THE COQUILLE VALLET SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY. JULY T. 1»M PAGE EIGHT Notwithstanding the fact that New- J Telling About People and Events in the City and County port, up the coast, held no Fourth of. July celebration this year, A, L. Simp­ son, who with Mrs. Simpson was up there Tueaday, »aye the streets of that town were so jammed aa to make traf­ fic almost impossible. Mr. and Mra. Lee iBennett and eon and daughter, of Corvallis, were guest* at the Ray Thomas home here Buy your music and book and sta­ from Saturday until Monday evening. tionery needs at Norton’s. Don, the »on, spent the time with his Picnic or Sunday dinners are not fraternity brother, David Smith, at complete unless you have a few of Che Smith cottage Bandon. Leeper’s 2-Ib friers at 25c each. 2t Mr. and Mrs. Jas. L. Porier, . of Co­ Foster Phillips, of the upper North Burlingame, Calif., stopped in Fork, was a Coquille visitor this quille Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Roger 9tewart, and then drove on to morning. Bandon where they spent the night at Mra. Minnie King was one of sev­ the J. A. Lamb cabin. They are old eral Powers people in town this morn­ friends of Mrs. Jane Williams. ing buying groceries and other mer­ See Mansell Drayage A Delivery chandise. Orders filled Co. for Alpine coal. Mrs. Eva Neal, of Hanford, Calif., promptly. tf came in Sunday for a visit of several Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wimer left this week here with her sons, Roy and wpek on a two weeks' vacation trip, Perry Neal. going first to Mrs. Wimer’s former Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coz and chil­ home at Eugene. They expected to dren, of Bandon, were week-end go as far north aa Sdlttle. Mr. guests at the home of Mr. and Mra. A. Wimer’s duties here are being per O. Ctflberteon. formed during his absence by Fred Mr. and Mrs. W. 6. Terry and’fam­ Andrus of the Marshfield store. ily left for Elkton Tuesday to stay Mrs. Edna Kern has invited the through the summer where Mr. Terry Auxiliary to her home for their next is employed on the highwy. social meeting, which will, be Wed­ Mr. and Mr*. A. O. Culbertson and nesday, July 26th. A potluck lunch­ children spent three days this week eon to be held in her lovely garden visiting at the home of Walter E. Cox will be tlie main attraction, Further plans for this party will be made at at Bandon. che meeting Monday night. Mrs. Jas. Wateon and children have taken up their home for the summer Buy your music and book and nta- on Grady creek, beyond and above­ tionery needs at Norton’s. Norway, where they are camping. Mra. L. H. Hazard to expected to Dr. F. W. Clarke, the eye specialist arrive in Portland thia evening from of Portland, will be in Coquille Satur­ her six week»' -visit with her daughter, day, July 15th, at the Schroeder Jew­ Mra. Hale B. Eubanks in Boston, elry Store. See him about your Maas. She has also made stops at eyes. 2512 Washington, D. C., and Chicago. Af­ Peas for canning, early and sweet ter a short stop in Portland with her pCas. Two and a half cents a pound at laughter, Mra. JackoSercomb, she will my place any time after July 4. Will >e home the first of next week. not deliver. Chris Terras on Marsh­ field Highway. Mrs. J. P. Beyers is enjoying a visit from her aunt, Mra. E. Ohm and daughter, Helen, Who came in last .Friday evening from Portland for a ten days’ visit. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Osmundson and Mra. Sarah Wickam returned Wednes­ day from Toledo, where they epent the Fourth holidays with the Edw. Moeller family. See Mansell Drayage A Delivery Co. for Alpine coal. Orders filled promptly. tf Frank A. Rowe, of Eugene, came in Tuesday night to oversee the getting out of a carload of myrtle burls. He says it is the first burl buxines he has had for some time. Mrs. J. F. Young returned home from Shaw, Oregon, Wednesday after visitir< with her mother and other relatives at Shaw and Portland for the past six weeks. Miss Lois Forsythe, who left Co­ quille with her parent** three years ago and has since been living in Seat­ tle, came in Sunday morning for a visit with Carol Young here and with Delores Bellon i at Myrtle Point. Mr. and Mra. H. H. Hartley left Sunday morning oh' a dhort vacation trip. They intended visiting Mra. Hartley's parent^ in Fall City, Ore., and hie mother in northern Washing­ ton. The Friday Evening Club, of which Pete Miller is president and Geo. Johnson secretary, ia figuring on a fine large session tonight. We can’t tell what they are planning but Alton Grimes can report on what they did five years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sercomb came down from Portland last Saturday to spend the Fourth with her father, L. H. Hazard, at his cottage at the Kanu Klub in Brewster valley. They re­ turned home Wednesday morning. Others spending the three-