THE COQUILLB VALLET SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OREGON, FRÏDAT, JULY 14. 1988. PAGE TWO Here’s Your Chance for a Here's Something to Think About: The public buys more Goodyear Tires than any other kind—this is the eighteenth successive year! . . . The Íublic wouldn’t buy more Goodyear ires if Goodyears did not offer greater value . . . But they do offer greater value, hence they enjoy great­ er sales . . . Áre you wondering what tire to buy? Just ask yourself this simple question: “Why should I buy any tire but a Goodyear when a Goodyear costs no more?” . . . We think you’ll decide it by coming right down to see us. WONDERING Large Willow Market Basket WHAT TIRE IS BEST are just determined to sell them. Were $1.35 each —going now at the special price of Only i 1 GOODYEAR PATHFINDER I Cherries for Canning Supertwist Cord Tires 4.49-21 5.00-19 $ç00 *e88 4.50-20 5.00-20 Sç40 »e78 4.50-21 5.25-18 $ç60 $735 4.75-19 5.50-19 »e06 $g50 Leave orders now for lowest price of the season, By letting us have your order early, we can guarantee you better quality for less money. Loganberries - Raspberries GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHER get them now. Season is right for canning. Supertwist Cord ______________________ 4.40-21 5.25-18 4.50-21 5.50-19 7*° 4.75-19 •y60 5.00-19 «gis And when you want DEPENDABLE FOODS at RIGHT PRICES all the time, we can provide that 9*5 r 6.00-19 ,i ’ll85 6.50-19 »14«o Busy Corner Grocery TIRE and RIM SERVICE I Experienced tire men change . our tiree here. We clean and graphite each rim, check wheel alignment, carefully apply tiree and tubes, put in the right air pressure, prop­ erly tighten rim bolts and it doesn’t cost you a cent extra! Phone 133 Miss Imogene Burgess left Tues­ day for San Francisco, where »he will meet her aunt from Los Angeles. Later they will return to Los Angeles, where Imogene will make .her home with her aunt and attend school. Hyman Huntley returned to Can­ yonville Sunday after a several days' visit with hie brother, Henry Huntley. His son and daughter remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Laird were Dora visitors Sunday. Mrs. Myrtle Clinton and daughter. Itha, Mrs. Kenneth Peel and daugh­ ter, Barbara, of Covallis, came in Sat­ urday for a few days’ visit. Orvil Deyoe left Monday for San Francisco after a several weeks’ visit with relatives. He will visit in San Francisco for a short time and will then return to his home in Los An- geles, California. Miss Grace Barker arrived home Saturday from Fresno, California, and will spend her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Barker. Miss Barker is taking nurses’ training in a Fresno hospital and will graduate in September. Mrs. W. W. Deyoe and daughter, Helen, -entertained at dinner Tues­ day evening for Mrs. Myrtle Clinton, Itha Clinton, Margarette Laird, Mrs. F. M. Kenyon apd tigo children, John and Frank. T. D. Guerin, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Guerin and son, Tom, and Priscilla Deyoe returned home Tuesday from a several days’ stay at Eckley. The Garden Club met Tuesday eve­ ning at the Verne Lundy home. The members enjoyed a pot luck dinner, Plans were made for the coming flower show. . Mrs. Leonard Russell and ¿sugh­ tens. Shirley Ann and Barbara Jean, of Fresno, California, are visiting this week at the Elmer Russell home. Mrs. Marie Ball, of Port Chicago, California, is spending a few weeks in Myrtle Point visiting old friends. Delivery Friday with Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mc­ -visitor Monday. Allister. The two families are old Mrs. W. A. Lett and son, Orlin, ' Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Schroeder and friends. Mns. Dwight Culver and Miss Con­ Mrs. Emily Hickam and son, Kent, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burtis, Mns. R. stance Knight went to Myrtle Point enjoyed a motor trip up the coast and M Brunnage and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday evening to attend a concert over to Corvallis last week. They J. D Oar! and sons, Kenneth, Herbrt given by a male quartette from I jl started Thursday morning and stop­ and Wallace, enjoyed a picnic dinner Verne College, La Verne, California. ped over night with Mr. and Mrs. at Fern Falls in the Fairview country The Loyal Temperance ¡Legion pic­ Geo. Schroeder, of Florence, Friday, Sunday. In the afternoon they vis­ nic which had been