.” Errors Attorney at Law give better results and is more apt to W. Laird, deceased. B. L. EDDY, ing any right, title, estate, lien or in refraction corrected, without the Rich mund-Barker Bldg H. A. Slack, attorney ToF Adminis­ effect a permanent cure. Attorney for Plaintiffs interent in the real estate described tratrix. 24tf> uee of drugs. “ For glasses" see Wil ­ Phone 157 Coquille. Ore. Post office address: Roseburg, Ore- in the complaint herein, Defend­ son first and aave money. Residence Phone 24-M ants. Calling carda 100 for $1.00. FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That under and by virtue of an exe­ J. ARTHUR BERG cution and order of sale issued out Attorney at Law of the Circuit Court of the State of Roomi 14 2 Oregon for the County of Coos on the A Merchants Bank Bldg 10th day of July, 1933, in a certain cause in said Court pending wherein Phone $7 Portland Mortgage Ob., a corporation- Coqnilla. Die goal is Plaintiff, and James L. Ferrey and Flora M. Ferrey, his wife, Joee Mogale, Della Oldland Jonen and DR W. V. GLA1SYER Hugh Barclay, are Defendant«, Gate VET REINARIAN No. 10160 of said Court, and com­ manding me to sell the hereinafter Herd * Meat laapector í ‘oUr’t « described real property to satisfy the , i sum of $989.44 with interest thereon , Coquille, Ore. from April 20, 1982, at the rate of 9 ' per cent per annum, amounting at this date, to-wit: The 8th day of JA. RICHMOND July, 1933, to the sum of $1097.74, and PHYSICIAN and SURGEON that said sum shall draw interest from ■ the date of this decree at the rate of Rirbmond-Barkar Building nine (9) per cent per annum; for the Coquille, Ora. further eum of $13.50: for the further man of $100,00 found reasonable at­ Pbonaa Office 62M. Bea. 93R torney’s fees, all of said sums argre- . gating the sum of $1211.24, and for ' its coats and disbursements in this J. J. STANLEY suit taxed at t)he sum of $20.80, and LAWYER that said attorney’s fees and costs and dhFursr-menta draw interest from Office in First National Bank I the date of this decree at the rate of I six (6) oer cent per annum, together Building, Coquille. Oregon ; with s -’ruing costs, I WILL ON SATURDAY. THE 12th DAY OF AUGUST, 1903, at the hour of 10 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE o’clock in the forenoon of said day at the front door of the County Court STATE OF OREGON IN AND House in the City of Coquille. Coos FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Oregon, offer for Mie and CHARLOTTE M. ENDERS, PUta- Countv, sell ar public auction, to the highest tiff, and b"*t bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest of the said ROBERT A. ENDERS. Defendant, Defendants in and to the following Summons descr»' «-4 real property, to-wit: Case No. 10206 Ea«' 30 feet of Lot numbered 2, in To Robert A. Enders, the above named Block lef* r-d “O,” Western Addition Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE to Marshfield, Coos County, Oregon, ( OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ according to the plat thereof on file quired to appear and answer the Com­ and of r-””.’1 :n the office of the plaint filed against you in Die above County Clerk f Copg County, Oregon. Said sale l»’re made subject to re­ entitled suit, on or before Saturday, the 15th day of July, 1933, said date demption in the manner provided by being after the expiration of four law. Dated at Coquille* Oregon, this 11th weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons, and if day of July, 1938. H. E. Hees, you fail so to appear and answer said Complaint, or otherwise plead thereto, 2«t5 Sheriff of Coo« County, Oregon. for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief Old Papan, good-alaad package at preyed for in her Complaint, to-wit: The Sentinel ter * For a decree dissolving the marriage FIRST NATIONAL BANK Professional Cards B