planned for July driving on to Corvalli* and visiting ited the C. C. C. camp there, 18 has been postponed until the 20th. friend* and relative» there until Bun-' Milo and Rural Griffin were Arago A playlet, “The Cigaret Box,” will be day. visitors Sunday. They are living on a feature of the program, which will J. L. Burtis is obliged to get about a ranch in the Gravel Ford district be presented after the picnic dinner, on crutches this week and perhaps this summer. Mrs. Tom Cribbins, who recently longer, owing to a badly sprained Mrs. Emily Hickam returned to her submitted to a goitre operation at ! Mr and M rs Joseph Caener, of I-a ankle received on the Fourth. school at Bose Hill Monday, after a the Knife Hospital in Coquille, was Mrs. Ball was chief operator at the Mrs. T. W. Dunwoodie and daugh­ week'« outing at Bandon. local telephone office for several years. J Verne, California, are visiting rela- able to return home Sunday, Her ter, Patsy, and Mrs. Everett I-afferty Mr. snd Mrs. Albert Gulstrom and mother, Mrs. Gertrude Hendrick, took Mrs. W. H. Bank« and son, William, 1 tives here this week. Miss Alice Dement arrived home and son. Allen Earl, of Myrtle Point, sons, Junior and Darwin Burl, return­ care of her three little children during returned to their home after a visit at the home of Mrs. Banks' mother from Los Angeles, where she has been ' visited at the Hampton home Mon­ ed home Tuesday evening from a two her absence. teaching in Lee Angeles Junior Col­ day evening. weeks’ visit with friends and relatives Mrs. Sarah Barklow. Myrtle Beckett is appointed to lead Evelyn Doyle is a guest of Mrs. Al­ in Tillamook. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Linn and family lege and will spend the .»ummer vaca­ the Christian Endeavor meeting next left Saturday for Salem, where they tion at the home of her parents, Mr. bert Lillie this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adams and Sunday evening. The subject is one Mr. and Mrw. J. D. Carl, J. L. Bur­ | daughter, Josephine, of Bandon, were will visit at the home of Mr. Lipn’s and Mrs. Taylor Dement. of much interest, “Our Need of | Mrs. Buck Shrieffer, of Marshfield, tis, Mrs. C. E. Schroeder, Mr. and i dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Friemte.” parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Rowel and I visited with friend» here thia week. Mrs. Geo. Hampton, Mrs. Naomi Rob­ : Fish Sunday. __________________ Miss Audry Wagner returned home ison and Mrs. L. R. Hampton attend- I The laughter, Fay; left for their home in school bus contracts were let Notes From Dora Loa Angelee, after a few days’ visit at from a several days’ stay with friends ed Pomona Grange at Coos River gt 6he regular board meeting Monday Miss E. M. Jackson snd Mr. snd Tuesday. ' ----- - | here thia week. the home of Mr. and Mns. Shay. evening. Lafe ComweH received the -Mrs. L. M. Aasen, Lavatm and upper and lower FiMitrwp trouts, B. Mrs. O’Neil were visitors in Myrtle MBs Audrey Wagner returned W. F. Bingham returned to hie Point Saturday from Elk Creek. home in Denver, Colorado, after a home from a several days' stay with Stephen, accompanied Mr. and Mra. B. Watkins, Halls Creek, and Law- Mns. Ella Guerin, of Myrtle Point, E. F. Hoffman, of Myrtle Point, to fence Barklaw, Norway. Leon few days’ visit at the home of his friends in Bandon. PauH spent last week with her sister, Mrs Bandon ‘ Sunday and enjoyed the day Carolyn Schneider and Mildred Rus ­ brother, I. G. Bingham. was again elected janitor. Dora Gaarhart. Mrs. L. Hagerdom, of Camas Val­ nell came over from Dlahe Monday. on the beach Mrs. Eva Settem and son, John, of. Mr. and Mns. Vem Bennett and ley, is staying at the home of her Miss Russell has been visiting at the Bridge Happenings children, Mrs. Arthur --waa. «asau Mr. 411 ID. and ArWIUT 1/11- Du- sister, Mrs. Mike Morrison, and help- Schneider home for several weeks. i Los Angeles, left for their home there .......—, evening. ..... „• They ...... . ........ ... Mr Mrs. Dan Cribbins and chaime and Mixa Clara Gangvin and have — been Mrs. Luthy chaperoned a jolly Thursday :ng care for her brother, Albert La Branche, who has been ill for several I group which enjoyed a hike Saturday. visiting friends and relatives in the ni«ce, Mier. Constance Knight, spent Nettie Crodty and children picnicked Mrs. week-end in Bandon at the Ben' °n tbe °f July in the grove above , Those enjoying the affair were Ernes­ north the past two months. weeks. Ed Maneey’s place. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Tusart and tine and Raymond Luthy, Leone Ris- Settem is a sister of Mrs. Albert Fish Knight home. Miss Haael Davis, who is in train­ Mrs. Grace Durham and Mra two children left Friday for their | burger, Helen Reed. Zells May Moon, of Arago and has spent the past tiro ing at the Good Samaritan Hospital Earl Brlerback were business callers weeks here. Josephine Deyoe, Katherin Summer- home in Portland, after a several Mrs. R M. Brunnage and sons, in Portland, came home last week to in Rosebung Monday. lays’ visit at the home of Miss Emma i lin, Maxine Rackleff, Elinor King and Robert and James, of Portland, are spend her vacation with her parents, J. N. Gearhart, Dale Mareey, M. ' Mrs. Luthy. Schneider. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Guerin and son, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Davis and M. Minard and John Gearhart were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Woodcock and other relatives and friends. surveying on Rock Creek last week. Mr and Mr*. Dick returned to their I Tom, Mrs. W. W. Deyoe and Mrs. ,J. L. Burtis for an indefinite stay. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Frayer left' Mr. and Mrs. Sever! Iverson »nd home at' Portland, after a few days’ I Florence Guerin motored to Marsh­ I Donald Currie, of Chilliwack, Can- I ada, who has attended the Arago high last week for a short visit in Califor- Leanns Schroeder spent Friday night field Thursday afternoon.__ stay in Myrtle Point. j with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schroed-r. A dancing party was enjoyed at the ’ch®°’ the »•’* thr** ?*•” •n<1 w“ nia. Dr. ar.d Mrs. B. Cooper returned to Dinner gueste at the W. A. Lett Mr. Iverson is logging on Rock Creek. their home in Arcata, California, af­ I E. C. Barker summer home Thursday * m<>mber of the 1938 graduating returned week Mr. and Mrs. Vern Bennett and **............. *------ J here last ----- *" and home Sunday were Mr. and Mm. Jesse ter a short visit at the home of Mr. evening. At a late hour delicious re- class, Those at- ’n" work ^0T uncl«- Tyrrell Wood­ A. Barnett and children, George, Vir­ Mrs. Nettie Crowhy and children spent freshments were served. in.i Mrs. Bill Cooper. ginia, Lawrence and Leslie, of Arago, Friday with Mrs. Crosby’s parents, Mr. and Mrs’ K. H. Harris, of tending were Misseses Margaret Gar­ ward. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Halter and and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Culver and Mr. and Mrs. Ole Iverson, of Gravel Hollywood, California, are «pending rett, Gilds Gietz, Heleln Lund, Do­ ; children, Mary Lou and Everett. Ford. i few week« visiting friends and rel­ lores Belloni, Imogene Burgess, Gen­ son, George Alien, Mrs. Alma Halter Wkn. R. Brown was at home the evieve Knight. Frances Fearnely, and son, Virgil, were dinner guests of atives in this vicinity. Priscilla and Helen- Deyoe and Alden Mr. snd Mrs. Herbert Johnson, of past week end from Brewster VaHey, DON’T GET UP NIGHTS Mrs. Florence Guerin entertained Fsirview. In the afternoon they vis­ where he is employed at the Bryant Mak* This 25c Test at a six o’clock dinner Wednesday Barklow, Andy Newhouse, Robert and logging cainp. On his return Sunday ited the C. C. C. camp. _ . ' Delbert Steel, Robert Belloni, Orvil ’ bladder physic evening in honor of Mr. and Mra. C. 1TnParit-H* «d excess Mrs. Naomi -Robison returned home afternoon, he was accompanied by V. Guerin, of Pasadena, California. Deyoe. Ross Robison and Cecil Barker. 4 ,rr’t«tir>n that re- from Grenada, Calif., Sunday, after a Mns. Brown who plana to spend sev­ 2wl el?« 1** pains backache, burning Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. C. Calling cards 100 for 81.00. two weeks’ visit with her folks. Rev. eral weeks camping there. huA tln VE. BU-KETS, the V. Guerin and son, Tom, Mrs. W. W. An interesting meeting of the J. S. Ro^t and family. «»W-alning buchu. Deyoe and daughter, Josephine, Mrs. Wayne Woodward left Monday for Grange wsa held Friday evening. The Mary Holt, Mr. and Mra. T. D. Guer­ similar to Rock Creek, where he will truck logs lecturer’s hour consisted of three ca«t^ n •"** °.n bowels. Get a 25c in and Mrs. Florence Guerin. talks on the Sales Tax, a pretty drill for a few weeks. Mrs. Woodward and A. F. & A. M. frT y0UT